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File: 221 KB, 694x476, UncannyValley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12112084 No.12112084[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12112100

Evolutionary psychology is gay

>> No.12112113
File: 38 KB, 600x800, 05465496541698746510845198461324968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck were we that scared of?

>> No.12112125

Darker humans?
aka the n-word
aka basketball americans

>> No.12112126
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>> No.12112127

>Things that looked almost human but are not


>> No.12112129


>> No.12112130

Other animals are also generally retarded. That might have something to do with it.

>> No.12112142

the REAL question you need to ask yourself is:

what ever it is we were scared of, did it go extinct? or did it simply evolve to blend among humans well enough to stop triggering the uncanny valley effect?

>> No.12112147

>what ever (((it))) is we were scared of

>> No.12112156

Aborigines or pygmies don't trigger uncanny valley, what about neanderthals?

>> No.12112160

Ourselves, dude. Humans are evil, vile creatures. Manipulators and psychopaths that show the wrong emotions give the same uneasy feeling.

>> No.12112176
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>What did humans fear so much?

For MOST of history there were MANY species of man, we needed to immediately be able to recognize our own species.

>> No.12112199
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these dudes we've defeated with P E A C E

>> No.12112220
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This is retarded but it is an interesting effect. This unidentified woman who was killed is the worst one I can think of

>> No.12112232

Its literally just retard detection, and it causes a fear response because retards have retard strength and generally its good to stay away from them. Imagine being chased by one who just runs in circles all day. Tard determination is not to be fucked with

>> No.12112238

based retard

>> No.12112241

Whatever humans are, our ancesters were probably far stronger, smaller brains, and more savage. I bet it was those still living in savagery who were very much like us, that terrified us enough to flee them, and eventually wipe them out with weaponry. I think thats the main reason we see nothing more similar to us than an ape or chimp. We killed everything halfway between.

>> No.12112262

Mentally disabled humans, obviously. Mother nature warned us against retarded people, but unfortunately, we didn't listen.

>> No.12112265
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Almost human species aren't scary.

>> No.12112287

What defines a retard? To find out who is the Thing they heated up blood. How to uncover a retard?

>> No.12112388

Bioluminescent government agents.

>> No.12112427

More like malformed humans really, retarded or not
Other animals may lack that because they dont form tribes, and they die off on their own

>> No.12112429

>What the fuck were we that scared of?
people not of your race

>> No.12112443
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Autistic vampires

>> No.12112445

No, they don't create that uncanny effect that you can have with robots.

>> No.12112474
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god, I hope Watts is wrong about everything desu

>> No.12112480

And love

>> No.12112507

>that conclusion
As someone who's studied evo psych, this is just some bullshit conclusion made up by some onions journalist. The uncanny valley does not at all imply that

>> No.12112517
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I dunno anon, the more I learn the more I share his materialistic and nihilistic viewpoint. I think the part in the book where picrelated is humanites endgame is sadly correct

>> No.12112519

Seems logical. People with deformities like down's syndrome are selected against, and people that are afraid of disgusting looking people are selected for. Stupid onions article. It also makes sense in the case of peoples faces being stomped in by mammoths or ripped apart by bears or whatever. The people most afraid of that shit will steer clear and survive, and are therefore selected for. Other animals are stupid and can't imagine why deformities would happen, so mechanisms like that don't evolve in them.

But even that's not true. Don't crows or some shit get scared of dead crows? This isn't totally exclusive to humans. Fuck these stupid clickbait pseudo philosophical garbage articles.

>> No.12112532

Yeah but repulsion in a sense that you wouldnt help or procreate with them isnt the same as fear. Nobody is afraid of downies. Also dead crows probably avoid dead crows because they dont want to become dead themselves.

>> No.12112546

>Nobody is afraid of downies
I shit my pants whenever I hear a tard screaming and actively try to avoid them. I am pretty afraid of tards.

>> No.12112598

Your pic is the solution to the Fermi Paradox.

Any civilization that gets to the tech level to just hack their own brain into bliss will simply fuck off to a realm of pure pleasure while the galaxy goes on without them.

>> No.12112609


>> No.12112624

Different races of pre homo sapien humans. You don't accidentally want to fuck a neanderthal do you? That;'s how you get americans.

