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12030791 No.12030791 [Reply] [Original]

It's easier to die from drinking alcohol than cocaine.
Cocaine has no hallucinogenic properties.
It's less addictive than alcohol.
Doesn't impair the brain the way alcohol does.
One of the safest drugs know to man, and easily one of the most beneficial.

>> No.12030802

Drugs are for people important enough to get away with it, anon. Not people like you.

>> No.12030804

Alcohol is very dangerous by drug standards but you're an actual retard for typing half of this shit, the reason the actual safe drugs are banned is because politicians pandering to retards spoonfed propaganda

>> No.12030837

it started with reagan and continued to evolve up to today with one boomer politician after another. these are objective facts.

t. drug war

>> No.12030949

creates a demand, so that the CIA could traffic it to raise funds for early black budget operations

>> No.12030992

cocaine, not crack. inb4 same thing

>> No.12031007

>It's easier to die from drinking alcohol than cocaine.
>Cocaine has no hallucinogenic properties.
>It's less addictive than alcohol.
>Doesn't impair the brain the way alcohol does.
true in terms of driving and other motor functions but false in terms of social aspects
>One of the safest drugs know to man, and easily one of the most beneficial
false. if you want a safe upper drink coffee. cocaine is insanely addictive and ruins lives, even the lives of highly successful and wealthy people. as rick james said, it’s a hell of a drug

>> No.12031031

I will vouch for coffee. Have had crazy amount like 10 cups in a day and suffered nothing more than a headache after stopping.

>> No.12031046

Why is nutmeg legal!?

>> No.12031058

it has cultural significance in many cultures, so if you made it illegal you would be seen as racist. also it's useful for cooking

the main reason cocaine is illegal is because only very rich people and black people use it
very rich people can afford to hide it, and they use powder which has less penalties
black people only use crack as that's all they can afford, and there are harsher penalties
the main reason cocaine is illegal is to incarcerate black people

>> No.12031118

why is any victimless act a crime

>> No.12031134

because social control is important. if you let every asshat in the world give themselves cancer by eating pebbles of radioactive material, everyone would suffer because the medical system would need to treat them. same with people who refuse to wear masks and cocaine users. the burden eventually falls on the system

>> No.12031139

>t. dindu

>> No.12031156

Every time you buy drugs you are supporting criminal cartels that kill people and the video ends up on BestGore.

>> No.12031165

This. The blood of thousands of people is unironically on the hands of American junkies.

>> No.12031176

throwing them in prison is retarded though given the high drug use and trafficking operations rampant there. It would just entice them to get even more addicted and start dealing if they weren't already

>> No.12031182

In this hypothetical where drugs are legal, south American criminal cartels wouldn't control the market.

>> No.12031278
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Im on to you, Mr. Freud. You make it too obvious

>> No.12031293

Coke permanently fucks up your heart muscles and increases your blood pressure significantly

>> No.12031296

Nixon, ashkullay

>> No.12031310

someone's child will OD, so it is illegal.

>> No.12031713

The initial reason for banning opiates was purely economical - you don't want there to be an imported good that your people are willing to pay ridiculous sums for.

>> No.12031965


>> No.12031984

I'd be interested to know what the actual mechanism of death would be for a lsd or marijuana overdose death.

>> No.12032029

Death from LSD happens through respiratory paralysis. Since 5HT2a receptors are responsible for muscle tension, at some point this tension would be too great to breathe

>> No.12032281

Plus there was lots of dodgy Mexican shit going on between the border of the US and Mexico. Linking with crime caused the ban too.
Lots of factors go into why drugs are banned but people don't think about the stuff. They also think it's racist stereotype Mexicans so you can't bring it up as an argument

>> No.12033422


>> No.12033511

Cocaine as a refined powder only came into existence because the source plant was made illegal. That very same plant was and is a cultural artifact in the americas.
Thus, your entire post is wrong.

>> No.12033664

In that case, refined sugar should be banned.

>> No.12033665

Meant to reply

>> No.12033709
File: 67 KB, 1280x578, Drug_danger_and_dependence-no_title.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12033713

Because it is harder to stop using more and more cocaine doses than alcohol.
You will pass out from alcohol but with cocaine you will just keep on upping the doses.

>> No.12033715

>as rick james said, it’s a hell of a drug
I wonder what he would say about meth

>> No.12033850
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