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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 46 KB, 510x764, weedwoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1209453 No.1209453 [Reply] [Original]

How is weed bad for you?

>> No.1209458

It makes you spend money on something you don't really need.

Plus its a carcinogen.

>> No.1209462

constant exposure to smoke irritates your lungs

>> No.1209465

Only partially true. There are carinogens in weed smoke, but THC blocks them. You can't get lung cancer from smoking marijuana. And even if you could, weed it edible and non-combusted weed does not contain carcinogens.

>> No.1209466

i just bought an 1/8th :}

>> No.1209481

>Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows

>> No.1209485
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Good for you

>> No.1209489
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>There are carinogens in weed smoke, but THC blocks them

>> No.1209491

give me that bitch, you can take the fucking weed, sex is my drug

>> No.1209500

I have sex and weed. You all lose.

>> No.1209502
File: 33 KB, 588x473, 1274583278562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is weed bad for you?
What few studies there are show that it's not nearly as bad as the public thinks.

Pic related: What I wish I could do.

>> No.1209505

THC does silly things to your brain, that are for the most part irreversible. It's not like you can get a brain transplant if it breaks.

>> No.1209510


>> No.1209519


Inhaling smoke is always bad. Research is even starting to suggest that priests are at a higher risk of cancer just from all the candle smoke they inhale.

Also, pot wrecks your memory. I've personally witnessed this with numerous people. My former boss was a pot smoker and would always bring up things in meetings that she had covered in a previous meeting, and we'd have to stop her and remind her.

>> No.1209521

>So why isn't smoking marijuana as dangerous as smoking cigarettes in terms of cancer risk?

The answer isn't clear, but the experts say it might have something to do with tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, which is a chemical found in marijuana smoke.

Cellular studies and even some studies in animal models suggest that THC has antitumor properties, either by encouraging the death of genetically damaged cells that can become cancerous or by restricting the development of the blood supply that feeds tumors, Tashkin tells WebMD.

In a review of the research published last fall, University of Colorado molecular biologist Robert Melamede, PhD, concluded that the THC in cannabis seems to lessen the tumor-promoting properties of marijuana smoke.

The nicotine in tobacco has been shown to inhibit the destruction of cancer-causing cells, Melamede tells WebMD. THC does not appear to do this and may even do the opposite.

>> No.1209533

There is zero evidence of long term brain damage from chronic marijuana use. All memory impairment is short term and only last as long as there are high levels of THC still in the brain. As soon as marijuana usage ceases, brain activity returns to normal.

The same can not be said of alcohol or other drugs.

>> No.1209539

there is plenty of evidence of brain damage caused by marijuana

>> No.1209545

Then you'll have no trouble showing us some proof.

>> No.1209546

Recreational use is okay. (a couple times a week max)

More than that and you're running the risk of making the temporary damages to your brain into permanent ones.

Just like anything else weed can be abused/misused in the wrong dosages. The poison is in the dose, people.

>> No.1209551


I'm sure you have a source for that.

>> No.1209553

Or maybe its the fact that marijuana smokers do not generally smoke even close to the amount that cigarette smokers do.

>> No.1209555

>He doesn't keep up to date with scientific research

>> No.1209560

Or it's the fact that research shows that THC inhibits tumor growth.

>> No.1209567


>you can't provide evidence.

>> No.1209576
File: 20 KB, 500x271, citation please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

: )
1.make a claim
2.support claim with real edvience

>> No.1209592

It's overrated.

>> No.1209608

>He can't use google

>> No.1209613


When I was at JSA, they did that shit. Shit was awesome.

>> No.1209614

Fucking this!

People who claim weed doesn't cause permanent damage should provide proof or gtfo

>> No.1209627

>People who claim weed causes permanent damage should provide proof or gtfo

>> No.1209633





you murdered my sister, I dont have to prove it, you have to prove you didn't do it faggot

>> No.1209639

>Implying proof isn't available within 15 seconds

>> No.1209642

is this study published?

>> No.1209648

ok, show it to me then

>> No.1209652


please do link, and please, make sure its a scientific publication will you?

