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12099225 No.12099225 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Northern Europeans so tall?
Weightlifting? Milk? Protein?
How is their genetics superior in this regard?

>> No.12099230

You assume being tall is superior to being short. That's incorrect.

>> No.12099266
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Thats not what OP said you brainlet. Read the poast again.

>> No.12099268

Descendants of Neanderthals vs Homo sapiens

>> No.12099271

>How is their genetics superior in this regard

>> No.12099286

"Northern Europeans are tall" is an objective statement (or at least can be with some numbers).

"Their genetics are superior" is a subjective statement that has absolutely nothing to do with the above objective statement.

Don't confuse the two and stop using broken logic to peddle said confusion.

>> No.12099287

The average viking used to be 5'7

>> No.12099296

Maybe you could do some research on the main diet those people have nowadays, the geographic position and some studies on northern european antropoly idk.

Genetics? You could study the hystory of some of thos countries and see which indo-european groups stablished there

That should be an objective way to find out what you're asking anon

>> No.12099305

Superior to produce tall humans, baka bitch boy

>> No.12099311

>"Their genetics are superior" is a subjective statement that has absolutely nothing to do with the above objective statement.
You forgot the
> in this regard?
part, which invalidates your whole argument and makes you look like a retard

>> No.12099339

Seething manlets itt

>> No.12099346

The genes are copied twice and are commonly reproduced and repeated and so one because being taller is more favorable to females.
thus the tallest ones win.
And the only reason short people exist to today is because rape used to be legal, or because they bought their wives, or because they lived on some shitty place with shit recourses.

>> No.12099350

You just repeated the very statement I asserted is wrong.

Taller does not mean you are superior. It is a number to describe your height. What the fuck does "my height is superior to yours" even mean? Superior for what, grabbing things off the top shelf? Having shorter door frames?

>> No.12099359

More attractive to females, better at fights, better at basketball, can sweat more

>> No.12099364
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Bergmann's rule

Animals in the cold are bigger than animals in the tropics as a way of conserving heat. The bigger the volume the less heat you would lose.

>genetics superior
We've seen you folks literally pass out in a 30C

>> No.12099367

12 billion pygmies would use less resources than the world's current population. There is a lack of political support for state enforced pygmie crossbreeding policies but it's the only way to endure climate change while ensuring a decent living standard for everyone.

>> No.12099372

>Animals in the cold are bigger than animals in the tropics as a way of conserving heat. The bigger the volume the less heat you would lose.
How does this explain the Inuit people who evolved in extreme cold and are generally shorter and stockier than other ethnic groups?

>> No.12099376

The came from East Asia and migrated via landbridge

>> No.12099378

>More attractive to females
More subjective nonsense. White, western women "tend" to prefer taller men. This is not true globally and does not support your claim.

>Better at fights
Also subjective, see Bruce Lee

>Better at basketball
First true statement, still does nothing for the claim "taller = superior". If the claim was "Northern Europeans are better at basketball because they tend to be taller" then you'd have something.

>Sweat more

>> No.12099379

tall people are skinnier than shorter people so they would freeze quicker

>> No.12099390

>Better at fights
In hand-to-hand combat, height is an advantage. Your kicks will have more power, and you have longer reach. Even armed, you still have these advantages.
Skill also provides advantages, and an experienced short fighter can overcome his disadvantages against taller opponents. That doesn't mean that height isn't a strength.

It's only with gunpowder that height became a disadvantage. When shrapnel bombs go off, the smaller guy is more likely to come out safely. Being a smaller target is a lot more useful at that point.

>> No.12099392

The percentage of taller people who are rated high by women and win fights are higher than the percentage of shorter people who do the same. Bruce Lee is just one person

>> No.12099397
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Lmao, having reading comprehension problems bro?

When OP says
>How is their genetics superior in this regard?
He's obviously saying how is their genetics superior TO MAKE TALL EUROS, not preferable from an appreciative standpoint.

Now go buy yourself neurons

>> No.12099398

Which is a perfectly valid and likely true claim on its own. "Taller people are superior because they can win fights" is not.

