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File: 21 KB, 500x210, 500_pulsegraph-greenlandice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12017710 No.12017710 [Reply] [Original]

Greenland Ice Sheet Melting Passes Point Of No Return - Even If Global Warming Stopped Today It Will Continue To Recede


Tipping points falling like dominoes this year. What's your plan to make it to 2060?

>> No.12017712

So? Did you believe that there was ice on Greenland for the entire six billion years that Earth existed? It comes and goes like all ice on the planet. It'll come back after next ice age, don't you worry about that.

>> No.12017716

Remember that the West could've been colonising the moon, Mars, and doing God knows what else by now, but instead we've decided to dial back, and hand all our wealth and advancement to niggers and diversity.
Remember this when our future dies.

>> No.12017729

The bad news is we need geoengineering to control CC.
The good news is geoengineering is exactly what we have done for the last two centuries without knowing it.

>> No.12017740

Now it can finally be Green

>> No.12017742

>Shrinking glaciers in Greenland are a problem for the entire planet. The ice that melts or breaks off from Greenland’s ice sheets ends up in the Atlantic Ocean—and, eventually, all of the world’s oceans. Ice from Greenland is a leading contributor to sea level rise—last year, enough ice melted or broke off from the Greenland ice sheet to cause the oceans to rise by 2.2 millimeters in just two months.

>> No.12017747

Why would Ohio State of all people lament at the prospect of losing New York and California to the sea?

>> No.12017750

>Greenland Ice Sheet Melting Passes Point Of No Return
Just think about oil hidden under this ice $$$!

>What's your plan to make it to 2060?
I'm becoming a scientist, to be more precise, I want to study gene engineering.
I'll extend my life and hide in a shelter waiting for everyone else to die.
Or they'll just hire me in the shelter to help them with the CO2 storing plants.

>> No.12017754

people will adapt, only coastal regions are in the canner. Besides, high sea levels are a good thing for nature. Its gonna be a rough ride but we will come out on top.

>> No.12017770

It won't happen fast enough to drown all the new yorkers and californians and they'll all end up moving to Ohio

>> No.12017777

>people will adapt
You'll adapt if I punch you in the face. Doesn't make being punched in the face good.

>Besides, high sea levels are a good thing for nature.
Ah right, I forgot you're not human.

>> No.12017783

>Besides, high sea levels are a good thing for nature.
You forget about all this trash sea will eat from cities.
Also you forget about adidification and less oxygen dissolved in the water.

>> No.12017791

If we haven't gotten our ass to Mars in the thousands of years until the climate becomes inhospitable to us, we deserve to suffer like the other lesser species.

>> No.12017798

Dumb comment.

>> No.12017808
File: 360 KB, 1900x1265, tipping-point-tundra-crater-siberia-forest1.ngsversion.1565813879036.adapt.1900.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the entire Arctic is melting

>> No.12017822

It'll be fun to observe the change.
I want green greenland.

>> No.12017922

at least we're not speaking German though

>> No.12017930

That is hella comfy looking and I'm looking forward to fishing there someday

>> No.12018024

It's all a hoax. Prove me wrong!

>> No.12018140

>fishing there someday
what makes you think there are fish

>> No.12018149

These things are unbelievable if you manage to see one irl

>> No.12018151

Good. This means Greenland will be a good investment once Trump buys it. Third best purchase behind Alaska and the Louisiana Purchase.

>> No.12018193

As a Russian I'm glad that century later we'll have sea resorts on out Arctic coast.

>> No.12018199
File: 129 KB, 846x1080, smb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

History of a Hoax
In science you have to tell the truth, but a skilled scientist can hide it between two lies.

Ongoing heat wave and blocking over large parts of Europe go along with unseasonally snowy weather in eastern Greenland. An increase in surface mass balance of 4 gigatons is extreme for the season; however, the total ablation is still somewhat larger than the average 1981-2010.

>> No.12018204

>Global warming enthusiasts demand to ban travel
>Suddenly corona hysteria comes and travel is banned
Pure coincidence.

>> No.12018209

If you actually read the site you would understand what they mean with the
in the corner

>> No.12018410 [DELETED] 
File: 349 KB, 598x711, 1595289825660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12018428

>As a Russian I'm glad that century later we'll have sea resorts on out Arctic coast.
Don't be so optimistic though.
Melting ice sheet will uncover new resources like oil, metal deposits and new land with for agriculture, this can bring a next war.

>> No.12020553

actually for Russia it means loss of territory and destruction of infrastructure

>> No.12020725

But is it accurate or not?