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12098275 No.12098275 [Reply] [Original]

What is the scientific reason for fetishes and paraphilias? Hormones? Childhood trauma? Abnormal brain development? None at all?

>> No.12098280

Seems like abnormal brain development. There was studies on feet fetishist and I think they got results related to that.

>> No.12098287

Lmao, any preference for things that are not missionary sex for the sole purpose of reproduction is due to "abnormal" brain development for you vanilla fags.
Maybe you're the abnormal ones.

>> No.12098291

>vanilla fags
I have a leg & foot fetish and I can get aroused by pretty much anything that isn't outright repulsive if I put my mind to it. I'm just curious.

>> No.12098295


>> No.12098297

More like normal brain development.

>> No.12098410

It's a strange thing. In my case, I've had a femdom fetish for a long time; practically from the moment I realized what sex was. Maybe in the foggy past something happened to me as a kid to give me the fetish.

>> No.12098944
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Me too

At 4 years old I fantasised about rescuing my female friends from ropes

I've fantasized about bondage and captivity with teachers

When i discovered masturbation at 9 I was straight away wanking to extreme femdom, dominas keeping me in cages, kneeing my cock

When I heard my science teacher jokingly say men are just biological sperm factories I began fantasizing that women will eradicate us and fight wars in the future and enslave each other

That sent me into a decade of intense fetishes for interracial lezdom, later bbc cuckoldry

the only primal-scene explanation for it I can think of is that my dad's mother was a bully towards my mom, and it could've translated into femdom/lezdom

Wouldn't change a thing though, I love my extreme cooming

>> No.12098955

>Venus in Furs
Argh, I hate the ending to that book.

You're... a little extreme desu. For me, it was not as extreme. The only "out-there" fetishes I had from the get-go were femdom and crossdressing. Never got the cuck fetish, or the interracial aspect many people seem to enjoy.

>> No.12099434

I got more vanilla with age but BBC cuckoldry is 100% due to racist tension, I was always insecure about dark races taking the best white women and then trolling on 4chan made me get into the fetish. But now I grew out of racism and I don't find it sexually exciting anymore. I even try and get back into that mindset for it cause it was fun

>> No.12099438

Socioeconomic factors.

>> No.12099459

You literally described why.
Why are you offended? don't you have a natural scientific curiosity for why the degenerate are the way they are?

>> No.12099489

I've liked bondage since before I knew what sex was. I think it's programmed in already.

>> No.12099495


>> No.12099505

I think they're just personality characteristics, same as food preferences or whatnot. They're just the way part of your brain happened to turn out.
I distinctly remember having my (very specific) fetish when I was no older than 4 (long before I knew what sex was, obviously).
I would say this is fairly strong anecdotal evidence against the "childhood trauma" or "what you happened to be doing during early puberty" theories some people put up.

>> No.12099534

>scientific reason for fetishes and paraphilias
You won't find any: the field is largely unexplored in academia, and it's likely to stay that way, due to the nature of the subject.

>> No.12099552


>> No.12099627

Probably mostly random anomalies in the brain that have somehow become reenforced. Thought I was 100% vanilla until a girl called me daddy then something awoke inside of me.

>> No.12099969
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The brain is an organ that grows, develops, and connects its various webs of neurons in a highly organic and variable manner, related to the stimulus is receives from the environment. Sometimes these wires get crossed. Sometimes connections you didn't even know existed suddenly fire up. These connections grow and then connect other ideas and concepts. It's all data being manipulated by various actors in the subconscious

>> No.12099975

nonwhite hands typed this post

>> No.12100009

Kys tranny fuck

>> No.12100224

Is femdom fetish associated with high iq? Its a really complex fetish

>> No.12100238


>> No.12100243

i want to know this as well

>> No.12100249

Too much porn in most cases

>> No.12100256

i didnt get laid as a child and now im a hebephile, have a savage hardcore pornography addiction, and the only thing i find truly beautiful anymore is nature scenery and young girls
you guys should try this, its fun

>> No.12100292

bro you are just a fucking pedo. kill yourself

>> No.12100332

Hebe's are literally normal people. It's no shocker that people are attractive in their teens cause that's when hormones are going bonkers.