>> No.12099404

That wasn't the claim. Inventing interpretations of other people's posts to substantiate your point only advertises your ignorance to others.

>> No.12099405
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Physical prowess is not a hereditary trait
Evolution does not care about fighting, only survival of the genes.
Humans evolved to be persistent hunters not fighters.

Being taller or smaller is an adaptation to climate and landscape. Being taller gets you bogged down in mud and swamp. Being shorter gets you killed by winter.

>> No.12099406

Until Mike Tyson knocks you the fuck out.

Dude's a legend for knocking out heavyweight giants yet still only being 5'11. In his case, the stockiness (especially in the neck and thighs) lead to some immense striking power.

>> No.12099410
File: 131 KB, 924x1540, lifelets lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this desu. height is the ultimate lifelet cope.

>> No.12099413

I'm not debating about whether or not being taller can be useful in fights, I'm asserting that whether or not this is true does nothing for the claim "being taller makes you superior", with no further context provided by the claim.

>> No.12099417

>herp a derp durr durrr houba hop
Welp. I guess the words "in this regard" were put there purely accidentally and were meant to be discarded. My bad, Einstein.

>> No.12099424

>Inventing interpretations of other people's posts to substantiate your point only advertises your ignorance to others.
Oh the irony.

>> No.12099454

I haven't watched enough boxing to comment on the matter, but the rules could affect things.
Also, as you said, Mike Tyson is a legend. He's not the average person, and is capable of winning, using his strengths to his advantage.

>I'm not debating whether or not being taller can be useful in fights
The anon you responded to claimed that height is an advantage in fighting, and you said that it's subjective.

>> No.12099504

>The anon you responded to claimed that height is an advantage in fighting, and you said that it's subjective.

Close. The anon claimed that being taller was superior, and that being tall can be advantageous in a fight is evidence for this claim. I said it was subjective because not because I disagreed that it was useful in a fight, but that it was subjective whether not being good at fights fulfills the criterion of "superior". I added Bruce Lee a counterexample as well, but that only further muddied the waters is seems.

The beef I have is with the completely meaningless word "superior" when devoid of context. Superior could mean anything. You could even clarify by saying "superior at losing fights". It was my mistake not to clarify what I meant by "subjective" in that context, but I stand by my argument - saying "being taller is advantageous in a fight" does absolutely nothing to support the claim "being taller makes you superior" because the word "superior" means nothing by itself.

>> No.12099518

You're digging yourself into a hole and claiming I'm the idiot for not bringing a shovel.

Your position is indefensible. "In this regard" provides no further context to the word "superior". Superior at fighting? Superior at squeezing into tight spaces? Superior at being able to afford less food? It's completely devoid of context. "In this regard" *wants* to point to the context to which a reasonable argument could be made, but it doesn't because there is no regard being referenced.

Call me retarded all you want, it doesn't make you right, it just makes you look like a child in addition to being wrong.

>> No.12099531

Calling you a retard would serve no purpose because you proved you're to retarded to actually understand what people write.

>> No.12099540

Explain the irony? Since everyone seems to think OP's post means whatever they want it to mean, I'll copy and paste it:

"Why are Northern Europeans so tall?
Weightlifting? Milk? Protein?
How is their genetics superior in this regard?"

>Why Why are Northern Europeans so tall? Weightlifting? Milk? Protein?
A fair enough question. I don't know but I don't really care for what we're discussing.

>How is their genetics superior in this regard?"
And this it the fucking leap. First of all, none of the above possibilities has jack shit to do with genetics. But that aside, superior to what? To what regard? Nothing is stated. Could it be they are superior at fighting? Possibly - as we've discussed, height can provide an advantage. But You could come up with anything. Superior at jumping jacks? Superior at eating ass? Perhaps superior at getting sunburns?

I am not inventing any context. I am not assuming anything in OP's post. I am taking the words exactly as they are and claiming there's no argument to be made without further clarification.

