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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12032380 No.12032380[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How is Science so political? Why is it what's going on, sci?

>> No.12032384

It is. A vote for trump is a vote against science.

>> No.12032389
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absolutely based

>> No.12032391


Science is not political but is used for political purposes.

>> No.12032393

Science is the main reason some countries have more power than the other

>> No.12032396

since nukes science has been political

>> No.12032410

because secular humanist are hedonists who surfed on the technological progress to get votes, but now that science and positivism is pretty much dead for this and hedonists are still morally bankrupt, they have to resort to mass entertainment as culture and idolization to fake having virtue.

>> No.12032488

Don't confuse science with technology. There's a mountain of difference between "peer-reviewed studies" conducted by corporate/PAC backed think tanks - the vast majority of which are not reproducible - and inventions and devices that take the few useful bits of research data and apply them.

>> No.12032490

If you don't vote my establishment center fascist light administration. Then you don't believe in science.

>> No.12032690

Unfortunately this. Republitards don't like science

>> No.12032700
File: 27 KB, 780x438, 200311000155-andrew-yang-biden-endorsement-on-air-vpx-00022612-exlarge-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science is on the ballot.

>> No.12032754

Yes, this is what Trumpkins say about their dear leader.

>> No.12032763

>establishment center fascist light administration.
sooo Trump then...

>> No.12032770

they use "science" slogan because science is respected

>> No.12032781


Nope. He's only supposed to appear center to try and get working class normies to vote for him. The actual administration is the leftist zealots who ride his shit-stained coattails into office (LGBTQRSTUV, BLM, Hillary, etc).

>> No.12032792

Yang is a shill with one half decent yet poorly flushed out idea

/sci loves him for the math pin.

>> No.12032799

He's only "left" because the right has degenerated into a rotten cesspool of racists and illiterates seeking a "strong daddy" type in office

>> No.12032836

Nice argument.

>> No.12032847

There is literally an entire board dedicated to talking about politics op.

>> No.12032864

>because science is saying "2+2=5", "there is no such thing as biological sex", and "science is white colonialism".

>> No.12032865

he's going to make 2 + 2 equal 5 again

>> No.12032869
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>> No.12032885

>"Science is on the ballot"
It's not. Neither candidate stands for /sci/.
It's at stake, but it will be lost either way.

In all honesty: What the flying fuck are the Democrats thinking?
They will fuck this up again. Or rather, they have already fucked it up.

>> No.12032886
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>> No.12032928

1)Religion says that snakes talk (but that was thousands of years ago and is most likely a metaphor)
2)Science says that castrated man is a woman (right now and perfectly literally)
Religion sounds way more sane.

>> No.12032935

>Science says
that's not science.

>> No.12032944
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hows your corporate sponsored revolution going? getting your mommy state yet?

>> No.12032949

>politician uses the word science
>lets discuss politics guys

>> No.12032956

Vote for me.
>manned space flight beyond Leo
>thorium molten salt nuclear power
>genetically engineered cat girls for domestic ownership
>implanted thought controlled prosthesis
>harder college acceptance standards
>more math and science education in k-12
>geo engineering
>solving the Jewish question
>man's first rotating torus space station
>near earth asteroid mining
>powered armor for the military

>> No.12032982

t retards
Here is the completely logical sound reasoning behind calling trans people women. First we must accept words should be defined by what gives us the most utility. So definitions can change and should depending on the situation. If you disagree with this you are retarded. These transgender people have a mental disorder. This mental disorder causes them a bunch of issues. They have low quality of life and high suicide rates. In order to increase their quality of life and lower the suicide rates, transitioning is the best method. I can link you studies on this if you like.
>inb4 retarded pol study that didn’t take in account for severity and other shit
So by simply opening the definition of women to transgender people we make a bunch of people happy without losing any utility. makes sense to me. Pretty scientific way to increase happiness in the population. Facts don’t care about your feeling.

