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File: 43 KB, 469x211, 1572052218832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12037265 No.12037265[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did we ever reach a conclusion to this?

>> No.12037268


Yes. A /pol/ack proved that this isn’t 1, and people only think it’s 1 because Jews brainwash people into thinking this is 1.

>> No.12037336

Imagine bitching and whining about /pol/ 24/7.

>> No.12037347

no, it's actually one of the great unsolved problems in Mathematics

>> No.12037403

>Did we ever reach a conclusion to this?

We can only infinitely approach the conclusion, but never reach it.

>> No.12037455


>> No.12037457

This is true in the Riemann sphere.

>> No.12037480

Yes, if 1 is not 0.999... then there must be a number between the two. State that number, please.

>> No.12037488

next question?

>> No.12037502

it's true anywhere
[math] \displaystyle
\lim_{x \to \infty} \dfrac{x+1}{x} =
\lim_{x \to \infty} 1+ 1/x = 1+0 = 1

>> No.12037515


.9 to the power of infinity equals zero using the limit method.

Libs pretend otherwise to prevent math from breaking. The limit method is not rigorous

>> No.12037523

>.9 to the power of infinity
is undefined

[math] \displaystyle
\lim_{x \to \infty} 1^x = 1 \\
1^ {\infty} ~~ undefined

>> No.12037531


>> No.12037540

oh, so then 0*inf=1

>> No.12037559

0*inf is undefined

>> No.12037581

1/3 = 0.333...
0.333... x 2 = 0.666...
0.333... x 3 = 0.999...
0.333... x 3 = 1

Need I say more?

>> No.12037593

[math]\frac{3}{3}\neq 1[/math]

>> No.12037602
File: 97 KB, 1654x2339, For 1 tards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who think .999...=/=1 are gibbering retards or trolls. Period.

>> No.12037604
File: 28 KB, 488x463, retardClap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12037605

The conclusion is that "dot dot dot" is not a very useful notation for mathematics.

>> No.12037610

I think you're the retard for falling for the world's most obvious troll and posting a basedjack to boot.

>> No.12037613

[math] \displaystyle
0. \bar{0}1
= \lim_{n \to \infty} 0. \underbrace{0 \dots 0}_{n ~ \text{times}}1
= \lim_{n \to \infty}
\left [
\left (
\sum_{k=1}^n \dfrac{0}{10^k}
\right )
+ \dfrac{1}{10^{n+1}}
\right ]

>> No.12037618

.9... is clunky, so we write 1 instead.

>> No.12037621

>I think

>> No.12037622

what's the command for the lower bracket?

>> No.12037626

I would like to see a little more about how you get from Eq (2) to Eq (3) in the sense that I would like to a further formalization of the steps without a word blurb "Obvious it follows because it seems like it ought to." You should make that tex again with more steps. Seems like a jump from (2) to (3) if we're talking about rigor.

>> No.12037638

>what's the command
sit down, shut up, and learn

>> No.12037641

I think it lacks rigor to the rely on the number "n+1" when the "n->inf" notation is shorthand for "as n increases without bound." The way you have it written, "n+1" is the bound your saying doesn't exist.

>> No.12037645

it\s \underbrace{}

>> No.12037647

maybe \underbrace{} with \substack{}

>> No.12037651


>> No.12037655


>> No.12037663

ever heard of right-clicking?

>> No.12037678

yeah I figured it out retard. I know most commands so I have never needed to do that
>>12037651 applies to you as well

>> No.12037708
File: 36 KB, 635x219, snowflake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12037874

it's the summation of a finite geometric series, literally just apply the formula

>> No.12037896

I dont understand the problem, as 0.999...9 is not a number that actually exists, and cannot actually be used. It is not 1 but is infinitely close to it.

