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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12039340 No.12039340 [Reply] [Original]

Welp, it's been like 40 years life extension research and I see absolutely no progress has still been made. Maybe next year, huh?

>> No.12039455

just because something is beeing researched, doesn't mean it is close to being viable

i believe that as soon as you see some development in this field, it will accelerate fast, because the low hanging fruits will be targeted first

>> No.12039575

It's literally been a thing for like 40 years now. Zero progress has been made. ZERO.

>> No.12039585


>> No.12039639

Maximum lifespan hasn't been extended, but average lifespan has.

>> No.12039651

Lies. Like 50 papers like this come out every single year. They've never even gotten a mouse to live longer than like 5 years despite making "an immortal one" almost every year. It's clickbait journalism and bad """science""". Let us know when there are some actual fucking results in the real world where we all live, not in a bullshit journal.

1: That is a meaningless statement. You can do that simply by curing preventable illnesses
2: America's average life expectancy has been dropping for like 3 years.

None of which has anything whatsoever to do with life extension medicine.

>> No.12039668
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You are already immortal

>> No.12039679

>2: America's average life expectancy has been dropping for like 3 years.
It's 10 years higher than it was in 1950, despite overall health actually declining due to terrible lifestyles.

>> No.12039683

I also shit in a toilet instead of a field. What's your point?

>> No.12039710

That people are living 10 years longer today than in 1950?

>> No.12039713


>> No.12039714

>life extension
>the average life has been extended 10 years
I'm not sure why you're confused.

>> No.12039717

Average lifespan is irrelevant

>> No.12039722

That's not life extension, stupid. Humans have always lived about 120 years max. That hasn't changed because people stopped dying of dysentery.

>> No.12039729

>That hasn't changed because people stopped dying of dysentery.
People are surviving longer with heart disease, diabetes, etc. To them, it is an extension of their maximum lifespan with those conditions.

>> No.12039736

I fucking hate NPCs like you. It's no wonder science never advances. Most of the population can't even grasp the concept of the field.

>> No.12039747

If you were only concerned about maximum lifespan, you shouldn't have made your opening post so ambiguous. Life extension encompasses both average and maximum lifespan.

>> No.12039763

You simply don't know anything about the subject, yet want people to hear your vapid opinion. Head on over to reddit. It's a site built around that concept.

>> No.12039765


>> No.12039771

It's simply not possible, not cost-effective. The opposite of aging is cancer, and the amount of monitoring needed to catch all cells becoming carcinogenic will not make it feasible.

>> No.12039776

>life extension research
I think they make pretty good products, myself.


>> No.12039778

Of course it is. The grifter heir millionaires that control the companies just want to steal easy money from people instead.

>> No.12039789
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Yup. Just look at how great Steve Jobs looks.

>> No.12039806

Did he start a life extension company?

>> No.12039809

When it's about you, it suddenly becomes very cost-effective. Of course you are not very relevant, but kings and millionaires are.

>> No.12039811

nah but our favourite afrikaaner, Elon, is currently on the case as we speak.

>> No.12039814

They won't ruin their families to suffer at old age. You're not being realistic.

>> No.12039826

Does it matter? I thought the point was that the wealthy can afford access to things the common man can't? If a billionaire can't access it, then maybe it doesn't exist.

>> No.12039828
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>> No.12039833

No. That wasn't my point. My point was every asshole like Aubrey de Gay or Lizz Parish that has started one of these grifter businesses for "life extension" is a fraud who inherited shitloads of money and is using these start-ups to fool people with snake oil while continually failing to deliver results DECADE after DECADE. There are literally people who will fucking die of OLD AGE who were young when this grift started.

>> No.12039836

Okay, on that point I agree. Best bet at this point is extreme calorie deprivation, but it seems like a miserable way to live.

>> No.12039840

>Best bet at this point is extreme calorie deprivation
No it isn't. That literally does nothing.

>> No.12039843

>some scientific problems are hard and don't budge at once
Such a surprise.
By the way, why are you dating it half-century ago? Why not to that chinese emperor who drank mercury to live forever?

>> No.12039854

>No it isn't. That literally does nothing.
Works in monkeys, but only if the restriction is severe. Alternative options may be limiting methionine and supplementing glycine.

>> No.12039855


>> No.12039857

IT LITERALLY FUCKING DOES NOT. I don't know if there is a term to describe this, but there is this very specific behavior that "I fucking love science!" NPCs use where findings that DISPROVE their beliefs are spun to SUPPORT their views. I see this happen time and time again with Einstein. But the long-term primate experiment CLEARLY fucking demonstrated that caloric restriction DOES NOT extend maximum lifespan. It was a major lead pipe to the face of caloric restriction extending lifespan, yet every fucking NPC and their hamster is claiming it proved the opposite.

