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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 26 KB, 672x456, images (56) (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12059327 No.12059327 [Reply] [Original]

You guys getting your brainchip?

>> No.12059339

I don’t know. I can’t make up my mind about destroying the machine or becoming one with it. These are the only two choices

>> No.12059402

>Get permanent brainchip, it's only gen 1.
>Gen 2 comes out next year.

>> No.12059431


>> No.12059910

Also you’d have to be retarded to get the very first iteration of something so prone to catastrophic failure, at least wait a few years, if not a decade or two for this concept to settle down and establish before even thinking of investing in this shit.

>> No.12059952

So are we getting computer immortality in our lifetimes guys?

>> No.12059982

>permanent brainchip
Literally just demoed a pig that had the chip implanted and later removed.

>> No.12060268
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>> No.12060431
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In 20 or 30 years maybe, when the tech is there. While we're at it, take my legs and take my arms as well. Take my heart and take my lungs. Take my eyes too! Take my everything. Garbage hardware. Can't wait to strip all that meat off.

>> No.12060472
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>> No.12060509
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Of course

>> No.12060660
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Why? I don't have a motive

>> No.12060691
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Tin foil hats to keep the illuminati from hacking your neuralink.

>> No.12060718
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is the source code and hardware open for me to determine its functionality?

>> No.12060732

Fucking kek

>> No.12060738
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>> No.12060850

They're not Apple

>> No.12060870
File: 17 KB, 352x550, Peterb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You destroy the machine by accelerating it into the singularity, this isn't a matter of our individual worth. We're all already dead, the outcome is inevitable but we can assure that the singularity is reached before the elite can take control of it.

>> No.12060876


But I intend to wait and see about it. And I don't want it if it has a racism filter.

>> No.12060878

I posted this something like 25 minutes before the stream aired. Sorry for not being able to time travel. Also, they showed us no proof that the pig wasn't brain damaged, they just said it wasn't.

>> No.12060883

What's the blue one with white rings?

>> No.12060896
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What did they mean by this?

>> No.12060902

Not from Neuralink.

>> No.12061283

No its not. AI inevitability is the hubris of our time.
People think the technological revolution will continue.
It will not.
Moore's law has already stopped.
We dont have flying cars today either and we wont have AI in the future.

>> No.12061286

Faraday cage

>> No.12061322

Theres a car in deep space. Flying
Cars was aiming too low.

>> No.12061357

why would it have detectable brain damage? They stick very thin wires in a short way,it mostly just pushes the cells aside at that size. Brain cells die and regrow constantly in your brain, this is nothing. Concerns about keeping the seal resitant to bacteria long term, durability, scar tissue are legit, but brain damage? Not remotely important in this context.

>> No.12061738

star of david with rings looks like it.

>> No.12061756

Shove your nihilism up your ass.

1. Moore's law never stopped, it has been spectulated for more than 5 years now that it was coming to a halt, but it's still going.
2. Japan is making flying cars.
3. GPT-4 will be smarter than you, 90IQlet.

Eat shit and kill yourself.

>> No.12061766

First i want my hand-chip from Bill Gates
The i saw C-Beams n shit promises dont work
I want to see people upload phD knowledge into their brains.

>> No.12062237


>> No.12062328

Not until they are open hardware & FLOSS. Otherwise how do I know what it does?

Who wants to start the OpenBrainchip project? Maybe we could lure some Neuralink employees.

>> No.12062334

tl;dr anyone? What was shown on the stream?

>> No.12062335

It's interesting that the pig with the chip behaves differently from the other two. As if they are in fact different.

It's not possible to say with a sample size of 3 but it didn't look good in the demo.

>> No.12062336

all companies want to be apple eventually

>> No.12062346

>1. Moore's law never stopped, it has been spectulated for more than 5 years now that it was coming to a halt, but it's still going.
No it isn't.
>2. Japan is making flying cars.
Flying cars already exist, they're called helicopters
>3. GPT-4 will be smarter than you, 90IQlet.
Literal cope and nonsense. Are you the type of retard that thinks GPT3 is actually intelligent?

