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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1206918 No.1206918 [Reply] [Original]

Atheists seriously

do you think when you die. your soul isnt going anywhere. u think this place is it. i mean what is the point of life if there is no god.

also. of you that say god isnt real. where did the earth come from? you really think somthing just blew up and made everything you see today? look out the window. and tell me. do u think a big explosion made that? (exclude iraq and afganistan)

I really want legit ansers, not trolling

>> No.1206926

Doesn't exist.
>does it matter?
No it doesn't matter. Have fun.

>> No.1206925

>Implying a soul exists.

>> No.1206930

Conservation of energy, you idiot.

>> No.1206934


>> No.1206936
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>not trolling
Troll detected

>> No.1206939

/b/ is that <---way

>> No.1206940

Soul is energy, it doesn't simply fade away when you die.

>> No.1206942

What part of conservation of energy requires a soul?

>> No.1206946


>> No.1206956

No, but the electrochemical energy in my brain, that which you might call a soul, will dissipate in my brainmatter and then that will be consumed by bacteria and vermin.

>> No.1206962

What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.1206964

No it all energies

>> No.1206967

>i mean what is the point of life if there is no god.

Most atheists are hedonists.

>> No.1206970
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>> No.1206969

Is that a problem?

>> No.1206965

He's talking about thermodynamics.

>> No.1206974

saged and reported.

>> No.1206987

The beauty of atheism - I don't believe I'm going to hell because I don't believe it exists. Subject to change should I inadvertently find myself in Germany.

>> No.1207007



>> No.1207014

Why? Because we don't waste time thinking about the 'afterlife'? We work just as hard as anyone.

>> No.1207037

The point of life is enjoy life and perhaps even assist others in enjoying life, if you feel morally oblidged to do so.

>> No.1207038

>Implying atheists are moral

>> No.1207042


>> No.1207049

>what is the point of life
Religion's greatest folly is believing there's a universal "purpose to life", beyond what each person makes for themselves.

>> No.1207046
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>implying theists are moral

>> No.1207052

Religionfa seriously

do you think when you post this crap here. your discussion isnt going anywhere. u think this place is it. i mean what is the point of this board if there is no science related subject.

also. of you that say god is/isnt real. where did this bullshit come from? you really think this stupidities matter to explain everything you see today? look out the thread. and tell me. do u think anybody cares? (exclude /b/ and /rk9/)

I really want legit threads, not trolling

>> No.1207070

Don't ask a retarded question and then say you want serious answers. Looking out the window and saying, "Yup, there has to be a God," is probably the stupidest argument out there. Yes, I believe that a "big explosion" caused all this, because there is scientific evidence which points towards the Big Bang. That outweighs your personal judgement of your surroundings that you seem to think proves intelligent design.

And to answer your first question, there is no point to life. The only reason we are alive is to stay alive and ensure the continuity of our species. The sooner you come to accept that, the better.

>> No.1207079

>i mean what is the point of life if there is no god.


>> No.1207082
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>> No.1207098

Oh look, it's this faggot with this thread again. Same thing I had to say last time:

Religion is responsible for more death and suffering throughout the history of Mankind than war, disease, famine, or anything else you care to name. I couldn't care LESS about your God of Pain and Suffering, of Blood and Vengeance. You and your false god can go fuck yourselves.

>> No.1207100

So that's what rape sounds like. A kind of rapey noise.

>> No.1207102


>The truth is a lie.

Sure thing buddy.

>> No.1207105


stop replying faggots

>> No.1207107


Religious individuals need there to be an arch sky wizard in order to have a reason not to kill each other.

Atheists accept that it damages society and the species as a whole if we kill each other and that is what "morality" is all about, keeping humanity as healthy and efficient as possible.

>> No.1207109

>Implying killing people is a bad thing

>> No.1207121
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Yup, there is no divine ''meaning'' wirth life. In the future scientists will be able to prove how the big bang happened and disprove all religion.

>> No.1207130

Shove your stupid fucking god up your ass. Enjoy living in a fantasy world, faggot.

Even TODAY, people are being KILLED because of gods and religion. What the fuck do we NEED this shit for? If people would give up their irrational ways of life we could solve almost any problem, but *NO*, we, AS A RACE, have to continue to perpetuate these infantile fantasies of invisible omnipotent beings that are supposed to make everything OK. It's nonsense, and I have no need of it, and you're a fag and a stupid little child if you continue to.

>> No.1207147

question for you:

why is god good?

>> No.1207154

Because he created everything?

>> No.1207155

In the name of the prophet muhammad, you must see the truth

>> No.1207160


So, if I shit out a runny one on to a plate and leave it in the hot days and warm nights of summer for a week, will I be good because of the maggots crawling around in my feces?

>> No.1207174

Yes, you will.

>> No.1207177

Killing people is not a bad thing, moron.

>> No.1207208

>do you think when you die. your soul isnt going anywhere.
Souls don't exist.

>u think this place is it. i mean what is the point of life if there is no god.

There's no "official" point of life, you make your point of life. Mine is to have a good time.

>also. of you that say god isnt real. where did the earth come from? you really think somthing just blew up and made everything you see today? look out the window. and tell me. do u think a big explosion made that? (exclude iraq and afganistan)

Atheism =/= Abiogenesis

>not trolling

>> No.1207211

Picture is wrong. The ark only had 1 window and 1 door. That one has 19 extra.

>> No.1207220

why is that good?

>> No.1207230


He created suffering? What a dick.

>> No.1207235
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Same thread on /b/