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12035229 No.12035229 [Reply] [Original]

> master in computer science
> master in data science
> master in finance
> master in business
> will get my first job at the old age of 26 years old
How do I cope with this? All my friends have been working for a few years now, and my peers are all way younger than me. It most probably wasnt even worth it, having more than 2 degrees is useless.

>> No.12035235

you're literally only 4 years older than the normal uni grad. relax buddy.

>> No.12035236

work hard, your degrees if not from some worthless place will help you move up the chain real fast

>> No.12035237

What is there to cope, what's even bad about it?
Does every life try to be a most exact copy of the most boring life model?
They could just as well ask how to cope with not having had a long student life.

>> No.12035238

Wait what the fuck? How do you have 4 masters by the age of 26? When did you begin university?

>> No.12035245

You're right. Thank you.

Meh. To be honest I'm pretty sure actually gaining experience is more useful than getting a fuckload of degrees. What will I say during meetings ? "Yeah I'm 26 and barely ever went inside a corporation"? It sucks

> Does every life try to be a most exact copy of the most boring life model?
Well, kind of. I'm still here counting every pennies I'm spending while most of my bros got a decent job already and are starting to get real money. It sucks to be late in the rat race

18, I just sneaked around getting double diplomas here and there

>> No.12035250

>master in business
what does this even mean. that's not an actual degree

>> No.12035256

Business administration

>> No.12035266

>What will I say during meetings ?
They probably won't want you to be part of meeting while still gaining work experience.
I'm worse than you, still didn't graduate at 26, chill.

>> No.12035270

>4 masters
>Start working at age 26
Not even close. Try 30.

>> No.12035273

>and my peers are all way younger than me
aren't most workpigs 40yo with kids and a mortgage? Where do you even work that it's all coeds?

>> No.12035277

I finished my phd at 28. I literally spent 10 years in universities. I don't work for a corpo and don't intend to, but had i done it, id have 0 job experience at 28.

>> No.12035351

Doing a phd is admirable imo. It shows that you are actually interested about a suject and care very little about money (at least here)
Me? I just want to get brass atm

>> No.12035353

I started at 26 myself after finishing my masters and I'm doing fine now, I don't think it's that unusual.

>> No.12035356

This. I just graduated this year at 26 and found out my friend's total comp is nearly ONE MILLION US DOLLARS. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK

>> No.12035371

By peers i meant buddy at uni. While my past friends are all getting jobs, getting a fuckload of money like>>12035356, and generally graviting in completely different environment than me

>> No.12035405

Not to mention, you also have 4 masters. based on them, find a financial firm that does a lot of dealings in the tech industry. You're fucking set for it.

>> No.12035460

Stop comparing yourself to others. They are probably miserable and sleeping with a women who they don't even like making bank that isn't making them any happier wishing they were still a poor grad student. Grass is always greener.

>> No.12035602
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If it makes you feel any better, I'm an even bigger loser than you. I've spent an eternity in college as well and I'm not even a junior yet. I'm also older than you. I did get my first job a lot younger, but never for very long and went many years without work, so I was basically unemployed until age 29. Even if I get my degree at this point (electrical engineering), I really don't think anyone would hire me. I just figure that without one, I am absolutely 100% fucked, whereas with one, at least I have something, anything, to fall back on.

>> No.12035625

what the fuck is wrong with people in their twenties today?
>oh my goood I'm so oooold
>is 25
It's fucking pathetic.

>> No.12035629

>It sucks to be late in the rat race
Literally only if you care

>> No.12035675


>> No.12035685

>rat race
you do understand the boomer economy is dead right?

>> No.12035694

lol 4 masters are still shit compared to one phd. you wasted your years on meme diplomas that joe the retard has too. You have no competitive advantage over NPCs.

>> No.12035789

Can't you read? I litteraly wrote "having more than 2 degrees is useless"
I know it and this bothers me greatly. Although desu, phd are also useless career-wise, at least in my cunt. They're only good for actual scientists

I don't. What do you mean? And how could going into the job market super early to climb more ladders not be a great idea?

>> No.12035803

>tfw won't graduate with a bachelor in Electrical Engineering until I'm 30

>> No.12035830

There's plenty of people who graduate from a bachelor at this age, there's nothing to worry about. University is for people of all ages. Also a lot of older people come back to uni to switch careers. I don't see why you're complaining.

>> No.12035835

high school

>> No.12035844
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Could you help me?

>> No.12036075

there is no ladder. stop falling for memes

>> No.12036102

What is there instead then? How do you even call hierarchy

>> No.12036206

Dude I'm 30 and I don't even have a high school diploma. Chill, no one cares.

>> No.12036209

I'm 22 and feel anxious because I feel old starting 1st year dental school in the UK. Is this normal??

>> No.12036213

I started my degree at 21, it's normal. But a few people are about 1-3 years younger than I am which doesn't matter. Then there's people older than me too.

>> No.12036224

I started my degree at 27 and I have a wife/kid. Don't be a fag.

>> No.12036225

Yeah I did a biology related degree and will start dentistry this September. It’s not that I actually feel old, it’s just relative to others I do. Like you say, they’re like 3-4 years younger than me. Just makes me feel anxious

>> No.12036230

>they’re like 3-4 years younger than me
That's literally nothing.

>> No.12036231

He's asking for work experience, he's not worried about his education
maybe if you finished HS you'd know how to read

>> No.12036236

I have no work experience either, what's your point?

>> No.12036238

The point is he doesn't want to end up like you

>> No.12036240

Yeah I know. It’s more an irrational feeling that I don’t belong there. I guess it’s because of school conditioning, where everyone is the same age in a class. Like they’ll reject me because I’m older and unrelatble. Stupid feeling I know

>> No.12036242

As an employer I would personally pick an older candidate, assuming the qualification and skill base are of relatively equal merit, that has actually had a job or some other responsibilities than a student who has lived with his parents and hasn't had any real responsibilities.