>> No.12062354

You're more retarded than the pig is.

>> No.12062358

>Literal cope and nonsense. Are you the type of retard that thinks GPT3 is actually intelligent?
Not him, but AI will only get better. Whether it will ever become equal to human level of intelligence is debatable.

>> No.12062362

When AI surpasses human intelligence, it's going to be a giant redwood tree with a huge brain growing inside of it running on photosynthesis, connected to millions of other trees in a giant jungle network that spans the entire planet.
Like the movie avatar.

>> No.12062371
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>> No.12062375

That may not be necessarily true. If the transistor density increases, you essentially get more juice out of it. Also specialized processors like TPU are actually more efficient than GPUs for nearly half the size. In the future, maybe if AI surpasses human intelligence, we may be able to fit that AI into a single large data center. Who knows how the future looks.

>> No.12062389

A single mammalian neuron processes 3.4*10^11 to 4.9 * 10^11 bits of information per second

>While a typical neuronal action potential is commonly treated as carrying no more than a single bit of Shannon entropy, simple thermodynamic arguments suggest that this interpretation may be too oversimplified to be fully consistent with the physical laws of computation. Combining realistic values for neuronal temperature and ATP consumption with the inequality for Landauer's principle shows that a single action potential in a typical mammalian cortical pyramidal cell carries up to approximately 3.4 * 10^11 bits of thermodynamic information, or approximately 4.9 * 10^11 bits of Shannon entropy. Clearly, this result challenges the notion that a typical mammalian spiking neuron can be conceptualized as a binary computing element that registers only the information stored in the distinction between whether or not it is firing an action potential at some instant in time.
>Yet, while this result contradicts the common neuroscientific assumption each spiking neuron processes information only in the form of abstractly labeled binary states, it arguably finds strong support in the emerging physics of information. If the bit of information in the form of an irreducible distinction is the most fundamental entity in physics (Glattfelder, 2019), it is only natural to hypothesize that neurons process vast quantities of information. The myriad positions, momenta, charges, and other properties of the many interacting constituents of each neuron together hold a large number of bits of potential physical information.

It does this while being about ~30 microns, and running on essentially no energy at all.
GPUs, TPUs, any computer chip that exists, does not even come remotely close to this whatsoever and we are not anywhere near being able to construct things that hit this level of efficiency anytime soon.

>> No.12062407

>GPUs, TPUs, any computer chip that exists, does not even come remotely close to this whatsoever and we are not anywhere near being able to construct things that hit this level of efficiency anytime soon.
You are correct. Also the brain runs on a light bulb, while AI needs data centers that run on thousands of watts.
But maybe in the future we may achieve this efficiency. Again, no one can predict anything now with certainty including AI researchers who claim 'we may be able to surpass human intelligence soon'.

>> No.12062413


>> No.12062414

I agree with you

>> No.12062420

I don't think this stuff will be commercially available for at least a few decades. At the moment they're not even running phase I trials for clinical use.

Aside from this, I'm personally a neuroscientist and was distinctly underwhelmed by their latest presentation. They solved a number of important engineering problems, but overall it's a marginally incremental improvement in terms of recording design, not something that is capable of doing something that we weren't able to do already 30 years ago (i.e. the neural decoding scientific literature dates back to the 90s, and is much more advanced by now).

People see a neural recording of this kind and are wowed by it, which is understandable if you've never seen one before, but live recordings have been around for literally over 80 years. So that's not quite as novel as it was made to seem.

>> No.12062428

This guy is a fucking dick head. Thinks he is Iron Man or some shit.

Someone needs to tell him we aren't in a fucking Hollywood film.

What a dick head he is.

>> No.12062429

When are we going to be able to put a chip in our body that contains all the information of the library of congress as well as increases our working memory from ~7 to ~1,000 (or more)?

