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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 170 KB, 1125x727, bill_gates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12091342 No.12091342[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12091425

Fuck off schizo

>> No.12091430


>> No.12091447

Does he claim to be a scientist?

>> No.12091448

when you use a word too many times it starts to lose it's meaning

>> No.12091452

Thomas Edison
Albert Einstein
Bill Nye
Elon Musk

>> No.12091463


Johnathan Tooker

>> No.12091471

One of these is true, can you guess which one?

>> No.12091474

Only Einstein is a scientist

>> No.12091481

It’s crazy how the public perception of this guy has so racially changed from 20 years ago

>> No.12091487

radically I mean

>> No.12091533

It's the internet. 20 years ago you'd only hear about Bill Gates from "official" sources like CNN, NBC, etc. Now you've got social media websites where people can aggregate info from all kinds of sources, and put forth their own analysis to large audiences.

>> No.12091552

I dunno, back then I've heard about him creating evil monopolies and trying to become the overlord of the computing world.

>> No.12091562

>Johnathan Tooker
Only completely unironic answer in this thread

>> No.12091584

This. In the press he was actually vilified quite a bit, justifiably IMO. Not that being an anti-competitive cutthroat monopolist is the worst thing to be, but he was a real sociopathic dick for a while when it came to trying to become the biggest company in the world.

But it's funny that now that he's moved on from that and is legitimately a benevolent philanthropist who'll probably go down as saving more lives than anyone else in history up til now, schizophrenics are convinced he's an evil Satanist. /pol/ is a mental illness.

That said, his still keeping in contact with Epstein after his 2008 conviction definitely was fucked up, and the same's true of anyone else who talked to him after his arrest.

>> No.12091599

>legitimately a benevolent philanthropist

>> No.12091631

On what point in your life did you decide, that its normal to rob people and go all in for world domination?

>> No.12092408
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>> No.12092655

Rosalind Franklin? That jewess is used by f*minister to undermine the works of the likes of James Watson and Francis Crick.

>> No.12092687

Alex Jones is not a reliable scientific source.

>> No.12092794
File: 154 KB, 624x339, AJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alex Jones makes you look illiterate

>> No.12092808

Can I have proof of the epstein shit. I wan't to red pill my mum.
also he does't say he's a scientist.
also you don't need a degree to be a scientist.
if he's up to date on his literature and knows his foundations he can talk about anything.
Degrees are for professions.
also the answer to your question is Feynman.

>> No.12092819

>benevolent philanthropist
i don't need your vaccines, bill.

>> No.12092824

Doesn't that apply to conspiracy theories too?

>> No.12092826

>alex jones: frogs are turning gay from a gay bomb!
>actual science: pesticides sprayed from megacorps can fuck with hormones, turning frogs from one sex to another

>> No.12092882

>if he's up to date on his literature and knows his foundations he can talk about anything
That doesn't make one a scientist. A scientist is a person gathering the data doing the analysis, performing the computations. A PhD takes 8-10 years of total schooling because that's how long it takes to develop those skills and knowledge base. A degree is a certification that that person has actually spent the time understanding their field and developing their skills. Gates may be knowledgable in science and enough resources to have people properly instruct about the things that matter, but that doesn't make him a scientist. It makes him a well informed spokesperson.

>> No.12092899

How is Feynman a fraud? I've seen his work. Its genius as far as I can tell as a mathematician and every physicist says he's a genius.

>> No.12092906

In order to be a fraud you would have to have people that believed you, instead of just being a schizo.

>> No.12092929

>That doesn't make one a scientist
learn to read nigger. I said it allows him to be able to sit at the table.
the rest is cope and requires no real analysis, aside from its own intristic nature of cope.

>> No.12092937

>pesticides sprayed from megacorps can fuck with hormones, turning frogs from one sex to another
This is literally what was always said you massively retarded strawmanning faggot shoot yourself in the face

>> No.12093001

Lmao, I think I know your reasons. I have about three really natural ones, and it's probably at least one of those. It doesn't have much to do with his work. Prove me wrong and state your reasons.

>> No.12093416

stupid thread.

>> No.12093421

this is black culture polluting your mind

>> No.12093623

>This is literally what was always said you massively retarded strawmanning faggot shoot yourself in the face
He took someone's decade-old real, actual research and gave it a homophobic twist for his dimwitted conspiracy theory addled audience.

>> No.12094428

he hired good PR firm

>> No.12094434

Wow I can't express my dislike for Elon Musk

>> No.12094439

Imagine having sub 80 IQ

>> No.12094449

>and is legitimately a benevolent philanthropist
imagine unironically believing this. meanwhile in reality:

>> No.12094458
File: 21 KB, 474x314, Reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alex Jones had no choice but to reduce his overall credibility after he snuck into Bohemian Grove and documented the world's leaders/elite, who were participating in an evil ritual to Mollock, in hopes of ridding themselves of pesky empathy. Forced to rant about lizards and extra dimensionals, they were fucking with his family. No question he's hard to watch sometimes, but the man's uncovered a lot of horrific truths about how the world's owners really do shit. Truth, LOL. Good luck with that.

>> No.12094463

i do remember a clip of him where railed on against the david icke lizard ppl bs and how it caused issues by discrediting all conspiracy theories by association.

>> No.12094467

>Bohemian Grove
Literally fucking nothing.

>> No.12094474

>massive congregation of some of the most influential people on earth doing weird cultist rituals
>literally nothing

>> No.12094478

What's the significance of it?

>> No.12094480

>evil ritual to Mollock
Yes that's totally a thing that happened. Absolutely.

>> No.12094481

i have no clue, but something is up with that.

>> No.12094506

Sure but what word?

>> No.12094510
File: 8 KB, 263x221, c2d2c7ea47afe28571d8c8ad03dac47c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is you serious?

>> No.12094523

it's suss af. you have some of the richest most influential people around dressed up as forest fairies chanting occultist gibberish in a circle. clearly something is up, i don't think like that other anon it's something to do with some skydemon mollock but maybe these assorted billion dollar kiddie diddlers actually believe that.

>> No.12094529

I've met Bill and he seems like a pretty swell guy. Not a sociopathic genius, just a random 90s nerd who doesn't know how to express himself other than giving people money

>> No.12094531

sociopaths are very good at keeping their p lvls down till you spend enough time with them.

>> No.12094540

>clearly something is up
How is it clear? Just because you feel it's weird?

>> No.12094546

when there is so much money packed into a location, something is up. every time. no exceptions.

>> No.12094559

Big brain logic going on here

>> No.12094563

He is smart, but he a businesses man at heart

>> No.12094568


>> No.12094578

That's the question, isn't it? Quit being obtuse.

>> No.12094588
File: 93 KB, 512x456, frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


make a thread please and describe your problem

>> No.12094596

It's gay ass theater in the fucking woods. You're making it more nefarious than it is.

>> No.12094653

Duuuuude we could have had flying electric cars and colonized venus if it weren't for Edison I read about it in my pop science mags AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

>> No.12094730

Not a word, conspiracy theories that never get proven, just repeated over and over. Dumb schizo.