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12022650 No.12022650 [Reply] [Original]

Do psychedelic drugs expand your consciousness?

>> No.12022656

No, the opposite. They temporarily unravel your brain's neural connections so that you have the mind of an infant

>> No.12022658


>> No.12022666

No, they tear it apart. This seems to expand it, for a finite duration (the trip), but does not have lasting metabolic effects on the brain. Thus, it was not your consciousness that expanded, but the container.

>> No.12022673

How the fuck is this /x/?

>> No.12022674

No, but I do like them

>> No.12022688

Whether or not it's /x/ is irrelevant; it is certainly /x/ material. Are you offended at being redirected there or at being associated with the paranormal? Regardless, there's a science to what happens, and you're welcome to discuss it here as well.

>> No.12022691

>Are you offended at being redirected there or at being associated with the paranormal?
no I'm confused as to how this is paranormal in anyway. Either you know something I don't or you're retarded.

>> No.12022694

Yes and it allows new neural connections to form easier.

Wrong you retard you didn't understand that study at all, it doesn't have give you the mind of a infant it resets the mind like a system restore point and gives you the ability to learn with more objectivity.

>> No.12022702

Lmao just talk to some dude who wants to tell you their cool ideas they got high. It is retarded shit.

>> No.12022714

Consciousness is paranormal. If you're not sure why, then try explaining it to some random person you met on the street. Go ahead. We'll wait.

>> No.12022765

>try explaining it to some random person you met on the street.
So everything past the 3rd grade is paranormal now. Also isn't it more a philosophical notion.

>> No.12022810

Personally I don't have a strong reason to consider philosophy beyond basic tier to not be /x/ at this point. If we take the literal construction of the word, philosophy sure isn't an average everyday thing to most of the population.

But no I just meant consciousness isn't understood by science or anything else.

>> No.12022825

No, but it is fun.

>> No.12022838
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certain psychedelic drugs (most prominently LSD) almost certainly induce a period of elevated neuroplasticity, and there's evidence to suggest that they stimulate neurogenesis too, though AFAIK this hasn't actually been demonstrated.

it could be safely said that they have the capacity to quantitatively "expand one's mind" in terms of neuronal density and interconnectivity, but I'd stay clear of invoking the spectre of "consciousness", which to me is more the remit of the philosopher.

>> No.12023836

First I thought the joke in OP's pic was that he was a suicide bomber, but then I clicked it and saw. Blessed image.

>> No.12023848

Don't mistake the Sword for the One who must swing it

>> No.12023872

fuck your allah and fuck you mudslime
you ruined my homeland

>> No.12023878


>> No.12023883
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yes but if you are not ready and weak minded don't. it's intense and the hallucinations are sometimes mind shattering. once you get sufficiently lighted, there is no way back. i remember when i did acid with 2 bros. i was just enjoying the visuals and touching a lemon skin with my fingers and watching them freak out and their heads turn into round balls. one was laughing histerically, the other one had a trip that we tried to convince him its real and was mad at himself for abusing drugs and not being there for his son. everything had small dots like eyes and your shit gets flipped upside down. in a sense you are getting plugged into yourself. i finally realised how important real closeness to another human is and i learned to be glad that i have this opportunity to be in this place and time and breathe the air and hug my family.

>> No.12023886

exactly mr 666

>> No.12023894

the balls on this man. holy shit.

>> No.12023896


>> No.12023959

You had the right kind of trip. I find it sad that none of my friends that have done LSD have felt that way

>> No.12023968


The psychedelic experience is a doorway which leads to a hallway which leads to only what you want to find within yourself.

In other terms, a drug is nothing but a high-yield (fast but not perfect) technique to reach partly what your reason and heart cannot achieve fully in your opinion. If anything, it is a total lack of confidence in your reason and in your abilities to philosophy to be at ease with life.

>> No.12023994

>friend from school admits to doing acid sometimes
>ask him what it was like
>"It's great you can stay up drinking beer all night!"
and that's why i don't hang out with people i went to school with

>> No.12024062

i went in with the right mindset, the other 2 guys not so much really.
what it told me was the shit i knew but was hiding from myself all this time. i was always insecure and felt like an outcast wondering why "god" never looked at me and i felt so alone while other seemed to naturally find their place and fit in. it took me to try some darkweb reputable probable lsd at 25 to view the state of my real self.
while looking out of my window very early in the morning i see houses and little car lights and i realized that everyone lives the same lives as me, and for them the struggle is just the same as is for me. we are all stinky apes stuck together on this ball, sharing similar problems and comforting each other sometimes. whatever this reality is and where it came from, it's a gift. i immediately felt a warm feeling and the world seemed not half bad. this lasted days after the experience. i am now content with the fact that i will probably never know if there is a purpose or a god and i don't try to fit in or impress random disconnected characters. i became closer with my parents and sister, learned to calm tf down and pursue a useful direction in life.
the effect was not just mental or whatever, i also felt a weird sensory anomaly. everything i was touching, was like i was touching myself. the lemon was weird because it legit felt like it was a part of me. i would bet that this is one of the most unique, complicated and profound experiences the world can offer you without death.

imagine the richness of his persona

>> No.12024597

This is partially accurate but most people underestimate the psychiatric implications of this.
This is a little more accurate

The only problem is that their effects can vary widely depending on your mindset and environment.

>You can just fuck around with a couple of bros and laugh until your ribs hurt
>You can experience states of mind which are simply unexplainable
>You can have a terrifying trip that scars you mentally for years (been there)
>It can reset neural pathways to cure people of mental ticks (Paul Stamet was cured of a severe stutter with a single powerful dose of shrooms)

I believe they have so much potential and I would love to see them legalised.

>> No.12024605


>> No.12024607

Psychedelics are the equivilent of turning the temperature up in a neural network

>> No.12024612

Its the enlightenment experience and it really is just a further degree of self-awareness. If pure awareness is subconscious, and awareness of awareness is consciousness. Then awareness of awareness of awareness, or awareness of consciousness is some sort of meta-consciousness. Awareness of awareness of awareness doesnt seem quite right, its not like you reach further enlightenment by trying at more 'awareness of' to the loop. And I dont mean to imply you didn't have awareness of consciousness before. But its that you dont pay attention to it the same as before. Its now understood more obvectively in terms of what it really is, which includes the inevitable fact that you are the same as all of the rest of us, for the most part and every bit of pain or pleasure you cause in the world is the same that you feel everyday that others cause you.