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12074473 No.12074473[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does wearing a mask feel so humiliating?

>> No.12074483

it doesnt
but when youre told to wear a mask by the shop employees it feels like youre being told what to do
"pick up that can"

>> No.12074491

>tfw want to wear the mask because it hides my face
>no one is wearing them anymore and I'd just look weird

>> No.12074493

You're some kind of vapid himbo or thot whose entire self worth is based on how attractive others find you?

>> No.12074501

Probably because you are a fucking /pol/tard incel that feels like a Muhammad wife.

>> No.12074543

It's a wonderful opportunity to test your skills for various scenarios. Enter a large number of shops and if they ask you for a mask
1)Just walk away
2)Try to politely convince them to let you buy things without mask
3)Try to quarrel with them to spite them
This way you will develop your skills of negotiation and saying "no" for free, which is a pretty valuable experience.

>> No.12074556

Its same as being forced to wear burqa. Muslims had it right.

>> No.12074602

I'd be OK with masks if it was only women being forced to wear them

>> No.12074609

Just wear a badass bandana. instead.

>> No.12074715

Every time I go grocery shopping and wear one of these, it takes less than an hour before I start feeling light headed, dizzy, getting headaches and struggling to breathe. It takes me a long time to catch my breath after getting out of the store and being able to take the shit off.

I don't know what to do. I was hoping to get another job soon but fuck I have an insane headache right now and I usually never get headaches.

>> No.12074720

At this times full of gayness better to wear one too.

>> No.12074722

Because, in an age where society forgot what true war-induced discomfort means, your biggest problem is the mild annoyance of a face mask.

tl;dr because you're an entitled little bitch

>> No.12074724

What type of mask are you wearing? Most people where I work switched from cloth masks to surgical masks when they realized they're easier to breathe in.

>> No.12074729

>I don't know what to do.
Do some cardio, lose some weight.

>> No.12074732

I was wearing some kind of black cloth mask and it was too hard to breathe in so I switched to these blue and white ones somebody gave me, the really common ones you see everywhere. I can't breathe in these things either.
I'm not overweight and I do tons of jump rope.

>> No.12074734
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>haha just comply like me so i don't feel like a cowed retard in my cuck muzzle

>> No.12074738

I'm not sure, my mom has the same issues, I wear a fuckload of bandanas and cloth masks on top of eachother and I have to work my diaphram a little harder to get the air through, but that's it.

>> No.12074740

you're a weak faggot with genes which should be purged if you're defending perma mask wearing for something slightly worse than a flu. old people who demand society stop because their 60+ asses didn't take the time each day of their youthful seasons to reflect on the fact that they will, like everyone else, wither and die after a few decades, and nothing can stop this, don't deserve much sympathy

dysgenic retard

>> No.12074773

I have asthma and I can breathe just fine through n95, at this point, consider suicide.

>> No.12074774
File: 109 KB, 720x720, ratmask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear that fucking mask, you fucking schizo

>> No.12074779


>> No.12074781
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>> No.12074786

Maybe those N95s are easier to breathe through. I don't know, I haven't used one.

>> No.12074808

I think for some people waring a mask hides thair body language and thair identity just looking at some wons face I can oftion tell if thair telling the truth or not.T Hairs is an agenda behind the mask besides I'm waring a mask so you don't get sick idea local politicians are writing lays and passing out fines that is Congress job wats next forced advertising of government propaganda on all mask taking away my freedom of speech as well It's your body but your forced to breath in contaminated air threw a mask.first it was no shirt no shoos no service now it's the mask next step the dogs cone of shame I think

>> No.12074817

I will not wear a mask and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.12074828

I can refuse to let you enter my business.

>> No.12074836

I can kick your ass.

>> No.12074841

Have fun getting wrecked by security, then getting raped in jail.

>> No.12074845

I'll kick security's ass, too. You fucking bugman.

>> No.12074851

My dad is a small business owner in a concealed carry state and I work there part time. If you tried to assault either of us after being instructed to put on a mask or leave, you would be peppered with hollowpoints. God bless the second amendment keeping me safe from schizo freaks like you.

>> No.12074855

>Thinking you can stop me with guns

>> No.12074859

Stop acting like the antifa/BLM savages you hate. You have a primitive mind. You're a white nigger basically.