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File: 278 KB, 1600x900, 5G-stock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12023204 No.12023204[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Should I be concerned?
Any health issue?

>> No.12023215

No, stop asking.

>> No.12023235

>Should I be concerned?
No, the waves work on an energy level which isn't new in the slightest. We have been exposed to this energy level our whole lives from natural and unnatural sources but for some reason the big bad 5G is different to some people? It's strange that a fat anti-5g movement is sprung when businesses are fighting for monopoly over the thing. It's almost like it's just businesses trying to hamper each other and are using people to do so.
Also some retards are literally burning down radio or 3G towers thinking it's 5G.

>Any health issue?
If you are one of those rare people who are hypersensitive to waves to the point they need to move to rural radio free communities with no WIFI and reduced electronics.

>> No.12023296
File: 234 KB, 773x2351, Frey 2012 - Opinion Cell Phone Health Risk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I'm not going to bother having a big debate here, but if you want to learn more about this see:
See the top text file "-Documents, links,[...]"

Anyone speaking in absolutes and with certainty regarding safety simply hasn't done the research or consulted the literature and experimental data. Their perspective is thus strictly a priori.

That we have so many people on both "sides" who strongly think they know what they're talking about, is a major mdoern problem. The document mentioned goes into the history and provides some lens into the cultural aspects which have led to this. It's a lot like religion, actually. You're born. You come to know, these are your parents. This is your community. This is what is done. This is how the world is. This is what we value and believe in. This is what a person should do. And so on.

Building your own opinion up apart from "common knowledge" of course often yields different results.

>> No.12023303

Why doesn't the Sun instantly kill us then?

>> No.12023308

Why would it?

>> No.12023313

Actually, no. I don't want to get sucked into something. Just read the document.

>> No.12023331

Do you realize how much more heating the Sun provides, compared to a hypothetical global 5G coverage, right? If not, you should just shut up.

>> No.12023377
File: 221 KB, 673x2510, Despiraling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, that's basically why. You have tons of underlying presuppositions and without actually doing the research you're never going to see it.


I really should be doing other things. Apparentoly my historical experience in this topic also has a name:

Sorry man, I wish we could just talk about this but it's so emotionally charged and at such a scale that you just can't. I've provided some resources in the link above. People who will read it will read it. People who won't, won't. Most people don't understand, but I've basically wasted a lot of my life trying to inform people about things they don't actually care about. A blind spot, a flaw in my core design. No more.

>> No.12023387

You sound like a schizophrenic. Make a solid argument, and I'll listen. The Sun heats this planet far more than global 5G coverage would. Explain me why this isn't the case.

>> No.12023392
File: 464 KB, 1152x1584, opioid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's your problem. Enjoy the journey.

>> No.12023395

>The majority of this work was done at the frequencies between 2 and 10 GHz, 5G is at 30 GHz.

>> No.12023405

That's taken from the book "Nonlinear electrodynamics in biological systems", based on a symposium held in 1984. See the 5G section of the document for links to in depth specifics about spectrum usage, current auctions, and so forth. A lot of 5G is going to be sub-6 GHz (eg 600 MHz for rural areas).

Yep, it begins again. They won't read.

>> No.12023423

Can people without any knowledge on this topic understand the document?

>> No.12023424 [DELETED] 

How come all of the online information about 5G So, that would be FR1? Is FR2 only for metropolitan and suburban areas?

>> No.12023429

So, that would be FR1? Is FR2 only for metropolitan and suburban areas?

>> No.12023434
File: 36 KB, 1250x320, fr2_devices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems to be, as all of the FR2 devices are for urban use.

>> No.12023439

Not necessarily completely or immediately, no. However it covers so many facets (historical, geopolitical, economic, regulatory, shifting interests over time, and the actual research itself) that you begin to get a broader picture, and I've tried to structure it in a way where all the relevant concepts ar eintroduced at the beginning. Things like the safety standards, the units involved, definitions, etc.

I'll check back on this thread if anyone has any suggestions. It's definitely not perfect, but I'd say it's adequate.

>> No.12023443
File: 47 KB, 1271x580, rural_first_5g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, you're right.

>> No.12023448

>Comparison of effects of 2.4GHz Wi-Fi and mobile phone exposure on human placenta and cord blood
>In conclusion, the results of this study indicated that mobile phone exposure during pregnancy could have an important potential to cause oxidative stress and DNA damage in cord blood and placenta. The results of this study also indicated that combined effects of Wi-Fi plus mobile phone exposure have a higher potential to cause synergistic harmful effects.

>> No.12023451

This is the study:

>> No.12023454

I was refering to the medical and biological files of your document(they are usually too technical and that turns off the reading),the historial ones I find them always easier to understand.
Thanks for the info.

>> No.12023468

There's more:
>Effects of 2.4 GHz radiofrequency radiation emitted from Wi-Fi equipment on microRNA expression in brain tissue
>Long-term exposure of 2.4 GHz RF may lead to adverse effects such as neurodegenerative diseases originated from the alteration of some miRNA expression and more studies should be devoted to the effects of RF radiation on miRNA expression levels.

>> No.12023471

What happens if you switch off wifi and instead use ethernet,does it affect too?

>> No.12023480

That would make a difference if you're not getting slammed by everyone else's wifi. My devices detect a dozen different visible networks and I'm only in the suburbs.

>> No.12023481

You'd have to ensure no power to the system, if the WiFi is still on, it would still be present.

>> No.12023484

Some have an internal battery backup.

>> No.12023486

Why is none of this getting mentioned in rural 5G objects? The FR1 band is within these limits.

