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12034354 No.12034354 [Reply] [Original]

Nigel Lockyer, the head of Fermilab, sent a RACIST message on June 2nd. Pic related. Sauce:


>> No.12034363

wonder if some troll is blackknighting these guys. running off a wimp in hopes the God Emperor will install someone who doesn't put up with this shit at-all-at-all.

>> No.12034494

those kinds of voices have been around in the civil rigts movement almost since the beginning. they do not represent the mainstream.

>> No.12034537

Why is the business of your employer what political causes you do and don't support, and whether you engage in violence or not? As long as you're not murdering colleagues or refusing to work well with them, who cares? I'd prefer a world where communists and dumb boomers and fash could beat each other up on the weekend (or, get beaten up, in the case of the boomers) but work together on professional projects.

>> No.12034541

I mean, really, these faggots would tell Caravaggio "um sweaty sorry you can't work here" because of his outbursts of violence. What kind of world is that? As long as you're not terrorising your co-workers, who cares? I feel like this is a result of pushing women into work.

>> No.12034613

>they do not represent the mainstream
yes they do, faggot. this is what the mainstream is. it's 2020

>> No.12034619

damn, these diversity emails are even at fermilab

>> No.12034630

Do humanity a favor: Gas all woketards.

>> No.12034658

STEM guys are on the public tit and rely on funding so they are more than ready to suck any cock that comes along in the name of "social justice"
If Hitler was signing off on the funding they'd all be the biggest anti-semites you've ever seen

>> No.12034679

This tbqh fampai

>> No.12034688


>> No.12034696

lol. no kidding.
bunch of sackless fucking weenies. I sometimes wonder how such risk averse people ever accomplish anything at all.

>> No.12034704

Literally death ending knell to the career of the least "woke" competitor.
fuck em' both. let them eat their own. fucking lunatics

>> No.12034737
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 0uESzuWM_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just a few bad apples
All commies are beneath contempt.

>> No.12034747

Pretty much what happened with Germany's rocket scientist who suddenly had a complete conversion in ideology once they ended up in the US, as did the unfortunate ones who ended up in the USSR.

>> No.12034759

Read the op-eds in the NYT or WaPo this is mainstream grievance studies/corporate culture now. You have carte blanche to demand absolutely outrageous psychosocial reparations for any and all slights against your porcelain ego if you happen to be 1/64th African and wormed your way through a harvard sociology program.

>> No.12034795

They don't.
Science unironically needs to become the province of crackpots and geniuses again. Bored, wealthy types. Supervillains. People starving to buy a book on wasp morphology. People who die in lab accidents or discover new flavours because they're actually on the outer limit encountering new forces and new entities. The idea of trying to put science in a cage is inherently gay.

>> No.12036047

Only a liar, or gibbering retard, would argue that this message was racist.

>> No.12036126

based, science is coming back to its senses

>> No.12036214

>Fermilab and our community and nation
There's the Oxford comma, and then there's the Fermilab ebonics.

>> No.12036229

If you're not anti-white then you're a racist, bigot. Go back to >>>/pol/.

>> No.12036773

lol i enjoyed this post. where do i get more content like this

>> No.12037269

>Women are not canonically considered underrepresented minorities
Whoever wrote this doesn't know anything about the STEM field, isn't the ratio something like 4:1?

>> No.12037281

not in biology or medical sciences. or psychology if you consider that “science”. but i think that their point is that technically in the world women are the majority, which is a stupid nitpick to make since you are right that their context is physics and for sure in physics the ratio is close to 4:1 or worse

>> No.12037315

The issue is opportunity not feelings. Nature doesn't reward feelings. Do the work. People come to America because opportunity is valued over identity and because where they come from is the other way around. Also plants don't grow because you make everyone feel better.

>> No.12037330
File: 1.48 MB, 1276x1290, gender equality and women in stem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it bad in any way? Men and women tend to have different interests

>> No.12037352

honestly i agree with you. i add the term “worse” for no good reason, a better tellrm would have been “more lopsided”. for sure there are plenty of occupations dominated by women and i am fine with that. take for example school teachers. men don’t want to do that but women do. and is there a massive push to have more men teach 2nd grade? not that i know of. and that’s fine by me

>> No.12037359


autocorrect always fucks up when i try to talk diversity and inclusion. maybe it is a thing... that ESPN guy got screwed by that autocorrect on the Denver “Nuggets”