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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12048046 No.12048046 [Reply] [Original]

could this curriculum really work? are we overestimating children?

>> No.12048049

Most of those monsters can't even concentrate with the prosaic shit they're taught now, imagine trying to teach them this.

>> No.12048058

A cane and tons of homewoek should solve the problem.

>> No.12048067

Looks like something made by someone who never held a real job in his life.

>> No.12048074
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>> No.12048080

>Haha, yh I could do this so why can't any kid at that age?
>If you disagree then you're not as smart as me

>> No.12048083

whoever came up with that should be jailed for attempted crimes against humanity

>> No.12048094

Kids could be taught calculus in 6th grade though. The thing is math autists throw shit fits if you don't recite their pedantic theorems like the bible. Things are very easy to understand but they have to convolute it in the most retarded generalized-specific way. Also fuck eponyms.

>> No.12048095

>attempted crimes
attempted boasting and self-praising.

>> No.12048100

not with niggers around

>> No.12048102

when homeschooling, and if you're intelligent enough, yes.
factory-teaching like it's done now, deffinitely not.

>> No.12048129

This. A working understanding will evolve into a conceptual understanding with time, especially if you start young.
The algebraic methods of derivation my father forced me to practice as an elementary schooler has proved invaluable to me coasting through "college" level math courses. All of my classmates worth a shit report similar upbringings.

>> No.12048142

you sound 15 years old. How old are you?

>> No.12048163

I'm 22.

>> No.12048169

at university?

>> No.12048199

Yes. 4th year, BSc in Mathematics.
Did you think the language I used for a casual post on 4chan was indicative of my age?

>> No.12048261

Totally possible.

A professor of mine learned calculus in 7th grade in India. He said teaching children calculus is easy when you can beat them bloody with sticks for wrong answers.

>> No.12048381

>Functions and Graphs

Wouldn't have had a problem with those starting earlier, but 11th year appears to be standard around here for those, so 4th year seems way too early.
Also, aren't you entirely missing Calculus?

>> No.12049086

Not even the plans for gifted kids do that far ahead (the one I know in California prepared them for AP Calc BC in 8th grade and definitely didn't go hardcore after that like Real Anal + Abstract Algebra + Quantum Mechanics in one year.

>> No.12049272

No. It's a bad curriculum but the important thing in education is formation of the mind. Teaching critical thought and unironically empathy (ability to assume other beliefs and sets of elements to reason with). Also anti-technology would go a long way considering how fucked kids minds are with the internet.

You cannot patch this up with some new curriculum or discipline.

>> No.12050902

the problem in beating kids comes from only few kids being beaten. mental issues or any such problems that may arise from childhood physical abuse are completely eradicated with it becoming the norm. beat your kids

>> No.12050908

First post is based. Second is cringe.

>> No.12050983

well it is now pff boomer

>> No.12051026

It's theoretically possible and perhaps wouldn't be a bad idea if it wasn't mandatory to attend school until grade 10. Of course you could always lower the drop out age for the retarded niggers but then you'll have grave 4 nigger drops out. Is that a good thing or not? I leave that as an exercise to the reader.

>> No.12052221

>could this curriculum really work?
No. Electromagnetism before FFT and PDE? Insanity.

>> No.12052243

>Teaching a proof before geometry
Terrible curriculum

>> No.12052255


>trying to teach middle schoolers Calculus

lmao good luck with that

>> No.12052319

where's the humanities senpai. but seriously if a kid is brought up not reading books or learning history everyone would catch STEM induced autism.

>> No.12052696


I can't see how it could work. You listed things but the order is all wrong. You got Galois theory before linear algebra. You've got Euclid elements in 5th grade which should be in 1st grade, etc. All you've done is collect buzz words and attempt to order them.