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File: 39 KB, 225x300, The_Dress_(viral_phenomenon).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12070539 No.12070539 [Reply] [Original]

What color is it? Why is the color so different depending on the person?

>> No.12070542

Because some people are optically challenged.

>> No.12070553

Just go to youtube or google it, this has been answered so many times now.

Don't post such retarded crap here anymore please.

>> No.12070876

Blue and gold. I think.

>> No.12070941

Wow. A retard. In real life. The correct answer is its blue and black

>> No.12070996

Seems like white and gold are the unpopular colors, so it's either genetic superiority or retardation. I like those odds

>> No.12071018

I don't get crap like this. Just open GIMP or whatever and sample the color, get the exact RGB code of the color(s) in question. What exactly is supposed to be so mysterious?

>> No.12071020

I can easily see either or, but obviously the "real" color is blue and black. We know this because you can see the background is completely overexposed, meaning the image is brighter than it naturally would appear in real life. In an environment where the background was exposed properly, the dress would be much darker and lose detail, where it would definitely appear unambiguously blue and black. Basically the colors in the image itself are in a literal sense closer to gold and white, but most people subconsciously understand that relative to the overexposed background the colors are blue and black.

>> No.12071043

I remember seeing this for the first time. I looked at it and thought "gold/yellow/white, duh". I set my phone down cause when something so mundane winds up on my feed, that means the memes were dry, so I went outside and had a smoke break on a hot sunny Texas day. Came back in, clicked the phone on before my eyes adjusted to indoor lighting, and sure enough the dress was blue and black.

>> No.12071054

You guys can probably see both points of view by tilting your screens up and down

>> No.12071105

Show us unedited image.

>> No.12071109

it's just a matter of if you interpret the dress being in light or shade

>> No.12071230

It's a picture of a dress taken through a window, the blue sky outside coming through onto the dress. It's white and gold with the illusion of blue due to being in the shade

>> No.12071348
File: 18 KB, 550x550, Muller-Lyer-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just grab a ruler or whatever and measure the length of the lines. What exactly is supposed to be so mysterious?

>> No.12071710

Same. I first saw white and gold, but I have not been able to see it again.

>> No.12071734

It's black and blue. People see it, see the bright background, overthink it and doubt their eyes.

>> No.12071868

I see black and blue, I don't understand how people can see white and/or gold in it

>> No.12071877

I see it as periwinkle with black stripes on the bottom and with a gold-black color on the top.

>> No.12071881

True colors are comfirmed black and blue. I did see it white and gold though

>> No.12071883

I've seen this in several different environments over the years, including on a projector in a college class, and it's always looked white and gold to me. Supposedly the original dress was blue and black, though, and the picture was taken in nighttime.

>> No.12072279
File: 155 KB, 550x550, stupiddress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that’s what I ages ago - but still received a lot of hate because “it’s not the RGB colours that count it’s the colour of the dress in real life!!”

>> No.12072284

Blue and gold here, I've seen the other one before as well.

>> No.12072288

Why white

>> No.12072291
File: 18 KB, 558x614, 664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it was shown it was blue and black and obviously all the low IQ brainlets couldn't compensate for the environmental factors causing the illusion.

>> No.12072310

Can someone tell me how people see white in this? Not gray but white. I mean, there's a sample of white to the right, does white have two meanings now?

>> No.12072312

>tfw the picture is blue and gold and obviously all the low IQ brainlets couldn't interpret the picture without assuming imaginary environmental factors

>> No.12072321

It's "white in shade", looks a bit blueish to the mind because direct sunlight is yellower than diffuse daylight. I would say that it "looks" about the same colour as this site's background, but "in shade".

>> No.12072322

I've only ever seen white and gold and under no circumstances can I see blue or black. Not even on those videos that are supposed to help you see both

>> No.12072490

I'd have to see that in real life, in decent lighting. Not even going to hazard a guess from some thumbnail on the internet.

>> No.12072504

Blue and black. When I conquer the world the filthy white and gold subhumans will be eliminated.

>> No.12072586

Thats brown, dummy.

>> No.12072675

no matter how I look at this, I see white and gold

>> No.12073031

Normies see blue/black, autists (i.e., geniuses and retards) see white/gold.