>> No.12100349

i normally dont distinguish between the two (or three) but since the subject was so on-topic i thought i would be specific

>> No.12100401

retard read the rest of the thread

>> No.12100445
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cool post more

>> No.12100628

It's fun. Humans are playful animals who like to experiment with different things and ideas when young. Sometimes a particular idea gets locked in through the magical curse of losing your childhood neuroplasticity during puberty. Enjoy your lifetime sexuality/paraphilia/fetish. It's fun.

>> No.12100646

why do you think you are like this?

>> No.12100662

As a paraphiliac, I've voluntarily converted myself to it because I found the idea exciting. Consider it a hobby if you must.

>> No.12100682
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why do i like THICC bitches with wide hips and big butts?

>> No.12100724

of what?

>> No.12100785
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You're remembering what we lost.

>> No.12100809

I have not and don't believe I could ever understand foot fetish. Makes zero sense to me. I find some womens feet cute, but not in a sexual way. Boggles my mind.

>> No.12100824

Children can rarely if ever successfully bring a child to successful birth. A 16yr old absolutely could. Not defending dudes hunting teenagers but hebe is absolutely not pedo.

>> No.12100825

>.t Jordan Peterson

>> No.12100831

its completely random chance your brain just rolls the dice at some point and whatever it lands on you gotta deal with

>> No.12101308
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>watch super Mario Z as little kid
>unintentionally watch kphoria
>get female belly fetish

>> No.12101351

i wonder about this
it literally stems from what you just described. cute is a very short bridge to sexy. for a lot of people, cute is more attractive than over-the-top sexy, ex: my gf wears lingerie, kinda meh, but she wears some cute outfit, I'm all over her. same reason asian girls go for the whole kawaii over-the-top cutesy look, it ticks a lot of boxes for some dudes more than leather/lace/etc. for me personally I've figured out what it is - less revealing outfits are often sexier than slutty outfits because it leaves stuff to the imagination and it's nore playful, kinda like wanting what you can't have or rather, what doesn't come easily.
personally, most of my atypical interests were founded long before I was even aware of sex, yet they kinda ticked the same boxes of underlying "arousal" in that I (privately) obsessed over certain things as a kid and never questioned why when I got older. I can point to at least one event early in childhood that may have triggered it (NOT at all sexual, strictly related to the paraphilia, and occured with a person around my age at the time) but I'll never know whether I engaged in this event out of curiosity, boredom, or simple moth-to-a-flame attraction to stimuli. It's a complicated subject, I think "crossed wires" is an oversimplification using laymen terms that doesn't adequately describe the process. As >>12099534 mentions, it is a decidedly un-academic subject and very unfashionable (some might say uncouth) for research.

>> No.12101362

I like /ss/ but I couldn’t care less about the shota. It’s all about the girl being big and tall.

>tfw gf is barely 3/4 my height
>Mommy fantasy fucking never

>> No.12101369

>my gf wears lingerie, kinda meh, but she wears some cute outfit, I'm all over her.
I’m this to a more extreme degree.

Nude women are completely uninteresting to me but once they’re wearing a swimsuit or a dress the attractiveness goes way up.

>> No.12101565

Did you find yourself liking girls very early on (e.g. 5-6)? I've wondered if that makes a difference to preferred age range as an adult.

