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12040456 No.12040456 [Reply] [Original]

How does one become a true Mechanical Engineering Chad?

>> No.12040519

You don't. Study math or CS. You'll hear the odd story from LARPers and people with connections about how you can make so much money as an ME. Truth is, game was rigged from the start

>> No.12040528

We will always need mechanical engineers.

>> No.12040729


lol enjoy being a glorified plumber

>> No.12040743

>game was rigged from the start
by who, and how do I become one?

>> No.12040750

Seething EE fag.

>> No.12040800

don't you have to dislodge's someone's shit pipe?

>> No.12040946

All engineers do this.

>> No.12040980

ME is just too damn broad.
Truly the most difficult branch of engineering.

inb4 EE crying
Just shut up. Do they tell EEs in school that they are the only ones who have to work with complex numbers and transforms?

>> No.12040995

>ME is just too damn broad
ME is the holy grail, the big bang, the centre of the engineering universe. All other fields of engineering are mere offshoots of ME. Like small children who have grown up under the tutelage of their genius father.

>> No.12041003

bro u r cringe.

>> No.12041015


>> No.12041040

Chemical engineering is an offshoot of chemistry which came from people studying alchemy

>> No.12041054

Partially true, but overall wrong.

>> No.12041074

>All other fields of engineering are mere offshoots of ME
Civil is the genesis of engineering, and that’s not even debatable.

>> No.12041077

Civil is a subfield of mechanical.

>> No.12041083

This is false information.

>> No.12041102

at the end of the day I think everyone has to do this even if figuratively for example phisicist have to clean the shit-pipe that is quantum mechanics, for how many years now?...

>> No.12041104

technicians are chads, not Engineers. Engineers spend all day inside drawing like pussies.

That or go to the FUCKING GYM!

Source: I'm an Engineer for a ftse 100 company with a Master's in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

>> No.12041114


>> No.12041118

Mechanical engineering is all about mechanical properties, including structures. The people who first build structures, such as pyramids or bridges, were technically mechanical engineers. Civil Engineering is a field that grew out of it as it become more specialized.

>> No.12041122


>> No.12041127

Because they are applying a specialism, chemistry, to the realm of mechanical engineering.

>> No.12041130

No you faggot. Science...specifically Physics is.

>> No.12041145

When you apply science to actually doing stuff it's engineering.

>> No.12041147
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>> No.12041148

I am thinking about doing a mechanical engineering Phd, specifically in fluid mechanics.

>> No.12041152

Based engineering chads simplifying physics/maths to make things "just werk" while the physics/maths autists SEETHE.

>> No.12041164

I'm doing applied math so I really don't feel any allegiance but these posts are always so funny to me either way. I got this off the MIT electronics and circuits OCW page if anyone is curious.

>> No.12041392

Holy based

>> No.12041440

Yes, your shit pipe. Now bend over.

>> No.12041448

Can confirm. I have lots of connections and walked into a $90k job right out of university. Just graduated from ME in June.

Feels good to be a true ME Chad.

>> No.12041450

>Feels good to be a true ME Chad.

>> No.12041671

How much do you make?

>> No.12041710

Fellow ME Chad here, I got offered a 120k position right after I declared my major feelsgoodman

>> No.12041729

study heat and fluid, avoid materials like the plague

>> No.12041760

it's of no importance to you.

>> No.12041767
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>caring about salary privacy on this chinese anime imageboard

>> No.12041798

>avoid materials like the plague

>> No.12041807

Engineering physics has some fun maths

>> No.12041852

>avoid materials like the plague
Are you gay?

>> No.12042416

Why don't you try a major that's not mind-numbingly easy.

>> No.12043365

God, it feels good to be an ME Chad.
The Alpha and Omega of engineering.

>> No.12043633

Electrical engineers are the real chad and everyone knows it. If you tell someone you're a ce or me they will think you were too stupid to do ee. This is the reality, cope and seethe all you want

>> No.12043776

>Electrical engineers
EEs only look at one set of physical phenomena. MEs do it all, EEs specialise in ME.

>> No.12043879

>How does one become a true Mechanical Engineering Chad?
start building shit until you have an F-A 18 in your garage

>> No.12043914
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*triggers your ptsd*

>> No.12044124
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That doesn't matter. EVERYONE ranks EE above mechanical and civil

>> No.12044427

t. High on copium

>> No.12045284
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>Absolutely, I am a master of fluid mechanics, how did you tell?

>> No.12045292

Basedo un Redpildo

>> No.12045324

what are some cool applications of fluids? hydrualics and hvac seem lame

>> No.12045381

The phenomenon in academia where everyone says "actually this discipline is just a subset of my discipline" is the most pointless bullshit of all time. Stop me if you've heard any of these:
>Medicine is just applied biology
>Psychology is just applied biology
>Biology is just applied chemistry
>Chemistry is just applied physics
>EE is just applied physics
>Physics is just one part of math
>Math is a subset of logic which is a subset of philosophy
>CS is just a subset of computer engineering which is a subset of EE
>All social sciences are just subsets of anthropology (social "sciences" lmfao)
>Aerospace is just a subset of mechanical
>Petroleum engineering is a subset of chemical engineering
It's almost like different fields arise because there is sufficient depth to warrant specialization. Our brightest minds are being wasted thinking and arguing about this purity test nonsense. When you're on your death bed are you going to think "man, I really wished I spent more time thinking about the pedantic taxonomy of scientific fields"?

