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File: 443 KB, 720x405, 1585961767322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12058106 No.12058106 [Reply] [Original]

Millions is spent each year on research to get plastic out of the ocean and on improving recycling.

This money is completely wasted when you consider:

>China dumps millions of tons of plastic into the ocean every year to save money for its communist economy
>Europe and America dump millions of tons of plastic into the ocean every year because of consumerism and capitalism
>South America, Asia, and Africa dump millions of tons of plastic into the ocean every year because of corruption and failed governments

Since governments are never going to prevent this, how is this problem going to be solved scientifically?

>> No.12058109
File: 300 KB, 412x412, 1583968660223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, everyone is guilty from the government, to the corporation, to the individual. Nobody seems to give a fuck. It seems the only solution is a radical one that doesn't rely on cooperation.

>> No.12058112

We will run out of naphtha eventually.

>> No.12058119

Ecology is at best a waste of money.

>> No.12058124

Some species have already adapted to using some forms of plastic as a fuel see (Ideonella sakaiensis) and given enough time numerous others will form as it's technically an issue that'll solve itself we could of course expedite the process by learning the underlying mechanics behind the protein function and potential improvements

>> No.12058128
File: 304 KB, 1600x1067, howeuropoorsdoit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to care about ecology at all you faggot.

Literally look few centimeters above the retarded shit you wrote and realize that anyone who buys bananas packaged like that is a massive faggot.

>> No.12058137

I'll waste two seconds at opening individually-packaged banana, not a big deal.

>> No.12058141

Do you just pick up 20 of those packages at once and carry them around like a faggot?

Or do you shop everyday?

>> No.12058147

>life is more convenient than it has ever been with same-day delivery systems, automated farming, and instant communication nearly anywhere in the world
I wish sustainablefags actually knew what survival of the fittest meant.

>> No.12058151

Modern civilization is dependent on ecosystems to provide it with the vast majority of things it needs. I care about the environment not because I'm a hippie, but because I understand that a healthy biosphere is needed for humans to thrive.

>> No.12058154

I dislike the removal of species by our effort as it's such a waste of interesting and unique variation and genes we could study and potentially apply especially as just about all our medicines derive from different species and wiping out unstudied ones is retarded

>> No.12058156

And sustainablefags wish that faggots like you knew what natural selection is.

Being on the top of the food chain doesn't mean that you're fittest species, it means that you're faggiest species that does the least work and will collapse like a house of cards once something goes missing.

>> No.12058158

This is a minor problem. The amount of single-use shit people buy these days is ridiculous. Take a look at an average working class family's waste each week and see how fucked the whole thing is.

>> No.12058167

Dumbass. You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Even what you said is internally contradictory. Go read a book and grow up.

>> No.12058171
File: 69 KB, 673x929, 1437949708821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't the jews just stop using plastic?

>> No.12058175

What does dumping plastic into the ocean and destroying the ecosystem have to do with instant communication you retard

>> No.12058179

No it isn't, this is a part of the problem you just mentioned, moron.

You do realize these banana packages are single use too, right?

>> No.12058234

I'd rather have a choice to buy a single-use shit than being forced by ecological inquisition to use one plastic bag for a decade.

>> No.12058236

Calm down dude. I meant minor in the sense that fruit packaging is < 0.0001% of the total waste, which includes other types of packaging, bottles, containers etc. And I meant single-use in the sense that there is a non-single use alternative e.g. household items that you can buy a lifelong version of.

I have managed to stop making so much waste just by not purchasing single-use items.

>> No.12058239


>> No.12058240

Thanks for your opinion, it is totally not worthless and I'm sure everyone values it here.

>> No.12058242

Why are animals so retarded

>> No.12058254

Of course ecologists don't value any opinions. It's natural for people who want to force everyone in poverty.

>> No.12058259

>I have managed to stop making so much waste just by not purchasing single-use items.

Such as those single-use fruit packages?

Are you trolling or just seriously stupid?

Nothing you said denies the fact that that packaging is retarded and is the same problem as any other single-use item.

>> No.12058264

If this bird managed to swallow a fucking pile of trash, then swallowing a tiny bit smaller fucking pile did not kill her (and she probably died from something else anyway). That means that trash isn't dangerous (and is also yummy for birds).

