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12038908 No.12038908 [Reply] [Original]

Well? Real talk only by that I mean emissions will not be reduced by any substantial level and oil is not leaving the scene, and nuclear energy will not save the day, and no we can not massacre the population. There will be many many more humams by 2100 and developing countries are not going to slow their development to "go green". So what engineering solutions are there?

>> No.12038925

oh you're gonna love this:
clear cut the forests everywhere to raise albedo.
of course this will further raise co2 levels making it a positive feedback over the long term.
as are most other kinds of "engineering solutions"
humanity is literally extinct due to "engineering solutions"
have a nice day!

>> No.12039287

nuclear winter will cancel out global warming. prove me wrong.

>> No.12039295

Iron fertilization.
Cheap and quick solution. A bit messy but proven.

>> No.12039421

The only silver bullet it to stop being a defeatist virgin.

>oil is not leaving the scene
We can greatly reduce our need for oil, at least energy wise.

>and nuclear energy will not save the day
It is great for providing a base load. Peaker plants could be battery/other-storage from solar and wind.
A nice side effect from using batteries is increased demand and economy of scale, which will make electric cars cheaper too.

Futhermore, we need to think in economic terms. You can't just ignore economics. We need to concern ourselves with supply AND demand. Elongated Muskrat was smart and made electric cars a luxury item, I wouldn't buy a Tesla because it is basically an iCar, but it did increase the demand for electric cars.

On that same line of thought I think we should further develop wood construction. By using wood from "wood farms" (not deforestation) we can capture carbon in a economically viable way. Not only that but concrete production is responsible for ~8% of CO2 emissions.
Wood construction is generally cheaper and faster than concrete/steel and offers a good life cycle as long as there are no hurricanes, it provides better thermal insulation and the interior looks the same.
There is research being done in constructing buildings with wood, the last time I checked there were buildings up to 10 stories high made of wood.
Unfortunately, atm, there is only one place in the world where wood constructions is common, the US, and that is only for houses.

Ofc, a carbon market would be great. But unfortunately left wing liberals don't know anything about economics and think that the market mechanism is a evil conspiracy theory. Right wing conservatives also do not know anything about economics and don't like the idea of a carbon market because liberals already care about the environment.

>> No.12039426

Cool videos about it:

>> No.12039433

Direct air capture of CO2 is a technology that already works and exists. It's expensive right now because they're only just getting into it, but if this climate nonsense was an actual crisis, everyone could build these facilities nonstop and you could significantly reduce CO2 content without having to do any hippie bullshit like riding the bus or eating the bugs.

A more scifi solution is an orbital solar shade (or rather, a cloud of small shades). Still doable with current tech, and gives you significant cooling ability, but way more expensive.

Engineering solutions are the way to deal with this shit, because it nets direct applications to terraforming other planets. Becoming cavemen through reduction of consumption does not.

>> No.12039435

>but if this climate nonsense was an actual crisis
back to your swamp , cletus

>> No.12039483


I personally believe that population growth/overpopulation will eventually thwart anything humans try to do to fix the planet. Scientists and engineers will continue to innovate, but will only succeed in kicking the can further down the road. Norman Borlaug won a Nobel Prize is 1970 and the world's population has doubled since then.

>> No.12039488

> and no we can not massacre the population.

Just release flus with ~1-3% fatality rates that target the old and non contributors more every couple years

>> No.12039492

They hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.12039502
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>implying anything needs to be fixed

>> No.12039506
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We need to cut luxuries but no politician will do that so we also need dictatorship to force a green way of life.

>> No.12039511

>mass immigration won't be a problem haha

>> No.12039524

If you can't keep borders shut, then you will get overwhelmed anyway.
If you can keep borders shut, then just continue to do so.

>> No.12039526

Praised be the climate change, can't wait to visit the Arctic Ocean resorts.