>> No.12073070

the dress is black and blue. people found the dress and manufacturer. they never made a white/gold version.

>> No.12073339

That could simply be white with a bluish filter cast on it from ambient light. Our eyes are pretty good at picking up those sorts of filters. Light skintone in firelight, for example. I could show you the equivalent RGB value and you might correctly identify the skin tone sample as "gold" or "orange"

>> No.12073366

Some people see it as being in light while others in shadow (which is more logical because we clearly see the strong light source in front of us)

>> No.12073381

if you dont see it as blue and black you might have brain cancer

>> No.12073437
File: 390 KB, 887x1180, colore correction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you are wrong. I liked to use this color terms, even after my art teachers told me i am wrong. So i dont hate you for it.

But this clothing is gray, gray-blue.

The yellow in it completely disappears if you correct for the wrong color correction.

See how the background gets the realism of a summer day after the color correction

>> No.12073835
File: 330 KB, 600x600, UMMMM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was just a stupid meme from some years back but what the fuck

>There is currently no consensus on why the dress elicits such discordant colour perceptions among viewers,[31] though these have been confirmed and characterized in controlled experiments (described below). No synthetic stimuli have been constructed that are able to replicate the effect as clearly as the original image.

What are the chances a stupid spontaneous image ends up better than any colour illusion we can artificially create

>> No.12073870

At this point it seems 100%

>> No.12073878

The actual physical dress was black and blue. The lighting was so off in the picture it comes out blue/white and gold. Some people's brains can compensate for the bad lighting in the picture, most can't.

BTW, our visual cortex compensates for lighting, movement, etc all the time and we don't notice. This is the source of most optical illusions. And it puts the lie to "I saw it with my own eyes therefore it's real."

>> No.12073883

When I first saw this years ago it was white and gold, after seeing it as blue and black I have never seen it as white and gold again.

>> No.12073921

they're right. you're a brainlet.

>> No.12073971
File: 516 KB, 887x1180, colore correction tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No that's you and non artists. After my color correction the background has exactly the color of trees during summer with much haze.

After my super precise colore correction, it shows, that this are trees variation not anymore in saturation or color during an summer day. But only in brightness.

Do you understand now. Thats the correct color.

>> No.12074221

Not a fair comparison.
People are not divided in their response to that image. One line appears superficially larger than the other although, with very little scrutiny, you can see that it clearly is not.
With the dress, some people refuse to believe that the dress is actually black and white in spite of all the evidence and explanation to the contrary. And others see the dress clearly for what is actually is: black and blue.
I had a long argument with my flatmate over this when it trended: he insisted it was white and gold and asked me what colour it was; I was genuinely dumbfounded that he couldn't see it was black and blue. And he was shocked that I didn't realise it was clearly gold and white... couldn't I see the gold? I told him emphatically that the gold is diffused light from the surroundings and refracted light from the material; that this, in combination with the poor image quality and his lacking perceptiveness, gave him a false impression. This went on for like 10-15 minutes. He started to lose confidence and get defensive. I eventually tried to find out its true colours, which were, of course, black and blue. He got even more defensive and reached for any number of justifications. After a 2 min google search, he insisted that it was all to do with photoreceptors (some midwit journos and "scientists" pushed this). He explained that it's genetic and some people just see colours differently. I reasoned that it was more likely psychological and hoped that if I could just get him to see how the light played on the dress, he would see its true colours. Ultimately he couldn't, but he left that argument somehow feeling vindicated.
I'm still butthurt about it to this day.
In any case, it is nothing like the Muller Lyer illusion.

>> No.12074223

Blue and black

>> No.12074228

>black and white in spite of all the evidence
black and blue*, obviously

>> No.12074336

Holy fuck

>> No.12074367


I see the black part as black now, but the blue part still looks like some weird white plastic material to me.

>> No.12074377
File: 343 KB, 500x351, source.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12074381


>> No.12074388

This weirds me out a bit. But maybe it’s just down to that there hasn’t been made a serious enough effort to recreate the effect?

>> No.12074391

Ok, I figured it out. When I start rubbing one out, I can see the dress as black and blue. Basically, you need to be a coomer.