>> No.12058269

Single-banana packages are a bit silly.
People who don't buy them are ok.
People who love them are ok too.
People who try to crusade against them are malicious.

>> No.12058272

Plastic eating bacteria is the answer

>> No.12058278

I have never bought fruit in packaging. Maybe if you weren't so angry you'd see that I never condoned it, I simply stated that it was a minor problem. Keep typing insults to others on the internet I'm sure you're helping out with the problem.

>> No.12058279

packaging isn't single use you ya retard. a single use item is something like a diaper or a table cloth.

>> No.12058288
File: 19 KB, 620x349, kx1B--620x349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man would've never allowed it, yet you hate him.

>> No.12058298
File: 35 KB, 600x500, sci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you're a faggot.
Didn't say you do.
You unwrap that shitty banana then throw the packaging it into trashcan just like table cloth or a diaper you insufferable faggot.

>> No.12058304

Pic is fake

>> No.12058317

I'll ask to double-package fruits I buy just to spite you.

>> No.12058378

Did it ever cross your mind "Not fucking south american or african governments in the first place"?

>> No.12058396

Its best summed as follows: its not our fault (individual or state agent) that external countries fuck up the planet, however we are the only ones in a position to implement change. Its a 3 part system 1)stop buying chinese/indian shit. Its not even cjeaper
2]make youre own footprint as green as possible
3>implement a solution to the problem, ie cleaning ujp the waste, sanctioning china, genocide, etc

>> No.12058406

Just develop enzymes that break down all forms of plastics and encode them into the genomes of ocean bacteria, problem solved.

>> No.12058496


Also if you live a sustainable lifestyle you actually are a better person than those just preaching it and not doing shit, or those chinks or whatever you despise. Lead by example.

>> No.12058525

That type of bacteria already exists

>> No.12058781

>Millions is spent each year on research to get plastic out of the ocean and on improving recycling.
part of all those millions go to photographers to make fake pictures like in your OP and use those fake pictures to justify paying millions of tax dollars to NGO's

>> No.12058815

Engineer a microscopic lifeform that consoomes plastics. easy peasy

>> No.12058829
File: 558 KB, 590x393, 1595614254545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes these beaches covered in plastic are fake

and the millions of tons of plastic that disappear every year are hiding somewhere

>> No.12058837

It already exists. How many times do I have to post this in the same thread

>> No.12058933
File: 16 KB, 453x400, 1596401727220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He obviously means a commercially feasible solution, something that can consume the plastic on a large scale.

>> No.12059025

>engineer an organism that consumes plastic on a large scale
yeah what could possibly go wrong there

>> No.12059043

I'll target people like you even before niggers when the collapse happens

>> No.12059048

Worth it

>> No.12059051

>how is this problem going to be solved scientifically?

Design a saline-waterborne organism that eats plastic, hope whatever it produces isn't worse, pray it doesn't evolve to live in fresh water, call it a day

>> No.12059100

What could possibly go wrong with the entire marine life foodchain collapsing

>> No.12059379

>Since governments are never going to prevent this, how is this problem going to be solved scientifically?
it wont be

>> No.12059410

I'll ask to pack every cherry I buy individually. If that will not be enough, I'll ask to pack every grain of rice.

>> No.12059440
File: 55 KB, 600x600, 1538799915822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>original sin preacher

Fuck off you religious nutcase.

>> No.12060348

Biotech - make plastic-eating micro-organisms/insects.

>> No.12060665

Not him, but yes, climate change is the result of science/advancement.

>> No.12060670

Then it is good.

>> No.12061893

Don't understand what you mean and how those sentences are related.

>> No.12061899

What kind of logic is that.
Do you also drug women at a party and rape them because it's making for a easy going night?

>> No.12061927

He's coping, that's all.

>> No.12062061

Yeah, remove 75% of the human population

>> No.12062064


>> No.12062082

fucking retard, you obviously dont know what you are talking about

>> No.12062087

Not exactly a marketable solution. You are propably right though. The question is how do you bring that about, preferably in a non violent consensual way.

>> No.12062092
File: 252 KB, 1210x1000, 1575377519093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12062109

Eradicate government.
Anarchy is the only way.

>> No.12062113

>Since governments are never going to prevent this, how is this problem going to be solved scientifically?

