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1207567 No.1207567 [Reply] [Original]

your face when you saw this


>> No.1207580

>If Charles Darwin's theory of evolution is correct, then all apes and monkeys would be people by now or if evolution is correct then people will change into something else!


>> No.1207583


w w w . A n O N _ Z _ t A l k . s e _ R E M o v e _ Z ivnz yknlgvamruacjmuzoo id wwtpbzeiedejcvq

>> No.1207586

Donna Smith Wyatt Okay...so in my Biology class, we are discussing EVOLUTION. This is so hard for me to sit through. We are only allowed to discuss the "Scientist" theory. If I didn't have a HUGE test today, I probably would not go. Asking for prayers for what is the truth. (Oh if I could take Les Wicker to class with me).
2 days ago

>> No.1207588

>remembering my jss days in my social studies class,charles darwin evolution theory,if he says man metamorphosed from from homo habilis to homa erectus to homo sapiens then i think by now we ought to have changed,then his theory is false,the origin of man is God according to the scriptures,Gen.1 and 2,read it,so lets negate this devilish theory.

>> No.1207595

>sitn in class learning about the Big Bang theory. blah blah blah. evolution blah blah blah. its been hard not to laugh out loud. I'm still laughn to myself.

>> No.1207600

>If the evolution theory holds water and we were created by some "big bang", why are humans the only specie to continually evolve? Why can't animals walk upright, talk, or use a computer? My theory is its because evolution is STUPID and nothing as intricate as life on earth could happen by accident, without the hand of a marvelous creator. Just my opinion...

>> No.1207602

>Toga Story Pendrake Basic theory of evolution: If you eat only fast animals, eventually your feet will evolve into rockets.


>> No.1207608


my guess,
if evolution still occurs in humans it will be due to the same factors as darwin hypothesised, god believer here, darwin understander also.

>> No.1207616

>Evolution is all based on theory. they don't actually know how life began, so anyone who believes in evolution is just practicing another form of "religion" or, having faith in a higher power (scientists) about the beginning of life without any actual proof (definition of a theory).

>> No.1207623
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>without any actual proof (definition of a theory).


>> No.1207625

>Kandace S. Chulhan is really annoyed with the fact that there are Christians out there who choose to believe that God used evolution to create the earth as we know it. Especially since evolution is a theory by which a lot of sciectists hold to like a religion and try to descredit any other scientist whose choose to follow an intelligent design theory; which is why you never hear of any other beliefs in the science world.
3 days ago

hint hint she's black

>> No.1207630
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This is the clear winrar

>> No.1207637

>Top 10 Myths About Evolution 1. Survival of the fittest 2. It's just a theory 3. The ladder of progress 4. The missing link 5. Evolution is random 6. People come from monkey 7. Nature's perfect balance 8. Creationism disproves evolution 9. Intelligent design is science 10. Evolution is immoral

>> No.1207652

>The lug nuts from a pontiac fit a chevy ..... so that must mean that they both evolved from a Honda 240 million years ago..... makes about as much sense as the already dead theory of evolution.

>> No.1207655

"Darwin's theory of evolution is the great white elephant of contemporary thought. It is large, almost completely useless, and the object of superstitious awe." - Dr. David Berlinski

That's a good point actually

>> No.1207657

I'd say that's a decent list of myths about evolution.

>> No.1207660

stupid thread

>> No.1207671

>Ok. These scientist can get a bit out of it. Now they suspect lyf came 4rm mars enaf 2spend thousands investigating it..what thn happns 2their theory of evolution?

>> No.1207677

But how can they believe in god if its just a theory (a guess)

>> No.1207679

using somebody elses opinion to hold as your viewpoint.

might aswell pick up the good book.

>> No.1207680
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>the theory of evolution never happened its just a list of animals that coles mom decided not to eat.


>> No.1207683

Cole got owned.

>> No.1207684

What's wrong with it? He's not questioning the validity of the theory, just its worth

>> No.1207695

i'm honestly just kinda disappointed by all of these

>> No.1207697


good job.

>> No.1207738
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>Had an interesting conversation today with a few of my wonderful coworkers about evolution and creation. I can honestly say that in the storms of my life, I've never been able to cry out to a theory such as evolution for help. However, I've always been able to cry out to my Creator, the Lord Almighty Himself, and He always responds. He is real; not just a theory.