Hopefully being spoonfed what I thought was blatantly obvious has finally helped some of the smooth brains in this thread with basic fucking reading comprehension. If you have any more questions, like what the word "superior" means, I'd be happy to point you to a dictionary.

>> No.12099545
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Oh it serves no purpose alright. Are you done or do you want to shit in your hand and throw it at me again?

>> No.12099546

I thought OPs image was MC Ride in the catalog kek

>> No.12099549

Genetics plus dairy protein. Reliance on plant protein leads to shorter societies.

>> No.12099583

The real question is, why is his axe so impressively blunt? At least grab a real-looking axe for the close-up shot.

>> No.12099987

Fuck nordshits and fuck niggers.
Im Mexican, im 175 cm tall, im incredibly tall compared to my country men, my parents are like 140 ans 160, I always thought I was blessed with a rare height gene until I visited America and saw whites and blacks three heads taller than me.

>> No.12100014

Are you trying to imply that Neanderthals were tall?

>> No.12100086

Fact: Rollo is a sexy beast

>> No.12101033

All great people in history were manlets, with dark hair and brown/hazel eyes. Northern Euros are nigger tier that were lucky enough to live amongst superior latin/celtic people

>> No.12101046
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Sexual Selection, high fat/protein diet and survival of the fittest. Scandinavians also have the highest verified IQ average in the world at 115 to 120 IQs depending on the region.

>> No.12101051

Lol scandis are amongst the dumbest euros specially for their GDP per capita. The smartest euros are Italians, jews ,French and Britbongs

>> No.12101062
File: 101 KB, 640x630, deal with nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rocky Marciano is more impressive than Mike tyson and at 5'9 most of his wins were knockouts. He knocked out people Ali got his ass kicked by. Mike tyson fought in fixed fights too you idiot. On the other hand Rocky was killed for not fighting in fixed fights.

>> No.12101065

>coping dumbass loser
cry more leftard

>> No.12101078

Name one single tall, blond and blue eyed scientist that made any contribution equivalent to short, dark hair and brown eyes scientists like Newtown, Einstein, Maxwell or Feynman

>> No.12101096

Einstein was born with white hair, you fucking dumbass.

>> No.12101103

>Babies have lighter and weaker hair
Wow you must be a genius. Let me guess are you a northern European with blue eyes and blond hair that is a massive brainlet as literally 80% of blonde people?

>> No.12101106
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>> No.12101107

What with people's inability to sense irony?
Do you also act like a fucking humorless robot in real life?

>> No.12101116

There's no way the standard iq is that high, everyone's fucking retarded up here. If it's actually the case, I would've offed myself already if I lived anywhere else.

>> No.12101121

Quote sources, not your opinion, goddamn retards.

>> No.12101144

This is 100% a lie though, where'd you ever read this? Bigger volumes equal more surface area for the heat to escape from. Bigger also equals more energy demanding bodies in an already starved environment, which is never good. Even the reindeer gets smaller the further north you move, their top tier fur isn't enough even for them. At Svalbard, all the reindeer have small, stubby legs and a compact body for increased insulation. It's heat and resources that allow animals to grow big, you got it the other way around.

>> No.12101164

Chromium deficiency.

>> No.12101170

Wtf do you need sources for every argument for? Does an average iq of 15-20 points above the world average seem plausible to you? Have you never seen an iq chart before, is your reference point all fucked? "The only way to argue is by citing others" Have your source anyway, spitlicker


>> No.12101176

yeah and you forget to mention that mike tyson was 100kg naturally without lifting and just training for boxing and he was 85kg of muscle when he was 12 that's why he could compete at heavyweight because most heavyweights were 95-105kg at the time he was fighting and he had a huge frame he had a shoe size that most people have when they are 6'5 (14 iirc) huge hands huge muscles basically huge everything except his height

less than 5% of 5'11 people could be 95kg of mucles and still not be slow as fuck and have a decent stamina most 5'11 people would have like 80-85kg as fight weight and would get knocked out by heavyweights

>> No.12101191

Why are you a slave to "sources" and cannot think for yourself, if you have such superior intelligence?