>> No.12062436

"awhh yeah i wanna connect to a phone and computer with a chip in my brain!!"

How fucking awful.

>> No.12062439

I don't have a definite answer for you and I'd be skeptical of anyone who claims to have one. It's like you're asking when we'll be able to travel close to light speed.

There are many fundamental questions in neuroscience that would need to be answered before anything of this nature could conceivably happen. A very rough ballpark estimate is something in the order of a century, but again, this isn't a definite answer.

>> No.12062444

>connect your brain to the Internet without a VPN
>get hacked
Hackers will be gods in the future

>> No.12062446

Scientists are the only fuckers who deserve to be trialed on for their own little wet freaky dreams.

Fucking nerds. If you knew you was going to give birth to a nerd, you might as well abort because the little cunt will hate his body and want to be a literal fucking walking computer. Freaks.

>> No.12062448

It wouldn't be quite so bad if the software doing the actual decoding and encoding of signals were being done on the device hardware instead of on your phone. But that doesn't seem to be what they're doing, nor do they seem to want that as a goal.
They want a Neuralink app store and they want it as quickly as possible.

>> No.12062457

It will be just like during the rise of the internet. Oh boy I can hardly wait

>> No.12062459

What are you talking about?
You already are a "walking computer" in some way kinda. Directly increasing human intelligence is the final goal for physical science.

>> No.12062460

If I didn't have my aggression inhibitor chip, I'd use my bionic arm to throttle you.

>> No.12062461

I can't breathe...

>> No.12062468

I can't think*

>> No.12062472


>no timeline presented
>no actual data made public
>no answers on the design of the thing itself
>no solution to the glia problem
>no depth insertion capabilities
>no way to assess electrode drift
It's a big joke.

>> No.12062476

three pigs and the music video with the blue alien

>> No.12062478

I always wonder how people like you can think that progress has stopped when new inventions, improvements and discoveries are constantly being made

>> No.12062484
File: 1.10 MB, 320x180, 11F0B8DB-B22E-4943-A756-380A9AE47A1C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just walking home through a cloudy night br-
nah thanks

>> No.12062486

I'll just get someone to hack you, to throttle yourself.

https://aeon.co/essays/your-brain-does-not-process-information-and-it-is-not-a-computer No. A wet dream is what this board is looking at.
Science is gay. Fuck it.

Christ. Sounds like hell packaged as fantasy sci-fi, cool shit. Something Elon Musk is famous for; A con artist who sells futuristic impressions whilst pocketing money and then sporting a gay slimy grin.

>> No.12062494

>Ukranian script kiddie runs a rootkit on your brain

>> No.12062496

>Science is gay.
What are you doing on this board you fucking retard?

I agree that musk is selling a pipe dream but the scientists involved aren't, and Musk isn't a scientist.

>> No.12062497

>https://aeon.co/essays/your-brain-does-not-process-information-and-it-is-not-a-computer No. A wet dream is what this board is looking at.
>Science is gay. Fuck it.
Did you not understand his post? He put walking computer in quotation marks to imply that you are definitely not a walking computer, but your basic cranial functions are similar to a computer on some level.

>> No.12062503

>its another a brain is like a computer when its actually that computers are like brains episode

>> No.12062510

I don't wish to argue on that, but to some extent a brain is similar to a computer. But it's definitely not the same.

>> No.12062511

>Your brain does not process information, retrieve knowledge or store memories. In short: your brain is not a computer
Lmao, the fact that we allowed brainlets to publicly express their nonsense truly was a mistake

>> No.12062515

I will enjoy posting APOLOGIZE threads on /sci/ and laughing at all the retards who thought building AI was impossible in a few decades

>> No.12062517

No but the convenience store is open nearby for you to get a stick of deodorant

>> No.12062524

When we figure out general artificial intelligence and make anime girls real, will they be angry that tens of millions of young men (and women desu) masturbate to upskirt shots of their panties or will they be flattered?