>> No.12023489


>> No.12023497

So I should extract that battery? Or how do I ensure no power to the system?
What generation is ok, 3G,4G...?>>12023480
Is there any way to prevent not getting slammed by others wifi?

>> No.12023502

Anything not within the 2 to 10 GHz range.

>> No.12023506

Is my speed seriously affected by these?

>> No.12023508

>Is there any way to prevent not getting slammed by others wifi?
Build a faraday cage around your bed. But if you do it wrong, you can actually amplify the EMFs you're exposed to.

>> No.12023513 [DELETED] 

What if I put it around the router?

>> No.12023519

That would block the wifi coming from the router. Some people use aluminum foil to dampen the signal so it doesn't extend beyond their homes. That of course does nothing to protect you from wifi originating outside your home.

>> No.12023525

Looks like they're trying to cull rural folk.

>> No.12023532

Don't know where to start then,no clues on physics or biology.
Seems like building a faraday cage sound impossible.
Any advice that sounds feassible?
t. 5G user

>> No.12023538
File: 3.09 MB, 2800x2128, HPIM4083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walking one day
>minding my own business
>enjoying nature
>suddenly a tower peaks out from over the tree line
>"oh hey anon"

feels bad man

>> No.12023545

>*blasts you with 3.5 GHz of loving FR1 5G*

>> No.12023547
File: 68 KB, 750x500, wojak-rowing-machine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, Your home Wifi router operates on the same band as 5g lmao

>> No.12023555

Unless you move to the middle of nowhere, you're going to be exposed to cell towers and wifi, there's no getting around it. The best you can really do is protect your sleeping area so your body can at least have a break from the 24-7 onslaught, but that's going to take some research and DIYing. You're not going to die overnight, maybe look into it a bit and see if it's something you'd like to pursue.

>> No.12023558

I think you should read some of the studies posted in this thread, friendo. Sound so friendly now?

>> No.12023575

So if i'm getting it,apart from those DIYing advices, having 5G instead of 4G is nearly worthless knowing what I'm getting exposed by my surrondings probably is a greater deal.

>> No.12023578

Well, I mean, do you want to be complicit in this?

>> No.12023582

Well, if the choice is to exposed by your surroundings, or to sit next to a wifi router and be exposed by your surroundings, obviously the former is preferable.

>> No.12023600

To be honest I'm too young for a rural living.
Not that i don't want it,but first is getting money.
So if there's no real impact between having 5G or 4G in your house considering i'm getting expose to others wifi,well it sucks.
What is the radio lenght of exposure in milles, milles i have to be away from someone for not getting exposed

>> No.12023621

Thanks anon. You are a hero.

>> No.12023665

It is a stepping stone. They want to find the right frequency to transfer consciousness. Luckily its a terribly hard problem to solve, but that's what they're working toward.

>> No.12023724

>Sound like a schizophrenic
More like is a schizophrenic

>> No.12023727


>> No.12023747


>> No.12023757

But, like, for real?

>> No.12023764

ngl, thats a pretty schizo pastebin bruh

>> No.12023824
File: 23 KB, 477x320, 1584256565328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You hate progress and don't want to live the megaman battle network dream.

>> No.12023856 [DELETED] 
File: 802 KB, 1600x2264, 1588529877570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work with 5g antenna and infrastructure manufacturing.

It is safe but it will further the west's descent into being traced and studied like cattle. It allows data transfers at a higher level which means it can lead to real time simulation or tracking.

You do not want to kill your domesticated. You wish to herd them.

>> No.12023861

>I work with 5g antenna and infrastructure manufacturing
In what capacity?

>> No.12023874

It makes zero sense for emf to effect you. Seems like most studies have them blast rats with shit tons of emf or retarded surveys on exposure. The only emf can’t effect you is heating and that’s it. The people who make these studies are turbo crooks.

>> No.12023879

To what end?

>> No.12023882

It’s pretty easy to show how EMF effects you blast emf on a cell and see what happens. It only heats up. EMF doesn’t do anything.

>> No.12023889

Why would you work with single cells when you want to see how a whole organism is affected? Say a given effect arises from stimulation of what site, or superficial structures in the skin and around those outermost capillaries? What if cells are communicating to amplify the signal that they're collectively receiving, like coupled oscillators? As it would happen this is exactly what the experimental data indicated.

Single cell and low cell density models introduce vast complexity for no benefit. In vitro models can be highly misleading.

>> No.12023892

>of what site
one site*

>> No.12023893

And to clarify further, it's like blinding an animal then shining light on its head and concluding "yep, visible light has no effect on brain activity." Well.... yeah, it doesn't do much to the animal if it has no eyes to interact with the brain.

>> No.12023898

This is some retarded schizo shirts cells don’t act as oscillators or whatever retarded shit. The idea of cells being able to amplify or capture emf like an antenna has ZERO scientific evidence for and makes zero sense. It’s propagated by these Russian crooks I forget the name of.

>> No.12023907

>cells don’t act as oscillators or whatever retarded shit.

>The idea of cells being able to amplify or capture emf like an antenna has ZERO scientific evidence

>It’s propagated by these Russian crooks I forget the name of.
Magnetobiology and bioelectromagnetics do have a long history in Russia and Eastern Europe (Turlygin was publishing on altered galvanic skin resistance and visual evoked potentials in subjects who had a sparkgap oscillator turned on near their head ~1926 iirc? Maybe 36). However it goes back even further in the West. We're talking well over >30k papers published internationally over the last 100 years.

>> No.12023914

Idk, what if we are smashed by a combination of 4g + 5g + the sun + albedo + car albedo + less skin cells covering our epidermis because we got a shower?