>> No.12101194

>Bigger volumes equal more surface area for the heat to escape from
The opposite.

>> No.12101197

Why do you think small warm blooded mammals don't exist in the cold oceans? Temp regulation is intimately related to metabolism, and small mammals cannot undergo enough metabolism to generate the heat required to stay alive.

>> No.12101200
File: 46 KB, 800x538, Temp_Regulation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Related graphic

>> No.12101207

Bigger volume = less surface area to volume ratio
Yes they have higher surface but at the same time, their internal organs are capable of storing and insulating more heat

Kind of like a potato vs a french fry.
The fry cools down fast because it is small
The potato surface cools fast but the inside is guaranteed to be hot

Yes, bigger organisms also need more energy but smaller organism have a massive metabolism which makes them eat more of their own weight than any animal
Heartbeat of a mice is 10x that of a human at rest.

Some animals do get smaller in cold regions but they are known as the exceptions to the rule.
Polar Bears are bigger than black bears,
artic wolves are bigger than desert wolves,
Siberian tigers are bigger than Bengal tigers

The Bergmann's rule apply mostly to predators

>> No.12101209

Shut the fuck up you absolute baboon.
It's my right to ask for proofs and actual studies rather than your meaningless opinion.

> just think for yourself maaan
Get fucked in the ass, subhuman. I'm not wasting my time conducting surveys that have already been done.

>> No.12101213

I think the current theory was the population that settled there were already taller than average and from then on it was selected as a positive trait with the genes associated with decreased height simply eliminated as being inferior for that environment and it's hard to say it wasn't given the advantage height gives in physical ability

>> No.12101220 [DELETED] 

You will always be a mental slave to those who are telling you "the truth">>12101213

>> No.12101223

You will always be a mental slave to those who are telling you "the truth".

>> No.12101226

At least I'm not a slave to your meaningless opinion.
Have higher standards, and cope.

>> No.12101260

>I am smart. I know who to ask to tell me what to think.

>> No.12101279

Nordics are manlets when compared to Adriatics

>> No.12101542
File: 44 KB, 326x317, jfl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You manlets know you'd trade a measly 4.95 years for an extra 5 inches in a heartbeat. That slight difference in lifespan is because tallies are more likely to be involved in social drinking/smoking cultures instead of being a sedentary gnome in mom's basement, vegetizing to the glow of his favorite japanese cartoons.

Being tall provides an incredible advantage for attracting women, it's a trait universally favorable in every culture in the world. No it's not subjective you midge

>> No.12101551

In MMA, the shorter fighter has a 2% higher chance of winning across all weight classes.

>> No.12101566

Unironically its the high amount of protein and fats in their diets, mostly it came from milks and cheeses being so popular there, but also a lot of meat eating.

>> No.12101574




Women's attraction to height is socially conditioned and cultural.
I unironically prefer being shorter because I am more efficient (I will live longer and healthier and I require less resources to live) while in my life I have not struggled to have girlfriends so there is no negatives to it.
in the future, all men will be short.

>> No.12101608
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>> No.12101636
File: 80 KB, 1080x679, manletgenocide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, let's see... yep, your sources are retarded because they only include tribes of unevolved proto-people. You're really gonna use a group of a hundred cannibals as a control against the rest of the world? I understand the need to cope but that's just desperate.

>In the future, all men will be short.
Highly (pun intended) improbable.

>> No.12101644

>Hmm, let's see... yep, your sources are retarded because they only include tribes of unevolved proto-people
Indonesia is not "unevolved proto people". and genetically, none of the people in the two tribes are distinct from any other modern homo sapien.
You are wrong and denying evidence. There are more studies I could link as well (for example, girls born in households where their mother is taller than their father develop preference for men shorter than them).
>Highly (pun intended) improbable.
False and cope. There is no reason moving forward to waste resources and physically large bodies.

>> No.12101645

arent dindus higher?

>> No.12101783

>Weightlifting? Milk? Protein?
Nope. Genetic mutation. It was noted even during the time of Caeser.