>> No.12112662

Its one if the solutions for sure. Even the species with radically different neurochemistry still need some sort of reward mechanism for survival/procreation or they get filtered by evolution. But once you have that you are fucked. The only way is if you somehow bioengineer yourself out of it or just let some ai run the show while you enter hedonistic bliss

>> No.12112731

No one's actually afraid of human-looking robots. They just make some people slightly uncomfortable.

>> No.12112733


>> No.12112735

The thing is that if you do have an AI smart enough to run the show while everyone hops into the Matrix, said AI also makes setting up space infrastructure & stuff like von Neumann probes a fuckton easier. All it takes is a small portion of those setting up the AI to tell it "okay robots, after you get the asteroid detection & deflection equipment set up in orbit, why don't you use that infrastructure to set up some self replicating probes to nuclear rocket their way to nearby stars, and call us back if you find anything interesting". Said probes might be size of oil tankers, and still require a century or three to bootstrap up the infrastructure to build more probes, but that wouldn't be a big deal to a good AI.

>> No.12112883
File: 261 KB, 384x402, 1598430261566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.12112945

it’s so funny how much board quality drops when /pol/ infects somewhere. such hilariously conclusive proof that they’re just as stupid as people say and more.

>> No.12112950

>muh big eyes
>muh prognathism
There's your uncanny valley, bro

>> No.12112971

This is the answer to >>12112084

>> No.12112987
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>> No.12112996
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>> No.12113004
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The longer you look

>> No.12113011
File: 68 KB, 369x375, Diagram-Showing-Hair-Fibre-Characteristics-by-Race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worse

>> No.12113049

Everyone in this thread is ignoring one thing:

Humans have killed humans since the beggining.

Are you telling me that two cavemen meeting eachother on a random part of a jungle wouldn't go full defensive?

If it was me I would certanly kill any individual that I encountered, since survival is the #1 goal.

>> No.12113066

>kill everyone you meet
>everyone else bands together and smashes your brains out for being an aggressive asocial retard
Humans are tribal/pack animals. Social abilities and empathy didn't just come into being when humans started communicating or civilizing.

>> No.12113133
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ayylmao gan generated abominations.

>> No.12113139
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>> No.12113142
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>> No.12113144
File: 61 KB, 670x503, neanderthal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are Neanderthals
>what are Denisovans
>what are Homo erectus
>what are Homo floresiensis

>> No.12113162
File: 127 KB, 800x800, i fucking love science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the butthurt blank slatist

>> No.12113178

Evolutionary psychology is pseudo science. It can't be tested or falsified.

>> No.12113251

it is falsifiable.

>> No.12113270

No it isn't, nor is it testable.
It is and can only be ad hoc justifications for folk psychological behavior.

>> No.12113289

behavioral genetics is a thing, it's just a matter of pinning down alleles and their orthologs and seeing how they evolved over time. it is falsifiable.

>> No.12113385
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>> No.12113389

How would one falsify the statement "humans have a built-in fear of uncanny valley objects because in the ancestral environment they were stalked by spooky uncanny valley people"

>> No.12114274

By confirming alternate hypothesis

>> No.12114330

It's literally how Aryans see non Aryans. Their racial hatred is inborn.

>> No.12114332

>Aborigines or pygmies don't trigger uncanny valley
speak for yourself

>> No.12114341 [DELETED] 

That's because you do have the Aryan gene and the other anon is not.

>> No.12114343

That's because you do have the Aryan gene and the other anon does not.

>> No.12114362

You would also become a "schizo" if everyone attacked you on sight.

>> No.12114382

if my fellow whiteoids don't trigger my uncanny valley response it must mean that my neanderthal genes are overriding it. we didn't make it to 4% by not mating with everyone

>> No.12114386

Of course animals feel the uncanny valley. They even rejects their own when they detect strange changes in appearance. My dog even growl at me when I make silly faces and use my fingers to distorce it.

>> No.12114444

>uncanny valley

>> No.12114472
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>> No.12114475
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>> No.12114491

Uncanny valley is unnatural, it's a defect caused by copper deficiency. You can see because of those old doll that it must be a recent thing. If you take copper, the effect will disappear and you will see things normally again.

