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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12018593 No.12018593[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"Science" board
>great filter
>black holes
>colonizing other planets
>simulation theory
Tell me again how this isn't just Sci-fi themed /x/.

>> No.12018614

you forgot
>CRISPR catgirls
>mars colonization
>quantum computing
>neural link
>denying climate change
>denying genetics
>denying thermodynamics
>information theory
>jobs threads
>e-celeb threads
>anti-/pol/ baiting
>/pol/ baiting
>pedophile schizophrenic threads
>undergrad sociopath threads
>grad student commiseration threads
There’s a lot more to our board than what you might gather at first glance anon.

>> No.12018625
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>> No.12018641

What do you want?

>> No.12018655

“Sci-fi” is a buzzword. Yes, it was science FICTION back in 1970. 50 years later, it is becoming scientific reality

>> No.12018658
File: 63 KB, 1280x738, 1595076923779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“Sci-fi” is a buzzword. Yes, it was science FICTION back in 1970. 50 years later, it is becoming scientific reality

>> No.12018662
File: 250 KB, 1387x963, 1578200745931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP look at THIS

>> No.12018666

>images may be reposted multiple times
woah... real scientific observation there

>> No.12018679

>simulation theory
These are the only things which matter now. What else do you want, some butterfly wings classification? AI will do it better too.

>> No.12018695

you forgot

>dark energy
>virtual particles
>bottle-rocket-battery-car-subsidy man
>Quantum (insert buzzworded term here)
>schrodingers thought experiment
>"is shadow chasing good for you?"
>reposed probability questions
>re-describing unidentifiable flying objects and not explaining how they work

>> No.12018709

And now you can add cancerous meta-threads to the list of off topic trash shitting up the catalog.
Congratulations on being part of the problem faggot OP!