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12038733 No.12038733[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are racists more likely to be less intelligent on average?

>> No.12038745
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because janny

>> No.12038750


>> No.12038752

Because there are more midwits than geniuses. A midwit is most likely to be oversocialized and prone to accepting and rationalizing whatever is the current social paradigm. In contrast more average people are less oversocialized and more prone to seeing the world for what it is. Geniuses are also less socialized and more likely to come to eccentric views that do not align with the mainstream.

So if you average the IQ of the majority of geniuses and normal people (right wingers) you will get a lower result than the average of midwits (left wingers).

>> No.12038802
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they're both more likely to be less intelligent or more intelligent

>> No.12038806

>dozens of studies show black iq lower than white
>"fuck off i don't believe that nonsense"
>one study from brook university desperately tries to show racists have low iq
>"so true"

>> No.12038809

The root cause of racism is fear of that which looks different, and that has been understandably selected for by Darwinian evolution. However, non-mongs are able to rise above this base instinct, as they are able to reason that not every person who looks different is necessarily a threat to their survival, and that solidarity is necessary in order for a multiculti communtiy to function. You can't put the genie back in the bottle, dumbasses.

>> No.12038810
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Because outliers make the average lower. Remove outliers and you'll find racists are very intelligent.

>> No.12038813

Racists are conservative and more likely to think in defined categories.
Clever people tend to be more open-minded and think outside of these categories

>> No.12038820

I accept both. Being racist means thinking that just because they are dumber they are worthless subhumans

>> No.12038821

probably because non racists they're smart enough or too cowardly to openly admit that they hate being around niggers and instead just avoid such people by living in all white areas

>> No.12038823
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>multiculti communtiy to function
the entire point of multicult societies is to atomize people so that they are easier to exploit.

Even when controlling for income inequality and crime rates, two factors which conflict theory states should be the prime causal factors in declining inter-ethnic group trust, more diversity is still associated with less communal trust.
Lowered trust in areas with high diversity is also associated with:

Lower confidence in local government, local leaders and the local news media.
Lower political efficacy – that is, confidence in one's own influence.
Lower frequency of registering to vote, but more interest and knowledge about politics and more participation in protest marches and social reform groups.
Higher political advocacy, but lower expectations that it will bring about a desirable result.
Less expectation that others will cooperate to solve dilemmas of collective action (e.g., voluntary conservation to ease a water or energy shortage).
Less likelihood of working on a community project.
Less likelihood of giving to charity or volunteering.
Fewer close friends and confidants.
Less happiness and lower perceived quality of life.
More time spent watching television and more agreement that "television is my most important form of entertainment".

Putnam published his data set from this study in 2001[12][13] and subsequently published the full paper in 2007.[14]

>> No.12038827
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>> No.12038831

Let's not forget that no one is immune to propaganda, that includes intelligent people. The only ones that shake free from it are the ones who have witnessed reality

>> No.12038838

Only retards generalize. Intelligent people make judgments on an individual level.

>> No.12038843

>multiculti communtiy to function
the entire point of multicult societies is to atomize people so that they are easier to exploit.
Agreed. However, given the reality of the last sentence of my post, what options do we have? Civil war? Genocide? Not going to happen

>> No.12038848

>Agreed. However, given the reality of the last sentence of my post, what options do we have? Civil war? Genocide? Not going to happen
civil war is unavoidable actually. what will happen is balkanization. it's always the result.

>> No.12038852

Do you make judgements about individual mosquitoes when you travel to SE Asia, or do you generalise by vaccinating and spraying the scum en masse?

>> No.12038861

Incorrect, you need both. Decisions made on an individual level should indeed be based on individual characteristics, however anything at a larger scale requires generalization and heuristics. The same goes for fast or high-risk decision making .

Intelligence is characterized by an improved ability to recognize patterns and derive rules and heuristics from them.

The silver lining is genetic engineering. Inferior races are well aware of white superiority and will willingly bleach their own offspring once the tech is available and cheap.

>> No.12038866

Christopher Langan

>> No.12039347
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No human is intelligent. The limited degree of intelligence humans possess is all geared towards group conformity. Racists conform less to groupthink and are slightly less intelligent. But the difference is negligible since humans are a non-sapient species to start with.

Really just organic garbage.

>> No.12039350

>"On average"
I am racist and have phd in physics.

>> No.12039359

That's a strawman argument.