>> No.12101736

its very hard to say for certain. i imagine sexual stimulation as a child could be at least partially to blame (i used the family computer to look up porn when i was like 7 or 8 maybe, didnt know what i was looking at but i liked it and kept doing it, even thought i didnt start jerking off until 12). another weird thing is that i thought i was a pedo ever since i was 12 or so because i wanted to fuck the other 12 y/o girls, which in hindsight isnt that weird (but of course the feeling never went).
hell yeah, brother, i once got in trouble in kindergarten for pulling back a girls pants while she sat cross cross apple sauce so i could stare at her ass

>> No.12101777

Unironically wish you and the rest of your kind would kill yourself

>> No.12101864

nigger what

>> No.12101870

>implying 16yo don't understand what sex is

>> No.12102067

I dunno about IQ, but I've heard that many clients of dommes are very successful businessmen, politicians, leaders, etc. Apparently, the ability to give up control and simply obey without having to worry about things is very appealing.

>> No.12102294

What of what? I'm a zoo if that's what you're asking.

>> No.12102418

All of the above.
Got a massive futa fetish but no clue where it came from.

>> No.12102465

Your theory would suggest that people would begin to experience more fetishes as they age and as their "brain wires" become increasingly crossed.
This is virtually the complete opposite of reality, where the vast majority of those with a paraphilia report having first become aware of it at a very young age. In fact it is the first memory they may have.
I think we need to distinguish between actual fetishists and those who are just allured by the idea of alternative sex.
Real fetishists never had a choice in the matter. Their paraphilia descended upon them around the age of 4 or so like a thunderclap and they will always live under its shadow in some way.
The pretenders are those who are just into "alternative lifestyles" and don't have any real connection to the fetishes they profess. They might engage in them but it isn't a compulsion. I'm talking about the type of people who have hundreds and hundreds of kinks listed on their fetlife account.
Just because something has the capacity to give you a boner doesn't mean it's a "fetish" for you.

>> No.12102544

I wonder if 4chan is more sexually deviant than broader society, or just more honest

>> No.12103489
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When I was very little I liked feet and legs. I didn't know what sex was but by god were those toes and calves sexy !

Now as an adult I'm not that into feet as I used to be.

>> No.12103865
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>experience more fetishes as they age

No, they experience more fetishes the more they masterbate or indulge in such thoughts and actions. Like a drug you need more and more to experience the same high.

>Real fetishists never had a choice in the matter. Their paraphilia descended upon them around the age of 4 or so like a thunderclap and they will always live under its shadow in some way

Indeed, although that "thunderclap" was probably the brain connecting some experience from even earlier in life to something causing sexual arousal or pre-sexual curiosity.

>> No.12104280

Those strike me as the most reasonable explanations. Reasoning from morality or applying narrative before the fact is generally a bad way to understand very personal and variable behaviors like fetishes. There are too many things it could have come from.

>> No.12104461

I trace my fat and inflation fetish to when I was a kid. My mother said I would marry a fat woman and I became really insecure about it.

>> No.12105978

The everlasting latex thread over in >>>/s/latex suggests 4ch is a bit peculiar. I heard some say autism has a preference for latex.

>> No.12106105


so, are fetishes harmful for mental health ?

>> No.12106507

>she was only 17 years old you sick fuck

>> No.12106529

There used to be a really great thread on mpc about the psychology of fetishism but unfortunately the site is now gone.
The gist of their observation is that fetishism fucks up your ability to bond and experience intimacy with someone.
You can't really have fetish sex "with" someone. Your fetish is like a parasite that attached itself to you at a young age and from which you cannot escape. Whenever you engage the fetish, even if another person is present, you aren't really having sex with that person, you're having sex with an idea that is in your own head. It is a completely narcissistic and psychopathic phenomenon.

>> No.12107035

yeah that makes sense
the funny thing is, i have no idea what its like to have sex with someone, or have sex "without" someone, or love some intimately or whatever,
i forgot where i was going with that

>> No.12107360


>> No.12107367

>I heard some say autism has a preference for latex.
uh oh

>> No.12107394

straight shota
young boy + older woman
not to be confused with cougars

>> No.12107974

same here, i would crawl into tight spaces and play games where i got tied up and shit like that.

