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File: 164 KB, 798x1200, 66FEBB74-F764-4FD3-AB5E-32BFD1E1D357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12113249 No.12113249 [Reply] [Original]

If geo engineering is actually openly a thing now, why were/are chemtrail researchers mocked and not taken seriously at all?

>> No.12113299

fuck niggers

>> No.12113313

If astronomy is actually openly a thing now, why were/are astrologists mocked and not taken seriously at all?

>> No.12113316

go back

>> No.12113331
File: 321 KB, 546x697, backtox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they are a joke.

>> No.12113336

I don't think there's a lot of substance to this comparison

>> No.12113351

You're right, astrologists are not nearly as stupid as chemtrail kooks.

>> No.12113352

By "chemtrail kook" do you mean anyone who thinks that chemicals are deliberately sprayed into the atmosphere for undisclosed purposes

>> No.12113386

Yes. Now go back.

>> No.12113392

Do you think chemicals are deliberately sprayed into the atmosphere for undisclosed purposes?

>> No.12113403

I think you're a retarded schizo who will never present any proof of chemtrails.

>> No.12113418

I'll take that as a yes -- correct me if I'm wrong -- which would make you a chemtrail kook as well

>> No.12113424

>I'll take that as a yes
So not only are you a retarded schizo, you're also illiterate. And as I predicted, you won't be providing any proof. Pathetic.

>> No.12113436

>So not only are you a retarded schizo, you're also illiterate.
Well, if you didn't actually believe it, you would have just said "no".
Here's proof that geoengineering is happening

>> No.12113442

>Well, if you didn't actually believe it, you would have just said "no".
I don't answer stupid questions.

>Here's proof that geoengineering is happening
So you will never provide proof of chemtrails as I predicted. Pathetic.

>> No.12113449

That doesn't prove geoengineering is happening, just that it's being researched. And by your own definition this is not "chemtrails" since the purpose for it is disclosed.

>> No.12113453

You're pretty susceptible to advertisements, aren't ya

>> No.12113459

Is that meme implying that Flouride doesn't reduce IQ and that Building 7 scientifically collapsed in its own footprint and was live reported to have collapsed while it was still standing and that Vaccine damages doesn't occur even though they pay out 10s of millions of dollars every year and India and Africa have vaccine induced Polio epidemics raging right now?

That is the gayest turd burgling bullshit meme of the day. faggot

>> No.12113466

>implying that Flouride doesn't reduce IQ
You know what else reduces IQ? Lack of sleep, raised stress levels, hunger, and pain.

>> No.12113469

True, it's not proof it's just evidence. But if a geoengineering project actually did happen and was hushed up, it's not like I could just go find it on Google. What I can go find is documents from as far back as 2000 talking about geoengineering
I can't imagine we've been studying this for decades and haven't had at least one project implemented

>> No.12113474

Yes. Let's not put things in the water supply that cause those.

>> No.12113476
File: 936 KB, 2769x2154, 1599834702669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flouride causes hunger

>> No.12113479

Cool pic but no that's not what I said, although I can see how one would read it that way

>> No.12113499

so work?

>> No.12113500
File: 56 KB, 645x729, d27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that meme implying that Flouride doesn't reduce IQ
FlUOride doesn't reduce IQ in normal concentrations.

>Building 7 scientifically collapsed in its own footprint
It didn't. There was plenty of debris that fell outside of its footprint when it collapsed.

>live reported to have collapsed while it was still standing
Right, reporters can't make mistakes, they must have been told the building was going to collapse. They were told this in advance instead of the government just waiting for them to see the building collapse because... the government just likes telling reporters about their secret plans. Seek help for your mental illness.

>Vaccine damages doesn't occur even though they pay out 10s of millions of dollars every year
No one said vaccines don't have side effects, so I don't know what you're screeching about.

>> No.12113507

>But if a geoengineering project actually did happen and was hushed up, it's not like I could just go find it on Google.
Then how is well publicized geoengineering research evidence of hushed up geoengineering?