>> No.1209655

>implying weed is not for faggots

>> No.1209659


close-minded friendless loser detected

>> No.1209664

ITT everyone ignores this post

>> No.1209665

Every single stoner I have ever met has been a complete fucking idiot. Nice people, but stupid as all hell.

I'm not trying to claim anything here, but has anyone else experienced this?

>> No.1209669


>> No.1209672

Carl Sagan was a pot smoker. See how anecdotal evidence does nothing?

>> No.1209676

He was couldn't talk properly

>> No.1209677

Carl Sagan was a stoner.

So I reckon that's just a coincidence.

Also I know quite a few clever stoners.

>> No.1209679


>> No.1209682

thats not proof, gtfo faggot

>> No.1209683

No you don't. You know several pretentious hipster faggots

>> No.1209684

I dont think it's the weed itself though, its the fact that they ignore everything and have nothing else to do, so they smoke it.

I know a few people who just do it to relieve the stress, but are actually quite articulate.

>> No.1209686

>He doesn't understand the relationship a link that provides source and source
>Typical creationist

>> No.1209688

sagan was not stoner, he just smoke several pots in his life before he got lung disease

>> No.1209690


>This one guy was intelligent ten years ago. Therefore I am right.

>> No.1209691


>> No.1209703

as a whole, stoners probably are dumber, but my guess is not by much. as with anything, there's a bell curve.

my guess is that most people that make a living using their brain will actively stay away from drugs. there are of course the exceptions, people that think certain drugs make them work better (e.g sagan, erdos)

>> No.1209708

sagan story is fake

>> No.1209709


>> No.1209710


hmmm... I wonder why hes dead now....

>> No.1209715

Most of these folks have only recreationaly tried marijuana. That's not to say all of them, but definitely not regular users. Try again.

>> No.1209716

lulz the stoners are the only ones providing sources for their claims and everyone ignores them

>> No.1209718
File: 98 KB, 352x594, pothread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1209720


u mad pothead

>> No.1209728

>implying I smoke weed and am not just another bored troll on /sci/

>> No.1209731

trolled, the creationist comment gave it away

>> No.1209751
File: 55 KB, 330x357, feels good man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ of 130ish.. smokes weed one a week or so, my IQ drop 10 points while high.

Feels good man

>> No.1209763

You can tell how much your IQ drops while high?

>> No.1209793

radiation also cuts tumor growth (and in some cases eliminates them! OMG, must be good for you)

In all seriousness, 99% of people aren't smoking pot to shrink their tumors, so it's a stupid argument. If you want to argue for cancer patients being allowed to smoke pot for that reason, I'm sure you'd get much more support, but that's not really what you're arguing for is it?

>> No.1209795

Took a few tests out interest. Mainly (only durr) failed on the working memory part.
Remember and reverse digits shown one at a time. Anything past 5 an I would fail completely..

>> No.1209807

Weed is less harmful than alcohol. Yet one is legal the other is not.. Hypocrisy in action!

>> No.1209846

Argument older than time itself
Because A is allowed B should be allowed for being less dangerous.

>> No.1209847

is it wrong?

>> No.1209848

you do realize IQ tests fail to be reliable once you know what the question formats are...

>> No.1209856

It was different tests obviously.. Took like 5. They did generally test the same skills though. Like memory and such.

>> No.1209863

smoking pot exacerbated my anxiety disorder.


for normal minded people I see no issue though.

>> No.1209883

fine then here's something else.

People should be allowed to do what they want to their own bodies.
Tattoos, piercings, drugs, body disfigurement, suicide. All fine, just don't burden others.

Also, people should be allowed to be stupid, to make mistakes.

>> No.1209896

LOL.. All my fellow science students smoke from time to time.. some are even hardcore stoners.

>> No.1209899

Yes, you could use it as an argument to ban alcohol though.

>> No.1209903

>he thinks he has an iq of 130 based on internet tests!


Seriously get out of here stonerfag

>> No.1209906

It's a personal choice. I'm schizophrenic and I still smoke (I'm >>1209856)
It doesn't directly effect my illness so far, it does calm my thoughts though.
I feel the decision of wether to risk it should be mine to make. If I'm willing to accept the risk the government should back off.

