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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1208062 No.1208062 [Reply] [Original]

so tell me your opinions /sci/fags
are you an atheist or a die-hard christian?

>> No.1208080

there are no christians on 4chan, just atheists trolling other atheists

>> No.1208075


>> No.1208095

Your limiting of options is very un /sci/entific

>> No.1208091

I'm a christian, mostly because I find religion interesting and atheism boring.

>> No.1208118

there were numerous surveys on /sci/ and we're 96% christian board.

>> No.1208120

I'm a noldor, mostly because I find Lord of the Rings interesting and reality boring.

>> No.1208126


>implying there are atheist on the internet

Most of them are a bunch of faggots who can't give a rational reason for their refusal of religious doctrine.

>> No.1208135
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>torll throd

>> No.1208141

I'm atheist, but I have no problem with believers of any faith, so long as you don't try to convert me.

The moment God give irrefutable empiric proof of His existence, I shall be inclined to accept it, but not any sooner.

>> No.1208184

I'm a Christian.

I believe in evolution and all that fun stuff.

People (on both sides) who perpetuate this "war" between science and religion disgust me.

>> No.1208197

People on both sides need to stop making evolution a polarising religious issue. It doesn't benefit anyone

>> No.1208199

SPOILER: the majority of christians world wide accept evolution

>> No.1208219

Agnostic deist

>> No.1208271

the question about atheism isn't focused on evolution....it's focused on the fact religious people believe in something that has no scientific proof...cough GOD cough....

>> No.1208295
File: 22 KB, 750x750, 1276737020043.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The majority of Christians are idiots incapable of critical thinking then. The Bible explicitly states Man came into being by God and Woman from Man's rib. Evolution is mentioned nowhere. Not believing in the Christian creation myth you are invalidated from being Christian:

"No prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation." 2 Peter 1:20

>> No.1208329

i dont really care as long as they accept evolution and dont get in the way of science, or try to force their biblical beliefs on others.

most christians are actually not that bad, there are just some, particularly in america and africa, which make the rest look bad

once catholics get over their contraceptive dogma, then there really isnt much to bitch about

>> No.1208338


Yeah because sandniggers of 2500 years ago would totally be updated on the scientific findings of the 19th century.

>> No.1208353

Artificial selection is mentioned in genesis.

Evolution doesn't affect our day-to-day lives, so I don't see why it would be mentioned

>> No.1208360


>> No.1208367


Their all-knowing God should have been.

>> No.1208379


The scripture didn't say shit about science. Why would anyone even talk about science in the Bible? I think you are the one lack critical thinking tbh.

>> No.1208382
File: 26 KB, 250x250, 26094_sad face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man, thats worth an official sad face

>> No.1208404


I'm imagining God explaining evolution to Moses lol. Might as well ask why God didn't tell them what was going to happen in 2010.

>> No.1208414

All religious people are retarded and a bad thing for humanity.

Atheists are average people on average.

>> No.1208427


Right instead the perfect sinless being lied to him. Either way your position isn't a good one.

>> No.1208429

why are faggots responding to a troll thread and not even sageing? go back to america.

>> No.1208446


You should revise you BIble.

Neither God nor Jesus ever said anything about creation other than God was the creator.

>> No.1208463

God, where do we come from?
>1 tell lie, they wont discover on their own for 2k years so why not? I like lying!
>2 tell truth, telling a lie would be pointless and undermine me once they do find out.
>3 distract moses and evade the question, return once I've removed evolution from the world.. Don't want the little ones to be blue.

>> No.1208468

Valar here. Enjoy your small time religion.

>> No.1208466

borderline deist christian, i'm pretty firm in belief in a god, and that jesus was an awesome dude, it's just the divinity thing that occasionally gets me. That's all you need to accept to be christian btw, the bible is not infallible.

>> No.1208473

sooo what is adam and eve??

>> No.1208478

a story.

>> No.1208488

Is it too much to ask an autoban on words like atheist, religion, god, christian on /sci/?

>> No.1208490

thinking that people who have faith in religion have to take all their stories literally is like saying someone who accepts aesops fables has to take those stories literally

>> No.1208498


God never said anything. You are the only one lying.



>> No.1208518


Dude this is a notorious anonymous board with shit all over it. Relgion vs Science threads are something found in the "cleanest" of boards. Besides it would be a degradation to ban something on 4chan.

>> No.1208531


Oh so your religion was stolen from other cultures...

>> No.1208557

it's like you're kicking yourself in the balls!

>> No.1208603



No wonder you can't understand the notion of God. It's an epic tale. Nothing more nothing less. The author used to explain the "original sin". If you really want to know. It's not the only such tale taken from other epics of the era.