>> No.12114555

What is so difficult to understand? It just exposes, manipulative, malicious and nefarious people who want to harm you and beyond but try to act like they are not, there is a reason we also have a gut feeling. It's not rocket science.

>> No.12114576

>Aborigines or pygmies don't trigger uncanny valley, what about neanderthals?
Its been studied, but a large percentage of the White population will an instinctive dread when they see a coloured person.

>> No.12114592

That's called racism not uncanny valley. Try the same experiment on a cross cultural study and come back to me.

>> No.12114595

Hey copper schizo is back

>> No.12114598

chewing copper wires as we speak

>> No.12114660

cool movie

>> No.12114662

Only because we're exposed to them from an early age.

>> No.12114683

Maybe we killed other hominids for this reason?

>> No.12114697

That doesn't falsify the original claim.

>> No.12114704

>behavioral genetics is a thing
Pseudoscience as well
>t's just a matter of pinning down alleles and their orthologs and seeing how they evolved over time
You can not do this. You can correlate a gene to the production of a hormone, and then possible link a hormone to a behavior (this is also pseudoscience BTW) and then try to come up with a pseudo-evolutionary reason for the reproductive success of organisms with that gene ("males who had this gene made more hormones that made them aggressive so they won more fights and mated with more women and propogated their genes!") but ultimately this can not be directly tested for and any ad hoc explanation can be made.
It is not testable nor falsifiable.
>it is falsifiable.
No it isn't.

Evolutionary psychology is entirely pseudoscience and for brainlets.

>> No.12114718


>> No.12114733


>> No.12114761


>ctrl+f "disease"
>zero results

Ah look another thread with a lot of ideas and nobody coming to the obvious and correct conclusion.

>> No.12114767

You don't confirm the alternative hypothesis. Your decision is always about the null hypothesis. If you reject the null hypothesis, that doesn't mean you confirm the alternative hypothesis.

>> No.12114783

If you could prove observing genetic defects/other ethnic groups/other hominidae/whatever else causes the same neurons to fire as when observing uncanny valley that would obviously make the statment "humans have a built-in fear of uncanny valley objects because in the ancestral environment they were stalked by spooky uncanny valley people" false

>> No.12114796

Evolutionary psychology remains pseudoscience regardless of the fact that this makes you angry.
You can't map a generalized neurons in different people to mental affects.
When I experience uncanny, or any other feeling, it is an entirely different set of neurons that fires in my brain vs. yours or anyone else's. Same for you and all other humans. You can't look at sets of neurons and derive experiences from them.
What you can do, is look at one organisms brain when it is experiencing one specific feeling or whatever, and then map it for that one specific organism and its feeling (and only momentarily, because over time different neurons are fired when we experience the same emotions and such).

>> No.12114797

Go back to forming hypotheses 101 and focus again on what things are measurable and how you'd gather data with the mindset of can you actually make the causality statement.

>> No.12114800

Animals are just brainlets who don’t have the imagination to anthromorphosize shit

>> No.12114808

I think it's dishonest to say people "fear" the uncanny valley. It's just off-putting, at worst.

Something "looks" human, but it's off. There is hesitation but also intrigue in whatever it is. That's about it.

>> No.12114812

>That's called racism not uncanny valley. Try the same experiment on a cross cultural study and come back to me.
If I have to choose between leftwing academic bullshit and scientific fact, I will talk the latter.

>> No.12114846

I am not neuroscientist but it looks like you could deduce mental states or more by mapping neural connections. At least there seems to be a lot of reaserch focused on it

>> No.12114958

So link the studies pleb

>> No.12114987

Retards and disfigured/malformed individuals is most probable option imo
It would be beneficial for the tribe to drive away non productive individuals and genetic defects

>> No.12114991

No really. Relatively large amounts of copper are necessary for resetting synapses, so they get stuck after the processing. So eventually your grey matter gets stuck in some state that makes it unpleasant to perceive things that cannot be represented by the patterns currently stored in the stuck grey matter. It might be unfamiliar facial features, the "ugliness" of some avcents or languages, the revulsion from macrophoto insects etc. Literally anything you were not sufficiently exposed to before your grey matter got stuck will look or sound unpleasant. With sufficient copper that won't happen, as the grey matter will remain active and will seamlesly learn the patterns required.