That's what the researchers are trying to figure out you idiot.

>> No.12062156

Natural Resource Management Major here.

You need to assign a sustainability cost to everything. Surprisingly enough this can easily be done. Calculate x amount of environmental damage caused by activity y and tax the fuck out of it to put the problem right. Very rapidly this makes many activities unprofitable. Such as those individually wrapped bananas. Would people buy one if they cost one hundred times as much, with 99% of the cost being taken as a tax to clean up pollution? This sort of thing also takes into account the ludicrous cost of implementing the tax in the first place. Appealing to people's responsibility for the environment never achieve anything, but hurt people in the pocket and they soon change their habits.

This is one solution, there are many others, all of which are politically unpopular since most means tax, restrictions, limits, regulations etc. Additionally it just pissing into the wind unless every country does it. Cant really see Asia, India, Africa, South America buying into this can you? Its hard enough to get western countries to do anything.

Since governments are the only ones able to prevent oceanic pollution ( and pollution in general ) the problem will not be solved. Like you said, OP, they are never going to prevent it, but nor can anyone else.

So what happens is it just keeps getting worse. The question then becomes what are the effects of ongoing pollution? Well we can make some educated guesses. More species loss, less biomass, continued habitat destruction, increased diminishing of biodiversity. At some point critical food chains begin to break down, accelerating the process. From there we can expect a greatly reduced ability of the Earth to sustain life. I doubt it would mean extinction for humans, but it would mean the world becomes a much more boring place. Probably the start of a really interesting time for microbes and some insects though.

>> No.12062180

Seems like a race to the bottom situtation. Taxes will never be raised because governments gain from keeping them relatively low. If say one country imposes huge taxes, the companies there will move. Moreover places like China where the government also controls corporations will never in a million years worry about the environment.

>> No.12062246

Pretty much. Sums up why we are fucked. The only questions which are now relevant are how long before the lifeboats sink, and how many will survive the swim to shore, if any.

Ya know, once upon a time I used to care. I met an old man one when I was a kid, talked about this stuff, he was hopelessly pessimistic. At the time I was of the belief that we lived in an enlightened , rational and progressive society, that humanity would turn things around, undo the damage, act responsibility. After all its very obvious what the consequences of neglect would have for future generations. 20 years later and things haven't got better, they have got worse and are continuing to get worse at an accelerating pace. What environmental victories are achieved are fleeting, trivial and rapidly undone, at the same time the crimes perpetuated against natural systems are not only increasing in intensity but in scope as well.

I feel like I have become like that old man. I see no hope. The best case scenario is more like an alien landscape sparsely populated by human bases eking out an existence, like some martian colony.

>> No.12062304

This short story about becoming the old man really captures the sombre and remorseful reality. I too wonder how many more generations of children will get to become the old man before there will be no more old men.

>> No.12062417
File: 14 KB, 234x268, 9ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using bulldozers so they can show off just how committed they are

>> No.12062432

>thinking civilians have bulldozers

>> No.12062451

i am betting my cock and balls than when we do we will find a way to recycle it from caps or whatever and suddenly poof, waste levels in the ocean drop 50% in a year

>> No.12062485
File: 96 KB, 720x303, 1579717880433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are rentals?

>> No.12062535

>ywn suffer an infestation of plastic rot disease in your lifetime

>> No.12062607

>thinking civilians have money for that or are willing to spend that much
ironic you brainlet post but are the only brainlet here
take your worthless posts and fuck off

>> No.12062972

There are about 15 people in that pic and you can rent a dozer for less than $500 a day.

>> No.12063796

Poor animal

>> No.12063801

Post physique

>> No.12063805

Dumb cunt, no, you’re a loser, that’s what you are

>> No.12063813

Retards like you need to post a photo of what they look like, this is the problem with 4chan, I’m probably getting mad at some faggot who can’t even do a shirt run, when if IRL I wouldn’t even consider you.

I’d save that parrot before your fat ass.

>> No.12063843
File: 230 KB, 1024x773, maps_plastic2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amerifats, Euros and Chinks pollute the shit out of the world
>I-it's da fault of the latinos and the africans
No, fuck off.