>> No.12033001

this thread is useless, op is a fag. Science doesn't care, it is intangible, and unaffiliated. Associating with politics is disingenuous, everyone twists "science" (half of these regards couldn't solve a linear equation) to fit their narrative.

>> No.12033015

>First we must accept words should be defined by what gives us the most utility.
That's just wonderful.

>> No.12033024

Fuck you. It's obviously telling that our scientific institutions are also totally corrupt and politically driven. The method might not care but the scientific establishment cares. It's ideological

>> No.12033039

Yes you are retarded if you don’t accept that. For shit example if we defined sun as a yellow glowing ball and then we find out all stars are like our sun and there are different colors. It’s make sense to expand the definition of sun to all the stars.

>> No.12033043

>trans people 2020
>mental disorder

Found the nazi

The politically correct thought. Is these people just are what they say. No disorder

>> No.12033046
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You mean castration?

>> No.12033058

No. You don’t need to get the surgery to transition.

>> No.12033059

If you'll think that you are the God or Napoleon, shall we call you so?

>> No.12033062

Not an argument

>> No.12033063

Ah, sorry, then in >>12032928 you can use
>Science says that man in dress is a woman
or simply
>Science says that man who calls himself a woman is a woman
Honestly talking snakes are way more sensible.

>> No.12033066

Jews trained them very well. It's pretty scary.

>> No.12033067

>we must accept words should be defined by what gives us the most utility. So definitions can change and should depending on the situation
Word's main use is to communicate ideas. If the definitions are not stable, you don't know which idea is expressed by which word.
So the more you change definitions the less utility your words have.

>> No.12033070

It is. If you call yourself the God, then it probably pleases you, so it provides you utility. Therefore we should change the meaning of the word to fit you.

>> No.12033079

Science (Joe Biden) versus Retard (trump), that's what he said and desu he is not wrong

>> No.12033082
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>A vote for trump is a vote against science.

>> No.12033083

Definition of women is pretty stable. Do you think we are changing words all the time? No you are retarded. Expanding women to people who want to be called a women is not losing the stability of the language.

>> No.12033084
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He meant scientism, but he's too stupid and demented to articulate the difference.

>> No.12033091

Are you this retarded you think definitions of words are engraved into the universe? You have like 80 iq or something?

>> No.12033159

>t. proejcting retard
so here lemme spell it out for you on your brainlet level: women are people you can stick your peepee into to make babby. this is the utility. trannies can't do this and are therefore not women. sex is about gametes. trannies are sterile and deluded .

>> No.12033166

FYI, SpaceX is there culmination of a NASA decision and proceeding funding that was done during the Obama administration. I don't know if Obama approved it, but I would think he would needed to.

>> No.12033167

>First we must accept words should be defined by what gives us the most utility.
No, words need to be commonly understood.
The recent trend to Newspeak in the media is about to kill all of us. Unironically.
>Definitions may change, but should only do so depending on evidence.
>If you disagree with this you are retarded.
No, anyone disagreeing with you is a sane being.
Thinking about it, stop false-flagging THAT hard. The """progressives""" are about as much of a bunch of faggots as the """alt-right""" and the """moderates""", but there is no way they are as bad as you are portraying them. Beings like the "t." of your post couldn't survive a single day.

>> No.12033176

How about women that can’t get pregnant like old ladies are they not women anymore? Even surface level analysis shows you are retarded.

>> No.12033184

technically they should not be considered women. you're the retard for not understanding the definition of sexual organism and just going with bs.

>> No.12033202
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>The idealism and the sloganeering of every era is typically the fig leaf that is put over the greed of one party goring the ox of another.

>So you see the US had an exceptional run of it between 1945 and about 1971 through 73, where we had broadly distributed very stable, technologically led growth. And this high level of growth caused us to predicate our institutions on an expectation of growth. Now, that expectation mysteriously changed around 1971 through seventy three. And this is the important singularity that we went through that many people don't even know existed. In fact, there is now a Web site, which I'm very relieved to be able to point to, which is called WTF happened in 1971.