>> No.12114995

That's not how evolution works. Naturally, once your system has been trained, something that is "wrong" will cause a disproportionate adverse response.
There is no implication that the specific functionality was subject to selection pressure.

>> No.12114999

Damn we've got legit neuroscientist in the thread

>> No.12115011

It's Homo Sapiens. We are a mix of different human species. Some of those species, like the Neanderthal, became afraid of those homo sapien rapists. To this day, our assimilated ancestors fear our other ancestors.

>> No.12115021

I love documentaries!

>> No.12115047

FUCK you beat me to it. Good book.

>> No.12115051

There would deviants who went on to explore the galaxy. They eventually evolve to be the unfeeling hyper intelligent black goo.

>> No.12115055

Neanderthals? Other pseudo humans? Not that grand of a question.

>> No.12117077

>psychology is gay
fixed that for you

>> No.12117132

Pseudoscience, the thread


>> No.12117145

Uncanny valley isn't real. It's a measurement artifact from putting both cartoon and realistic artworks in the same comparison.

>> No.12117310

She's like one gene apart from being a cyclops

>> No.12117321
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>> No.12117322
File: 168 KB, 1328x2000, group-of-snake-friends-chandan-nagar-kharadi-pune-snake-catchers-1epuj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty /x/, but it's more likely a result of conditions in Africa. Pic related.

>> No.12117323
File: 1.16 MB, 1280x720, 1598843564418.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncanny Valley keeps us away from what ever THIS is.

>> No.12117333

What does that happy guy have to do with the uncanny valley?

>> No.12117341

Other hominids eg Neanderthal autists.

>> No.12117342

Probably off put by deformities. like downs and other shit that fucks up the physical structure of a child resulting in an ineffective human.
also probably other humans and apes.
Tell me that if you see a gorilla in the wild you're not going to shit your pants, and I'll tell you where a liar is.

>> No.12117351
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>What did humans fear so much?
Any thing on tv that doesn't serve a gay leftist agenda.

>> No.12117803

It could just be an artifact of something else our brains evolved to do. If we never encountered things that looked almost human in the past, there wouldn't be selection either way.

>> No.12117808

Then why did we fuck them so much? Like 4% of our genome comes from them.

>> No.12117817
File: 352 KB, 435x435, neanderchad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying they cared about consent

>> No.12117832

Pussy is pussy.
why do I have so much sex with black women?

>> No.12117842

>tfw no qt3.14 Homo naledi gf

>> No.12117843

>neanderthals beaten the fuck up from the athleticism of sapien men
n-no u

>> No.12117881

Other humans, obviously...
>inb4 pocs

>> No.12117896

best copper supplements aside from licking pennies

>> No.12117909

Just put copper in something acidic. (But once it gets bitter, it's too much)

>> No.12117922

You need a strong acid and an oxidizer. Mix hydrogen peroxide and HCl (muriatic acid), dissolve the copper in it. Test pH, add baking soda until it's ~7 (neutral). This will yield copper chloride.

>> No.12118112

You don't need THAT much.

>> No.12118134
File: 12 KB, 230x197, me rn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12118151

"Uncanny valley" are big eyes and/or big mouths 99% of the time. These are usually found in predators so they elicit stress responses in people.

>> No.12118231

Is this shit real?

>> No.12118233

looks like your average creatura

>> No.12118743

Easily explained with the aquatic ape hypothesis

>> No.12118821

That's called terrible lighting. What budget news station is that.

>> No.12118884


>> No.12118888

If her eyes didn't look like portals to the void I'd say pretty normal.

>> No.12118895

I dunno, looks handsome to me.
They are thought to have traded goods with homo sapiens to get sapien concubines.

>> No.12118916

Become the Chinese room.

>> No.12118922

Because we weren't apex predators until after we got the big brain.
It pays to be cagey.

>> No.12118946

Neanderchads do the fucking.

>> No.12118949

Sequel was dogshit.

>> No.12118976

>screenshot of an article without link

>> No.12118980

I dont think that it is something that looks almost human but isn't that bothers. Close, but not quite. It's something that is *trying* to look human but isn't that is the issue. A subtle difference to be sure, but possibly significant nonetheless.

