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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 143 KB, 600x360, sabine_hossenfelder_photo-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12049274 No.12049274 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ and their favourite TOT completely and utterly BTFO by the true Queen of /sci/, Sabine Hossenfelder.

>> No.12049281

this is simultaneously cringe and based

>> No.12049299

Eric Weinstein getting BTFO hard.

>> No.12049305

her music is awful

>> No.12049306

she cute

>> No.12049310

It's supposed to be.

>> No.12049316

no it's not

>> No.12049320

It's clearly satire

>> No.12049324

t. Steven Wolfram/Eric Weinstein

>> No.12050339

Compared to her other music videos, this is actually not bad.

>> No.12050344

>.t teenager with underdeveloped taste.

>> No.12050349

>not being able to clearly recognize satirical works
You should talk to someone about getting your autism treated.

>> No.12050367

Those travel followers are a real pain in the ass.

>> No.12050375

This is unequivocally based

>> No.12050392

I want to breed her with my seed.

>> No.12050416

I found it charming, and it even calls out simps.

No idea why some people so hostile to sabine, shes allright.

>> No.12050432


I think she's wonderful and has actually resparked an interest in physics for me (I'm a biologist), but when she's sat there saying that most taxpayer funded physics is a waste of time, it completely plays into the wrong hands and isn't useful.

Wish she would focus her efforts on attacking Musk or the big tech companies that hoover up the best scientists and give sweet FA back.

>> No.12050472

great gal!

>> No.12050481

she's right but the girl power shit is cringe.

>> No.12050685

She's surprisingly based. I approve

>> No.12050915

>calls out simps.
You have your answer.

>> No.12050930

The only thing I know about this person is that Lubos Motl hates her, and I don't know enough about the issues to understand the dispute.

>> No.12050939

Because she shits on string theory

>> No.12050943

90% of the high energy physics hates her. She is opposed to the construction of a new larger hadron collider. A lot of physicists think that the LHC doesn't operate at high enough energy levels to get to the particles which might help us unify physics.

>> No.12051167

She is too autistic to understand that the planned LHC is for more then proving or disproving super symmetry. With the higher power levels they will do more experiments to find the shit behind dark matter (the most important) etc. you can find a list online to see what the purpose is. Also any study on the returns shows it has positive returns even if we don’t discover anything with it. RD and engineering that goes into it will expand shit in many fields. Kind of like a moon lander. She is just some retard that screeches about theories of everything and that’s about it. Without going into the actual returns and the fact the planned LHC only partly is for supper symmetry.

>> No.12051418

Lol one minor figure thinks the tens of billions of dollars needed to build a collider would be better spent elsewhere and it prompts this level of seethe?

This isn't really about science, its about money.

>> No.12051426
File: 1.23 MB, 1843x2551, scherer_41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hand and my dick are completely and utterly BTFO by the true Queen of /sci/, Sabine Hossenfelder

>> No.12051458
File: 83 KB, 636x960, 2011652-stage_32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a smart qt woman outlier

>> No.12051469

Do you guys think Sabine would appreciate an anonymous note that I masturbate to her?

>> No.12051531

So original!
There's a board on 4chin that might interest you

>> No.12052639

Yes as said, even if they don’t discover anything (they probably will) the money spent will be returned in many different ways. She doesn’t even bring up any of this. She is just hyper focus on the super symmetry part of the new LHC. When there is a long list of things besides the super symmetry. She is autistic or something and retarded. The most important thing about the new LHC will be studying dark matter.

>> No.12052641

why did you post the music video instead of where she actually blows tot out of the water
she does a great job of it

>> No.12052649 [DELETED] 

Or scientists make poor artists. She's basically a dabbler in the arts as a hobby and fun diversion. She's got a decent voice, but not you know, anywhere professional singer-tier.

>> No.12052657

Or scientists make poor artists. She's basically a dabbler in the arts as a hobby and fun diversion. She's got a decent voice, but not you know, anywhere near professional singer-tier.

>> No.12052664

She fact checks articles for Scientific American. Yes, it's popsci, but it's big money and only top scientists do that shit.

>> No.12052703

anyone who says they don't know her does not have a background in the sciences

>> No.12052726

If they construct it, and it fails as spectacularly as LHC has (save for that one thing), physicists will have burned all the social capital they previously had, and we will enter a second dark age. They better be careful what they wish for. What they imagine is there may truly not be there at all. This is a very real possibility that they stubbornly refuse to believe. And therein lies the problem. All they have right now is belief.

>> No.12052740

It has definitely not failed. They still continue to do experiments. I guess you only care about headliners and are too dumb to read more into it.

>> No.12052743

I don't. I know they're doing important things, still. But the headline-catching discoveries that they anticipated have not materialized. This is what I'm referring to.

>> No.12052756

They hype it up for funding. Still got return on investment definitely.

>> No.12053177

I would like to see her reaction on Twitter

>> No.12053239

you probably weren't even born in 2008 when the LHC started operations, but they over-hyped the fuck out of it.

when asking for money to congress, hep-theorists have little to show so they come up with stupid bullshit that is *technically* possible, like miniature black holes. and that's a good strategy in the short run, they get their headlines and their funding, but next time around some congressman will ask, "hey, whatever happened to all that shit you promised last time?"

>Still got return on investment definitely.
you and I and anyone who has worked at hep knows we have obtained returns, but taxpayers don't, and that's the people you have to be held accountable to. there's a huge political aspect about being a scientist and asking your country to fund your 100 quintillion dollar machine that only a small percentage of population understands, your word alone that we have obtained returns is simply not enough.

sabine's point is that, there's a very, very real possibility that susy, let alone string theory just isn't true or can't be achievable within the next 1000 years, and just hyping up a new machine just for it to fail (in the eyes of politicians or the general public) could be catastrophic for science, so just mindlessly parroting WE NEED BIGGER MACHINE to get yourself funding and students for the next decade or so is super irresponsible

>> No.12053274

I'm not sure where I stand on the "bigger LHC" debate, but my (very uneducated and dumb) guess is that supersymmetry has a high chance of never being discovered, and many leading physicists seem to the feel the same way, so I think any arguments about it should consider the scenarios where it isn't going to be found and judge if it's still worth the money for other reasons.

Sabine is a very necessary and valuable figure in the physics community. She's an archetype of that matter-of-fact no-nonsense German practicality. I think Eric Weinstein and Stephen Wolfram are also valuable, though. It's cool to live in an era where we can easily hear from and interact with all of these people.

>> No.12053279

Retard, the susy isn’t just for proving and disproving super symmetry dumb fuck. Sabine point is she is a retard who hitched one of the things

>> No.12053307

ok so why building a higher energy proton accelerator, you fucking moron?

for more higgs data, maybe study its self coupling? a lower energy higgs factory would work better and be much cheaper

for dark matter? I tried to ignore this but you're probably this dumbass >>12051167
no, fucking mongoloid, no one expects to find anything about dark matter in a general purpose hadron collider, it makes no fucking sense at all since dark matter must be a long lived particle. there's dedicated dark matter experiments which cost a tiny fraction of what a new huge accelerator would cost

a hadron collider has one main purpose: finding new high energy particles, and it's a terribly inefficient way to do so, it's what you do when you don't have a clue at what energies the new particle effects might be noticeable. if you claim otherwise you are a fucking dumbass and should stop posting about shit you know nothing about

>> No.12053313
File: 747 KB, 922x1516, F34B3077-5952-4731-BC2F-FD743686CCA6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]