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12073416 No.12073416[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize that Greta Thunberg is right on climate change?

>> No.12073423

1990s because I'm not american.

>> No.12073424

Is she 18 yet? Or 17 at least, that's legal where I live.

>> No.12073425

I always knew that, since she's just saying what science says.

>> No.12073427

That image is when she was 15, pedo

>> No.12073428


>> No.12073431

There's no way she was still prepubescent at 15 retard. Not pedo.

>> No.12073605
File: 16 KB, 280x337, uncle_ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Climate change is a microcosm of the effects of industrial society and technology; even if it was resolved over night and we no longer had to worry about carbon emissions and its effects on the global ecosystem, there will still be dozens of other environmental issues equally as if not more threatening to lthe global ecosystem. Some examples would be plastics in the ocean, the use of perfluorooctanoic acid in commercial products, which also leads to futher pollution of the environment, the destruction of large areas of land through agriculture, most promonently the burning of rainforests, but all forms of agriculture is inherently harmful to the environment, and air pollution, which has lead to a global rise in Co2 levels from 300 ppm to 400 ppm, in urban areas as high as 500 ppm, basically the air we breathe is gradually becoming shittier, not to mention the logistical issues like how people in industrialized nations have fewer children while the opposite is true in developing countries, couple that with the boomers getting old and it's clear we have a big problem. More people get born into poverty, and newer generations, even in the west, have their opportunities taken away from them as they get brought up in a society where porportionally fewer people are able to work and proportionally more people require special attention.

In short, industrial society has fucked up humanity and the coming century will display how throughly unsustainable it truly is.

>> No.12073629

since i realized that the lizard people will hunt me down if i don't pretend.

>> No.12074209

Incredibly based and tedpilled. When will humanity realize Uncle Ted was 100% right on everything?

>> No.12074213

Around 208 or so? Maybe earlier? I was probably around the age of 10 back then.

>> No.12074216

You're correct, but aren't all of those issues encompassed in the umbrella term of "climate change" topics? Hopefully we'd approach these problems equally, not one-by-one or selectively.

>> No.12074222

Never, don't care.
fuck off nigger >>>/pol/

>> No.12074234

When did you realize the climate industry only makes unfalsifiable statements yet calls itself scientific

>> No.12074295

You forgot your schizophrenia pills.

>> No.12074299

Are you saying that the word "pedophilia" doesn't apply? I can't see how that's relevant. You're still mentally sick and you should either kill yourself or get serious help.

>> No.12074300


>> No.12074398
File: 32 KB, 600x602, 1445695675422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12074406


>> No.12074481

Co2 levels is not the main problem anyway.

>> No.12074653

Pedos sexualize prepubescent children. It is well-known that pedos will try to advance their cause by peddling the notion that being attracted to postpubescent young people makes you a pedophile. This increases their influence by classifying non-pedophiles as pedophiles.
tl;dr stfu kiddie diddler