Maybe its just something like "that population is different from us, they have different cultural things, so they look different (could be body paint, piercing, etc) and our brains wanted to prevent infiltration of our population by another for some reason.

>> No.12118982

But there are many species of ducks. Why isnt it an issue with them?

>> No.12118993


also based

>> No.12119122
File: 153 KB, 419x472, 0_rnAAHV3Nv_JVwm7b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I thought it'd be the "other hominids that could be dangerous to us for whatever reason" (they wouldn't necessarily be dumber and more british than us; just different-looking and tribalistic, just like we would be to them), but I'm kind of skeptical now. I don't think we'd get the same uncanny valley reaction.

I think it could be an aversion to deception/disguise, deformity/disease, or both. Ancient warring hominids probably often wore crude masks for a variety of reasons, and those kind of resemble the faces of robots and such. We all still have a natural reaction when people wear certain kinds of masks that look like faces but clearly aren't quite faces.

Or certain afflictions could maybe change face features enough that we'd associate it with something to stay away from.

Or maybe these are all just-so stories and it's a non-specific association for anything we're unfamiliar with and which doesn't follow symmetry patterns that occur in nature. We're always trying to predict things in our environment, and that's so new and unfamiliar that it generates a feeling of fear and anxiety. The same's true of certain shapes and creatures in horror movies, for example. It's just so alien to us and makes us uneasy, because we don't know how to deal with it. There's nothing else out there that really fits that pattern, whereas a regular robot kind of looks like a machine, and we're used to machines. An ancient human would probably be extremely freaked out by many modern machines, like cars.

So maybe it's just fear of the totally unknown.

Also we dedicate a ton of specialized function to interpreting and memorizing human faces, so when we see something very face-like but also not, it may send a particularly powerful error signal that might make the brain start questioning the whole environment. Other strange facial alterations kind of have the same "short circuit" effect, where you're kind of stuck in a loop you don't know how to get out of.

>> No.12119131

lol, brutish, not british*

>> No.12119195

Or the people who aren't psychotic publicly murder every sick fuck who wants to go the techno-hedonism route.

>> No.12119371

Other hominids like erectus and Neanderthals obviously; recognizing while type of human is your type of human and which is a thread would be pretty important.

>> No.12119399

You know where you could do that, forever? Thats right in VR. Join us, you cant win

>> No.12119422

---> /x/

>> No.12119586
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>> No.12119692
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Pic related.

The effect has not evolved for anything, just a quirk of recognition that interprets the transition between the human and nonhuman as inhuman.

>> No.12119765

>But there are many species of ducks. Why isnt it an issue with them?

Because ducks do not go cannibal on each other. Our species was easy prey for the others, so we learned to recognize and fear the "other".

>> No.12119781

This, uncanny valley in itself is a misunderstanding

>> No.12120137

jesus, why is everything i ever read written by science journalist bullshit?

>> No.12120155

journalism in general

>> No.12120188

Other hominids

>> No.12120221

Everything for a headline. Weird how it caught on since we can see faces in t>>12120137
Everything for a headline. Weird how it caught on since we can see faces in the weirdest images, why would we suddenly become evasive to those "face" patterns because they are "more realistic". Their sickly skin-tones and badly imitated emotions coupled with retarded movements, make them seem both sick and manipulative and deformed.he weirdest images, why would we suddenly become evasive to those "face" patterns because they are "more realistic". Their sickly skin-tones and badly imitated emotions coupled with retarded movements, sends signals of being sick, manipulative and deformed.
They serve so little purpose now since events are often streamed or filmed and uploaded. Why would anyone trust the interpretation of some random journalist when they can see, with their own eyes, exactly what happened in a specific situation?

>> No.12120237

>wut is war
our own species you fucking midwit

>> No.12120382

>Other animals do not experience the uncanny valley effect and will accept things that look like them with little issue
This is complete bullshit

>> No.12120414
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>> No.12120428
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>> No.12120447
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I know you're not going to want to hear this, but it's the Reptilians. David Icke is probably correct. When you go down the rabbit hole far enough, you start learning things about our world that even 99% of red-pilled people think are totally insane.

>> No.12120495

No, you were right.

>> No.12120595
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>uncanny valley isn't real

>> No.12120613

Would be cool if you made a thread and explained this.