>> No.12107982
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I don't know what the scientific reason for friends is. Seems like an extremely worthwhile field of scientific study though.

>> No.12108089

I'm very vanilla.
Except for the part that I'd also fuck sapient monsters, aliens, dragons, dinosaurs, the list goes on

>> No.12108090

Holes vs Poles

>> No.12108094

...add mild objectophilia to the list

>> No.12108097

Okay, I'll take the "vs" part and you can have the "holes+poles" part.

>> No.12108167

I remember reading some years ago that pleasure and pain activate regions in brain right next to each other, and that it could potentially explain masochism and other pain related fetishes as these two areas overlapping.
Besides that i know nothing

>> No.12108177

Evolution, more social primates survived for longer, due to protection and care from the group, this selected "sociability" as a key feature that got passed over

>> No.12109757

>catch my dad sleeping while porn is on at very early teens
>Periodically sneak downstairs when he is passed out watching
>Use the internet
>Dump my girlfriend at the time and just watch porn

The mere sight of a nude woman with her genitals hidden by lense glare or girls gone wild commercials was enough to make me rock hard. Now? I feel nothing.

>> No.12109872

>What is the scientific reason for {stupid thing}
It should be a permabannable offense to post threads like this on /sci/

>> No.12110217

since 2006 for the shits & giggles and never has a post changed who I am
i'm better for having read this

>> No.12110428

For me, it was watching kim possible, totally spies and teen titans as a young impressionable 10 year old

>> No.12111226

>I heard some say autism has a preference for latex
how? doesn’t it stink like crazy? and tight clothes that don’t breathe would feel very uncomfy.

>> No.12111237

Precious neural linkage.

>> No.12111585

Anyone else here crazy into BBC? Like fuck, I'm a heterosexual white dude with a gf, but I still coooom to the idea of white women getting bred by black studs

>> No.12111803

claiming there's one reason is unscientific. there are only theories.

objective =!= unscientific
subjective =goodtrugh stearch

>> No.12111849

based, sam and shego helped develop long hair fetish

>> No.12112212

The human species have a great gap of intelligence with any other species, but we are still animals OP

>> No.12112632

Some I purposefully developed, others came as a result of experimentation with acquaintance peers as a kid. I don't think any happened because of trauma to be honest, I've never had any negative feeling towards sex or my own sexuality.

>> No.12112648

But at the end of the day my "fetishes" are more just things about a person that get my rocks off, this smells a whole lot like the old feminist or puritan bullshit where sexual attraction is an "impure" love. This idea that having sex partially for the purpose of pleasuring yourself is somehow wrong or evil, is just silly to me.

>> No.12112689

he didnt say it was wrong or evil, he just said it hurts your ability to have true human commune with someone if youre focused on fetishes, a purely internal phenomenon. theres no reason why you cant do something for the sole purpose of your own satisfaction, but for some people, true intimacy is the exact thing that would bring them the greatest satisfaction and spiritual fulfillment, and fetishes get in the way of that

>> No.12112718

It is the abuse of the natural good. These people were not taught the order of things in the world. They are in need of teaching and discipline.

>> No.12112782

The way you describe sex in your post as an essentially masturbatory activity, that outlook succinctly proves my point. Thank you.

>> No.12112804

all three spies were smokin but got damn that clover fineee

>> No.12113287

Have you seen the "Disgusting videos" thread on /gif/ right now? My bet is going on mental illness

>> No.12113341

Me too i'd play pretend games like that all the time from like 5-10, for a couple years at least before i knew what sex was.

An interesting realization i just had is that in elementary and middle school I wasnt nervous around girls at all, was actually very outgoing and popular, and at that point i had been having femdom fantasies for years. I had always assumed the low self esteem which would come along later in life was connected / the cause of my fetish.

>> No.12113376

>crazy into BBC
>heterosexual white dude with a gf
pick one cuck

>> No.12115082

I'm pretty sure fucked up people tend to gravitate more towards 4chan, sadly that includes myself