>I can't imagine we've been studying this for decades and haven't had at least one project implemented
You have a very limited imagination.

>> No.12113543

Yes actually. You'd be surprised how hard it is to think after a long hard days of work.

>> No.12113548

>FlUOride doesn't reduce IQ in normal concentrations
Wtf is a "normal concentration" of fluoride

>> No.12113549

>Then how is well publicized geoengineering research evidence of hushed up geoengineering?
It's not, it's evidence of the existence of geoengineering programs. The evidence that they're hushed up (or more formally, evidence that if geoengineering programs exist then they are hushed up) is the fact that I can't find any publicized projects.
>You have a very limited imagination
Bazinga. If instead of "I can't imagine" I said "I doubt", what would your response have been?

>> No.12113554


>> No.12113560

>It's not, it's evidence of the existence of geoengineering programs.
No it's not, it's evidence for the existence of geoengineering research.

>The evidence that they're hushed up (or more formally, evidence that if geoengineering programs exist then they are hushed up) is the fact that I can't find any publicized projects.
LOL, so Santa Claus is hushed up because I can't find evidence of Santa Claus.

>If instead of "I can't imagine" I said "I doubt", what would your response have been?
I doubt you have any clue what you're talking about.

>> No.12113561

>ay, water is one of several sources of fluoride. Other sources include dental products such as toothpaste and mouth rinses, prescription fluoride supplements, and professionally applied fluoride products such as varnish and gels. Because it is now possible to receive enough fluoride with slightly lower amounts of fluoride in water, the PHS developed a new recommendation for the level of fluoride that is to be used in community water fluoridation.
These two sentences are so retarded back-to-back that it makes me distrust the CDC on everything, which I already did

>> No.12113562

>No it's not, it's evidence for the existence of geoengineering research.
No, it's proof of the existence of geoengineering research, and it's evidence of the existence of geoengineering projects. I'm using "evidence" to use to an event which makes a conditional probability bigger than an unconditional probability
>LOL, so Santa Claus is hushed up because I can't find evidence of Santa Claus.
Correct, that is evidence of the statement "if Santa Claus exists, he is hushed up"

Do you think they will ever attempt to implement a geoengineering project?

>> No.12113567

How is it retarded?

>> No.12113573

>it's evidence of the existence of geoengineering projects.
No it's not.

>I'm using "evidence" to use to an event which makes a conditional probability bigger than an unconditional probability
0 is not bigger than 0.

>Correct, that is evidence of the statement "if Santa Claus exists, he is hushed up"
It's not evidence that Santa Claus is hushed up, regardless of your attempt to redefine words. But if you want to admit that you failed to provide evidence of hushed up geoengineering then that's fine by me.

And as I predicted from the beginning you have failed to provide any proof of chemtrails. Now fuck off.

>> No.12113586

Because it's possible to receive enough flouride with zero amount in water, because of all the things they listed, and yet they say "with slightly lower amounts"

>> No.12113587

>0 is not bigger than 0
This is true but the probability that geoengineering projects are happening is not 0

I'll ask again, do you think they will ever attempt an atmospheric geoengineering project?

>> No.12113592

cloud seeding has been happening, I can go on Google and find examples if you want me to. Is that what you'd like me to do anon?

>> No.12114563


>> No.12114686

>Because it's possible to receive enough flouride with zero amount in water,
What does "possible" have to do with anything? The point of the recommended level is to not exceed dangerous levels while maximizing the benefit.

>> No.12114695

>cloud seeding has been happening
Cloud seeding is weather modification, not geoengineering. How many times are you going to try to move the goalposts in this pathetic attempt to hide the fact that you have 0 proof of chemtrails?

>> No.12114703
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>This is true but the probability that geoengineering projects are happening is not 0
It is 0, if it were going on it would be very easy to see it.

