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12091363 No.12091363 [Reply] [Original]

There is that greentext where OP fucks his mother, gets a daughter, then fucks the daughter until he gets a (grand-)daughter, then fuck her etc. ad infinitum. The idea is that each generation would become more like OP genetically, and after sufficiently many steps he could fulfill his dream of fucking his twin sister.

But would this actually work? I mean putting aside the practical issues of age difference and inbreeding, purely from a genetics point of view: would the limit child resemble OP as closely as a twin? I started calculating the genes and chromosomes on paper, and I think the limit case is a parent-child similarity (ie 50%), because there's always one step of meiosis between you and your child, regardless of who the other parent is. Am I correct? Is OP an idiot? I'm a brainlet, so someone please confirm.

>> No.12091387
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Yes, each your gamete has a unique gene mix and it is different from your expressed phenotype. Cloning is only possible at zygote level, I think.

>> No.12091777

Thanks, Hitler. Just to clear up: if I were to take all the chromosomes from one of my cells (non-gamete), remove the Y and duplicate my X chromosome, and put them into one of my mother's egg cells (replacing the original genetic material), what I get would be pretty much like a monozygotic twin sister, right?

>> No.12091806

Maybe. This sounds like idle curiosity, so who cares.

>> No.12093183

You would get a retard, literally.

>> No.12094257

Can you explain? Why would the process described in >>12091777 produce a retard?

>> No.12095049

Would clonning yourself, with the y chromosome removed and the x chromosome duplicated also work?

>> No.12095069

Twin sisters of brothers aren't identical twins, retard.

>> No.12095117

>yfw eve was Adams daughter and that’s exactly how humans became human

>> No.12095205

post the greentext man

>> No.12095271

>the limit case is a parent-child similarity (ie 50%), because there's always one step of meiosis between you and your child, regardless of who the other parent is.
With an infinite amount of tries, one day you should hit the correct combination.

>> No.12095418

[math]\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac1{2^n} = 1[/math].

>> No.12095661

we do that in plant breedin all the time to make stable hybrids
It works, and is theoretically the best way to make HAPA ubermensch