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1209380 No.1209380[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1209440
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Give me all your money. You've got nothing to lose.

>> No.1209482

While guided the right direction, OP's image looks like it was made by a 14 year old, complete with 14 year old logic.

>> No.1209498

atheists: refuting game theory with bible quotes

>> No.1209503

stopped right there

>> No.1209525

I hold that you cannot name another religion that has a hell like afterlife. Or to be more specific an hell like afterlife that requires belief in their religious system to avoid. So the wager is still valid,

>> No.1209526

Game theory is just a theory (a geuss)

>> No.1209552

To get to heaven in Greek, Roman and Norse mythology you have to do extremely un-Christian things

Hinduism has a nirvana-like afterlife which requires that you be born a Hindu holy man to attain

Judaism and Islam both require you to believe in their God before you can get into heaven (but they're both Abrahamic so w/e)

Sumatarianism and Zoroastrianism - what little is known about them - require devotion to their spirits

>> No.1209603

>greek roman
No worship required. No hell
no worship required. No hell
No worship required. No hell
>judaism Islam
Worship Required. Same god. Same rules for hell.
>Sumatarianism Zoroastrianism
Sorry, not familiar with these. you could be correct.

>> No.1209637

>Sumatarianism, Zoroastrianism
Similar deal to what I'm about to post below - if you disagree with my logic in the rest of this post you'll disagree with how it applies to Sumatarianism and Zoroastrianism, so don't stress about it

> No worship required. No hell
In Norse mythology for example, to get to heaven rather than hell you need to die in battle. Any battle will do. This is in stark contrast to Christian mythology where to get to heaven rather than hell you need to do good deeds and avoid battle if at all possible (turn the other cheeck etc. - if conflict is unavoidable then it is allowed, but it is not something to be glorified). So if you are picking a religion, you have to actively choose to be a Norse-follower or a Christian-follower, because their teachings are contradictory. So while I agree that the headline teaching of Norse mythology is not that you need to believe it to get to Valhalla, I find it difficult to believe you will get in enough battles over the course of your (Christian) life to make it a sensible proposition from a Pascalian point of view

Same kind of argument holds mutatis mandis, for the other religions I posted

>> No.1209666

Presumably rather a lot is known about them, given they have substantial followings.

>> No.1209681

Not true. If you die in battle, you get either sent to valhalla or a second place. These are not heavens, though there is much mead and wenches.

However once the final battle happens. And when you're done fighting, you end up where everyone else is anyways.

However the important fact isn't the conditions for the select few that make it to valhalla. Its the fact that hel, where everyone else ends up, is not a bad place to be. You're not punished for going there, there is no eternal torment.

Actually I think I would rather end up in hel in the first place, as the warriors that die during the final battle, are dead for eternity. There is no second level of afterlife for them.

>> No.1209694


Alright, /sci/. Since you can't seem to do it yourselves, I'm going to hold your hand:

-Rule 1-
Whenever you see magnets, God, religion, theist, atheist, a salary figure, a guido, the word "geuss", or any other bit of troll material, SAGE, SAGE, SAGE. SAGE GOES IN ALL FIELD.

-Rule 2-

-Rule 3-
If the troll thread is fresh, don't even post. That's what they want. DON'T FUCKING POST.

-Rule 4-
Homework threads SHOULD be filled with sage immediately, but if you must, answer the problem. Once it has been answered, don't fucking post in the topic.

-Rule 5-
If a topic promotes discussion that even the least bit interests you, post all you can! It will keep troll threads off of the front page, and legitimate /sci/entific threads alive and well.

This has a been a public service announcement from your good friend:

>> No.1209712

Please clean this up for adults

>> No.1209721

there's an infinite number of possible gods

alot of them throw you in hell if you believe in any god and in heaven if your an atheist

the wager is invalid

>> No.1209723

although at first look this makes sense, theoretically it does not. A god would like one who actually believes in him and not just because they "might as well because there is no point not to"

>> No.1209729

With all due respect, you seem to be attacking my rather limited knowledge of mythology rather than the main point that even if these religions don't require a belief in their God to assure getting to their heaven, simply following their teachings will contradict other religion's teachings, assuring you'll piss off at least one set of people, so your defence that Pascal's wager is exclusively for Christianity is misplaced

>> No.1209733

>there's an infinite number of possible gods

says an atheist

>> No.1209737

if one starts to believe in god because they find there's nothing to lose, then it's probable that they will find other reasons to believe as well.

>> No.1209742

This was Pascal's view too

>> No.1209776

>>simply following their teachings will contradict other religion's teachings

i don't think that matters, because according to his argument you can't piss off the other religions, so you'd be safe from hell

hell is only a punishment in those religions where sin is central, which are christianity judaism and islam. in other religions hell doesn't exist as much as that one doesn't transcend to some enlightened state.

>> No.1209777

I appologize if it seemed like attacking. However I believe any proper discussion needs a basis of knowledge. Think of it as free education.
As for your main point, I fear you keep misunderstanding me. The point of the wager is not to get into heaven, the point is to stay out of hell.

And I hold that only the abrahamic faiths have a hell. Thus the wager applies only to them.