>> No.12036243

Forgot about school.
You have a guaranteed career as a dentist anyway. You could be 40 and you'd still get a job. Makes zero difference.

>> No.12036245

the best friend I made first semester was like 9 years older than me nigga

>> No.12036250

It's not exactly the same qualifications if the older candidate has had a job.
Also, you're forgetting that you can squeeze more work out of the younger candidate since they'll still have life in them from not working, and will be desperate to be a good employee.

>> No.12036251

He's already way ahead, so how would that even be possible? You make no sense.

>> No.12036252

Because it happens quite often that people have lots of education but can't find work. There's been phDs in physics who've become an hero because they couldn't find a job

>> No.12036253

>It's not exactly the same qualifications if the older candidate has had a job.
I know, it's better. It means they've done something else apart from fap to porn, attend lectures, and live off their parents.
>Also, you're forgetting that you can squeeze more work out of the younger candidate since they'll still have life in them from not working, and will be desperate to be a good employee.
Employee turnover exists, anon. Nobody works at the same company their entire life anymore.

>> No.12036270

If you're talking about that famous British phD physicist, that's super rare.

>> No.12036275

I got offers even the way things turned out. I could start as programmer next month if I wanted to. It's laughable to think that OP has anything to worry about.

>> No.12036280

If you know that it's better then why did you say
"assuming the qualification and skill base are of relatively equal merit"
But whatever, the thing is that I know many people who are 22 who have had much, much tougher lives than those who are 30, even if those 30 year olds have had jobs, they have not had the same burden of responsibilities or life struggles. I'm just saying you shouldn't make generalizations unless it's obvious.

>> No.12036282

>I'm just saying you shouldn't make generalizations unless it's obvious.
I agree.

>> No.12036363

Why the fuck do you even need so much master degrees ?

>> No.12036416

I don't. Just did them because I could. It wasnt a smart move, I know

>> No.12036451

there is a hierarchy. but there is not a ladder

>> No.12036504
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>26 yo first worlder with plenty bullshit requisites ready to start working

>meanwhile i'm a 25 yo third world doctor with no hopes of ever becoming rich, probably won't get a job until 29.

>> No.12036535
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In my experience, it is good to jump back and forth between school and work.
My cv:
2009-13 bsc math (intern'd at software company)
13-14 working as software dev
14-16 msc math
16-17 working as software dev
18-21 PhD math

>> No.12036551

Do people really get 30 year olds in their uni courses? i've never seen this in my country but im from a shithole. Is this happening in UK/USA?

>> No.12036553

>Do people really get 30 year olds in their uni courses?
Why wouldn't you?

>> No.12036555

Yes, it happens a lot.

>> No.12036567

When I did my Bsc I had quite a few guys from the military in my class, late 20s and early 30s.

>> No.12036767

Interesting. It's not common here.

>> No.12036794

I’ve had multiple 26-30 year olds in my classes, most of them eng majors that served in the military going to college off the GI bill

>> No.12036937

Dont stress much about it finished IT like 2 months ago, cant find a single job currently cause every job requires years of experience maybe its just quarantine.

>> No.12036960

mfw i own a business at 23 with 3/4 of a cs degree

>> No.12036963

go back

>> No.12036984

This, not even in ancient times did people think of themselves as old in their 20s, despite having much shorter life expectancy.

>> No.12037002

In about 4 years no one's gonna notice or care, and they'll go by quick enough.
At least you grabbed a job right out of uni, tho wtf you thought someone specifically needed those 4 masters for is beyond me.

>> No.12037006

I will graduate with a mechanical engineering degree when I am 28. I think I will do an Msc after that. Perhaps a Phd as well.

>> No.12037008

Norway here, literally a quarter of the student body is older than 30 and the average age of new students is held stable between 24 and 26.

>> No.12037035

My gf is from Norway. I'm a Scottish Chad.

>> No.12037471

you are fine lmao, being a student >>>> being a wagie.

>> No.12037541

Dont fret OP. I quit school at 20 due to money, went back, changed programs, and now am in my last year at 26. Got a job lined up. Life is ok as long as you dont plan so much ahead.

>> No.12037860

I know this feel anon I'm starting only next year and I'm 22

>> No.12038894

Getting master's degrees is fun as fuck
PhDs are boring, you just stop learning and have to spend years on a single problem nobody care about. At least you have tons of skills now. PhD is the meme degree, msc master race

>> No.12038902

> master in computer science
> master in data science
> master in finance
> master in business
I've studied now Philosophy
And Jurisprudence, Medicine,—
And even, alas! Theology,—
From end to end, with labor keen;
And here, poor fool! with all my lore
I stand, no wiser than before

>> No.12040188

I just turned 26 and i'm still a NEET with an econ bachelors

>> No.12040199

i dont get it, did u want to keep slaying college pussy? what was your mentality after the 3rd masters? who would think "i have 3 masters, might as well get one more"?

>> No.12042733

You're still young, OP. As other anons mentioned, make sure you heavily utilize the degrees you have

>> No.12042735

>4 masters at 26
youre set bro

>> No.12042886
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If you win the whole rat race
If you come in first place
Then all you will be
is a rat.

>> No.12042895

OP is either larping or humblebragging. Either way, OP is, and always be, a faggot

>> No.12042912


Apply for jobs, do your best. When people ask, say you love to learn

>> No.12043016

I think these kind of threads are made for trolling neets and stuff

>> No.12043565

you're the same age as most people finishing their PhD
I wouldn't worry about it