>> No.12062527



>> No.12062528

homie 4chan wont exist in the next decade

>> No.12062530
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>> No.12062531

y not?

>> No.12062533
File: 30 KB, 739x415, IMG_0296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wank to 2D when you can easily wank to 3D, real women?

>> No.12062536

I don't believe in masturbating to real porn because I think the porn industry is exploitative and I don't want to support it.
I will masturbate to pictures that my gf sends me and such, but otherwise I jerk it to hentai.

>> No.12062538

Was I the only one thoroughly unimpressed by neural link? I've seen the better application of measuring brain activity using noninvasive diodes. There is absolutely no reason to have fucking chip implanted to achieve whatever Elon is trying to achieve here. I know what I'm talking about because I'm a an ee PhD student and have read many studies on measuring brain activity that doesn't require a fucking implant.

>> No.12062539

I didn't mean porn. You can jerk off to celebs or sexy artists.

>> No.12062551

Many guys have nowadays started to jerk off to kpop girls.
Here's one for you

>> No.12062552

many guys started jerking off to everything
what is your point

>> No.12062555

There's a lot of stuff either than porn to which you can jerk off.

>> No.12062559

>Was I the only one thoroughly unimpressed by neural link?
You're not the only one. See for example:

>> No.12062561

Koreans are repulsive and the dances they do in kpop even more so.

>> No.12062565

kpop was just an example. Maybe you can wank to zoomer ig models.

>> No.12062569

Maybe they're just being wary of someone figuring out their tech?

>> No.12062571

>I've seen the better application of measuring brain activity using noninvasive diodes
Newfag to neuroscience here, I would be interested in also having a look at this. Please post a link.

>> No.12062576

i presume there will be a massive race in the hackers community to be the first to get in there and leave a proof.

>> No.12062580

What am I doing on this board? Well there are some good science threads that isn't fucking gay.

Science is gay yeah, doesn't stop me from finding the odd thread that tickles my own interests.

Do you struggle to fathom those behaviors? Are you retarded?

Yes I did, he also said ' in some way kinda', my response is utterly no we are not. Did you understand my post?

Yes similar. Like how a toy car looks similar to a real one.

I'll be honest I never really read it. Fuck it. But I do know there are people on this board who begin to think of our brains as being like a computer. Think what you want. But a big part of our chemical brain is also extremely capable of analog functions.

>> No.12062583

I bet Elon is planning to do this so midwits never have political influence again. Only the smart and exceptionally dumb can keep their personalities.

>> No.12062592


>> No.12062594

>science is gay
>except the science that I, a teenage NEET faggot, personally approve of

>> No.12062600

3D women are ugly, ugly in physical beauty and ugly in personality.

Why the fuck would anyone masturbate to them?

>> No.12062605

>3D women are ugly, ugly in physical beauty and ugly in personality.
All 3D women cannot be. Most maybe. But not all.

>> No.12062606

based GOD

>> No.12062609

That's an old video. Is there anything more modern/impressive? Neuralink seems way more capable.

>> No.12062619

The work being done is more on the algo side. In terms of non invasive hardware, its pretty much that. But the data that is collected can do more now.

>> No.12062631

I mean Neuralink also gets to take advantage of the advances in the math right? The amount of data available from Neuralink's approach and the ability to read as well as write seems like it'd be pretty advantageous.

>> No.12062664

There are no perfect 3D woman, therefore 3D women, ALL OF IT, are shit.

>> No.12062666
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>> No.12062673

>We dont have flying cars today
Didn't a flying car literally just show it can work with passengers in Japan today?

>> No.12062697

intelligence is like those mathroska dolls. To have complete control over your brain you need a computer that is more powerfull then the brain at a fraction of the size.

its a computeability problem really, cant simulate a ps4 with a super nintendo

>> No.12062708
File: 360 KB, 720x867, 1596915369974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit is that that fucking story about the banished people in full leather bodysuits gear falling in love with their brain computer? I thought I was the only one who ever read that

>> No.12062711

You'd have to be a real brainlet to be an early adopter of this stuff if they don't release how it works exactly, and if it doesn't provide tangible benefits.
But then, it wouldn't matter that you get a chip implanted, because it can't turn you into a brainlet since you're already one.

