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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12072637 No.12072637 [Reply] [Original]

>succeed at life and become rich via my own business(restaurants)
>no college education, no Act degree
>all my friends with college have shitty jobs, some work at Walmart or McDonald's
What went so fucking right? Why didn’t my friends with college education succeed at life? When I was in school teachers always told us that people without college won't survive. Well, they were wrong.

>> No.12072692

wrong board faggot

>> No.12072697

But it's not. You guys say that if you are good at math you succeed at life, well my friends were the best at it and it didn't help them.

>> No.12072701

Nobody said that you cant survive.
Its just wrong perception of boomers that if you got a degree you would have a cushy job on par with being a clerk.
Thus securing your survival.
But if you want to get rich of course one has to be more vigilant and not just by knowledge.

>> No.12072715

>/sci/ holds a single opinion
Newfag please lurkmoar.

>> No.12072745

how is you business doing with the whole covid shitstorm?

>> No.12072751

>Be the best at math
>Work in mcdonalds
Professors would recognize somebody with extraordinary talents and set them up for life. Chances are they were average or below average and didn't make the cut.

>> No.12072764

Right now? We had a pause with our restaurants(I own half, the other half is owned by my childhood friend) but we are re-starting and it's getting better.

>> No.12072774

Anon, they had only A+'s in every exam and you tell me they were average?

>> No.12072779

your friends can be astronauts because they got papers to prove they are responsible and smart people while you will always be known as the retard that got lucky

>> No.12072781

I don't know anything about your anecdotal friends, I'm just saying that it's very unlikely to not make it in an intellectually challenging field if you outperform your peers. Talent generally gets recognized in academia.

>> No.12072783

No need to be rude, dickhead.

>> No.12072784

Well, they somehow failed.

>> No.12072785


>> No.12072786

you are a fucking retard though. Mrbeast and pewdiepie are rich as fuck but are they any smarter than you? Whats the difference between you and the garbage truck guy that just won the lottery? you both dont have the qualifications needed to hold the simplest STEM jobs.

>> No.12072791

And? Atleast I live my life in luxury. Do you? Also, I hate math but I love literature and history, does this mean I'm an idiot?

>> No.12072792


>> No.12072793


>> No.12072796

>got lucky
You fucking bitch, you have no idea how hard I had to work to get this business together and you think I got lucky? Fuck you, I bet you are just jealous.

>> No.12072799

what do you mean by rich? I always hear that restaurants is low margin, often failing business

>> No.12072801

>Also, I hate math but I love literature and history,
Yes. Do you hate people that majored in women's studies? Because those subjects are no different.

Mainly because normal smart people learn those as a side hobby, something to do when theyre bored and looking for a piece of trivia to entertain themselves with and not dedicate their whole life to the subjects like some 6 year old that just learn how to read.

>> No.12072802


>> No.12072805

>what do you mean by rich?
I can go in the Carribean each year in vacation, bought myself a house there. I also have 5 cars which I use such as BMW, Porsche, Ford Mustang and other
>I always hear that restaurants is low margin, often failing business
Entirely not true though it might depend on where you live. Our restaurants also host weddings and other events too.

>> No.12072807

well considering any child can operate a lemonade stand and teenagers are known to manage their own restaurants, in the end it takes a bit of luck and hard work to make money of a restaurant.
no intelligence needed though since literally anyone is qualified.

>> No.12072811

Ok, you are retarded. Done with you. You don't know what hard work is even if it hit you.

>> No.12072815

>Tim's Place was an American and New Mexican cuisine restaurant in the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico, which was founded in 2010. The restaurant, which was owned by Tim Harris, was the only restaurant in the United States owned by a person with Down syndrome.
see? anyone can do it.

>> No.12072817

Anyone with down's syndrome ever go to space? Because someone with down's syndrome was able to manage a successful restaurant for 5 years >>12072815, just like you.

>> No.12072820

That's 1 though. I have 15 spread across the country with more to come.

>> No.12072829

The thing is any retard can manage a restaurant but it takes a very high master race tier levels of intelligence to get into STEM related stuff.
Youre a retard that got lucky, deal with it.

>> No.12072837
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I'm like that too OP - own a few real estate businesses. Because I've had financial freedom for so long (since my early 20s) I've been able to pursue my interests. Lately I've been reading a lot of scientific journals and research papers but my scientist friends all look down on me because I haven't been "properly trained" ie. I don't have a degree/PhD.

>> No.12072853

Based, we are the kind of stories the educational system doesn't want to hear.

>> No.12072858

tf is the point of this thread you betamale

if you're supposedly successful why are you trying to brag about it on a mathematics board on a Hungarian salami sales website.

your childish reactions to people not reacting the way you expect show's your 2 digit iq.

clearly you are a loser, else you would not be engaging in your current behavior.

>> No.12072860

I'm just bored and I was curious on your opinions.

>> No.12072874

science and engineering is super hard to understand without training. your scientist friends are correct.

>> No.12072877

No, you are just jealous

>> No.12072887

>I also have 5 cars which I use such as BMW, Porsche, Ford Mustang and other
used BMW - $15k
Used porsche - $25k
Used mustang - $10k
Total - $50k

The experiment my employer told me to do to test out the strength of a new age kevlar some company just shat out costs $350 000

>> No.12072888

>read paper
>pretend to understand it and know a lot about science
yeah I know people like you IRL, annoying af

>> No.12072907

Because 80% of all people will choose safety over anything else and would prefer to work for someone instead of starting their own business

>> No.12072995


>> No.12073046

>all those assblasted poorfags hating on self made op
everyone can open one but not everyones restaurant is profitable you jelly poorfags

>> No.12073101

Same here, invested in properties.
Buy, fix, sell, buy, fix, sell, etc.....
I can`t believe how easy doing that for 12 years now. I have everything I need and more.
So good to be a rich bastard without any kind of degree or upper education.
Feels good man.

>> No.12073412

based and financial independence pilled

>> No.12073946


>> No.12073958

Absolute LOL at the amount of incel math fag cope ITT.

>> No.12074014

Ikr, OP is a faggot