>> No.12045387

Suck a cock, take a dick up your ass and kill yourself

>> No.12045390

study mechanical engineering

>> No.12045395

Fluid mechanics applies to medicine as well, depending on how blood flows we can make deductions, such as if a person is likely to experience a heart attack.

>> No.12045401

But it's absolutely true that mechanical engineering is the first form of engineering. Mechanical properties extend to all physical phenomena. Fields like electrical engineering grew out of ME.

>> No.12045405

internships and clubs. Dont worry about pulling a 3.7+ gpa(but at least keep it above a 3.2) in college if you're trying to get a job right after school

>> No.12045415

If were getting pedantic, civil was the real first form of engineering. Beavers, termites, honeybees, ant colonies, spiders etc. are all civil engineers.

>> No.12045422

>civil was the real first form of engineering
No, building structures is mechanical engineering. Civil is a modern specialization of that. Mechanical engineers built the Great Pyramids of Giza.

>> No.12045430
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>> No.12045438

STFU. Electronic or Electrical Engineering is the first form of Engineering. Electrons are fundamental particles. Without them there own be no universe. No Universe No Newtonian Physics. No Newtonian Physics No ME.

Be thankful we EEs exist faggots.

>> No.12045443

>Mech utterly seething at all other fields of engineering including civil

>> No.12045447

Wrong, during the first moments after the big bang all of the fundamental forces were unified(including electromagnetism). Thus engineering physics was the first field in engineering.

>> No.12045458

>he thinks mechanical engineering is about engines and shit
No. Mechanical engineering is to do with any mechanical property, including buildings or any other type of structure. Civil engineering is a further specialism of this.

>> No.12045462

Engineering is application and manipulation of physical laws to do "stuff", there's no engineering without us or some other conscious being.

>> No.12045464

If someone tells me they're doing engineering and they don't mean aerospace, nuclear, or engineering physics (at a good school) I assume they're an idiot. I react the same way when someone tells me they're doing CS without a math double at a good school. Automatically very likely they're an idiot. Pre-med? Almost certainly an idiot.

>> No.12045477

I hate heat and fluids and really enjoy materials

>> No.12045478

You don't have many friends, do you?

>> No.12045485

>he doesn't know about boltzmann brains

>> No.12045519

That's why I said Newtonian Physics faggot. Can't you read? You barely touch the good stuff. EE deal with both worlds.

Any moving structure with an electric motor is a good example of this. Hell 99
99999% of control system requires the electrical engineer to understand some mechanics.

Your jobs will be 200% harder if it weren't for EEs.

Be thankful we exist faggot.

>> No.12045538

I have a group of very close friends I've known since childhood that I enjoy spending time with and have shared many deep and meaningful experiences with as we grew up together. Most people that I meet are worthless, conceited, stupid, filled with insecurities and most importantly don't seem capable of trust. So, there is no reason to befriend them. The people I've been closest with at uni have been CS majors on the whole though so you really are just a massive and ignorant faggot for making this presumption.

>> No.12045557

>No Chemical Engineering
>No Systems Engineering
>No Electrical Engineering
You're not the sharpest are you?

>> No.12045564

>chemical engineers
significantly dumber than chemists
>systems engineers
I have no idea what this is but it sounds like a meme
>electrical engineering
Midwits only slightly smarter than Mech E's and CStards

The only intelligent engineers I've encountered with Aerospace and Nuclear and they were significantly smarter than all the other STEM majors besides Math and Physics guys. There is no competition between them and the other engis I'm afraid to say its like night and day.

>> No.12045588

I've only ever heard dumbasses call other people mid wits
>The only intelligent engineers I've encountered with Aerospace and Nuclear and they were significantly smarter than all the other STEM majors besides Math and Physics guys.
Must go to a shit school

>> No.12045807


>> No.12045812

I agree with this too

>> No.12045815

People are getting upset because you’re right.

>> No.12045856

Just give it up, mechanical engineers are great but they're not the chads of the engineering world, not even close. They're not the smartest and they don't make the most money, not even close. They're only slightly above civil

>> No.12045861

Why be inferior when you can be a EE chad?

>> No.12045915

>The people I've been closest with at uni have been CS majors
That explains a lot.

>> No.12046353

Aerospace is fucking cringe. Full of adults who still believe in memeshit like space.

>> No.12046363

It’s not the aims it’s the type of brain required to be good at it that makes them dominant over other engis.
It’s funny because I make fun of them constantly online and to their faces but I still got on with them really easily.

>> No.12046369

What's up with this Engineering Physics shilling?!
There wasn't any talk about this shit until this month,
What the appeal?!

>> No.12046434

>What is material science?

