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File: 1.02 MB, 750x1334, 34205469-22A6-4270-B896-56955A08967B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12111760 No.12111760[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, why am I only matching with retards? I made this profile an hour ago and 8 out of the 8 bitches that dared talk to me are funny-color-haired no-milkers midwits. Should I add blatantly racist too?

>> No.12111773

>why am I only matching with retards?
because you need dating apps to find someone to date

>> No.12111794

What site is that?

>> No.12111802

Correlation doesn’t mean causation >>12111794
That’s Bumble, Anon, like watered down tinder where you can look for frens too

>> No.12111814

Your bio literally doesn't matter, sperg.
You could add in "child rapist" and as long as you look good on your pics you'll get bitches.
Western women have devolved into the most morally deplorables creatures imaginable, take advantage of that and wet you pp

>> No.12111818

So it seems, so it seems. I never tried dating apps before but apparently none of my matches so far know the meaning of “misogynistic”

>> No.12111823
File: 81 KB, 1000x558, GcGihfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12111839

>writes an autistic description
>gets autistic responses
Can't explain that.

>> No.12111862

Bruh your bio is so autistic it's hard to watch.

>> No.12111896

What should I say then if I want to fuck smart girls

>> No.12111897
File: 827 KB, 750x1334, 911C13A2-A507-4AE3-8B0B-F85217CD7D98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do

>> No.12111902

make sure they call you when they need a plumber

>> No.12111907


>> No.12111915

Genuinely curious what do you look like?

>> No.12111917

Is that your actual pic or are you just trolling them?

>> No.12111927

this desu

>> No.12111956

You’re trying to get from women what you need to be getting from men. You don’t date a girl to listen to her, or to talk to her, you date her because ass, and the rest is a transaction for the ass
If you don’t do this, or if you find it’s lame, women will not respect you, let alone fuck you. Women will objectify themselves for you, right in front of you, and they will demand you both enjoy it, and reciprocate their objectification
Understand this is a game whose rules are timeless, and you must find the rules deep in your bones. Stop thinking, never ever think, around a girl, just do. And never take shit from them for anything you do
the dumbest shit you could possibly do as a man, the dumbest thing you can possibly imagine, they’ve already done something dumber and stupider by the time their feet hit the floor when they wake up in the morning
Catchin my drift? Make your bio the dumbest Most arrogant thing you can manage to think of, and you might be off in the right direction. Say the dumbest most outrageous shit in your messages, and you’ll be wasting less time than you are by even trying the tiniest amount.
Trying is not allowed in this game, how wicked is that. If you try you lose, if you think, you lose.
If you’re me you know all this now but have reached levels of not caring so previously unimaginable I have women literally lining up around the block waiting for me to say it’s time to let the snake out again

>> No.12111974
File: 98 KB, 1080x605, Screenshot_20200912-133638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ higher than 160 recommended
~99.994% of people (1/16,000) don't have an IQ that high, and women are less likely than men to have high IQs.
>Picture looks like you're trying to flex with a broken back and you don't have toned arms
>Whatever the hell the middle bullet means, sounds to me like you're trying to use big words to appear smarter but you come off as a dweeb / autistic
>"violently misogynistic" lmao

>> No.12111997

Im holding a kitty on the pic

>> No.12112002

Tell Christina how good human flesh tastes.

>> No.12112005

I wasn't sure if it's a cat or not, that's definitely a good photo to use then. gl anon, I too am searching for smart women

>> No.12112014

>Change profile to dumb hillbilly status
>I like to knock boots in tractors and barns
>Guinness Draft only, none of that pussy beer

Smart girls love "dumb" men? They have this thing about needing to be smarter than the guy they date, intimidation, power, who knows? Probably self affirmation mixed with "he's like a puppy!"

But in reality, smart bitches like dumber men.

>> No.12112017
File: 101 KB, 750x1334, 43AEC891-9B58-42C0-8DDC-E605CA03608D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a terrible angle for my face but idc bc I love animals probably more than humans.

>> No.12112022

It's a very fucking bad photo to use wtf.
This is the photos you should have if you wanna make it:
>Picture of yourself traveling. NOT SELFIE.
>Picture of you and a group of friends with females included
>Candid picture of you and your dog
>Candid picture of you at the beach if you have a nice body

That's it. Nothing else is needed and anything else puts you into weirdo territory

>> No.12112024

It just seems this way, but every girl wants a guy whose better than she is in everything and whose mere presence makes her feel helpless and inferior

>> No.12112031

I do t care about getting matches I already get that lol, I just care about smart girls. But >>12112014 might be right.

>> No.12112057


>> No.12112070

Hair is goofy, but you are a 7/10 and should have no problems w women.

>> No.12112101

You look like complete shit bro start lifting holy shit.

You sound like a coping faggot. There's no such thing as "smart women" are you over 18?

>> No.12112153

You look good enough, seem like a kind dude, maybe hit the gym to get more defined. Body is pretty average and face looks like a 7 but idk. What do you look like without the weird angle?

>> No.12112203

Where is this?

>> No.12112208


>> No.12112217
File: 204 KB, 674x1264, 9120580E-B748-4C0F-9345-4CFA6394E95B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic didn’t load

>> No.12112242

Bumble is just cuck tinder, the girl has to make the first move
Meaning you have even lower chances

>> No.12112244

You're right, but it's awful. It makes you want to just give up. Ass alone isn't worth all that effort. Putting up with someone you don't even want to be around.

>> No.12112245

How many months into transition?

>> No.12112252


>> No.12112253

I'm starting to think this myself.

>> No.12112270
File: 57 KB, 417x604, 1598166145592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be my bf instead and I'll violently misogynise your bussy

>> No.12112274

>violently misogynistic
Gee I wonder what's wrong
Also bumble is scraping the bottom of the barrel

>> No.12112276
File: 8 KB, 242x259, 0888183F-B726-42A4-9477-5A09FF969818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wisten hewe wittwe baby. You'we gonna get a wot of huwtfuw and degwading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Wet me just say, you awe pewfect the way you awe. You heaw me sugaw? PEWFECT. Don't evew change. You desewve anything and evewything you want. Stay safe fow me, baby giww. >mfw thinking of you huwting

>> No.12112295
File: 175 KB, 750x763, 1A8C2BF5-321C-4A90-A3CC-1CD44D0B82A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cum on your face

>> No.12112314

Post ass cutie

>> No.12112340

>thick brows

>> No.12112375
File: 160 KB, 1080x1350, 1599878212230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon knows what's up

>> No.12112391

Yea u def shouldnt have problem getting puss, you a solid 8.5

>> No.12112428

You look like a woman. Are you a ladyboy? Grow a beard or something.

>> No.12112451

>I stole a gummy when I was 6, I guess that makes the both of us criminals! teehee! (please fuck me NOW)

>> No.12112502

Please tell me this is not real

>> No.12112508

Dude please

>> No.12112544

Are you a tranny?

>> No.12112567
File: 60 KB, 600x450, 30a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12112578

now i wonder what my chances would be on these dating apps if you're getting hits. i always thought you'd have to at least be a 9/10 chad.

>> No.12112589
File: 2.93 MB, 600x895, guy-poses-as-a-pedophile-on-tinder-still-gets-more-matches-than-you-14-photos-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's real

>> No.12112678
