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12035759 No.12035759[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does IQ correlate with wealth?
Does it also correlate with wealth of whole nations?

>> No.12035766
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Correlation =/= Causation CUM HOC ERGO PROPTER HOC FALLACY

>> No.12035783

I guess because the more intelligent you are the more likely you are to have greater wealth than the other with less intelligence

>> No.12035786

The argument against this should be "correlation IS causation until you prove that it isnt"

>> No.12035808
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>Why does IQ correlate with wealth?
It doesn't.

Actors, musicians, politicians - the dumbest low IQ shit people are earning millions every year while scientific and mathematical geniuses with PhD and highest IQs are working slave jobs for minimum wage.

>> No.12035814

Statistically speaking, this is far from true. You’re an idiot.

>> No.12035829

Actors are pretty smart, musicians are smart and politicians are weasels but still smart.
These people are not low IQ just because they have different personalities from the autistic scientist's.

>> No.12035836

It doesn’t in any meaningful sense. The only lucrative trait(s) is being shameless, immoral and ignorant. Maybe a tiny fraction of a percent of wealthy people are smart or have ever done anything impressive. Mostly they just have “work ethic” - which is nonsense - or luck and privilege.

>> No.12035838

And I agree, unless it's something that is mechanistically so unrelated that it would seem stupid to even examine the correlation.

>> No.12035839

None of those people are smart. Wealthy Americans are overwhelmingly very unintelligent and immoral.

>> No.12035841

you can be all that + dumb and all you do is end up in prison.
Nobody said smart people get rich, what we're saying is rich people tend to be smart.
Also wealth =/= rich, wealth can be 120k a year.

>> No.12035850


There’s a low probability of a causative relationship between any two correlated variables. Burden of proof is on the causation claim. You are both so dumb that I can say for sure you’re from pol.

>> No.12035856

there is your mistake brainlet, IQ and wealth are not just any, they are not even independent variables you fucktard.

>> No.12035861

or you can sell your bathwater and make a patreon. this world doesn’t reward smart people, it rewards stupid and evil people. if you are good looking and have no moral lines, you are virtually guaranteed become wealthy even if you’re an idiot.

>> No.12035863

I really don't undertsand why is so hard for people like you to realize that being smart leads to many new possiblities. It's like arguing with someone who claims the sound of a ball that droppen didnt come from the ball that dropped.

>> No.12035865

Who says she's low IQ? Also ever heard of out liers? Nobody every said A=>B they are still normal distributions.

>> No.12035868

IQ and wealth are not causative. A higher IQ score means you are likely from a family with an easy coddled life, which makes you more likely to become wealthy. A low IQ score is caused by emotional distress, not a physical inability to solve the problems. People with hard lives will score lower than a dumber person with an easy life.

>> No.12035872

>noooo your statistics are wrong, look at this example doing being the opposite.

Now find the same amount of such examples as the amount of correlating examples and I shut up.
Being dumb is not rewarding, being pretty is, if you can't realize theres more than one genetic trait to success every discussion on this topic with you is fruitless because you're too ideological.

>> No.12035874

Bold claim without a single source. Oh so now emotions interfere with intelligence but my correlation is not causative? Go fuck your ideological pseudobs.

>> No.12035875

Because new possibilities in this modern world are acquired through networking, self-promotion/marketing, and obedience. There are no possibilities that intelligence opens up. There are no jobs that require intelligence.

>> No.12035881

Being dumb is absolutely rewarding. Being dumb allows you to do shameless acts like humiliate yourself on YouTube for attention, sell your bathwater, steal, cheat, lie, network. Basically 100% of things wealthy people do are easier if you’re dumb.

>> No.12035884

>emotions interfere with intelligence
yes, obviously. are you actually retarded? have you ever tried to concentrate while anxious? traumatized/unlucky/abused/impoverish people perform much worse on tasks involving focus.

>> No.12035886

...again you are mistaking extroverted people for dumb people. I was in your position once, now do the next logical step and you will realize that you are wrong about most people and that your pathetic life was a comfy lie.

>> No.12035888

>oh so now emotions interfere with intelligence
kek are you for real

>> No.12035891

Oh have you ever tried building a business wiuth IQ <80? Would seem like an equally reasoable statement and you dismissed it.

>because IQ tests are taken when people are in complete shock
>because emotions based on your countries situation are an absolute constant and thats why poor people are always unhappy

>> No.12035892

extroverted people are parasitic and stupid. there are zero accomplishments or contributions made by extroverts, but they consume all the resources and happiness. Extroverts should not be able to utilize a single discovery, invention, or breakthrough made by an introvert.

>> No.12035893

it was a bait
And no emotions don't dirrectly interfere with the objective intelligence, maybe with test results but not with intelligence itself. And if they do then on a develope

>> No.12035897

building a business requires no intelligence at all. every step in the process is available online. you can literally build a business by following an internet tutorial.

>> No.12035899

developemental basis like kids with poor self cotnrol not developing enough intelligence and so on.
I will leave you to your thoughts now as I have some studying to do, keep crusading white knight.