>> No.12037900
File: 13 KB, 1138x1010, mmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is this

>> No.12037908

>then there must be a number between the two. State that number, please.
So if i have a counting system based on integers then no numbers exist because 1 and 2 is the same because there's no number between them
Same with 1 and 3 since 1 is the same as 2 and since there's no number in between 2 and 3 et cetera

>> No.12037927

>"Obvious it follows because it seems like it ought to."

it is better to say "dot dot dot" is not a useful notation

>> No.12038005

>infinitely close
so that's exactly 1 then

>> No.12038034

Practically yes but theoretically no

>> No.12038038

theoretically yes, that's the whole point

>> No.12038063

the whole point is that "dot dot dot" is not a useful notation.

>> No.12038068

you don't get it.
your problem, stick to legos

>> No.12038088

Wait, nelp me understand here...
Apparently a sequence is a series of approximations, and one can choose an "arbitrarily good" approximation to the number in question by taking a sufficiently large n for which the nth element is "close enough" to the number required.
Which is engineering.
Then, we can also bring up the idea of a "limit" and perhaps prove that these approximations approach the number uniquely; even if there is no n for which the numbers are equal, we can just say the limit equals one, not that any of the elements of the sequence actually does.
Which is exactly what is meant by 0.999...
So there is no number of the form 0.9999+ which actually equals 1, but the limit of such numbers can be defined to be the intersection of all neighbourhoods containing every number in the sequence.
So what? I'm increasingly open to doubt the equality, but in the end is simply a matter of considering we're not talking about 0.999... as a number, but as a limit.
I keep trying to understand WHY there is a debate at all, but I can't for the life of me. There is a number, a sequence of approximations, and the notion of a limit, that a number n is uniquely approached by the elements of the sequence. Am I missing something? Is there /another/ number so approached?

>> No.12038102

0.999... is static, the length is aleph_0 from the get go.
Your naive cartoon vision of a diesel engine chugging along is ridiculous. Embarrassing even.

>> No.12038134

Hey zoomer, while you're here, could ya help me? I'm trying to get good at this video game called "rocket league" so I could win a bet with my grandson. If I win, he has to opt in to the in-person schooling this fall.

>> No.12038181

Well there is a method of proof that's exactly this. Proves something for every natural number by going one number after another recursively.
0.999... is not that different from induction. For any arbitrarily large n, the sequence 0.999(n) (forgive the shitty notation) lies in an open neighbourhood of 1, and no other number. Given a number x between 0.999(n) and 1, there s some m>n such that 0.999(m) > x > 1.
So the limit uniquely approaches 1.
Never to reach it I get it. It's but the intersection of all such neighbourhoods.
Where does it say it's length is static? Aleph_0 is not a real number. It's a spook of some weird manipulation of set theory.

>> No.12038186

Ah shit 0.999(m) < x < 1 is what I meant

>> No.12038211

0.999... isn't a limit dance, it just is.
If you want the waltz, type "lim" instead of hand waving wall-of-text retarded bs.

>> No.12038243

>it just is.
Sure thing.
0.999... is literally the infinite sum (lim n->inf Sigma 1/10^n im sorry I don't care to lookup latex syntax rn). Anyw y it's the same thing. What the fuck does "it just is" is supposed to mean anyway? Are you actually fighting a ghost of ill-defined "it just is" and pretending you're doing rigurous math?

>> No.12038250

If you compute that limit, it is equal to one due to the epsilon-delta Cauchy definition of a limit. Once the limit is provably equal to one, there is no reason to invent the "dot dot dot" notation which makes things unnecessarily complicated.

If you can compute the limit expression and prove it is equal to one, why set it equal to some other stupid dot dot dot expression?

And what about 0.888...? When you do this limit, does it even converge? No one asks what this limit is equal to.

>> No.12038254

>could ya help me?
The reason no one helps me is because they are all my enemies' servants. I don't to taste my enemies' servants. I tasted that enough already. It tastes bad.

>> No.12038284

>what this limit is equal to

>> No.12038286

>supposed to mean
infinite amount of digits

>> No.12038290

lol. In any case, 8/9 is a useful notation. What is the purpose in trying to squeeze it into Stevin's 16th century decimal notation?