>> No.12039528

we need to kill off the rich ultra consumers. You know avocado toasting eating star buck drinking privileged mother fuckers

>> No.12039571


>> No.12039573

Consumption and luxuries need to be cut for everyone in general.
>no more driving car less then 5 km, take the bike
>driving solo in a car is also verboten
>no more beef, pork and chicken are greener
>production of sugar candy and drink stops now
>only one new phone per person every second year
>broken phones must be repaired or you can get an old one
>cruise ships must go extinct
>only two plane trips per person per year
etc. etc.

>> No.12039724

back to the bug capsule goy

>> No.12039838

Get rude of global trade China buys or chicken debones it packs it in little non recyclable boxes and ships it back a huge waste close all banks debt leads to wasted labor resource.Outlaw celebrity houses It's not legal fore me to waste water washing my car.But cutting down 1 thousand trees to build a second mega house for a celebrity,compleat with heated drive way is still legal.

>> No.12040017

Eco-fascists are delusional, there is no way you're going to get a dictatorial world government in time. We still have a while before climate change gets really bad, and that's plenty of time to get carbon capture technology off the ground. "CC and nuclear energy" is the most viable combo

>> No.12040027

stop electing beta males. problem solved.

>> No.12040047

>the world is ending, pay more taxes and eat the bugs, go--guys!

>> No.12040071

These are all rich people things...

>> No.12040103

This will never work. You know this will never work. Pandora's Box has been opened; people aren't going to give up their sugary foods, their beef, their cars, buying the newest IPhone, etc. At best, you will succeed in creating a black market for these goods/experiences. At worst, a government that tries to impose these things will collapse. Climate change needs to be solved, but any approach that lowers the standard of living will fail.

>> No.12040109

That's why we cull the rich

>> No.12040123

But these things are hardly only reserved for the rich. All westerners, most Asians, and the majority of Africans regard things like red meat, consumer products, vehicles, etc. as things they have the right to purchase and produce. Every year, more people are lifted out of poverty and into the consumer class, who all want these things. You'd have to forces billions of people to make choices counter to their desires. Good luck with that.

>> No.12040139

> red meat, consumer products, vehicles, etc. as things they have the right to purchase and produce.

These are luxury things only rich people actually afford.

>> No.12040268

I agree full heartedly, friendo. We can power our CO2 capture machines with a massive expansion of nuclear energy - there is enough uranium contained in seawater for humanity to continue growing for the next 5 million years. The only thing in our way is the evil oil lobbiests.

>> No.12040654

Are you Canadian or something? Most poorfags have a flagship phone and can absolutely afford a shitbox beater car for $1k. If you live in the West and you are "poor", you have an infinitely higher standard of living than most of the rest of the world.

>> No.12040674

tell that to the homeless

>> No.12040690

by living in underground controlled ecosystems while the world above destroys itself.

>> No.12040703

Who gives a flying fuck about the homeless? They make up a tiny percentage of the population, they are generally homeless because of mental illness or drug addiction and not lack of opportunity, and they have virtually no impact on society or the economy (outside of liberal cities where they are permitted to set up shanty towns and make designated shitting streets).

Why would the homeless factor into your calculation about the social and economic cost of climate change mitigation policies? It's like considering the impact on albinos.

>> No.12040717

Oh ok.
>an absolute psychopath talks about the :"social and economic costs of climate change mitigation policies"

LOL what else are you selling?

>> No.12040725

> they are generally homeless because of mental illness or drug addiction

That is lack of opportunity ><

>> No.12040782

>leftist absolutely seething

>lack of opportunity
No, it's inferior genes and/or upbringing. People aren't all created equal, and shoving a hobo into a university class will not produce a doctor. There is so much goddamn opportunity now that it beggars belief. But if you are unable or unfit to seize it, that's nobody's problem but your own.

Feel free to offer your beloved homeless some opportunities on your own. You'd be ok with putting up some homeless roommates, right?

>> No.12040802

>There is so much goddamn opportunity now that it beggars belief.
This is the kind of thing that someone whose comprehension of the world is paltry due to a lifetime of being fed quasi-religious dogma.

Here's something that the infinite growth consumerist CULT simply cannot bring itself to understand:
There is a limited supply of "opportunity", just as there is a limited supply of natural resources.