>> No.12074434

Looks like trickery to me. Why does the whole blob change colour in a phased and controlled way, even though it's moving through grids withs distinct saturation changes across lines?

>> No.12074454

just copy it into paint and check for yourself.

>> No.12074548

I looked up it and saw a bunch of sites saying it was confirmed to be blue and black but none of them had another picture of it.

>> No.12074565

There were pictures on the website of the retailer selling them that showed (and stated) that the dress was black and blue. Probably aren't selling it any more, but I saw them first-hand.

>> No.12074608

Surely someone saved it.

>> No.12074689

In this image I can still only see white and gold.

>> No.12074699

I used to see it as white gold and thought i could understand ppl who say it is blue n black, cos sure that white is somewht bluesish.
But then I saw it somewhere as truly black and blue. It blew my mind and I still suspect there were 2 different pictures circulating around, and ppl in the know were laughing their asses of at my expense.
Now I see it as white and gold again.

>> No.12074820
File: 576 B, 32x32, Steven_III_OD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire wall of text missing the point

>> No.12075254

i've seen blue and black for the last 5 years and never see it as white and gold
t. my iq is 148

>> No.12075293
File: 241 KB, 986x1280, e38eabc24a0d4f7ec9c2a8e75519ea16f5f2b70b4bd6cff6ffd6bc467802807d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another version

>> No.12075307

Am I the only one who thinks it looks blue and brown/gold?

>> No.12075329

its white and gold but in the shadow given how bright the light source behind it is. its obvious. the majority of people who see black and blue any of that other shit people responded were black

there is a sort of detrimental image that is just lines with colors. 2 sets of lines 1 verticle 1 horizontal 2 colors which are opposites are used 1 in between each set of vertacle or horizontal lines.s taring at the middle between them causes color change perception of the 2 colors. black people sometimes are so aware they arent around black people they feel upset and a black power group set up color inversion therapy to make people feel like they were surrounded by black people in very white states. this was such a bad idea and some people didnt understand what was done despite it being explained that they walked into kkk rallies and called other people nigger when called a nigger because when they looked in a mirror they saw a white coloration person and the whites looked black but the hair never changed and it was clearly color inversion since everything else is fucked like stop lights and grass

>> No.12075343

It works. Went outside with phone, look at pic in op and use your phone as a shield between you and the sun. Looks a lot more blue and black.
It helps to keep the sun at the edge of your phone. This will oversaturate the light to your eyes and mimic the conditions of the photo.

It's neat, but anyone who says the dress is blue and black based only on the photo is taking into account the oversaturated lighting from the original photo.

>> No.12075394
File: 106 KB, 1000x1000, learn from following.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you guys are all new here.
It's an old troll. Literally everyone can see what colour it is but people kept joking saying they saw it as white and gold, blue and gold, anything but what it is. Morons took the bait and keep taking it to this day.
It's on the level of
>trolling is a art
in terms of catching 105IQ brainlets.

>> No.12075401

>anyone who says the dress is blue and black based only on the photo is taking into account the oversaturated lighting
Meaning... Their eyes and brain function properly?
You just made a convincing argument that the only way to perceive this as anything other than black/blue is to have a physical problem, either neurological in the brain processing vision or physically in the retina of the eye.

>> No.12075423

it is genetic though, it has to do with the way your eyes process the light
anyone who sees white and gold can cover their entire eyes with their hands and if they let just a tiny tiny spot open enough to only see the pic it will turn back to blue/black
people who see blue black by default have worse night vision fyi

>> No.12075455

>Meaning....ad hominem attacks
It means there are 2 cases.
Case 1: The dress in the photo appears gold and white, based on the colors of the photo.
Case 2: The dress in the photo appears gold and white, but this wasn't a good photo because of all the extra sunlight. We can't trust the presentation of the colors in the photo. So with that in mind, the dress is gold and white in the photo, but black and blue in real life.

The answer depends on the question of "what's the color of the dress in the photo?" vs "what's the color of the dress in the photo in real life?"