>> No.12039400

racists tend to have the same syndrome as sports fans, exclusiveness meaning anything that panders to them regardless of quality is good enough.
so if someone approach a racist selling an inferior house for the price of a good house just because the seller says its redpilled, then the racist will buy it simply due to the fact the product is aimed at them.

ergo, racists tend to be more gullible than non racists. most people who fell for pyramid schemes and scams tend to be right wingers who are too retarded to realize smooth talking scammers exist.

>> No.12040270

it's called the knockout game, and eventually white people are going to get tired of playing it

>> No.12040356

>The root cause of racism is fear of that which looks different
The root cause is acknowledgement that people of other cultural groups will impose their culture and erase your culture if given the opportunity. This is consistent behavior throughout human history, making racism logical and based in historic reality.

>> No.12040409

The cause is a lack of curiosity:
For a curious person, information that contradicts their expectations is enjoyable.

>> No.12040417

>geniuses are right wing

>> No.12040422

so your link is a statistician debunking some random liberals using stats wrong, and what? if you are trying to say anything with this, which is presumably why you posted it, then surely you have to see the irony in that?

>> No.12040426

except theres no data that supports these claims
>b-b-but bobby fischer hated jews!

>> No.12040427


>> No.12040435

Why are people who accuse others of being racist likely to be less intelligent on average?

>> No.12040472

>Being racist means thinking that just because they are dumber they are worthless subhumans
Most anti-racists would disagree with you and call you a racist.

>> No.12040480

>The root cause of racism is fear of that which looks different.
So how would you explain why most white racists hate niggers but are okay with asians ?

>> No.12040494
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>> No.12040978

White racists marry and breed with Asians so they get a pass.

>> No.12040989

What are you talking about? The most xenophobic people on the planet are east asians, and they also have the highest IQ's and income levels. Cope harder tranny.

>> No.12040999

Black people have a lower intelligence than average and most of them are racist

>> No.12041010

Sag with e. Citation needed

>> No.12041017

Lack of university indoctrination.

>> No.12041211

Left-wing ideology leads to low birth rates, dysgenic reproductive trends, immigrants that cause crime, rising debt - an unsustainable society. I've never understood why college-educated, otherwise seemingly intelligent and thoughtful, people don't recognize this rather obvious conclusion.

>> No.12041231

are you really that stupid that you need data for such an obvious claim?

>> No.12041651

Most of the smart people are also racists, they're just smart enough not to be racist in public

>> No.12041871

Can't speak for the united fats, but here in Australia the average bogan retard is NOT ok with Asians. The only reason that a jibbering mongoloid like Pauline Hanson was elected was because she advertised her hatred of Asians.

>> No.12041898

My guess is that the simpler your mind is, the more you simplify the world

>> No.12041930
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noticing patterns of behavior in relation to ethnic groups is high IQ.

blacks are too unintelligent to understand postmodernism. Whites are smart enough to understand it but too dumb to question it. Ashkenazi Jews are smart enough to understand it and question it. which is why their culture is the so racist.

>> No.12041931

Idk man Kinda think you have to be intelligent to be a politician

>> No.12041950

Shitty brains are less likely to be open to new experiences than the ones of intelligent people. Stupid people simply can't handle new information well.
Racism exists because of fear of the unknown. If you are closed to new experiences a lot more things are unknown than if you'd not be, so you're relying on stereotypes and fear.

>> No.12041966

because its not obvious you dumb fuck retard

>> No.12041974

Such a jew argument. Yes goyim be open to negroes and muslims coming into your country while we ban them from our own ethnostate

>> No.12041984

Israel has an average iq of 94

>> No.12041985

pretty much this desu

>> No.12041992

Because its full of middle eastern jews. The high iq european jews still run it and keep it jewish while promoting multiculturalism in goy land

>> No.12042007

also racist people tend to waste most of their time and brainpower on politics and bitching about different races and groups of the world instead of thinking about science or ways to advance our current technology.

theyre like gamers but worse since at the exact moment they start thinking about how can humanity go to space cheaper and easier they start bitching and having flashbacks at how minorities are bringing white people down so their brain starts go down that route instead of focusing on the space travel problem.

/pol/ is full of fucking worthless people. no wonder they depict themselves as clowns. useless fucking worthless waste of space retard ass clowns.