>Now, what happened was that those growth expectations couldn't be met in the same way that a plane has a stall speed. And so when all of these institutions stalled out at once because there was an implicit expectation of growth in the university systems, one professor might hope to leave between 20 and 30 students who would also hope to become professors. Now, that had to do with the fact that the university system was expanding from approximately educating eight percent of the population to post-secondary level to overfit to around 50 percent.

>That was possible for a brief period of time to actually use the contributions of apprentice labor. And what happened was, is that the universities had the most aggressive stall speed or ego. So if they didn't move fast enough, they became pathological before other institutions became pathological. Now, the problem that we're having that very few people understand is a universal. Failure of institutions to be able to provide for the people who buy into the idea of contributing in and getting something out.


>> No.12033209

it runs counter to intuition and is therefore only as stable as your ability to force people to use your definitions. since you're a complete faggot and have no power, i would say that's pretty unstable

>> No.12033211

>That could be a pension. That could be an expectation of permanent employment and being a shareholder inside of such an institution. What happened was that the universities were the first to need emergency assistance and they effectively got that during the Reagan era, sorry to tell you the bad news. It was a conservative area where the National Science Foundation, the National Academy of Sciences, had to team up in order to effectively rescue the universities if they weren't going to put in more money.

>And so what we came up with was a brilliant idea. We would lie about American scientists and engineers. We would say that they were lousy and that they weren't interested in contributing to this very demanding profession. And by the way, we have a universe, a universe filled with the best and the brightest in four countries in Asia. And we should just bring them over in large numbers, because what we'd always done is we had a labor force that was based on apprentice labor.

>Yes, it is interesting at The View you're laying out of of immigration, posing a threat to American jobs because that, at least in today's political world, is a view most associated, not exclusively that most associated with the right and in fact, associated with Trump to some extent. Well, unfortunately, what this really is, is it's closer to Agatha Christie's murder on the Orient Express. You had The Wall Street Journal proposing a constitutional amendment. There shall be open borders.


>> No.12033229

So people who can’t get pregnant are no women now? This is so retarded you know it’s retarded.

>> No.12033232

The space program would have been dismantled if it wasn't for Clinton and Obama.

>> No.12033240

if you want to talk about utility, the utility of sexual definitions is reproduction. just because this upsets you doesn't change that. sex is defined by sperm or egg. that's it. trannies are asexual because they sterilize themselves, and thank goodness for that. we don't need deluded retards reproducing.

>> No.12033271

As a tranny, I am very sexual. I still get hard ons and always have. I also cum.

>> No.12033283

The problem with saying this is you know you call people women who can’t reproduce women. In your head you don’t think of it as this. You call people women by how they look. People who express these femine characteristics. Make sure you don’t call your mother women because chances are she is spent.

>> No.12033284
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>There are no races but infinite genders
The left long ago gave up science in favor of identity politics.

>> No.12033289

so you're male unless you shoot blanks at which point you're an asexual organism and not categorization of the sexual organisms.

a sterile human is a non-sexual organism. ofc looks can be deceiving and that is a misclassification error which can happen based on these poor heuristics we use. however it is the case >95% accuracy so that's ok.

>> No.12033304

Woa. I ejaculate. Yep.
Way to assume my gender.

>> No.12033384

What about the plane with broken wings? Is it a plane, or not.

>> No.12033402

grants for research have gone way down in the trump administration, it's likely that he means something like this

>> No.12033407

>the fig leaf that is put over the greed of one party goring the ox of another.
No more than one metaphor per sentence please.

>> No.12033599

peak midwit response.

>> No.12033627

women has always meant women biologically. If I served you some beef but as you were eating it if mentioned it was a rat that identified as a cow, it would be bothersome to most people. I would not want to use that sort of vernacular as the meaning of the words has been lost for utility. Instead you could use a separate word to describe it however that would not aid your true goal of conflating the two.

>> No.12033632
File: 185 KB, 1024x966, The Hard Hat Riots explained.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it when the right mentions working class people they always show 6-figure salary labor aristocrats and never the "hairnet and headset" people that make up the actual working class?