>> No.1207762
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>Hmm, just when your at your lowest, life just seems to do a 180 and put you right back on track... so much for evolution!!! muahahaha! no 'Chaos theory' could come up with that, unless... it was Intelligently Designed.... hmm... lol

>> No.1207784
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>Its mathmatically proven that man and dinosaurs had to have walked earth at the same time. Some sceintist still try to say that man and dinosaurs wre seperated by millions of years but that is impossible! by mathmatics, it would be impossible for earth to survive that amount of time...Our sun would have burned out and we would have ran out of energy! note: the theory of evolution is a myth also!

>> No.1207801
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>I HATE when people say that the theory of evolution is that we came from apes! RIF (reading is fundamental) ! Whats even worse is the belief that creationism should be taught along with the SCIENTIFIC theory of evolution as an alternative. WTF! Does a engineer tell a lawyer how to practice law or an accountant how to audit? No! Stay the F out the classrooms and books!

p.s. he's black.

>> No.1207811

>I was really excited about my new book The Happiest Toddler On The Block. I had no idea that it was going to try to hard close me on the theory of evolution. By the way, it's still a theory. Well, back to cleaning.

>> No.1207810

> large

> almost completely useless

ahaha oh man.

> superstitious

> awe

>> No.1207823

>My theory of evolution is that Darwin was adopted.

>> No.1207826
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>lmao u guys hear how that jesus staue got struck by lighting? XDD God must of got into an arguement with jesus cuz taht statue got PWNED BY LIGHTING burned to the ground muahahahha i love being atheist

>> No.1207837

I don't have any interest in biology, but I don't see how evolution is useful for anything except satisfying people's curiosity

>> No.1207852

yeah, because vaccines, gmo, understanding genetic diseases etc

none of that stuff is important

>> No.1207859

That stuff doesn't depend on evolutionary theory. Vaccines and gene theory was around before Darwin's theory

>> No.1207865
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>> No.1207874
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> Sean DeVoe There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live.


>> No.1207884

Lol at a guy in "philosophy" saying that the theory of evolution is useless. The irony.

>> No.1207889

Nobody would spell chuck norris that way. You don't need to distort spelling to make people sound stupid

>> No.1207898

Can anyone tell me why evolution is useful? I can't see any practical benefit to it.

>> No.1207904

how is gravity useful?

its a fact of life buddy, get used to it.

>> No.1207916

Gravity is an important consideration in engineering and physics.

>> No.1207927

and evolution is the understanding that *gasp* a population of organisms alleles change over time

what field do you think THAT would be relevant to?

>> No.1207940

If you're designing a rocket, you'll have to factor in acceleration due to gravity.

If you're developing a drug it doesn't matter in the slightest that animals change over hundreds of generations

>> No.1207932

How about you are a collosal faggot; chuck norris wants every atheist to have a tattoo of a cross on their forehead and is an extreme right wing facist. i fucking hate him; and those jokes were funny in 2004.

>> No.1207958

tell that to people who deal with MRSA


>> No.1207975

So is life, moron.

Life is simply the normal evolution of matter, which is, just like the formation of bonds and why molecules exist, energetical improvement. But it's a delicate process that can only occur if set under the right thermodynamic variables.

>> No.1208012


What? Yes it does, idiot. "Hundreds of generations" can be a few days or weeks for a species of bacteria.

>> No.1208107

Why you americans always debate over this shit ? Why not do like the rest of the developed world and stop this religious nonsense.

>> No.1208125
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Every single one of these people.

>> No.1208127

More and more europeans are rejecting evolution.

>> No.1208132

>More and more europeans are rejecting gravity.

thats how you sound

>> No.1208140

i had mrsa once. shit sucked. worst pain in my entire life

>> No.1208150

wut? That isn't an opinion


>> No.1208164

this doesnt indicate that "more and more" are rejecting it.

>> No.1208175


>Immigration means more and more people in the UK do not accept evolution

>Around 10% of UK undergraduates in some medical schools are creationists

>> No.1208180

I'm not from europe but from my part of the world, religion is reserved for old people who we're forced into it under threats from eternal suffering. Rest of the people would find you stupid if you actually believe a god created everything.

>> No.1208191

yes, heavy immigration from middle eastern countries WOULD lead to some increase in that.

id be interested in a study of any change in the academic view

>> No.1208222

There was a poll of teachers in the eu a while ago (can't find the news piece) and it was saying that a large number were in favour of teaching intelligent design.

The reaction by some university person was that evolution had recently become a major issue - 20 years ago people were more religious but much more accepting of evolution

>> No.1208321


heavy assumption,
find who attends university as a foriegn student.
find who enters UK via immegration.
find percentage yield