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File: 39 KB, 600x275, nasa renaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12053604 No.12053604 [Reply] [Original]

Is astronomy racist?

>> No.12053605

go back

>> No.12053607

this kind of language is problematic

>> No.12053693

New term for Black hole??

>> No.12053709

wet ass p-word

>> No.12053713

"your mom", because it swallows everything

>> No.12053724

Absolutely, and that's a good thing.

>> No.12054382

fuck off to your cave troglodyte

>> No.12054422

>As an initial step, NASA will no longer refer to planetary nebula NGC 2392, the glowing remains of a Sun-like star that is blowing off its outer layers at the end of its life, as the “Eskimo Nebula.” “Eskimo” is widely viewed as a colonial term with a racist history, imposed on the indigenous people of Arctic regions. Most official documents have moved away from its use. NASA will also no longer use the term “Siamese Twins Galaxy” to refer to NGC 4567 and NGC 4568, a pair of spiral galaxies found in the Virgo Galaxy Cluster. Moving forward, NASA will use only the official, International Astronomical Union designations in cases where nicknames are inappropriate.
Thank god, I thought they were replacing things like black holes and white dwarf. These ones I don't really care about since they're just nicknames

>> No.12054431


About time those sexist and racist men step down

Do you incel lurkers in here are seeing this?


>> No.12054456

>black holes and white dwarf

>> No.12054460

call them singularities or gravity holes, no need to use a color

>> No.12054471
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>muh eskimo

Meanwhile fucking Eponyms keep shitting everything up in every single field because that's the only form of validation those autists can get.

>> No.12054472

thank you

>> No.12054549

Oh shit boys, I guess it was fun while it lasted. I'm gonna miss nebula NGC 1488 :(

>> No.12054568

But there is nothing wrong with saying it's a black holes or white dwarf. In the other cases like black hat / white hat hacker or blacklist / whitelist black has a negative connotation, but in this case it is used to describe an attribute of the object.

>> No.12054570

Lmao, yanks are going to lose their edge if they keep swallowing the libturd koolaid, this is by design though, the guys running the show feel the western world have had enough of a long run so they're trying to implode any western institution worth its salt in order to let the east play catch up.
Daily reminder that the libturd establishment is deeply connected with the chicoms.

>> No.12054662

>Is astronomy racist?
No, it's only you and your brain who sees everything as a racism.

>> No.12054740

Eskimo are probably butthurt they won't even have a nebula anymore.

>> No.12054766

Not sure about Eskimos, but I know the people indigenous to the North America still call themselves "American Indians" and not Native Americans

>> No.12054963
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>Hole of color

>> No.12054971

All science is racist.
Nasa are trying not to be racist.
This is why Nasa is no good at science anymore.

>> No.12054974
File: 1 KB, 125x125, black hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NigGa TouNGe My anUs

>> No.12054993

Black pussy

>> No.12055014

Astronomy is definitely a marker for civilization.
Did pol/ say subsaharans don't have constellations and is that false?

>> No.12055021

You're not much of a scientist if you have trouble comprehending that some races are better than others.

>> No.12055029 [DELETED] 

>Eskimo Nebula
bout time they changed it to slant eyed snowgook nebula.

>> No.12055032

Please ban white people from STEM they are officially absolute insane. Make sure you really prevent white females from getting in.

>> No.12055048

Hole of Color.

>> No.12055137

>colors are evil

>> No.12055140


>> No.12056131
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>fuck off to your cave troglodyte

>> No.12056137

Everything is racist to a leftist.
NASA only cares about getting funding.

>> No.12056290

Calling it a singularity would be wrong, though.
A black hole is an all encompassing term that conveys they entire idea of what the "object" is, even including the plasma/gas disc around it. Just calling it a singularity would not only miss all of that, but mathematically just be wrong.

Same deal goes for Dark Matter/Energy. This currently encompasses whatever it is and its effects. I'm sure in at most a couple hundred years, we will have figured it out and we'll have many, many terms for whatever the fuck is going on there each with its own equation. But for right now, calling it Dark Matter works because everyone knows what you're talking about.

>> No.12056314

African American Hole
Thailand Twins Galaxies
Little Person Planet
Innuit Nebula
Undefined Color Matter

>> No.12056326

Wait did we just travel back in time to June? Why are we still here talking about this I thought we all moved on. What happened that's generating all,of this again?