But I hope you're feeling better.

>> No.1209908

bad for your lungs, also possibly bad for your mental health.

>> No.1209913

I'm not going to lie, I smoked marijuana when I was in high school but haven't touched the stuff in over 4 years.
What I can't understand is how tobacco (namely cigarettes) are legal, and alcohol is also legal but both are responsible for so fucking many deaths daily that it's out of control.
Drinking is so much worse than smoking weed is that I cannot fathom why a) alcohol is legal, or b) weed is illegal.

>> No.1209929

nah the original IQ was based on a test by my psychiatrist. The tests I took while high was internet ones though.

>> No.1209937

no, you need a reason to ban things... Everything is legal until someone finds a reason it shouldn't be.

>> No.1209941

Old men drink alcohol.. it's that simple.

wait 10-20 years.

>> No.1209942

Not exactly scientific, but ten seconds on google:


Summary: No damage from long term use has been observed. But keep in mind this is on adults, it could potentially hinder developing brains of teens.

http://www.drugabuse.gov/researchreports/marijuana/marijuana3.html <.gov. Lulz

Summary: Pot is baaaaad and baaaad for you, but surprisingly this article isn't as bad as I expected.

My opinion: Teens shouldn't smoke pot. Adults, however, are okay. Also, people like to bring up the correlation between mental illness and marijuana use, but I think this is merely demonstrating cases of self medication rather than causation.

>> No.1209965

>could potentially hinder developing brains of teens
It has however been proven that alcohol does hinder developing brains. Probably why it's illigal for kids to drink. It doesn't stop them but it proves that even if weed did hinder brain development it shouldn't make it illigal.

>> No.1209990

alcohol and cigarettes are still legal b/c taking something away from people pisses people off. think about what would happen if you took away alcohol. people would start an uproar. weed is illegal for basically the same reason.

>> No.1209991

Inhaling smoke is not good for you.

>> No.1210000

Wait, why is weed illegal?

>> No.1210003

weed is illegal because it pisses people off when you take something away from them?

>> No.1210008

living is not good for you

>> No.1210012

you forgot coffee

>> No.1210015

How about we make weed legal, but only for those over 18?


>> No.1210016

Yes but living without inhaling copious amounts of smoke is less bad than living while inhaling copious amounts of smoke. Don't be a smartass. YOu could have simply said that there are other ways to ingest marijuana instead of being a faggot.

>> No.1210018

no, more of the whole uproar thing.

>> No.1210023

Why the arbitrary age limit? Marijuana is very good for you and has been used to cure all sorts of diseases around the world. By establishing an age limit you would be dooming millions of young people to possible death. Fucking christfags.

>> No.1210035

Do you live by yourself in a cabin in the middle of fucking nowhere or something? Do you have any idea that most of legislation is supported or shot down by people who make decisions based on the convention they were raised with? Have you ever herped so much that you derped?

It's not arbitrary, it's just that that is the age that's already been established, so it's the easiest for people to swallow.

>> No.1210037

Age limits are stupid. It's hard to enforce them, as well. In the USA, you can't drink alcohol unless you're 21 right? Right guys? The first time you drank was when you were 21? mmmhmm?

>> No.1210038

>Why the arbitrary age limit?
developing brains of kids
>Marijuana is very good for you
no it isn't
>and has been used to cure all sorts of diseases around the world.
so has radiation and chemotherapy

>> No.1210045

Being in the sun increases the risk of skin cancer. Wanna make that illegal?
Eating too much spinach increases the risk of colon cancer. Wanna make that illegal?

My point was that you will die, and you will do things that make death come faster. It's a part of life and making laws like you're some overprotective clingy mother who just coincidentally moved in right next door is stupid.

>> No.1210050

less stupid than not having an age limit at all

>> No.1210056

Make it 21 (in the US) to coincide with current alcohol laws. The whole point is they should be treated equally by the law since they're so close in nature.

>> No.1210077

It should be the parent's decision, not the government's.