>> No.12042020

Worthless rant

>> No.12042021

>"everyone who's not openly against us is with us!"
>More and more people step up against racism
>"It's all just an evil plot and fake news, the silent majority will always be with us! Being an asshole is better than being nice to others!"

>> No.12042023

Not all racists endlessly scapegoat, but the ones who do use it as a catharsis so I think it's less about IQ in that instance and more about emotional problems/shitty life

>> No.12042033
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>someone who notices human races behave differently must have a shitty life

>> No.12042035

Fake quote.

>> No.12042036

worthless brain.
youre corrupted, dumb motherfucker. enjoy bitching at the liberals and minorities all your life while actual white people do all the work figuring how to get to mars and build better ways of transportation.

>> No.12042039

People who endlessly scapegoat

>> No.12042051

Found the jew

How are we getting to Mars when leftist promote dysgenics ie policies that increase the breeding rate of low IQ populations

>> No.12042090
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It's quite simple actually.
- Mediocre people tend to live in average mostly white neighbourhoods so they rarely come across foreigners and when they do they only meet the ones who are not subhuman tier and therefore not hate them.
- Stupid people tend to be poor so white people who are stupid live in poor neighbourhoods among foreigners which means they experience their subhuman behaviour first hand and learn to hate them.
- Intelligent people question politics and society and realize that the majority of foreigners are either uneducated, criminals or welfare parasites and are therefore a waste of ressources who should be removed.

>> No.12042105

Racism isn't a white only thing btw

>> No.12042109

>intelligent people believe in stupid stereotypes
unlikely. Post your citations
>If other retards do it as well then it must be fine

>> No.12042112
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>> No.12042128

I can't find the part where I said it's fine

Thanks for the assist?

>> No.12042135

>intelligent people believe in stupid stereotypes
Literally go on any search engine right now and look up comparisons of education, crime and welfare by race. Intelligent people tend to do research and if you do research you quickly realize that most foreigners perform worse in all categories and are therefore detrimental. Also, stop asking for citation spoonfeeding like a toddler and learn to look up things by yourself you lazy faggot.

>> No.12042143

>american calling anyone a "foreigner"
how ironic
>doesn't account for systematic racism determining social status and social status effects on education, crime and welfare
>doesn't even give citations

>> No.12042148

Technically it's not ironic since it's stereotypical.

Why must whites adjust their societies to increase the performance of nonwhites when there are zero nonwhite societies with that obligation?

>> No.12042156

>Why are racists more likely to be less intelligent on average?
Probably because most minorities are racist.

>> No.12042170

You're being sealioned.

>> No.12042173

>american calling anyone a "foreigner"
I'm not actually american but why shouldn't they call anyone foreigner?
>doesn't account for systematic racism determining social status and social status effects on education, crime and welfare
That hasn't been the case for the past 80 years but even if you were right it doesn't change the fact that what i said remains true. Also, since when is it my duty to improve the situation of foreigners? It's up to them to educate themselves, they have to chose to commit less crimes, they have to stop being dependend on welfare and if they think systematic racism is what's holding them back they can leave anytime. Nothing more disgusting than foreigners who expect white people to make their lives better like that's our purpose in life.

>> No.12042183

>if others are not doing it then we aren't either!

>> No.12042187
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>thinks Americans are inherently """"foreign""""

>> No.12042190

Native americans are not

>> No.12042196

>an impossible standard used to torture a scapegoat

>> No.12042201

Literally every place on earth was once inhabited by other people than right now. Every nation experienced wars, displacement and replacement. Native Americans got conquered by Europeans so now Europeans are the natives and if you disagree with that then by your logic no one in the world is native anymore.

>> No.12042207

I think native Americans are one of a few exceptions myself. They didn't deserve their fate. It's similar to what the British did to Indians, or when Mexico let us live on their land and we decided we wanted Texas for ourselves.

>> No.12042216
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You have to go back.

>> No.12042249

Anyone autistic enough will realize the low IQ people are right when it comes to politics.. There's your data.

>> No.12042272

It’s a lot more complicated then looking at statistics and seeing black people have lower iq dumb fuck

>> No.12042282

>The root cause of racism is fear of that which looks different
What fucking garbage.
Some of us went to school having our shit stolen everyday or had to run when walking home and "certain groups" were on the footpath. Some people are smart enough to realize why their neighbor is so bad.
I still don't hate someone by their race but I'm pretty good at judging by the look and demeanor and I generally don't have to worry about Asians or other white guys.