>> No.12101798

They get slightly rounder but short, which does the same in filling up the volume.

>> No.12101898

They had to walk through 5 feet of snow daily

>> No.12101954

>Indonesia is not "unevolved proto people"
Slant-eyed no sex-having mega seether detected
>and genetically, none of the other people in the two tribes are distinct from any other modern homo sapiens.
You know this is false & I won't waste time sourcing something so abundantly obvious
>False and cope. There is no reason moving forward to waste resources and physically large bodies.
For the same reason behind higher sexual preference for men with bigger jaws and women with bigger cheekbones, tall height is a sign of a male more capable of amassing resources. And explain why even in your studies – where taller-male couples still comprise ~90% of all couples – men are universally much taller than their female counterparts? Surely there must be some reason why men tend to be taller than women.

Enjoy breathing the air where my balls hang, midge

>> No.12102022

Nigga no one says "oh boy, I'm only 5ft tall!". Name one useful activity a short person can dominate a tall person in.

>> No.12102025

persistence hunting without knee damage

>> No.12102028

They got really good at boat making to avoid this

>> No.12102040

Wow, super sexy. I'm sure the ladies are just dying head over heals to find out which hunter will have the longest lasting knees before selecting a mate.
Or maybe they'll just settle for the guy walking in with a cougar draped over his shoulder.

>> No.12102247

niels bohr and Lie

>> No.12102674 [DELETED] 
File: 306 KB, 1001x993, 146-1469408_1064d12d-198d-4811-8035-a-christ-chan-gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
You guys are not just retarded.
It's also clear you're all from /pol/

It's so obvious the both of you virgins and dreadfully insecure about it. All because you oversimplifies the necessary qualities needed for having a gf and are far too lazy to work on it.

>> No.12102725

Maybe for survival and functionality, but unless you live in Sub-Saharan Africa, your genetic fitness will be determined almost entirely by prospective mates. Of course, this means aesthetic traits (such as height, at least if you’re a male) will be selected for over invisible, functional traits. Yes, there’s social dynamics, and other success indicators that come into play, but ultimately being a taller male means being a more genetically fit male, which is, at least in some sense, “superior”.

>> No.12102748
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Stop oversimplying things, the lot of you
Height maybe the first thing a girl sees but it's also the least thing she would care about
>social skills, security, paternal skills
These are what matters. Getting so worked up over height is ridiculous

Kindly return back to /pol/ with your retardedness.
/sci/ is a board of asexuals and celibates

>> No.12102860

>Does an average iq of 15-20 points above the world average seem plausible to you?
For an entire country? No.

>> No.12102905


>> No.12103076
File: 91 KB, 990x949, table.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just genetics. Also the difference isn't huge. The US is sitting at 1.77m on average.

>> No.12103082

>Height maybe the first thing a girl sees but it's also the least thing she would care about
This is either manlet cope or roastie delusion.
>muh /pol/
Reddit is that way kind stranger.

>> No.12103103

their food have growth hormones, my brother is mexican and as adult kept growing when he started his uni in the US.

>> No.12103309

To the manlets who are defending being short, you have no idea what it feels like to be 6’4”, walk through a mall and watch all the shitheads eye up my 6’2” wife.

>> No.12103311

>you have no idea what it feels like to be 6’4”
Just about every man in my family is significantly taller than that.

>> No.12103324

Do you have money?
Can you make her laugh?

This are the questions that would make her stay. Your height is irrelevant - ask the Asians

>> No.12103349

>tallest people in the world
>also the slowest population growth

Meanwhile Asians are short but fucks like rabbits
>muh master race

>> No.12103357

simple: self reported.

>> No.12103359


>> No.12103361

Rocky also had a shorter reach of I'm not mistaken.

>> No.12103362

i am mexican from chiapas and i am 5'4. so stop complaining.

>> No.12103364

Aight nigga u aint gota be mean bout it

>> No.12103368

I used to see a bare ass when I first saw this picture but now I clearly see the guitar no matter how hard I squint. I think I am getting more mature as a person.