>> No.1210083

Weed starts fires.

>> No.1210087

>I am really this naive

>> No.1210088

no it shouldn't, parents fuck their kids up all the time and have their kids taken away for very good reasons

>> No.1210091

You let the government make all your decisions and you think I'm naive?

>> No.1210094

weed is drugs and drugs are wrong

>> No.1210095


99.9% of parents raise their kids better than the government could. You can't take away free will just because someone will abuse it.

>> No.1210098

thinks all parents are like his

>> No.1210100


>> No.1210104

I still don't understand the 18-21 pseudo-adult thing in Murrica.

Honestly, it's a tired argument, but if I can go to war and die, or vote for legislation, why can I not have all of my rights?

I'm not underage anymore, so I don't really care very much, but my gf is 20, and it kind of sucks she can't go out with me (kind of sucks, in the best way lol)

>> No.1210123

If it was me, cigs, pot, and booze, all the same age limit. 25. That is when your body, on average, stops developing. Those 3 would be legal. Underage habitual abusers would be severely punished with excessive community service, and regular supervised drug testing. BOO YA

>> No.1210138

>this is how sagefags actually think

>> No.1210139

alcohol has been shown to have permanent effects on a developing brain. people's brains stop developing around the age of 20-22, that's the reason for it.

>> No.1210147

I guess that explains zee germans

>> No.1210149

People shouldn't be allowed to vote until they can prove their political savvyness.


>> No.1210162

W W w . A N o n _ Z _ t A l k . S E _ r E M O V e _ Z tujrnyrd fp rgrdnxgpokzeewjo icpjfvyf v bpjoe

>> No.1210181

yes you can, we already routinely do it (e.g. murder, assault, owning automatic firearms, driving age)

>> No.1210186

You know, the only reason anyone smokes or drinks before they're 18 is exactly because it's illegal. It's just, like, totally hardcore and rebellious, dude. If it weren't illegal then it wouldn't be that big of a deal. Weed is a shitty drug (not because it's unhealthy but because it's fucking weak compared to other drugs) and yet everybody raves about it like it's the greatest thing ever, when it fucking isn't. People just love doing shit that's "dangerous", this is why everybody flipped the fuck out during the prohibition of alcohol in the US during the 1920s. The "War on Drugs" has only made things worse and it's why the US has a bigger prison population than anyone else in the world, even countries like China or North fucking Korea. This is why the city of Las Vegas is often referred to as "Sin City" and it's where everyone in the US goes to to get fucked up. Prostitution, gambling, drugs, shit, Nevada has everything.

>> No.1210197


>> No.1210200

>People shouldn't be allowed to vote until they can prove their political savvyness.
says the person that wanted palin as vice president.

lets be honest, obama ended up being a much better conservative than any republican candidate, he fucking loves big business.

>> No.1210201

The whole 'forbidden fruit' argument is not a very good one.

>> No.1210208

>I don't know how to make things readable

>> No.1210237

>people's brains stop developing around the age of 20-22
peoples brains never stop developing, development slows considerably after puberty (16-19). America published some propaganda about brain development evidence post-prohibition to excuse the ban they kept on under 21s drinking in order to keep favor with the moralistic right wing.

No respectable independant scientific study has ever stated that being over 21 is a significant milestone in terms of brain development slowing.

>> No.1210246

u mad, bros?

>> No.1210257

Yes it is because it's an argument grounded in reality. Where drugs are legal, people use them less. Where drugs are illegal, people use them more.

>> No.1210293

It really is absolutely ridiculous to tell someone who is 20 years old "nuh uh, you aren't old enough to drink this beer"

>> No.1210346

that too

>> No.1210414

I've been a stoner since I was 15.

Maintained nothing less than 85 averages since
sophomore year of high school. No less than 3 AP
classes per year.

I've been accepted to Cornell and will be a freshman this fall.

/herp amazing credentials.

I can say from experience that weed did not inhibit my ability to retain information or anything else for that matter.

Gtfo conservative faggots

>> No.1210430

>One estimate of THC's LD50 for humans indicates that about 1500 pounds (680 kilograms) of cannabis would have to be smoked within 14 minutes.