>> No.12056656 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 1237712123448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger hole, nigger star. nigger moon. Entropy.

>> No.12056660

More inverse-SJW overreaction. They're just renaming something that's now considered an ethnic slur. This is very far away from GitHub and Twitter removing "blacklists" and "master branches". Any reasonable person would rename the nebula.

>> No.12057215

agreed, racists should fuck off

>> No.12057266

Nigger crack den

>> No.12057270

Do Eskimos even give a fuck about being called Eskimos?

>> No.12057331

The idea that there are not enough black people in astronomy because of racism is such complete and utter nonsense.

>> No.12057334

Um wow Nazi detected

>> No.12057439
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enrichment portal

>> No.12057449

if they're anything like the American Indians, they wear it like a fucking badge.

>> No.12057461
File: 142 KB, 1658x338, Screen Shot 2020-08-28 at 1.42.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's literally canacucks and amerimutts getting ass blasted

>> No.12057472

since when was siamese a slur? they came from a place called siam. they were called the siamese. it's like getting assmad over calling someone Bavarian.

>> No.12057483

Yes, it's the fault of the Canadians misinterpreting "All Canadian Eskimos are Inuit" as "All Eskimos are Inuit", and trying to impose this on Americans.

>> No.12057489

unironically inuit is more offensive when used to identify people that are not inuit it's like
>whatever they're all snow chinkoids to me

>> No.12057586

Fuck you nigger

>> No.12057599

>Is astronomy racist?

The racist term... "BLACK hole"

>> No.12057616

yes it is a bit uncomfortable, especially when there are people of color around, it's like y'all why are you rubbing it into our face? i'm sorry i didn't choose to make astrology so racist and oppressive just another mean to perpetuate white supremacy
no wonder minorities stay clear of it

>> No.12057649
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>> No.12057652

for leftists everything is racist

>> No.12057661
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What is the scientific explanation behind leftist insanity?

>> No.12057663
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>> No.12057729


>> No.12058262

Dark triad midwits and masshysteria

>> No.12058300

mostly sockpuppets, with just enough crazies to make it seem legit

>> No.12058303

When will you stop posting this? If you must complain here, you should make a general to contain it, otherwise >>12053605

>> No.12058430

Just call them nigger holes and superior race midgets.

>> No.12058437

>calling the blackest thing possible black is bad

>> No.12058450

visting /pol/ should lead to a perma IP ban from the rest of 4chan

>> No.12058683

Believe it or not, it's not referring to Siamese Twins of being conjoined together that is the reason, it's because they're associating it with that fucking Disney song

>> No.12058702

I highly doubt it'll catch on anyway

>> No.12058853

When are we gonna start giving the death penalty for people who deny that genetics determines our behavior, personality and intelligence? If gene deniers lives are removed from the gene pool, this will directly improve human society, since those beliefs will be eradicated. A form of eugenics.

Anti-racist pseudoscience peddlers get the axe too. I have NEVER met a moral decent person who was an anti-racists. Ever.

>> No.12059082

Being anti-/pol/ should not only get you IP banned from the rest of 4chan, as such an anti-free speech worldview is fundamentally against 4chan culture, but you should also be tortured in real life too to be made an example, you fucking commie.

>> No.12059303

social media is engineered to hijack dopamine emitters in the brain. every time you yell at someone on the internet and someone gives fake internet points you get a little hit.

>> No.12059337

kill yourself you deranged schizo

>> No.12059362

High IQ.

>> No.12059455


There's already a backup term: singularity.

>> No.12059477


>> No.12059491
File: 40 KB, 532x960, 1597752740810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want these freaks to fuck off.

>> No.12059497


>> No.12060903

You came here from reddit in 2016 or later
I know, pretty impressive that I knew that isn't it

>> No.12060910

Over 90% of them weren't upset by the Redskins name for the Washington football team but blue haired white girls were offended on their behalf so it must be changed.

>> No.12060920

nigger pit

>> No.12060925

>Is astronomy racist?
In a way it is.

A lot of the stars/constellations names were changed from their original Arabic and Persian to European names by medieval European chauvinists.

>> No.12061809

that's real retarded sir

>> No.12061826

Urban hole.
It captures the color and the density properties.

>> No.12063595

Modern society judging by the fact that this is being considered

>> No.12064077
File: 175 KB, 1140x734, justein2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gravity holes

Not all gravity holes have holes. Some have penises.