>> No.12033633

The funny thing about Biden is that the less he talks, the better his chances.

>> No.12033644

are you guys retarded? first off its not a small percent that CANT GET pregnant. what do you think ATLEAST 20% of females cant get pregnant? probably more. so knowing if someone is a women or not doesn't actually tell you anything about their fertility status its adhoc reasoning. if you have transgender people be called women it doesnt change the utility of the word women at all since you already dont know if they can get pregnant or not. this is literally 60 iq takes.

>> No.12033648

t. false flagging moron
Republicans never appeal to those people. They appeal to losers like truckers, rural sustenance idiots. I'm pretty sure their average income is low. The democrats solidly have middle earners as a demographic. It is only the super rich and the previous described that support them. Fun fact, the strongest Republican states have the most welfare recipients and food stamp users. Almost like that's their base because it fucking is.

>> No.12033654

>It is only the super rich and the previous described that support *them*
Meant to say Republicans.

>> No.12033657
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>> No.12033668

>what do you think ATLEAST 20% of females cant get pregnant? probably more.
>About 10 percent of women (6.1 million) in the United States ages 15-44 have difficulty getting pregnant or staying pregnant, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
and this is difficulty so not necessarily infertility.
>so knowing if someone is a women or not doesn't actually tell you anything about their fertility status its adhoc reasoning
did you miss the part of misclassification based on a heuristic? the heuristic is right 100% of the time that trannies aren't women as they don't have any eggs.
> if you have transgender people be called women it doesnt change the utility of the word women
actually it does because what constitutes a woman is a human female aka an egg carrier. extending the definition of woman to include something that does not ruins the utility of the definition. you are talking about utility in definition here so tranny only obfuscates the usefulness making it less useful.

>> No.12033674

>this is literally 60 iq takes.
yes i agree your take is about that iq score. and that's being generous.

>> No.12033700

SpaceX is the culmination of a program started under Bush, reluctantly continued under Obama (for no other reason than to quell justified concerns that almost everything apart from Earth Science was getting gutted under his administration), and was then greatly expanded under Trump (the various commercial crew and cargo programs have gotten more funding in Trump's four years than Obama's eight).

>> No.12033711

It has not. A genuin biological term is rather new. Man and woman were (and still are) more intuitive concepts based on the mental "image" of your reproduction apparatus. You are able to distinguish between both without knowing exactly whats between the legs or which (if any) gametes are produced. Of course the visible features are a product oft the biology of that organism but they do not neccesarily fall into the rather narrow biological definition of male/female. Think about intersex people with a vagina but inner testicles. Those individuals are clearly neither male nor female from a biological perspective but would be easily classified as woman judging in an intuitive way.

>> No.12033731

>Republitards don't like science

>Superconducting Super Collider
>Enthusiastically endorsed by Reagan
>Enthusiastically cancelled by Clinton

>> No.12033740

Is this anecdote hour?
Reminder GOP wants to ban encryption.

>> No.12033745

>3 senators

>> No.12033751

>utility of the word
Can I call you Napoleon? You know, for the utility.

>> No.12033752

Yeah, because protecting our borders, enforcing existing immigration laws, and enforcing law, is soooo racist.

so lets just de-fund the police, stop enforcing laws and give all our money to freeloading welfare nigger criminals. magically everything will be perfect harmony

fuck you you stupid fucking criminal nigger supporting cocksucker

African american are violent criminal scum

>> No.12033757

>if you have trucks be called planes it doesnt change the utility of the word plane at all since you already dont know if they can get fly or not.

>> No.12033779 [DELETED] 

yes because I am guessing which they are based on context clues from my eyes, I am still referring to what they biologically are. The same way when I see what looks like a cow from the eyes perception, I assume it is a cow without doing a DNA test. I am not referring to something that thinks of itself as a cow.