>> No.12064244

When I go grocery shopping I put every individual item in seperate plastic bags, then I throw the bags outside my car while driving. Its fun seeing them float around in a swarm

>> No.12064253

Enviromentalist, animal rights activist, gay, socialist, vegetarian, drug addict, hipster

Uhhh why do lefties hate him again?

>> No.12064282

>save money for its communist economy
How is even that possible? Isn't plastic recycling a good business?

>> No.12064297

>ecorage mode activated
Wtf!? Where is that?

>> No.12065280

lol triggered so much you couldn't even read the post. you just saw 'south america' and threw an autistic tantrum.

the only reason africans and latinos are doing a bit less is because they're poor. give them a bit of money and they'll destroy the planet even worse.

>> No.12065281

Keeping GDP high is more important. At this time it's cheaper to produce more plastic than try to recycle it. Recycling requires new infrastructure and stuff, it might not be profitable for 10-15 years somewhere like China.

>> No.12065289

Successful bait that completely derails the thread. And yet tourists cry about muh pol boogeyman instead.

>> No.12065891 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 640x349, GDP_per_capita_PPP_2014-en.svg_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are high income Latin American countries. And even excluding those, the average Latin American country is on par with China on a per capita basis.

You are just being obtuse, because you can see from the map, that the problem is clearly China and South East Asia not enforcing environmental standards on plastic products. >>12063843

Latin America enforces them. Not as well as Europe, but the difference with China is huge.

So are you covering for the Chinks being the largest environmental despoilers out there, or what is it?

>> No.12065896
File: 57 KB, 640x349, GDP_per_capita_PPP_2014-en.svg_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a few high income Latin American countries. And even excluding those, the average Latin American country is on par with China on an income per capita basis. You are just being obtuse, because you can see from the map here (>>12063843), that the problem is clearly China and South East Asia not enforcing environmental standards on plastic products. Notice the red inside each circle.

Latin America enforces environmental standards. Not as well as Europe, but the difference with China is huge.

So are you covering for the Chinks being the largest environmental despoilers out there, or what is it?

>> No.12066158

wow this makes me want to hang myself

>> No.12066297

>Your test results just came back, Tyrone, and it appears that you're qualified to receive $5,000 for one little task

>> No.12066329

I mean if someone had a bush level admnistration in terns of power they could prob lob a nuke at every major city. It would be clean and not much would be lost.

>> No.12066491

>the only reason africans and latinos are doing a bit less is because they're poor
Because they aren't a wasteful or generate as much. Also places that develop later adapt the modern trends easier for city/environmental polices. Asian cities are big about keeping infrastructure up to date compared to older American and European cities

>> No.12066494

several East African states banned plastic bags

>> No.12066522

I can easily falsify this. Look at first generation immigrants who go live in the west. They instantly become just as wasteful. Your argument is the basic noble savage fallacy.

>> No.12066535

Neither of those countries, nor the countries they immigrate to, produce much plastic waste. China does.

>> No.12066909

Completely different you retard. One is a guy moving into a society that may or may not be good at recycling plastics. The other is country that is developing to be more modern.

>> No.12066954

ocean plastic

blah blah blah consumerism, recycling, virtue signalling, blah blah, opinions.

90% of ocean waste comes from the 3rd world shithole nations rivers, like ganges, nile, china etc.
put a big fucking net on the ends of these rivers, because those dimwits aint gonna stop dumping thier noodle sachets and waters bottles in the rivers anytime soon.

for the last 10% of ocean plastic, that is lost fishing nets and tackle. so ban that, but this would be 10x more expensive than the river nets, since why would the world wide chinese trawler fleets stop? china first.

western countries consumerism bad so they should x.... does nothing, 99% of western waste goes to landfill, there it is stored, sealed, and eventually a wildlife reserve is put on top of it. problem? non.

so business could solve the problem, scoop up all the plastic from those rivers, hold onto it for 50 years past true peak oil, and resell it for 100- 1000 times the cost.

>> No.12066976

I'm sorry you're too dumb for me to try to explain.

Everything you said here has already been discussed. Worthless post.

>> No.12067155

>muh communism
>muh capitalism
>muh corruption
Only on your third point do you almost start asking the right question, but then you pray for a magic answer from science.

>the only solution is a radical one that doesn't rely on cooperation.
Maybe ayys have the answer? What if we all smoke some weed while praying that they come to our aid?