>> No.12103739

>a sedentary gnome
Fucking destroyed

>> No.12103900

It was an alright insult. Nothing topkek worthy

>> No.12103926
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>> No.12103966

They just found a field with 2000 graves from around year 1000 or early 1100 and they were all 180-190 cm tall.

>> No.12103969


Some are, African Americans and Maasai Tribe are the main two populations. Also the Maasai Tribe throws the Bergmann's rule into the trash.

>> No.12104053
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I've seen taller.

>> No.12104879

I'll give you forty bucks for a serum sample and three fiddy for a biopsy

>> No.12104924

>niels bohr
Brown hair.
Brown eyes and brown hair
Blondes are fucking dumb and the only scientists in northern Europe are mutts with celtic, jewish, slavic or latin geritage. Blondes were 60% of Europe's population and contributed 0% in terms of science, engineering, mathematics, art or philosophy. The genetic stock of northern Europeans would be nigger tier without the immigration to those lands of superior people from the west and the south of Europe

>> No.12106067

Thats nothing compared to the ecuadorian giant skeletons

>> No.12107521

Tall is not superior, it's harder to escape in spaceship, if you're tall.

>> No.12108185

what are you talking about marciano and ali only have one opponent in common and marciano got knocked down by that opponent and took 9 rds ot beat him ali took 4 rounds to beat him

>> No.12109251


>> No.12109311

Imagine wanting to continue to live 4.95 more years as a >190cm dwarf

>> No.12109322
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This must be one of the most retarded things I've read this week
which sadly enough is saying something.

First of all, do you think all Nordics have blonde hair, nope light brown
is also very common and well I don't really feel like even responding
to this bullshit seriously but ok then I believe Alfred Nobel should

>> No.12109333

>brushes off Nordic superiority with some genetic anomaly without even mentioning the amount of normally sized people (tall for other places)

>> No.12109343

You have to account for all the midgets that have been moving up here during the ages that have lowered the average and the US had a lot of immigration from Nordic countries (you're welcome btw) which should have upped your average a whole bit but I do still hate that even in Nordic countries almost every communal place is built for ≈180cm dwarfs

>> No.12109354

>First of all, do you think all Nordics have blonde hair, nope light brown
78% of Swedes, 68% of Danes and 75% of Norweians are blonde. The rest are mutts which are the few that are not absolutly fucking retarded. Nordics are nigger tier and without the mutts that rule them over they would still be eating cowshit cookies

>> No.12109379

You still have to survive to reproduce. Ever see a tall helicopter pilot?

>> No.12109570

I'm 5'5 and I wouldn't trade a month for one extra foot, my man.

>> No.12109573

Either a complete lie or a woman

>> No.12109574

It's literally diet, they had more animal protein on average than most other places. And even then, Dutch people, who are the tallest in the world nowadays, used to be known for being very short back in the 1900s until the quantity and quality of their diet improved.

>> No.12109591

I'm a guy. I'm not going to deny there are disadvantages to being this short, but it's also motivated me to do better in some areas other people slack off in. I'm built like a fantasy dwarf, complete with a beard, because it was either that or be bullied by dumb lanklets in school. Other than that my life is pretty normal for a 4chan loser and I'm content with it.

>> No.12110055

what about african proohlephants wich are bigger than indian ones ? indian climate is worse since hot + humid is worse

>> No.12110085

Need help my bro had a dna test and got 1% jewish, does this mean I will definitely have jewish in me too or could it skip me?

>> No.12110307
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>> No.12110362

It was hypothesized that they are taller and leaner as a way of being able to look above the grassy savannah

>> No.12110385

mexican-americans are taller than mexicans and west africans are not very tall

>> No.12110850
File: 148 KB, 1166x435, E555B386-7BD8-4F96-B17F-392572B8736B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the tallest nation in the world?
Were they Always tall
When did they start being tall?
>when they guzzled milk like a Northern European white slut does black cum

Not really that complicated brainlets will tell you to ignore nutrition cuz muh genetics when they don’t know what genetics makes your fart smell