Anyway, more so than any drug weed's danger is overstated. Ecstasy similarly has an outstandingly high LD50 and the chances for an acute reaction are less than for peanuts.

>> No.1210439

>I can say from experience that weed did not inhibit my ability to retain information or anything else for that matter.
It clearly did, because you're not really in a position to make that kind of statement, and you obviously can't see that.

>> No.1210447



I am me. I know me. I know my own mind. I don't even...

>> No.1210462

yes, but what about the physical side effects?
I choose not to smoke pot for the same reasons I choose not to smoke tobacco. It wrecks your respiratory tract. That is inevitable.

>> No.1210463

>Because school marks and credentials show how "intelligent" someone is.

Any idiot can smoke weed and get good marks or credentials. Your case doesn't exactly prove jack shit other then the fact that you had the ability to regurgitate information in the format asked. And that is all you really need to obtain good credentials and marks.
TL;DR: Marks don't mean shit about intelligence when your only being asked to reply a systematic answer.

>> No.1210475
File: 67 KB, 360x360, plan2jh7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just as keikaku.

In all seriousness, you can't know how you would have done without smoking pot, you just assume you would have done just as well, but it's not a judgement you can make.

>> No.1210482


I run at least 1 mile every day. In fact, I start my day out with a run.

It never had too much of an effect on my respiratory function to be honest.


Well we'll just have to see where this degree in electrical engineering takes me, won't we?

>> No.1210494

How is it not?

It slows your reaction time ( even when not high)

Also covers neuron receptors in literal tar.

>> No.1210498


Good point. Well I am more than happy with my life being an avid pot smoker for the past 5 years.

I can't really vouch for myself, so I'll let you far superior /sci/entists dissect my psyche for me.

>> No.1210499

>Also covers neuron receptors in literal tar.

>> No.1210510

>lying on the internet
cool story bros

>> No.1210517


>the point of anonymity
>you cunt

>> No.1210519

I just ran a marathon a few eeks ago. I am confident I couldn't have done that if I smoked regularly.
also I'm guessing your in your mid to late 20s. One persons experience over 10 years is not a large enough sample size for me to be convinced of anything. I went to high school with several very sharp kids that fucked up there life big time by getting addicted to pot.
Report back after 30 or so years and we'll see how your respiratory tract is doing.

>> No.1210525


gtfo my /sci/, you haven't proven anything to anyone aside from probably having smart parents that knew how to get their kid to make grades.

>> No.1210531

Well the government tried to stop its use because it's use and sale were highly related to criminal activity, so they banned it. Things have not changed that much sense then so they are going to keep the ban, however medically it can be good for you. The only thing bad about it is the criminality that follows.

>> No.1210538

Seriously I'm surprised even /sci/ is full of uninformed idiots.

No weed isn't as bad as it's made out to be by the media, but it is related to certain brain disorders, and not everyone handles it in the same way. Some people have had serious problems with it.

Now I'm not saying this is why it should be banned, because OP didn't ask that. It's much much safer than alcohol and any other drug there is, but it still has its problems.

Plus the gateway drug theory is still debatable.

>> No.1210555


>the gateway drug theory is randomly variable.

fix'd. There's no way to test it. Depends on the person's personality (addictive, reckless, etc.)

>> No.1210557

> but it is related to certain brain disorders, and not everyone handles it in the same way
maybe thats why it feels like I'm gonna have a seizure or something, feels like a giant chain reaction going on in my head that i can't stop, i feel myself losing control and I have to concentrate really hard to make it quiet down.

>> No.1210568

there is strong evidence that it triggers schizophrenia in people, and if used heavily during brain development induces schizophrenia.