>> No.12035902

interfering with test results means IQ is meaningless, since people in emotional distress will score lower and parasites who don’t suffer will score higher even though they are dumber.

>> No.12035903

You know you are playing with semantics, a successful business is what was meant.

>> No.12035907

I personally know idiots with successful businesses. it’s mostly luck and “work ethic”

>> No.12035908

Okay dude IQ is meaningless we got it bravo you won. Now go breed with idiots and lead your future generations into poverty and leave us IQ-devils alone.

>> No.12035909

Maybe you are the idiot and they were smart but just too nice to tell you because they pity how hard you try to feel smart. Seriously your entire postchain reads like out of a jaelous loser's diary.

>> No.12035910


i know for certain that savagery is correlated with imperialism

>> No.12035912

I don’t try to feel smart because I don’t have to. For example, my superiority over you is evident solely through the comparison of our written words.
>muh jealous loser cliche
If it’s true that stupid and dumb people are more likely to be successful, then “jealous losers” should be furious and refuse to contribute until all bad people lose everything.

>> No.12035916

there are countless examples of rich retards all over the internet. how is this coping even possible in 2020? even if I hadn’t met tons of these people I would still know I was right just by browsing youtube for an hour

>> No.12035923

If they manage to remain rich they are certainly not stupid.

>> No.12035932

Nobody said intelligence is the only factor.
Luck and charisma(is again subdivided into looks and personality) can be factors.

>> No.12035933

>musicians are low iq
you actually must be low iq to type something like that

>> No.12035934

what’s the logic there? I can’t believe what I’m reading. https://youtu.be/TL470fJMi7w

here’s a literally retarded whore that has never and will never contribute anything to the world. she’s a brain dead immoral parasite and she’s rich.

>> No.12035936

real musicians can be intelligent, but the rich and famous ones like pop singers and rappers are extremely low iq. in music, wealth correlates inversely with intelligence. actually in most things really.

>> No.12035943

even the dumbest person can hire someone to manage their money and make wise decisions with it. or they can just use google to get advice. remaining rich barely requires a functioning brain. what?

>> No.12035977

That isn't how stats or science works. It depends whether you run an experiment that measures its results with a correlation or if you are just observing data points.

>> No.12035986

all actual studies conducted on the matter disprove your argument

>> No.12035991

It literally does correlate.

>> No.12035995

Musicians are some of the most intelligent people (talking about classical and jazz musicians here).

>> No.12035997

those studies assume intelligence is the only factor that affects IQ score, when it isn’t. wealthy people have easy, undemanding parasitic lifestyles which makes all test-taking easier.

>> No.12036000

uh, yeah, so the ones that are mostly poor and unrecognized? Most wealthy musicians are idiots. You become rich by lacking integrity and morals.

>> No.12036005

You are legitimately unintelligent.

>> No.12036015

Extroverted people comprise most of the wealthy, and they are the least valuable people who least deserve to be wealthy. This is a fact and no desperate whining from you can change that. All social networkers are leeches and should not be allowed to eat, live in houses, drink clean water, or benefit from any of the achievements of introverts.

>> No.12036027

>says a person defending extroverts
why are you shilling for humanity’s worst people?

>> No.12036247

Belle Delphine is incredibly high IQ though, she's doing a very simple low education business model and earning millions. There are literally hundreds of millions of people who would kill if it meant that they could accomplish the same.

>> No.12036248

This has got to be a bait
Well, since I'm replying anyway I guess you caught me

>> No.12036263
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How can you so shamelessly state anecdotes as an argument against statistic realities? It's baffling really, where can I learn this skill?

>> No.12036273

Is there correlation between intelligence and time preference? The ability to plan ahead and put off gratification helps build wealth.

>> No.12036372

is there a correlation between ppl who make IQ threads and wealth? duhh iq duhhh wealth duhhh intelligence, go post in another board cuck

>> No.12036375

Same reason shoe size correlates to IQ.

>> No.12036391

Because children are dumb and have small feet?

>> No.12036739

rappers are dumb most producers that do something more than a 4 bar loop with 4 notes are actually smart and creative even if they are niggers lookup tm88 he is literally a musical genius if you listen to his beats

>> No.12036749
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>Does it also correlate with wealth of whole nations?

Yes. Of course. That's why the wealth differential between Europe and Africa is going to be reduced in step with mass migration ;)

>> No.12036785

>Actors, musicians, politicians
they are an extreme minority of the population dear retard

>> No.12036806 [DELETED] 

That's what i'm doing, some people call that "cope". People are not rewarded for their contributions but for how good they are at exploiting others. The market for useless vanity is big. People are suckers and i think it's immoral to exploit that but what do i know about morals? I'm just a jelaous loser

>> No.12037090

> posts statistical anomalies

On average, if you are earning $100k you are likely smarter than someone earning $20k.

>> No.12037146

>poorfag cope

>> No.12037155
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