>> No.12120615

>David Icke
>4 children
Eugenics isn't looking very deplorable now is it?

>> No.12120724
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>> No.12120761

Other Hominids.

>> No.12120768

not here though >>>/x/

>> No.12120897

Yet another popsci garbage article. Evolutionary psychology already knows this response exists to detect mental illness, since schizos can be very dangerous. It's inherent the same way the mirror-neuron mediated ability to sense mood in people we observe.
Who even writes these garbage articles?

>> No.12121142

im fascinated by schizos

>> No.12121168

nah mate larger brains,more complex brains were selected until the switch from hunter-gatherer to the agricultural lifestyle
human brains shrank (although it is not likely were became less intelligent) we became shorter by a few inches

hunter gatherers weren't savages they were just hippies that were fine with killing to eat
they also did hella drugs

>> No.12121181

Who is your favorite one and what is their delusion?

>> No.12121197

>>12113142 we already have ,"drugs"
>>12117322 fuck that turbocharged my heart rate

>> No.12121203


>> No.12121215

donno how can a person believe the entire human population is out to get them
or that people are lizard
or that there is a guy in the sky who made women out of the rib of a man
or that he killed his son to pay for the sin that never existed

>> No.12121233

his brow looks like a mustache

>> No.12121333

I wouldn't worry about it

>> No.12121479

>Yet another popsci garbage article. Evolutionary psychology already knows this response exists to detect mental illness, since schizos can be very dangerous. It's inherent the same way the mirror-neuron mediated ability to sense mood in people we observe.
>Who even writes these garbage articles?
Nope, the true explanation is far from proven. That's one of many popular hypotheses, but no one knows the real answer(s).

>> No.12121496

Were we the niggers all along?

>> No.12121498

The difference is one schizo tricking/convincing many others (they may not be tricking them because they may sincerely believe it themselves) vs. one schizo coming up with their own personal absurd theories. If David Icke unironically became the new Christ a few hundred years ago, I guarantee there'd be tons of people preaching the lizard anti-gospel despite very few of them being mentally ill.

Beliefs do weird things to groups, and nature largely selects social species members based on group cohesion and mutual acceptance. Plus kids can be convinced of almost anything.

The same argument applies to Scientology. Insane theory and organization, yes, but most of the adherents are fairly normal people who just fell for the same kind of thing most people are capable of falling for.

So I'll one-up your "Christians are schizos" 2deep4u shit with the even more insufferable "humans are gullible and stupid". But better that than everyone being psychotic.

>> No.12122014

Have you got a single good source for your claim?
t. actual neuroscientist

>> No.12122043

The sons of Cain...

>> No.12122044

You are fucking dumb
Also the "out of Africa" theory has been debunked hundreds of times

>> No.12122058
File: 335 KB, 1800x900, Replika-AI-Friend-Main.jpg (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of replika.ai? Uncanny?

>> No.12122073

looks very human compared to the people I meet in the subway every day, not at all uncanny or threatening

>> No.12122074

>what do you think of 2020 cleverbot
i don't

>> No.12122077

yea the left eye gene

>> No.12122103

Plently of diseases disfigure people, running away from them isn't the worse idea.

>> No.12122120

Uncanny valley is just selective pressure against hereditary chromosomal disabilities like down's syndrome. Humans can't succeed without their significantly high cognizance, so to avoid spreading genes that make us maintain that trait is much much more successful.

>> No.12122297

Scared of what? Huh?

>> No.12122434

neanderthals were stronger and faster, but probably worse off long distance wise. they mostly just got btfo because they were less social

>> No.12122492

I wouldn't classify usury as proper trade, anon

>> No.12122525

Ayys used to hunt us.

>> No.12122530

>find life
>highly intelligent yet completely lacking self awareness
>Can't tell if it's machine or biological or both
That is honestly scary.

>> No.12122533

Wait there was a sequel?

>> No.12122552

It's only a temporary solution. They need a power source, machine maintenance, and eventually, their star dying.

>> No.12122556

Absolutely based show.

>> No.12122673

maybe the answer is Gays. They are almost human

>> No.12122694

thats just bad lighting
And this person has a weird nose and that just makes everything worse

>> No.12122735
File: 78 KB, 600x512, 864753.fig.002a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