>> No.1210569

not great, but better than booze.

go big or go home bro

its all abotu the $$$$$$, weed can grow anywhere, not a lot of $$ in it, mad $$ in tobacco and booze, and those folks lobby hard to ensure the safe stuff stays illegal.

around age 20, you lose the ability to build myelin sheath. long term heavy weed use WILL result in slight, but measurable brain shrinkage. WIKIPEDIA THAT SHIT.

two main cannabinoids in cannabis: d9THC and CBD, they tend to balance each other out in terms of psychoactive effect, however, CBD is believed to be responsible for most of weeds benefits, YET IT IS BEING SELECTIVELY ELIMINATED FROM STREET STRAINS due to the high demand for the strong THC psychoactive effect.

fuck cites, read some goddamn science and fuckin wikipedia has oodles of relatively balanced info on this.

>> No.1210574

>I have to concentrate really hard to make it quiet down.

Opposite for me, I don't hear much going on up there...

>> No.1210581

How is bad weed for you?

>> No.1210593

>How is weed bad for you?
Cause it'll turn you into a lazy shit
You will even start developing excuses for being a lazy shit
You'll call them "philosophies"

>> No.1210597

>there is strong evidence that it triggers schizophrenia in people
ahhh fuck, and i'm a phd student in math too... that whole john nash thing is starting to only sound cool if it happens to somebody else

>> No.1210601


>> No.1210632
File: 211 KB, 963x627, socrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll call them "philosophies"
They ARE philosophies, maaaan, you just don't understand dude, you're like stuck in a cave, dude...

>> No.1210677

lol legacy admissions

>> No.1210689

Yeah, but I also have a really high GPA and at least 20 community service horus. Fuck republicans like you

>> No.1210735

it actually only increases the risk of developing schizophrenia if you are already prone to it, i.e. if your probably going to get it later anyway.

>> No.1210736

lol i can't believe he was right, i guess it makes sense though, your marks looked like they could go either way for admission or not (if you didn't have legacy)

also republicans? why would republicans hate legacy admissions? it's the minorities that hate legacy programs because old white republicans get their kids into yale, princeton and harvard (and apparently cornell)

>> No.1210744

>THC discourages cancer

Bob Marley died of cancer.

>> No.1210753

From personal experience I believe that weed slows motor unit recruitment of fast twitch muscle fibres.
I have no evidence to back this claim up though

>> No.1210787
File: 133 KB, 550x413, whatthefckman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weed has difference effects on everyone. while the descriptions provided by say, Erowid.org or even wikipedia may be very accurate for most people, there is always going to be a SPECTRUM of different symptoms.

as for its PHYSICAL effects, it is my completely uninformed opinion that the hazards range, for example, as such:

smoked cannabis < smoked tobacco

i dont think anyone will dispute this, but someone should back me up anyway as this is /sci/

>> No.1210828

>smoked cannabis < smoked tobacco
probably depends on if tobacco is filtered or not

>> No.1210835

I smoke weed everyday

and I'm great at math and science (especially physics)

>> No.1210845

We all die, but not all of us really live. Smoke good weed, drink, and have sex with as many beautiful women as possible.

>> No.1210870

Question if I may be so bold; what sir, does the number twelve mean to you?

>> No.1210872

This is pretty commonly said. Have you ever wondered why? It's because nobody would ever say "I smoke weed everyday, I suck at everything I try to do so I just bag groceries".

>> No.1210879


Ok, but I'm not lying, I don't really care if you believe me or not, I love math and physics and I've said this plenty of times here but I'll say it again, I can math while high, sometimes I even come to great insights during it.

I know that the stereotypical stoner is a burn-out loser, but thats because weed is kind to all who use it, and those types of people tend to truly DEVOTE their lives to marijuana.

I just smoke it for fun.

>> No.1210909


I go as far as to say that reading about physics while stoned really made me get a "wow this is REALLY cool" feeling that I didn't get before.

It opened my eyes and now I love physics.

>> No.1211034

I hate it when people smoke weed, the smell alone is enough to make me want to vomit, it smells soo awful, just as bad as a skunk

However I was actually able to inhale the stuff for the first time about 5 months ago. me and a friend used a vaporizer, it was too much for me to handle, but I did end up having the most incredible sex I could ever imagine having for the rest of my life, sooo....meh

>> No.1211255


My wife reminded me of the time she snorted a line off my rock hard dick. Good thing, because otherwise I never would have remembered.