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12110796 No.12110796 [Reply] [Original]

Why do /sci/ fags get mad whenever they hear about the EM Drive?

>> No.12110800

Because drives usually create more than zero thrust.

>> No.12110803

Either send one of these up in a smallsat and raise the orbit a bunch or fuck off.

>> No.12111893


>> No.12111914

Probably because the EM drive attracts the woo crowd who thinks that the engine is going to revolutionize everything while ignoring all of the experiments that disagree.

>> No.12112268

Because it doesn't work and people constantly shilling this pseudoscience bullshit are retards of the highest order.

>> No.12113614

Are the Chinese still testing it? Thought it was going on a satellite. They said it worked. Everyone else says it doesn't.

>> No.12113636

On the contrary, retards with zero vision who continually shoot down all radical ideas are the same people holding science back.

>> No.12113752

Se don't get mad.we laugh. It's been debunked

>> No.12113926

You know, any retard could strap a laser to a satellite, shoot it in a random direction and call it a "EM" drive

>> No.12113931
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>simultaneously explains the EM-drive AND gets rid of dark matter with one neat trick

heh, nothing personal

>> No.12115149

retard here,even if em waves had enough momentum wouldnt it be cancle out by bouncing back?

>> No.12115155

Because it's promoted by schizos.

>> No.12115171

EM Drives are over-unity devices. If they worked as the creators' theories suggested, we could theoretically use them to produce infinite amounts of energy for free. We generally regard that as impossible. Either we're wrong, the drives don't work, or the drives work but the creators are wrong about how they work.

So far the drives have not been shown to work in a way that can't be explained as artifacts of the experimental apparatus.

>> No.12116926
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>> No.12116935

I have a soft spot for this guy. He's almost certainly a loon but I give him credit for coming up with a genuinely interesting theory of inertia.


>> No.12116941

didn't NASA and some German university test it?

>> No.12116950

woodward has argued that his concept relies on the distant matter of the universe and would be stealing a minute amount of energy from that via gravertinal processes. he calls it a gravertinal transistor. If you could make a generator out of it it would look like a free energy machine in the same way a solar panel looks like one.

>> No.12116953

The real reason I think his theory is interesting is because there's some hints it might be related to entropic gravity.
He seems to be focusing a lot more on the information-theoretic derivation now, which should gather more eyes.

>> No.12117068

>Why do /sci/ fags get mad whenever they hear about the EM Drive?

About as real as invisible dragons.

>> No.12117948

He seemed cool until his recent crackpot article claiming a lump of metal with 129nm cavities will spontaneously levitate.
This is the problem with electrical engineers. They have one good idea, in his case Unruh radiation and horizon mechanics, and simplistically extrapolate it to the point of stupidity.

>> No.12117954

how is coming up with testable experiments a bad thing exactly?

>> No.12117956

Woodward is a stubborn, feeble old crackpot being exploited by his tranny assistant Heidi Fearn.

>> No.12117959

I await their SSI presentation with morbid curiosity.

>> No.12117969

Because the paper is trivially wrong, very short, and appears to be dashed off in a hurry to maintain hype.
A horizon caused by acceleration generating Unruh radiation, fine ok. But then, not satisfied with his genuinely interesting and realistic idea, he conflates this with actual barriers made out of metal. There's no reason to think such a barrier affects Unruh radiation the same way. It's just a bandwagon he's jumped on.
Tine will be how bad his meltdown will be when Tajmar's testing comes up flat fucking negative.

>> No.12117975

>There's no reason to think such a barrier affects Unruh radiation the same way
Why wouldn't it?

>> No.12117976

A wise man knows he can learn something from anyone

>> No.12118022

One's results are featured to the pubic, one's other is not.
guess which.

>> No.12118122

For the same reason a sheet of aluminum foil isn't the same as an event horizon. It doesn't stop information.

>> No.12118138

It stops photons though. How do you think the Unruh radiation interacts with objects in order to give them inertia in this theory?

>> No.12118156

Who knows? Are we to believe it's literal radiation pressure? Then why do objects in a Faraday cage retain their inertia?

>> No.12118169

They wouldn't if the Faraday cage was 129nm small.

>> No.12118175

What if you just wrap your spaceship in foil? Or make it out of something reflective. Like metal or something.

>> No.12118205

It's the combination of creating a horizon and being a resonant cavity with EM waves bouncing around. 129nm is just the scale where virtual particles of the vacuum can interact with the cavity dismissing the need for the EM source

>> No.12118366

Not counting your sex drive :^)

>> No.12118486

you trust China?