>> No.12062717

Fucking brainlets on this board. With Neuralink, you can just hit a button and rewire your brain to find potted plants to be the most erotic thing possible. You can literally open up a new fap dimension. Then next week, do it for doorknobs, week after that, USB charge cables. Imagine being such a anime consooming moron that you actually think some tiny step in anime tech will be the game changer.

>> No.12062720

You don't need to know everything about computer to make use of the computer. You can extract 90% of the daily value from computer only knowing how to use mouse/keyboard and open browser.

>> No.12062727

Yea, that's basically what Elon Musk do, overhype shit so that every redditor here creams his pants.

>> No.12062735

How much did Elon pay you?

>> No.12062738

You mean how much did I pay Elon for this: 60 dollarillos and my brain

>> No.12062742

What did he give in return? A night with Grimes?

>> No.12062747

He's just using this to create a real world death note... The man is a fucking savage.. He will become god of the new world... So no. However, it will be fun to see how quick science advances after.. This will be interesting.

>> No.12062760

>potted plants
The undeniable evolutionary advantage of being able to fap to potted plants.

>> No.12062764

You’re a pontificating midwit. More transistors and faster computation is not the same as consciousness.

>> No.12062772

I like the way you think, anon

>> No.12062773

>evolutionary advantage
Elucidate please.

>> No.12062775

The analogy of describing humans as computers is itself a product of the human mind. That’s like saying humans are merely locomotive machines.

>> No.12062780

Who said consciousness? My statement never implied consciousness. Currently, one of the big challenges of modern AI is it's ability to be intelligent in a general manner. Great AI is only good at highly specialized tasks. Ex an image recognizer doesn't know how to play chess and vice versa.

>> No.12062783

It's simple: Elon Musk (science bless him) is the enabler of the next step in evolution.
He's doing nature's work with his master plans.

>> No.12062801

If the tech actually becomes feasible in what it's trying to do, then at some point down the line, yes.

>> No.12062826

Neurolink can't do any of those things you moron.

>> No.12062849

99% of the difficulty is the software

>> No.12062852

Oh yeah? Watch this fagget
>fap to potted plant

>> No.12062888

>I subscribe to all science because science is the objective truth of the reality I see. I see no further past that which science has learnt.

Ok gay boy, go and find another professor to bum fuck.

>> No.12062891
File: 114 KB, 580x376, EudeamonBanesuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latex bodysuit, otherwise you are right. And there was a discussion about this (where the picture was used) in /g/ or /sci/ a few weeks ago. Here is the second picture.

>> No.12062903

lmao unironic aluminium foil hats

>> No.12062909


>> No.12062955
File: 526 KB, 1273x670, 1572707903755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again that fukcing meme ? True AI with consciousness is still a dream , is not going to happen this century, only kids and redditors still think AI will take over the world in 10 years.

>> No.12062962

>>Get permanent brainchip, it's only gen 1.
>>Gen 2 comes out next year.

Wait until there is a decade or more of advancement and experience before even thinking about it. Would be nice to be able to control all your devices by mind control, also ultra private communication with others, music, and unlimited ability to search internet at speed of thought.

>> No.12063004
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>> No.12063041


>> No.12063044

I don't like the idea at all, I would more prefer something that could give me mentat like mental powers biologically instead.

>> No.12063095
File: 62 KB, 630x572, Elon-Musk-twitter-интернет-Mech-4764226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it hard to believe that Elon wont be starting a mech/Exoskeleton or Humanoid robot company eventually, considering how much he could leverage all of his companies IP and talent to build it. And he will probably need it for martian colonialism. The battery tech/AI from Tesla/ Brain interface from Neuralink and global connection to the AI hivemind via Starlink. I hope the power doesnt go to his head

>> No.12063099


>> No.12063106
File: 122 KB, 750x1334, 20Kjc3rayZ1OH491dYf9URlHsKf5ViHz2SBI3wmzGa4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His rustling the jimmies of the abliest/lefty crowd.