Is there a term for this kind of propaganda technique? Because I've seen it for years and it makes me mad as hell.

>> No.12039861

Okay, prove it doesn't work.

>> No.12039876
File: 434 KB, 728x560, CR does not work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I am so fucking sick of this shit. This is literally how Adolf Hitler described arguing with jews. It didn't matter how right you were, becaue the next day, the fuckers would be back to the same old bullshit like you didn't just kick their asses the previous day.

I gradually came to fucking hate science.

>> No.12039887

You shouldn't get angry with people when you're not even keeping up with the science.


>> No.12039905

If you will pull every country to 80, it will raise the total life expectancy by a decade, yet will do very little to firstworlders (and hardly anything to someone already old).

>> No.12039931

Which one is it, fuck tards. You're already proven that model will not give definite results, why insist on writing shit about it? I swear the same bullshit happens with evidence based medicine, you pick either of the two studies whenever it pleases you. Science is a mistake.

>> No.12039941

>I swear the same bullshit happens with evidence based medicine, you pick either of the two studies whenever it pleases you.
Isn't that exactly what you just did as well? And why are you so angry? I know it's shocking, but when two studies use different methodologies, the results may differ.

>> No.12039944

This just says "we don't definitively know one way or the other", why so angry?

>> No.12039948

But we do. It was a 20 year experiment that showed there was no life extension. That's not questionable. It's a fact.

>> No.12039954

Life extension is tied to cancer research. When we have a general cancer cure we will have massive leaps in life extension. Until we do all life extension efforts will hit that wall and fail.

What we have done is massively improved people's "health span". The amount of time that they are healthy before dying. This is due to a load of improvements in neurodegenerative diseases as well as various gerentological ailments.

>> No.12039958

We already have immunotherapy. But every time you bring it up the industry shills scry like dying howler monkeys that it doesn't work, even though it has been shown to on a wide array of cancers repeatedly. Jimmy Carter used it.

>> No.12039960

combined cry and scream accidentally

>> No.12039966

And we have another study which used a different ratios of macros along with other methodological differences which showed there is life extension. That's not questionable. It's a fact.


>> No.12039973

maybe it's a really difficult problem

>> No.12039978

No you don't. Caloric restriction has been tested since AT LEAST the early 90s. If it fucking did anything, we'd have results in humans by now just doing it themselves. We have nothing of the sort.

I'll tell you when we'll advance this science. The moment we start rounding up NPCs and euthanizing them.

It really isn't. Too many rich cunts simply have a vested interest in maintaining ill health and death.

>> No.12039987

>Caloric restriction has been tested since AT LEAST the early 90s. If it fucking did anything, we'd have results in humans by now just doing it themselves. We have nothing of the sort.
So a 30-year-old human who started restricting their calories in 1990 would be 120 today? There's no evidence you can just start restricting calories at 60-years-old and reap the same benefits in terms of longevity. There absolutely is evidence that dramatically cutting calories, even at a later age, can reverse many diseases.

>> No.12039993
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Maybe next year

>> No.12040019

Who the fuck even comes up with "caloric restriction" being related at all with aging? I thought we had concluded Aging is the result of decades of cell damage all over your body. Compare some fucker who worked in the sun all his life to someone who actively used sunscreen and exposed himself the least, avoided smokers etc. Long age is directly the result of the lifestyle of a person when other genetical defects or unlucky accidents are factored out.

>> No.12040044

>I thought we had concluded Aging is the result of decades of cell damage all over your body.
Yup, so it's not exactly shocking that a diet which increases cellular repair and reduces oxidative stress will also increase lifespan.

>> No.12040074

That proposition is the same as trying to block out the sun with a finger.

>> No.12040079

Worked for the rhesus monkeys.

>> No.12040086

It's not applicable to human lives, and the monkey results are not unanimous either.

>> No.12040102

>It's not applicable to human lives

>and the monkey results are not unanimous either.
Even the group that didn't live longer was still healthier than the controls, and in fact a monkey from that group set a record for lifespan. But it shouldn't be a surprise if macros matter as well.

>> No.12040127

>It really isn't.
I used to think that, but after studying more closely several metabolic processes for college, I realized that it's really difficult to tell. It could that we just need to alter a couple of genes for a couple of proteins that start a cascade of signaling that automatically makes celular machinery just repair itself and keep working as per usual. But it could very well be a gigantic set of genes that all affect eachother and other metabolic processes so intimately that it would be like trying to find what butterfly in brazil caused the hurricane in texas; reverse engineering a caotic system.

>> No.12040137
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Only God can grant eternal life. Your salvation has been secured; all you must do is accept it.

>> No.12040142

People do whatever they want. You will not get results, people don't want to live