If someone told me a rat was a cow or my eye's perception saw a figure it guessed was a cow, I would say it was a cow under the belief it truly was. However if I would to learn the truth that it was a rat and would from then on classify it as such, not continue on with my mistake. Even if that rat realllllly wanted to be a cow or tried mooing like one.

>> No.12033787

>Think about intersex people with a vagina but inner testicles.
Even if third of humans will become actual hermaphrodites (not the disabled rarities), that still will not disprove the existence of men and women.

>> No.12033791

It's like a political version of the underpants gnomes plan from South Park
>Phase 1 - Open borders, full amnesty, police wrongthink, disarm populace, and put government in charge of everything
>Phase 2 - ???
>Phase 3 - Utopia

>> No.12033793

no utility is gained from doing that brainlet. that's the whole point retard.
doesn't obfuscate anything there was no utility in the word women to know if someone is able to make babies. the word doesnt mean able to make babies. no one thinks it does if it did you wouldnt call females in their 100s women. because obviously they cant make babies.
no utility in doing so retard. i cant believe you cant understand this your 60iq mind cant understand basic ideas like this.

>> No.12033795

yes because I am guessing which they are based on context clues from my eyes, I am still referring to what they biologically are. The same way when I see what looks like a cow from the eyes perception, I assume it is a cow without doing a DNA test. I am not referring to something that thinks of itself as a cow.

If someone told me a rat was a cow or my eye's perception saw a figure it guessed was a cow, I would say it was a cow under the belief it truly was. However if I was to learn the truth that it was a rat and I would from then on classify it as such, not continue on with my mistake. Even if that rat realllllly wanted to be a cow or tried mooing like one.

>> No.12033804

You can only be science if you are apolitical. Your politics must entirely conform to the whole evidence basis.

>> No.12033812

>the word doesnt mean able to make babies.
Not that it has to today, however funny enough it literally means "wife person" The the point of a wife at the words inception was to make children as declared by christian morality

>> No.12033825

>as declared by christian morality
My nigga... Please...

>> No.12033826

But there are people who totally love to be called Napoleons. So there is a huge utility in that, just like there is an utility in calling men women. After all words can't describe reality, so you and Napoleon are not that different.

>> No.12033828

>doesn't obfuscate anything there was no utility in the word women to know if someone is able to make babies.
except the >90% accuracy in classification with that heuristic alone. screeching about it won't change the utility of the term being defined and classified as such.
>the word doesnt mean able to make babies
that is actually what it means, woman is defined as human female. female is a sexual organism that carries/produces eggs.
> no one thinks it does if it did you wouldnt call females in their 100s women
yup they make this mistake to call humans that have an empty egg carton women.
>because obviously they cant make babies.
and thus aren't women by definition. i agree society does need to fix its classification mistake of still calling a human that was once a woman a woman still.

>> No.12033832

>>manned space flight beyond Leo
I'm hard
>>thorium molten salt nuclear power
I'm harder
>>genetically engineered cat girls for domestic ownership
Give me gay top beastman bf and this is yes
>>implanted thought controlled prosthesis
So long as monodirectional (i.e. no mind control), hooo this is becoming priaprism
>>harder college acceptance standards
I'm supposed to be on nofap, fuck you
>>more math and science education in k-12
I'm in the UK so I don't know what that is - please teach my 7 year old calculus
>>geo engineering
Yes, daddy
>>solving the Jewish question
*fap fap fap*
>>man's first rotating torus space station
I'm gonna... Oh I'm gonna...
>>near earth asteroid mining
Oh fuck I'm... I'm...!
>>powered armor for the military

Why do politicians not this?

>> No.12033857

it wasn't meant to be derogatory just that under the morality of the time wives to have babies as their society purpose for being wives. Under Judaism and Islam it was the same. Thus wife is a term directly related at its creation to childbirth

>> No.12033875

everyone probably above 50 probably cant or if they cant shouldn't have babies. are you saying that's a small percent of the population? so small that basically means if someone is a women they cant be impregnated. you have a completely different autistic definition of women that no one else holds. no one defines women as baby maker.

