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File: 69 KB, 1000x801, life-here-after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12072976 No.12072976[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

After we die?

>> No.12072979

we cease to exist

>> No.12072987

The energy from your body goes back into the nature

>> No.12073021

It's like sleeping but you don't wake up or don't dream.

>> No.12073027

What happens after a cat or a chicken dies?
The same things happens to humans.

>> No.12073030

>What happens after a cat or a chicken dies?
What happens?

>> No.12073055

we will find out

>> No.12073058

What happens when an earthworm or nematode dies?

>> No.12073063

Since we can safely say that Abrahamic religion is a bunch of nonsense you either reincarnate or return to your pre-birth state.

>> No.12073064

Jesus shows up and tells you that you masturbated too much, so now you'll be tortured forever by his man Satan.

>> No.12073093
File: 55 KB, 850x400, quote-death-does-not-concern-us-because-as-long-as-we-exist-death-is-not-here-and-when-it-epicurus-9-3-0354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder to become epicurean

>> No.12073100

it would be extremely painful

>> No.12073105

The Egg

>> No.12073128


>> No.12073131


>> No.12073407

>we'll think that its over
>end of story
>alone again
>think about all what we've done
>really ?
>thats it ?
>why we lived for a really short time ?
>1year ? 20 ? 50 ? 100 year ?
>thats not enough
>all this complex wolrd is random ?
>its my end ? this world will end too ?
>so all the things i did was meaningless ?
>all of what i've built will be gonne ?
>all the unjust that happened to me or that i've done to people is forgotten?
> i mean .. thats cool
>but i want to see my family again
>wait why am i still thinking
>im supposed to be dead
>fuck ! this will never end isnt it
>"nik mok, jahanama"

>> No.12073408
File: 23 KB, 640x400, smugwojakv2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a based chad

>> No.12073439

You cease to exist until your brain pattern comes into existance again, the same way it happened when you were born.

>> No.12073451


>> No.12073452

What happens to the sunlight when you close the window?

>> No.12073463

your life force shifts dimension

>> No.12073464

it passes through the window glass

>> No.12073604

Cats go to Feline Paradise, humans can visit them, Schroeder go to hell.
Chickens are just chickens so who cares.

>> No.12073608

Worms in ye hair.
Worms everywhere.

>> No.12074362

its not that they come into existence again, its ANY brain pattern really, what makes you really you is just the brain's high level abstract. It feels unique to you but it really isn't.

As soon as any brain reaches sentience at age around 3 you basically pop into existence, when you die, you're gone forever. Talking about this you always hit the very limitations of language as its hard to even discuss this with peoples whose sense of self is very strong.

>> No.12074403

You decompose.

>> No.12074459

Memories arent who we are. My point is that because I exist right now, this will happen again, given an infinite amount of time, considering that me coming into existance is a nonzero event.

>> No.12074480

>you're gone forever
statistically impossible

>> No.12074605

Cool image.

>> No.12074611
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Reminds me of.

>> No.12074616


>> No.12074979
File: 94 KB, 374x280, raw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Providing physicalism is accurate: Eternal Recurrence by means of Poincaré's Theorum/ Eternal Inflation. As you can never experience nothing, your mind will simply reawaken the next time the conditions are right, regardless of how much unfathomable time it takes for them to arise.

Providing Idealism is accurate: Potential for an Open Individual scenario, 'you' were just a singular instance of the underlying consciousness of the universe, and will either become the conscious observer for a new life, or be reunited with the world soul.

If God did create the universe, then annihilation is an option, provided that's how they want to do things, but then most things are now possible.

Otherwise like all other natural phenomena, we will rise in fall in cycles through time eternally.

>> No.12074985

Meh statement. Its like a 13 year old just got over his fear of death and spurted this cope shit

>> No.12074989


>> No.12074991

Source or explain

>> No.12075090

conservation of mass/energy, aka reincarnation

>> No.12075096


>> No.12075100

>After we die?
Life goes on without us.

>> No.12075103

Boltzmann brain

>> No.12075131

>muh souls
lmao go neck yourself

>> No.12075174

How does the energy convert from a dead corpse into a fetus you retard????

>> No.12075182

The theory doesnt say its statistically imoossible

>> No.12075186

Where does it say you need fetus for conservation of mass/energy? Are you a fucking retarded monkey?

>> No.12075196

Where does the energy of your dead body go then if you wanna argue reincarnation?

>> No.12075201

It has to go somewhere, since you said reincarnation, i assumed you believd it converted into a fetus to then be reborne aka reincarnated.

>> No.12075203

It goes wherever it has to, and goes with least resistance possible. Its not like each time a biological being dies, universe loses energy. Thats not how the universe works.

>> No.12075209

Yeah whatever i get that, but he argued for reincarnation through energy conservation>>12075090
How does that makes sense?

>> No.12075261

reincarnation = recycle in pure sense.

>> No.12075387

Based, is it really Tnaket 3lina ?

>> No.12075418

This because the torus. Same thing will happen, you die, lots of time passes until its all black holes, when they merge into one BOOM the big bang and everything repeats exactly the same.
See you in 7282^100000 years homeboi

>> No.12075582

You die and get reincarnated as someone else at some point in human history. This happens for millennia until you live the life of every human who has and will ever live. Then you become Q and go fuck with Picard.

>> No.12075607

Hopefully we get to hangout with God, and the people who left us along the years.

>> No.12075620
File: 69 KB, 600x450, 577672f24321f10d038b5709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

72 Virginians

>> No.12075623

>After we die?
You shit yourself. :-(

>> No.12075757

Isn't it kind of cool that we are all going to die? Like wow man. Like why care about religion or fate or worry about it. It is going to happen. You will know the truth.

>> No.12075915

I hope there's a moment where we understand what's happening. Even if it's just the plank second it takes for our cognition network to reemerge as a pattern in the universe after the infinitely large ageless interim.

>> No.12075935

what happened before you were conceived?

>> No.12075964

Whats worse
Eternal blackness and nothingness or nonstop reincarnation?

>> No.12075974

The latter. After the anguish I've experienced here the idea that I'll be steeped in my own despair again and again is a hell itself.

>> No.12075981
File: 509 KB, 440x330, DA976718-0EE0-4D2A-A3A5-C3DF6702F6B3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But just think of it, life recurring again and again with no stop. There would have to be something after that. And what comes after that? Would you not be tired of it eventually? Just the idea that it all just keeps happening eternally with no stop.

Even if you ascend to some higher plane of existence, wouldnt you tire of it eventually?

>> No.12075998

It really depends how completely your "memory" was wiped between iterations. I have to assume there is no tabula rasa in this case, some piece of whatever "source" harvests our memories is carried forward with us.