>> No.12063594

worse: gen1 chips will have a write limit in the nand memory. You will be dead if you don't pay 20k$ to replace it, just like gen1 Teslas.

>> No.12063645

Neuralink would solve a major problem for powered exoskeletons. Which us control lag.

>> No.12063648

Fucking magnets

>> No.12063711


Holy shit, thats dumb.

>> No.12063840

Too much on his hands. Maybe it will be done on Mars.

>> No.12063849

They could have brought in the veterans on this. VA has funded major research in how to overcome paralysis in soldiers with damaged spines. Or perhaps that person thinks veterans are beneath her contempt.

>> No.12063858

>says it will be controlled by phone
>someone hacks your phone
uh oh

>> No.12063891

What happens if you get one but you have epilepsy? Would anything happen to the chip?
>t. Epileptic

>> No.12063903


>> No.12063908

it will fry your brain. i dont recommend

>> No.12063913
File: 196 KB, 2301x1044, TIMESAND___76268q5rfewgyi762623535y24672568wyujsf8ghm762u762t762rhg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tesla's real cash cow is selling my stolen semen. Remember when they had a surprise delay in the Model 3 production at the same time I became homeless? Because the parts were being "made by hand?" That's because they were preading rumors about me so that I every woman I would speak to would turn me down, and then when I would jerk off and then go to work for about $10/hr, they would send a burglar into my apartment to suck the scum out of the drain in my sink to sell to women who would rather give Elon $1M if it means they can avoid having my dick inside them.
> Behind Tesla’s Production Delays: Parts of Model 3 Were Being Made by Hand
The reason three or four general counsels quit at Tesla in the last year or so is because they find out that Tesla's real bsuiness is selling my stolen semen and then they NOPE the fuck out of there.
>Tesla has lost its top lawyer for the third time in the past year
Remember when I grew my hair out longer and Tesla decided it was going to charge an extra $1k for black "paint?" That's them making engineered abominations with my stolen semen.
>Tesla's black paint just got $1,000 more expensive

Overall, this is a conspiracy of the certain freemasons. Elon is the henchperson of P2, which I hear is Italian, and he steals my semen and sells it with the blessing of the master of P2 who somehow promulgates the notion among all the women in my vicinity that my semen is detestable but then is able to convince other women that there is no semen on earth more valuable than mine. Barron Trump, Bolsonaro's daughter, Greta, and many others are all abominable monsters consecrated in the wicked masonic conspiracy against the Lord: me.

>> No.12063926

Ah yes, paralysis, blindness and deafness are indeed normal and healthy

>> No.12063943


Almost none of that information is actually useful. Secondly, given the strides we've made without such an autistic level of simulation, its clear that its unnecessary. There are simpler methods that can be used.

Intelligence doesn't have to mean mimicking human brains. Flight didn't mean making a machine that flaps its wings. Jet engines are a lot better.

>> No.12064226
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I'm Low IQ and want my mind to be uploaded to the cloud so undoubtedly.

>> No.12064290
File: 61 KB, 340x191, NerveGear_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NerveGear soon?

>> No.12064383

I fucking hate the deaf ableist that act like there is nothing wrong with being deaf. YES there fucking IS!
They are missing out on so fucking much, yet some of them have deaf children that COULD hear with cochlear implants but they deny them that, saying being deaf is not a problem.

>> No.12064952
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Biofeedback / -interfacing is already a (feasible) simple method of "quantumly coordinating everybody" (via self-expressions)..

..It's also an easy method of producing "AI", because of all the information available amongst a really quality interpretation technology.