>> No.12038332

Anyone using limits to prove this doesn't know the definition. The number approaches one, it never actually reaches it.

>> No.12038339

>The number
0.9... is just as static as 1 is, retard

>> No.12038547

I find it funny that the mathematical issue only exists if you apply 1/3 * 3 as strict calculation of 0.333... * 3, resulting in 0.999... while 3/3 is automatically 1.>>12037347

>no, it's actually one of the great unsolved problems in Mathematics
Where, how and what's it called ?

>> No.12039279

Yeah, in Calc 2.

>> No.12039291

0*inf = 1/inf * inf, use lhopital rule and solve

>> No.12039302

>use lhopital rule
no can do, isn't a 0/0 situation

>> No.12039306

it has to either be 0/0 or inf/inf, any f(x) that converges, 1/f(x) diverges

>> No.12039313

>any f(x) that converges
*to 0

>> No.12039314

where's the x

>> No.12039319

if you follow the comment chain you'll see that we're talking about limits of functions

>> No.12039354

Wow, that's a great proof! Why won't you prove Fermat's Theorem this way?

>> No.12039357

>follow the comment chain

>> No.12039363

People who believe otherwise are essentially religious scholasticists with their angels on the pin question (except that scholasticists actually thought about that question a bit).

>> No.12039368

>Aleph_0 is not a real number. It's a spook of some weird manipulation of set theory.
When you use "for every" construct while defining the limit, you actually go full spook.

>> No.12039379

Never liked this proof for the retards because it has all its power in the first definition. Morons will just deny that numbers can be defined as limits of series

>> No.12039381

limits only make sense for functions

>> No.12039386

>if I zoom into the Mandelbrot set far enough I'll reach the end

>> No.12039390

>by definition
You can prove anything by definition.

>> No.12039509

the limit never reaches one, even approaching infinity

>> No.12039529
File: 113 KB, 2325x1125, TIMESAND___1f5555sssgfg5bkryukrkvbnmfviervwjewt6g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The limit identically equal to one. If 0.999... is defined to be equal to this limit, then it is equal to one.

>> No.12039539

>this definition involves actual infinity
>another definition involves taking every member of the actual infinity
>but actual infinity is totally nonsense and you can't invoke it!

>> No.12039566

Nobody is talking about the sequence of numbers {0.9, 0.99, 0.999,...}
0.999... represents a number with infinite nines after the decimal place, not a class of numbers. Such a number can only be formally constructed with a limit, and is equal to its limit.

>> No.12039568

how's the riemann proof going for ya?

>> No.12039572
File: 69 KB, 1249x854, TIMESAND___1f5555sssgfg5bf24ty35y3rkvb53yyhdhmfviervwjewt6g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The notation [math]n\to\infty[/math] means "as n increases without bound and doesn't necessarily invoke any specific definition for the infinity symbol. These MIT notes make a nice survey of the cases. It works if you do define infinity but simply reading it as "as n increases without bound" is sufficient.

>> No.12039574
File: 3.19 MB, 3689x2457, TIMESAND___ZetaMedium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The internet still says it's the most important unsolved problem in mathematics.

>> No.12039610
File: 46 KB, 1240x744, 1594226451878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0.999... equals 1

1 minus 0.000...1 equals 0.999...8

0.999...8 plus 0.000...2 equals 1


0.000...1 equals 0.000...2

>> No.12039612

>0.000...1 equals 0.000...2
Yes this is correct

>> No.12039624

Also 2+2=5

>> No.12039634

Increases without bound [in the infinite set which we accept implicitly and intuitively]

>> No.12039635

0.000...1 equals 0.000...2

0.000...1 multiplied by 1,000... equals 1

0.000...2 multiplied by 1,000... equals 2


1 equals 2

>> No.12039647

1,000... is undefined.

>> No.12039727

>0.000...1 equals 0.000...2
>0.000...1 multiplied by 1,000... equals 1
>0.000...2 multiplied by 1,000... equals 2
>1 equals 2

>> No.12039740

no limit there retard
protip: look for the text "lim"

>> No.12039742

If you have may 0's, then some of them may not equal another ones.