Now go fuck yourself, fucking psycho.

>> No.12040817

By regenerating the grasslands. Forests are a step in the right direction, but it won't be enough. Look into the work of Allan Savory for more.

>> No.12041026

Yes mental illness is a choice. Next.

>> No.12041188

>limited supply of opportunity
>spends entire income on meth and booze instead of going to any of the free outreach centers, public or private, that provide opportunities to literally anyone who walks through the door
A cruel world, truly.

It's not a choice, but what relevance does it have to the original topic? How does a handful of mentally ill hobos factor into a discussion of climate change policy?

>> No.12041213

Transport is only 12% of hydrocarbon use. Majority of that is mass transport. Cutting this is going to have very little effect on carbon output.

>> No.12041223

Wild guess here: your life wouldn't be affected negatively by any of these policies, would it?

>> No.12041229

Majority of co2 production is heavy industry: iron extraction, concrete production, other metal extraction, high current electricity to extract reactive metals/galvinisation, tempering, heavy machinery for mining...

Cars are way down on the co2 production list

>> No.12041274

Put all green energy subsidies into 4th gen nuclear and all will be solved.

>> No.12041690

I like you

>> No.12041703

The climate is fine. Stop falling for scare tactics.

>> No.12042374
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>implying engineering solutions are the solution

1. Identifying effective solutions
2. Implementing them

Stopping unsustainable deforestations only needs step 2.

>> No.12043210

>but proven
Thus it is illegal. Any solution short of taking humanity back to the bronze age is deemed illegal, immoral or unworkable.

>> No.12043474

if the world goes vegan it reclaims 80% of land used for farming, massively reduces oil consumption, and all types of emissions

>> No.12043484

kill all boomers and nonwhites

>> No.12043486

Capturing CO2 is always less efficient than not emitting it in the first place.

>> No.12043490

Avocado toast and Starbucks are upper middle class.

>> No.12043496

Carbon tax and nuclear energy. Anything else is impractical or cope.

>> No.12043624

Killing yourself is more efficient than staying alive. Unless you're sitting on a patent for high-cap graphene batteries or something, we aren't going away from internal combustion any time soon. It may shock you to discover that people aren't as eager to eat the bugs and ride the bus as you are, so "pay for carbon capture facilities" is a far easier sell than "live like a beggar in India".

>> No.12044277

y-you too

>> No.12044296

>Killing yourself is more efficient than staying alive.

>Unless you're sitting on a patent for high-cap graphene batteries or something, we aren't going away from internal combustion any time soon.
Nuclear and renewables could replace most fossil fuel use right now.

>It may shock you to discover that people aren't as eager to eat the bugs and ride the bus as you are, so "pay for carbon capture facilities" is a far easier sell than "live like a beggar in India".
False choice. What is powering the carbon capture? More carbon emmitting energy? Or nuclear? Then why not just replace the fossil fuel emmitting process with nuclear???

>> No.12044555
File: 30 KB, 500x375, 85a368b5b00fbc2e9f3e3c50d64b01af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only nations on this map that don't get exactly what they fucking deserve are Japan and Italy and that's a loss I'm willing to take. Just imagine a world without Africa, SA, the US / Israel, India and China. everything else is collateral.

>> No.12044598

Don't live within a few hounded miles of the coast, or somewhere with annual storms, or Europe. The climate refugees will cripple the economy and infrastructure. Be healthy so you are less susceptible to disease. Earthquakes are OK since they won't be affected by climate change. Invest in a sturdy home that can withstand stronger hurricanes and tornadoes if applicable.
The chance to prevent disaster has long passed. At this point the humans species just has to ride it out. We definitely won't go extinct, but it'll suck for a lot of people for a while.

>> No.12044613

>Then why not just replace the fossil fuel emmitting process with nuclear???
Tell people to stick micro reactors into cars, planes, ships, and factories, and I'll be 100% behind you.

>> No.12044632

Don't even bother. These growth monger fools have an extraordinarily simple solution that no human being has ever thought of for literally everything.