>> No.12064992

>nooo you cant advance the affordability of emerging technologies because they did it in the movies noooo

>> No.12065582

Maybe in a few device generations, probably not.

>> No.12065598

he literally dodged the question of how much it'll cost at launch because "it is unrepresentative", then went on to say that he hopes that eventually the price will go down to "several thousands of dollars"

>> No.12065600

I really don't care about improved cognition, but will it improve reaction times or slow down perceived time?

>> No.12065656

Get out of my head RIGHT NOW

>> No.12065767

not only is that number out of your ass with no basis in reality, its not even 100%, and therefore under your own room temp iq logic there's a reason to wait for gen2 anyway

>> No.12065769

proposed flag for a unified one world government earth
its more a jewish commie rag than the red banner itself

>> No.12065778

>he thinks flying cars are special
we've been able to make them for decades
as it turns out, they're fucking shit and pose more a hazard to everyone in and around them than they benefit

>> No.12065788

leftists don't like it when their property can fend for itself

>> No.12065943

I don't think the technology is ever going to exist that provides anything like a neural uplink, I think this is vaporware and Musk is either trolling or trying to manipulate his stock price.

>> No.12065952

>I’m retarded and know nothing

>> No.12065960

>Nooooo stop improving technology noooo

>> No.12065962

Your brain is literally defective because you watch too much anime. Society is fucked

>> No.12065967

Technology like this should unironically be illegal. Fuck dystopian BS

>> No.12065979

yes, if i can afford it.

>> No.12065988

>I want a closed source microchip in my fucking head

Holy shit retard

>> No.12065987

>thats dumb.
Maybe Neuralink can fix that, too.

>> No.12065996
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>> No.12066002
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Nerve stapling first

>> No.12066310

>Someone needs to tell him we aren't in a fucking Hollywood film.
Funny, every time someone uses "we", the same persons leave it so "someone" to do the actual work. And therein is the difference, the abusers of the royal "we" never do anything more than talk, while people like Musk do work and deliver results.

>> No.12066418

Sorry, I don't want to fuck ugly women. You can have it.

>> No.12066465

Lightning is even higher voltage than what they put in the electric lines. It's so strong that it doesn't care about the kilometers of distance and air between you and the clouds.

It will permeate your entire body and pierce right through your skull. You having a hole in your skull or a fancy chip near it isn't really going to change anything about your odds of survival.

>> No.12066593

It's definitely going to have racism and heterosexuality filters.

>> No.12066680

What is this I haven't been watching news

>> No.12066688
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>GPT-4 will be smarter than you
>he actually believes this nonsense

>> No.12066695

Leftists are such tremendous retards. It’s honestly astonishing at this point.

>> No.12066710

No one who isn't willing to gouge out their own eyes or eardrums, or sever their own spinal chord, has the right to say we shouldn't be pursuing cures for these disabilities.

>> No.12066740

>bio: "journalist by training, curious by nature."
Every day my opinion of journalists sinks to new lows.

>> No.12066752

This is what uncontrolled capitalism does to humanity. The need for FOSS.

>> No.12066774

what about causing the machine to be handicapped or autistic?

>> No.12066775

>This is what uncontrolled capitalism does to humanity.
Fuck off bunkercel.

>> No.12066779

Nice try, but the neuralink won't have access to every part of the brain at once. It is installed on an area of a brain according to need, i.e. the motor area for aid in movement disabilities or pariental lobe for sensations.

>> No.12066865

I second this. NatSoc is the way

>> No.12067153
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>> No.12067517

These things will mildly damage the brain, you would be insane to get one for non-therapeutic reasons. If you're paralyzed or a stroke survivor, sure, maybe it could be worth it.
If you're a normal person and you don't want to start suffering from slurred speech or whatever random neurological symptoms may crop up, stay the heck away.

>> No.12067527

>Almost none of that information is actually useful.
>Flight didn't mean making a machine that flaps its wings. Jet engines are a lot better.
Platitude that doesn't apply and means nothing.