>> No.12039760
File: 76 KB, 1653x757, nn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see pic related for your confusion
the limit uses the series, and would only be equal to the number if infinity were reached, which it can't be.

>> No.12039795
File: 16 KB, 614x379, .8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If .999... = 1 than why doesn't .888... = 1?

Try plugging in (1/3) * 2 into a calculator

>> No.12039817

>0.999... represents a number with infinite nines after the decimal place
0.000...1 represents a number with infinite zeros after the decimal place and before the last 1.

>> No.12039821


>> No.12039829

because 0.888...9 is greater than 0.888... and both are less than 1

>> No.12039850

How about 1 is greater than .999...?

Why don't you find me a number between .888...9 & .888... unless you believe they're the same of course.

>> No.12039859

if 1000... is define as 1 divided by 0.1, then 1000... * 0.2 equals 2

so it goes that if 1000... is equal to 1/0.0001, then 1000... * 0.0002 = 2


if 1000... is define as 1 divided by 0.000...1, then 1000... * 0.000...2 = 2

if 0.000...1 equals 0.000...2 then 1 = 2

>> No.12039867

0.888... == 0.888...8
0.888...8, 0.888...85, 0.888...9

>> No.12039893

What about 0.101010... where 10 isn't just 1 and then 0, but 10?

>> No.12039903

.999... == .999..9
.999...9, .999...95, .999...99

>> No.12039906

.999...99 = 1

>> No.12039929

nuh un there's something between them

>> No.12039932

0.999...995 < 0.999...999

>> No.12039937 [DELETED] 

.999...999 < .999.9995

>> No.12039942

.999...999 < .999...9995

>> No.12039952

0.999...9995 < 0.999...

>> No.12039956

Did we ever reach a conclusion... = conclusion

>> No.12039957

What about 0.ABCDEFG...?

>> No.12039961

>You can prove anything by definition.
I can prove that wrong by definition.

>> No.12039969

The arrogant stupid motherfucker has landed.

>> No.12039972

.999... < .999...95

>> No.12039977

999... = ???

>> No.12039979

.999... == 0.999...99
0.999...99 !< .999...95

>> No.12039980

It isn't any better than "infinite set", "natural numbers", "for any", "unbounded" and others.

>> No.12040029

>0.999... equals 1
>1 minus 0.000...1 equals 0.999...8
>0.999...8 plus 0.000...2 equals 1
>0.000...1 equals 0.000...2

>> No.12040034

>.999... < .999...95

>> No.12040129

because 1 /3 = 0.333... and 0.333... * 3 = 0.999...
ergo 0.999... = 1

>> No.12040132

.999...95 != .999...

>> No.12040151

Sure, and a^n+b^n=c^n does not have natural solutions for n>2 because 3a^n+3b^n=2c^n does not have them! Truly a marvelous proof!

>> No.12040160


>> No.12040170

why does it feel so wrong

>> No.12040213

Such a number doesn't exist, as there'd be a finite but arbitrarily large amount of 0's before the 1.

>> No.12040222


>> No.12040258

shit bait, lern density

>> No.12040289

you cant specify at which digit 1 shows up
every digit place of a number is only a finite number of steps away from the decimal point
so .000...1 isnt a number

>> No.12040316

>you cant specify at which digit 1 shows up
after infinite zeroes

>> No.12040322


>> No.12040323

At ω+1

>> No.12040330

It's fucking 1

>> No.12040331

0.8, 0.888...8, 0.888...85, 0.888...88, 0.888...9, 0.9, 999...95, 0.999...99

>> No.12040334

0.8, 0.888...8, 0.888...85, 0.888...88, 0.888...9, 0.9, 999...95, 0.999...99, 0.999...991, 0.999...993, 0.999...995, 0.999...997, 0.999...999

>> No.12040337

Hopefully with protection.