>> No.12075476

It isn't an ad hominem when it's literally true. If someone has a learning disability and you call them mentally retarded, it's factual.
Similarly, if you're processing colours such that you perceive them wrong, something is going wrong either in your brain or your eye, those are the only two options. And considering the eye develops as an outgrowth of the brain, it wouldn't be entirely wrong to suggest that either way it's a brain problem (it wouldn't be entirely right either).
Also, it's only an ad hominem if you dismiss their argument with the insult. You're a fucking retard, but that's just a standalone insult, I'm still addressing your argument, so I'm not taking the argument "to the man", I'm attacking the argument while also calling you retarded. Very important distinction.
The dress is literally black and blue, the manufacturer even capitalized on this meme by releasing a special edition white and gold version because of it. Considering it is actually black and blue it is perfectly reasonable to conclude that people who see it incorrectly have some sort of processing error taking place in their eyes, given that is literally what an optical illusion is: A processing error in the brain.
You're retarded and insecure about your shitty eyes. QED.

>> No.12075498
File: 474 KB, 810x1080, the dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who see blue black by default have worse night vision fyi
This is just straightup wrong. I've never met someone in my life with better night vision than me, I walk the woods at night by moonlight all the time and I can only see the dress correctly. That is to say, I perceive it the way the actual dress looks.
As I said: You would have to be literally retarded to see it as anything other than what it is, it's just an awareness of how lighting works and doing color correction in your brain.
Good seed for thought on the note of night vision though. I'd love to hear "white and yellow makes sense I'm totally not retarded" people chime in with their ability to discern color in darkness. It's a full moon tonight, go out with a deck of Uno cards and see how you do, come back and report with your results.

>> No.12075509

>anyone who sees white and gold can cover their entire eyes with their hands and if they let just a tiny tiny spot open enough to only see the pic it will turn back to blue/black

This is not true. I just tried it and the tiny section I saw was still white/gold

>> No.12075516

when this was a meme it blew my mind that no one took into account of the lighting and camera quality.
Then this >>12075498 happened and the designer tweeted their own creation to set the record straight. but the meme became truth at that point and no one saw the real dress.

my brain still hurts all these yrs later.

>> No.12075569

I literally can only see it is white and gold no matter how it's manipulated.

>> No.12075577

My night vision's great too, I walk around in the woods at a half moon or less, and I can still only see white and gold in the second pic.

>> No.12075624

You'd have to be a genuine, dribbling retard to see anything but blue and black. Seriously.

>> No.12075628

Why does it feel like all the ad hom is on one side of this thing?

>> No.12075650

I can only see this as white and gold because I cannot unsee the dress being in the shade

>> No.12075680

normies are insecure

>> No.12075686

>anyone who sees white and gold can cover their entire eyes with their hands and if they let just a tiny tiny spot open enough to only see the pic it will turn back to blue/black
It sort of works, need to mess around a bit more
>it is genetic though, it has to do with the way your eyes process the light
Not sure how genetic it is. Some of my family sees it differently.

>> No.12075801

>It isn't an ad hominem when it's literally true
>Wall of text
I'll read the rest of it when it makes sense. Does it make sense? Saged it

>> No.12076006

After reading the entire thread and seeing always OP's image in white/gold while trying to change my perception to see it otherwise,examining this image made me see OP's original pic as black/blue, despite seeing it completely different moments before. Im geniunely impressed

>> No.12076555

Not the same dress.

>> No.12076581

I managed to see a tiny corner of the dress as black and blue years ago when I covered the rest of the image
I still see it as undeniably white-and-gold though

>> No.12076617

This is bait. The dress on the left is white and gold, while the one on the right is obviously black and blue. Are you all trolls or just merely retarded?

>> No.12076649

You're not serious, are you?!
Can't you really see that they are the same dress?!

>> No.12076685
File: 81 KB, 938x974, 1536462177269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dress is blue and black (because the dress is blue and black in actuality)
>...unless you're an NPC
>because NPCs see it as gold and white

Simple NPC test is simple as

>> No.12076822

They are clearly not the same dress, regardless of color, one has sleeves and the other doesn't.

>> No.12076964

I saw it as White + Gold in catalog and when I opened the thread. Then after I read some posts it and looked back it was black and blue. At one point it was white and gold in catalog and blue in the actual thread, but now I can't unsee black and blue

>> No.12076968

No it's white and gold, baka!

>> No.12076974

2 different dresses.

>> No.12077006

It is a quantum superposition of white + gold / blue + black