>> No.12046438

HAHAHAHAHAHA nice try faggot.
Pure science approach isn't convenient when solving real problems.

>> No.12046521

>muh money
Go into banking then faggot.
Fluid mechanics is the hardest field in engineering, and that's firmly an ME thing.

>> No.12046526

Your original point is that civil is the oldest form of engineering, which is wrong. Mechanical is.

>> No.12046527

>Your jobs will be 200% harder if it weren't for EEs.
There wouldn't even be EEs without MEs.

>> No.12046541

good joke

>> No.12046547

>become mechanical engineer
>study math

>> No.12046549

With a good understanding of the underlying physics, the tricks that engineering provides become simple to understand why they work and entire courses are left with "didn't I already know all of that?" or "was that entire course really just analyzing one equation?"

>> No.12046554

I'd put physics/philosophy side by side and math being a subset of philosophy which can also be used as a tool to help better understand physical phenomena.

Civil Engineering predates Mechanical Engineering.

>> No.12046557

>Civil Engineering predates Mechanical Engineering.
It doesn't.

>> No.12046560

Dig out and manufacture conductors yourself, bro.

>> No.12046567

You can build a very primitive shelter with your bare hands. No tools required.

>> No.12046571

What makes you think building something, like a shelter, isn't mechanical engineer?

>> No.12046572

Because the word mechanical

>> No.12046574

Do you understand what the word means? Buildings and the materials they are made out of have mechanical properties and behaviour, that we manipulate to do shit.

>> No.12046583

>Nuh uh mechanical is only like machines and robots and gears and shit
>t. ignorant undergrad

>> No.12046590

Yes I do. If you're going to say that a simple structure has mechanical properties such as supporting weight than humans using their hands to do anything is mechanical engineering.

Anyone who isn't an autist though will apply the definiton of mechanical engineering to machines or at least keep the simplest form factor to a device such as a wedge or wheel.

>> No.12046599

>Anyone who isn't an autist though will apply the definiton of mechanical engineering to machines
That is completely wrong.

>> No.12046605
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>> No.12046616

The most primitive structure can be made by stacking rocks against each other, where does that fall under force multipliers, machines, or moving components? Unless you want to count using your hands as mechanical engineering.

>> No.12046619

This thread is the most cope I've seen in a while. If you're smart, you do well in many major.

>> No.12046620

Making a hut out of straw and mud is also hardly civil engineering. Civil is a post-industrial age discipline really. MEs were building pulleys, levers, wheels, and cranes and shit thousands of years ago.

>> No.12046625

That's not really civil engineering, though. Civil is more specialized mechanics and structural analysis and materials, which comes from ME.

>> No.12046629

Aerospace are just specialized mechies (so they are even dumber than normal mechies and have to worry about less)
Nuclear is a dead field, you're literally an idiot if you study nuclear. The abandoned nuclear engineering building at my uni looked like a fucking shack that hobos slept in
Engineering physics is also for idiots. Not rigorous enough to be real physics, not applied enough to be real engineering.
I will agree with one thing though, pre-meds are almost certainly all idiots

>> No.12046634

If mechanical engineers can claim fire or a wedge why can't civil engineers claim a bed of leaves?
If we want to get technical on the term engineer than military engineers were the first followed by civil.

>> No.12046640

Nuclear engineering is the easiest to get a job offer and the pay is fine.

>> No.12046701

My thoughts exactly about you

>> No.12047253

One of my ex's is a doctor, she was surprisingly stupid. You just need to be extremely dedicated

>> No.12047261

enjoy nojobs in a decade or two

>> No.12047656

It also has the lowest job satisfaction out of any engineering discipline

>> No.12047672

>People hating on plumbing and HVAC

ME here, I have my PE license too. My day job is cryogenics but I side hustle plumbing and HVAC stuff because the money is so fucking easy. I’ve never felt more like I was in some guild organized racket than I do charging 20 billing hours for 30 minutes of plugging shit into a spreadsheet.

>> No.12047678

>plumbing and HVAC
Why is there so much money in this in the US?
In my country, a technician will do plumbing or HVAC work.

>> No.12047682

>tfw you’ve sown discord among the shitposting retard redditors with one simple glance of a GRE converted iq ranking

>> No.12047745

Have sex

>> No.12047746


Say you got a big house, bigger than what’s normal for the area and you want a big central air unit for it. Well, the county might take exception to such a large unit because that means more refrigerant that has to be on your property. So, before you can get your permit approved to install your new unit, the county office will make you go get a licensed engineer to do the heat load calculations to prove that you need a unit that big. That’s where I come in.

>> No.12048073

Explain yourself please.

>> No.12048275

>side hustle plumbing
so do you touch shit?

>> No.12049618

Lol, no. Did you know that in many counties in the US a back flow preventer has to be ((((designed)))) by an engineer?

Or if you are doing a multi story apartment complex, your frictional losses and pipe sizes have to also be ((((designed)))) by an engineer?

I’m doing paperwork you mook, I’m not actually going out there and installing plumbing pipe.