>> No.12040339

Its not 1 they are 2 diferent numbers thats why they are represented differently 1 cant be 9 or any other number

>> No.12040343

0.888...85, 0.888...88, 0.888...89, 0.888...99

>> No.12040348

>I don't to taste my enemies' servants

>> No.12040365

>t. retard

>> No.12040368

ITT, one can easily classify high iq autists and low iq autists.

>> No.12040393

that's merely an insult; it does not refute what I said

>> No.12040415

Correct because you don't understand your own statement. When you say 'after something', that something is finite. There's nothing called after infinity because there's already something after infinity.
In this sense, there's no after infinite zeros because there's still an infinite zeros. You can never reach the end of this line whatever you do.

>> No.12040423

In mathematical terms, if a number is written as
You cannot say after infinite t because in that case you can assign infinity to say a number n. Then you say place 1 after the nth t. But there's already t after the nth t.

>> No.12040449

I understood what you were saying the first time, but it's an assertion posited without proof
I don't have to reach the end of the line, nor define n as anything but infinity, because I know that after the infinite zeroes there is a 1

>> No.12040457

There's no 'after infinity'. You automatically defined (here) that infinity is finite.

>> No.12040463

>because I know that after the infinite zeroes there is a 1
But in that case you're proving that your described number is terminating. But a non terminating number never terminates.

>> No.12040482

I wouldn't say our ...1 is 'after infinity', I would say it was part of an infinite mantissa we happen to know ends in 1
it is very much part of the infinity

>> No.12040486

Ok I have a physical example for this.

Imagine a long cylinder that has a base. The base can be any shape that you wish it to be. The cylinder has walls and also has an identical cover as it's base. For now let's assume the height of this cylinder is not constrained be the size of the universe.

When you say that there's 1 after infinity, you're essentially asserting that you can add the lid after infinite height. When you do this, you automatically make the height of the cylinder finite because you have capped it's height at infinity.

When I say that you cannot place this cap, the cylinder becomes truly infinity because it never ends. You keep going on and on.

Now do you understand this analogy?

>> No.12040488

no because
>You can never reach the end of this line whatever you do.

No matter what, there is always an infinitesimally smaller number, which always happens to end in 1. 0.000...1 does not terminate in the same way that 0.333...3 does not terminate

>> No.12040491

There's your problem. You can say that there's endless zeros, that it's an incredibly small number, but it eventually WILL terminate at that 1 after an arbitrarily long string of 0's.

It could be an unfathomably long string of 0's, the length of which makes every other large number we've meaningfully defined look infinitesimal, but it's still finite.

>> No.12040493

god this thread is a dumpster fire
and yet we have the same exact dumpster fire every single week

>> No.12040497

Infinity never ends. You can still have infinitly many zeros after your infinity points an d that number will still be infinitely larger than zero.

>> No.12040498

>0.333...3 does not terminate
0.333...3 also terminates after some arbitrarily long string of 3's.

0.333... != 0.333...3

>> No.12040512

>but it eventually WILL terminate at that 1 after an arbitrarily long string of 0's.
the one can never be reached, because there are infinite zeroes preceding it

>> No.12040525

But your number is still not equal to 0.

>> No.12040526

There aren't infinite zeroes preceding it, because it terminates at a digit.

Go ahead and define 0.000...01 as a limit.

>> No.12040540

[0,1] interval is infinite, yet it has an end.

>> No.12040542

>There aren't infinite zeroes preceding it
yes, there are
why is that so hard for you to accept?

>> No.12040554

>[0,1] interval is infinite, yet it has an end.
Because there are infinite numbers between 0 and 1. Also you just confirmed what he said. There can be infinite 0s between 0.0 and 1 yet it still ends aka terminates.

>> No.12040557

[0,1] is not infinite, anon.

Because it is self-contradictory, anon. You cannot have infinite digits in a terminating number.

Again; attempt to define your number as a limit and see that it's impossible.

>> No.12040561

Yes, I agree.