>> No.12033877

can be impregnated i mean

>> No.12033883

If a plane became old and can't fly anymore, is it not a plane now? Can you call something which never was able to fly a plane after that?

>> No.12033891
File: 334 KB, 520x293, no eggs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you saying that's a small percent of the population?
no, i'm saying that once the carton is empty that once woman ceases to be a woman.
>you have a completely different autistic definition of women that no one else holds.
that is the definition.
>an adult human female.

>of or denoting the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) which can be fertilized by male gametes.

and do you know why these are the definitions? because it has the most utility. sorry, troomer. until there is a procedure that gives you eggs to carry and an actual working female genitals you're just a sterile human in a lot of make up and a wig.

>> No.12033928

missing the point again! how retarded. 60 iq. ill try to spoon feed you like a retard. there is no UTILITY in calling non plane, things like trucks, planes. there is utility in calling transgender people, women because because it improves their quality of life and lowers their suicide rates. we are accepting their transition by calling them this. did i spoon feed enough retard?
>and do you know why these are the definitions? because it has the most utility.
this is completely retarded.
this so so retarded that its insane you think its a good point. you dont even attack or address the point and just say these are good definitions because they are the definitions. this means nothing. the current definition doesn't even address fetility it just brings up the fact its the sex that bears offspring. ill repeat again. knowing someone is a female means nothing towards their fertility and able to make babies. (the only utility you can adhoc think of) 34% of the female population is above 50 and effectively are infertile. (the infertile population is probably higher this is just a good number we can both agree on) if 1/3 women are infertile. does that mean knowing if someone is a women will help you know if they are fertile? no.

>> No.12033941

Ah, so if someone asks to call him the Emperor of France, I should call him so. Because it will please him, so there is an UTILITY in that. While we are at it, I'll avoid calling you a retard using the same reasoning.

>> No.12033946

By the way, I want to fly to other galaxies, so no faster-than-light travel makes me sad. Guess we should declare that we developed it, because there is UTILITY in that.

>> No.12033962

you talk a lot about the benefits. but what is the cost?
more male children being encouraged to cut off their dicks
women's sports? ruined
women's bathrooms? banned
communication? policed
and that's just in the short term

>> No.12033981
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>this so so retarded that its insane you think its a good point. you dont even attack or address the point and just say these are good definitions because they are the definitions.
oy. pic related. you do understand why sexuality evolved right? it's about reproduction. all this skirts and long hair vs pants and short and other bs is just bells and whistles that have nothing to do with it.
>the current definition doesn't even address fetility it just brings up the fact its the sex that bears offspring.
iow fertility.
> knowing someone is a female means nothing towards their fertility and able to make babies.
you're just illiterate i get it. so again
> bear offspring or produce eggs
that means fertility for a female.
>(the only utility you can adhoc think of) 34% of the female population is above 50 and effectively are infertile.
you're the one here with the ad hoc trying to justify that your wig makes you female. 34% of the pop ceased to be female because they can neither produce eggs nor bear children, aka infertile.
>if 1/3 women are infertile. does that mean knowing if someone is a women will help you know if they are fertile? no.
they're not women tho. just because most people make this classification error doesn't make it so. that is akin to saying most people believe in god therefore the skydaddy is real.

>> No.12033990

>there is utility in calling transgender people, women because because it improves their quality of life and lowers their suicide rates.
me me me me me
no faggot, the world doesn't revolve around just you. woman is defined as human female because sexual reproduction is what is the utility here.

>> No.12034032

One thing is clear from all of this discussion: leftist have no credible right to declare themselves to be friendly to science.

>> No.12034035

like, electrical power?

>> No.12034079

Reagan had some occasionally based policies for example he pretty much built the EPA something republicans have been trying to destroy ever since for some reason.

>> No.12034123

So, according to your definition if I transplant a working penis and testicles onto a person and remove their ovaries and vagina then they are a man? And visa versa they are a woman? Then the only thing separating trans people from their gender of choice is technological innovation.