>> No.12067552

So is this another con or is there actually something here? Do we reaaly expect people to charge their brains?

>> No.12067650
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>> No.12067688
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>These are the only two choices
I thought people watched the Matrix

>> No.12067773

This is 100% just a bait from a rightist.

>> No.12067793
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you are mistaken because technology is not something humans willingly or consciously created
it is the slave manifestation of nature

the part trying to give that manifestation a human face and soul is where willingly and consciously comes into play
it's not much different from trying to give death a human face, it's a human tendency to do that for things they don't understand

the death of god is not the end but the beginning


>> No.12068172

why do evil scientist start their convincing wit, 'mah its gonna help people narrative'

why dont they ever address how elites can weapon the technology against humanity to benefit or how far weaponize this technology could be used.

it always starts out as, we're here to help to the unhealthy :))

>> No.12068185

There are actually no choices

>> No.12068261

lmao we're not that lucky

>> No.12068623

Yea I'm sure surgeons are just going to do unnecessary brain surgery because some whacked out nut thinks robots are going to t sr le over the world. I swear people are retarded.

>> No.12068725

>implying you cant reach the entire brain just by neuron communication alone

>> No.12068733

Go to bed jreg

>> No.12068737

Only if I can enter a substation without inductive interference giving hallucinations or frying my brain.

>> No.12068753

I took sign language for fun, and deaf culture is very separate from the average person. It's almost like being Amish in a way, wanting your kids to be Amish too and only hanging around other Amish folk. It's a very proud and reclusive group of people

>> No.12068765
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>Wanting technology inside your body which btw can go wrong in many possible ways
>And if this shit becomes mandatory not being able to sell or buy anything this board has to apologize christians
>This board is filled with fucking cattle.
You have to be retarded to take it.
Gov tracking you and if it doesnt like ya, you would be killed off how can you people be so retarded not to see how potentially bad this could be?

>> No.12068777

hahahaha good luck with these:
> brain surgery required
> replace piece of skull the size of a coin (this is permanent)
> risk of brain infection

this is NOT going to succeed, unless they find a way to not open the fucking head of the client

>> No.12068785

Why would we need Flying cars?

>> No.12068848

How the fuck does this even work? What is the point of getting this?

>> No.12068857

>How the fuck does this even work?
you get a cirurgy to replace a tiny piece of your skull with the neuralink
>What is the point of getting this?
there isn't any for now

>> No.12068860

We've been opening people's skulls with chisel and hammer for thousands of years. We've gotten so good at it in the last 100 years that its become a non-issue. What you're suggesting is brain surgeons don't know brain surgery. Not sure if this is out of pure ignorance and thus the confidence to say bullshit.

>> No.12068867

Is elon musk always this bad of a presenter? I get that he has no idea himself how it works but even still

>> No.12068906

>Is elon musk always this bad of a presenter?

>> No.12069445

There was an old youtube video about transhumanism in which they showed that we can already control rats with brain implants and see what cats see.
I wish i could find it.

>> No.12069450

We can also control the tail of a rat with our own brains.
Now that's what i call progress

>> No.12069462


cat vision

>> No.12069499

It's pretty crazy imagining the types of neuroscience experiments these devices are going to enable.

Imagine if they could get the number of electrodes up into the millions and have them all over the cortex.

>> No.12069506

It's pretty crazy imagining the types of vr waifus these devices are going to enable you to fuck.

>> No.12069509

that too

It would save the need for all those convoluted dick sucking robots if they could just directly stimulate the neurons that bring pleasure signals in from the dick

>> No.12069515

>trips font lie.

>> No.12069528

If they can make the entire surgery robotic like they hope to, then the risk of infection could basically be reduced to zero.

>> No.12069635
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what drugs should I take/avoid to unlock such powers?

>> No.12070330

More than half of everyone would always want to here the positives before the negatives. Plus coming from the scientist marketer himself, why would he?

>> No.12070551

yeah just walk around in a microwave