>> No.12040565

>0.0 and 1
0.0 and .........1

>> No.12040642

All you fags making "proofs" with limes are utterly retarded since limes only tells you " as this value approaches infinity the result approaches this number. You cant tale that as an equality and prove 0.999... = 1 bc its fucking not. Its still missing the 0.0.....1

>> No.12040651

>t. uses ad hominem

>> No.12040658 [DELETED] 

You still haven't show a limit for 0.00....1

You keep making worthless arguments but when told to do actual math, you become a coward.

>> No.12040672

>You cannot have infinite digits in a terminating number.
sure, but it's not a terminating number

>> No.12040673

the limit of whatever monstrosity you typed is 0, as shown way above >>12037613

>> No.12040678

that was a different anon
please don't stoop to his level and resort to insults, you're better than that

>> No.12040682

I just came here what the fuck are you talking about. Just came here to say that these bois are retarded af

>> No.12040692

>I know most commands so I have never needed to do that
clearly you are riding high on dunning kruger and have barely scratched the surface of tex

>> No.12040694

So if the limit is zero then 0.999.... = 1 because there cannot exist number between 0.999... and 1.

>> No.12040719


>> No.12040730

So why don't retards understand this?

>> No.12040748

Sorry anon, I did not understand your post.

>> No.12040752

It never ends

>> No.12040757

What is common between the real number and our world?

>> No.12040760

because 50% of the dissenting opinion are trolls and the other 50% have no understanding of math and don't want to try and learn what's wrong with their line of thinking

>> No.12040774

Because you are a scholastic philosopher who thinks that his understanding of angels dancing on the pin of the needle is correct because the Bible says so.

>> No.12040777

Oh, so what is the finite amount of numbers in [0,1] rational (or real) numbers interval?

>> No.12040780
File: 87 KB, 974x1061, 4BDD45A8-B841-449A-AEA5-EA5C86783E95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This problem only occures, because the jews made us use arabic numbers. If we used roman numbers, it wouldn't be a problem: as >>12038547 pointed out.
Same as Pi. In roman letters its, well π but in arabic its 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993... same as 0.33333 is 1/3 thus 0.9999 is o

>> No.12040785

1/3 is I/III in roman, sorry

>> No.12040787


>> No.12040789

funny, you misunderstand both math and philosophy. must be a shitty life

>> No.12040798


>> No.12040801

At least I know how to use capital letters.

>> No.12040812

you really think you did something with this response? this is your grand slam out of the park that you wanted to go with?

>> No.12040826

Feel the keen sting of my majuscule grammatic burn!

>> No.12040833

Of course. You may write the most clever and wise posts (which isn't true in your case) and still be destroyed every time solely because you are too lazy to hit shift. Typos and grammatical errors are excusable, but not this.

>> No.12040844

seethe harder. you're too stupid to make any logical argument against the math so you're grasping at straws. embarrassing

>> No.12040862

I can, but you still being unable to hit shift allows me to throw away everything you say without any explanations. Is the lack of shift the part of your religion? Do you think that you look more sincere this way?

>> No.12040864

>I can but I won't
aka I can't but don't want to admit it. stop responding

>> No.12040868

The difference between it and 1 is arbitrarily small to a point of infinity

>> No.12040877

>comes into the thread to offer a matter-of-fact answer that's not even correct
absolutely based

>> No.12040880

Of course. Your letters are small, therefore your math is wrong.

>> No.12040898

Oh no my anonymous credibility

>> No.12041215

no, that is not what limes tell us
take a fucking horticulture class you retard

>> No.12041509
File: 1 KB, 63x56, 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12041609

Did you know that limes are green because they’re not ripe?

>> No.12041697

3*a^n+3*b^n=3*c^n does not have natural solutions for natural n>2
a^n+b^n=c^n does not have natural solutions for natural n>2

Fermat's last theorem proved in a couple of lines! That's what Fermat intended!

>> No.12041799

Is this numerical flat earth?

>> No.12041997

no matter how many times you post this, its still dumb as shit
since if you argue against 1/3 = .333... then theres no helping you

>> No.12042062

No it's the apocalypse.