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File: 33 KB, 600x600, cybermaxlink-8000-20w-tx-rx-psu-studio-to-transmitter-audio-link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12104434 No.12104434 [Reply] [Original]

A friend of mine is having issues with his upstairs neighbors playing music all night despite his pleading. Hes wondering how feasible it would be to jam their 2.4GHz wifi or bluetooth signal. He wouldn't be able to order something like that in his country so how simple would it be to modify something like a transmitter to disrupt his neighbours signal if they refuse to turn it down?

>> No.12104437

>does this
>friend goes to jail
>neighbor celebrates by blasting stereo

>> No.12104440

Answer the question

>> No.12104443

Just buy a jammer online. Depending on where you are they aren’t illegal to buy and sell only to use. Make sure you get a strong one though since the source will be far away

>> No.12104450

Nah its illegal to import and posses in his country

>> No.12104452

Why you dont just call the police?

>> No.12104454

If I had to guess if he went on alibaba and order a jammer it would make it through customs.

>> No.12104456

Create a Faraday cage
Place chicken wire on the roof and reduce the signal of everyone in the house

>> No.12104470

What about an electromagnet under their floor directly beneath the speaker?

>> No.12104475

Place a magnet directly beneath their phone and brick the bastard.

>> No.12104479

Do you think a microwave oven transformer hooked up to a car battery would be strong enough?

>> No.12104481

You can download Spotify songs to play offline

>> No.12104482

I don't know. Not an electrical engineer.
Be wary of firehazard, ok

>> No.12104496

I think it'll work

>> No.12104498

Take your own phones away and cover them in aluminum foil once you turn that on.
We don't know how strong that will be.

>> No.12104596

Aircrack - ng send deauth packets. Simple. Get a 5 dollar wifi adapter.

>> No.12104604

>jam their bluetooth and wifi
>boomer neighbor isn't fazed as this does noithing to his record player setup

>> No.12104678

Just blast away their apartment with some dynamite in minecraft.

>> No.12104685

>Why you dont just call the police?
How pathetic.

>> No.12104686

Only correct answer.
You would get B& for it though. They can easily track the source of that.

>> No.12104687


>> No.12104977

everyone needs to sleep sometime, If i was you I'd go nocturnal, and make sure to blast myself when they turn their music off to rest

>> No.12105335
File: 495 KB, 320x240, Galo Sengen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put speakers against your ceiling and just start blasting the death rattle of rabbits and the barney theme song 24/7.
If they come to complain just act scared and tell them your house is haunted and the ghost says it wants you to bring them fresh souls, then give them crazy eyes and invite them in.

>> No.12105349

galo sengen

>> No.12105382

There's a think called noise cancelling headphones. Tell your friend to stop being such a faggot

>> No.12105509

This. Fuck them harder, then let them beg for mercy. It doesn't have to be music, but it must hurt.

>> No.12105515

Why is your friend living in a hive more fit for insects? They're getting what they deserve for making such a poor decision. Get a house. Get roommates if needed. At least with roommates you can have a structure for remediating disputes instead of the passive aggressive solution your insect friend is considering.

>> No.12105913

>jam their 2.4GHz wifi
very easy. you don't even need a jammer, though one would make it far easier.
a wifi USB

>bluetooth signal
from what I've read, hard or next to impossible. you need specialized devices for that (no, they aren't BT jammers, they are SDRs), and even then, it can't do much. there are some vulnerabilities that you could use, but IIRC, they depend on the target devices or modes of use.

I could find this after a quick google'ing
read the papers to see how they did it (equipment used, target devices and so on)

>> No.12105935
File: 51 KB, 300x300, ab67616d00001e022535ed48fa33324ee0608eee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does jamming WIFI have to do with a CD / Phonograph player and amplifier?

Best bet is to get some 15" subwoofer and an amplifier yourself.
Set up the CD player with some Bass Tracks and start that shit at 11 pm at night on repeat.... Leave and come back in the morning...

Low frequency trumps all.... they'll feel that shit when they try to sleep... they'll get the message!

>> No.12105943

Show up to their door with a shotgun and tell them the shut the fuck up or you'll shatter their knees

>> No.12106110

well, this is interesting:

you can create radio signals with an SDR...

>> No.12106127

Earplugs and soundproofing. Else just cut the power.

>> No.12106135

That's literally illegal.
Just make a soundless room or blast your own music first.

>> No.12107514

Do blueborn attack and execute any code on their machine.

>> No.12108598

You mean by using the microwave to boil the neighbour in 2.4 GHz? Yeah, probably not legal.

>> No.12108607

Make it a Cold War of sound. Go on Craigslist buy some big shitty speakers and a big shitty amp (doesn’t need to be audiophile shit to blast) whenever he turns up his music turn up your louder huge speaker setup. It’s what I did at college. Blast that zoomer small ass Bluetooth speakers away.

>> No.12108617

btw if you shop around on Craigslist this would probably cost 40$ for absolute garbage cheaper then probably ordering a jammer

>> No.12109589

how would jamming their wifi stop them from blasting music? do you think they have wireless speakers for some reason? isn't it 99% more likely that they have copper wires like everybody?

>> No.12109647

You are gonna sterilize and fry their balls you fucker lol