>I'll ask again, do you think they will ever attempt an atmospheric geoengineering project?
Who are "they?" And what does this have to do with chemtrails?

>> No.12115135
File: 3.55 MB, 2800x2128, HPIM4315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12115145

>If geo engineering is actually openly a thing now, why were/are chemtrail researchers mocked and not taken seriously at all?
Because chemtrails don't exist and don't have anything to do with geoengineering (which is real).

>> No.12115235

Why is cloud seeding not an example of geoengineering?

>> No.12115238

>It is 0, if it were going on it would be very easy to see it.
>Who are "they?" And what does this have to do with chemtrails?
"They" = some scientists somewhere. Atmospheric geoengineering is the industry term for chemtrails

>> No.12115241


>> No.12115279

I just said, it's weather modification. Do you understand the difference between weather and climate?

>Atmospheric geoengineering is the industry term for chemtrails
It's not. And by your own definition, cloud seeding is not "chemtrails" since the purpose is clear. So where is the proof of chemtrails? Oh that's right, you have none yet you still act like you do, schizo.

>> No.12115285

Because we have satellites that measure everything about the climate.

>> No.12115288

So why is cloud seeding not an example of geoengineering? Geoengineering is necessarily about climate and not weather?

>> No.12115295

That's a very simplistic view, we can't reliably predict the weather two weeks out, which we could if we could measure literally everything about the climate. Also who's we?

>> No.12115296
File: 3.07 MB, 2800x2128, HPIM4320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people are so pathetic. Grow up.

>> No.12115320

I just said, can't you read?

>> No.12115332

>That's a very simplistic view, we can't reliably predict the weather two weeks out, which we could if we could measure literally everything about the climate.
The weather is not the climate. And observing is not predicting. You're grasping at straws that don't exist. This conversation is over until you provide proof of chemtrails. Until then you're proven to be a retarded schizo.

>> No.12115339

You said it's weather modification which is an instance of geoengineering

>> No.12115879

people who defend fluoridation are the biggest retards in the world

>> No.12117604

No it's not. You can't read. Go back to kindergarten.

>> No.12117606

Defend from what? You have done nothing to actually attack it you pathetic schizo freak.

>> No.12117616

Anon have you heard of a little book called a dictionary?

>> No.12117620

You're angry that you grew up drinking fluoride.
It's like being gang raped. Society itself mindless had its way with you. And you're still trapped by your abusers. You can't handle that. Few people can. So you conform.

It's not complex.

>> No.12118716

No one wants to hear your paranoid schizo delusions, take your meds.

>> No.12120157

He's right.

>> No.12120575
File: 72 KB, 1080x1020, 1570559503974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wahhh wahhh you're not right! IT'S ALL LIES
>You sch... schizo paranoid retard.

>> No.12120604

There's zero evidence that fluoride in the amounts in drinking water has any adverse effects on the human body.

>> No.12121172


>> No.12121223

It literally has no reason to be in the water. It's only benefits are that it improves dental hygiene once it's in the body it's a neurotoxin.

The levels poured in the water supply are significantly less than that in toothpaste it's completely ineffective at it's intended purpose (people in non fluoridated communities, i.e. most of europe, have similar oral health than those in fluoridated communities) proving that the only reason it's there in the first place is because it's a convenient way to get rid of an industrial waste byproduct.

>> No.12121243

the greatest irony with schizos is they constantly call normal people schizos. You know, like you do.

>> No.12121297

Indeed. Clamped and schizo.



Super ultra mega GIGA CLAMPED.

>> No.12121444
File: 1.51 MB, 1280x743, 1584988840632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok garrett

>> No.12121892

Wow that's a big word for someone at your reading level.

>> No.12121991
File: 440 KB, 850x602, Platos-Cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa there Anon, it appears that you have embraced clampthink, thus, in effect, being clamped. What you need to do however is UNclamp!

I would say to begin now, but in truth, perhaps you have already begun.