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12017322 No.12017322 [Reply] [Original]

In this thread we lost the various modifications to a human with the intention of creating a super soldier.

>myostatin down regulation
Increased muscle mass
>ncor1 down regulation
Muscle metabolism enhancement
>Myosin atpase catalytic improvement
Increases the speed do the actin to myosin cycle and specific force of muscle contraction
>myelin Sheath fat modification
Increasing fat resistance increases nerve propagation speed.
>spidroin Excreting fibroblasts And keritinocytes
Bullet resistant skin and stronger connective tissues and tendons
>“ unbreakable bone” mutation From family in Connecticut and goethite mineralising osteoblasts
Incredibly strong bones

>> No.12017324

*enhances ur path*

>> No.12017333
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The flesh is weak, no matter how much you improve it. Power armor and cybernetics will produce a superior result.

You spend hundreds of millions and decades making every single Captain America. Then it all gets flushed down the toilet when they're injured or killed.

You take a normal soldier and replace his meaty bits and augment his brain. Then suit him up. If the armor is damaged or destroyed. The experienced Grey matter keeps going in another suit. His prosthetic body damage is just more hardware to to replace. The critical squishy software can keep going.

>> No.12017336


>> No.12017340

Pepc-k would also be a fantastic addition

>> No.12017342

This is worse? Do you not understand the amount of money it would take to develop a entire synthetic body? With a super soldier program it’s just retroviruses and drugs, and it only costs heaps for the first soldier because of rnd ect, every soldier after that costs pennies because it’s just chemical cost.

>> No.12017345

Also cyborg bodies don’t heal themselves

>> No.12020045

>one or the other

>> No.12020051

Neither do soldiers on the battlefield. If you have time to go to a hospital you have time to replace your parts.

>> No.12020195

A bioengineered human would be able to regenerate. Maybe not as quickly as wolverine, but fast enough that in the field , a non fatal bullet wound would heal within a day

>> No.12020206

That would require solving aging and cancer. Plus the huge metabolic demands it would cause.

>> No.12020243

no it wouldn't? its literally easy https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2019/06/cancer-genes-help-deer-antlers-grow
temporary up-regulation of proto-oncogenes to accelerate growth then up-regulation of tumor suppressor genes to slow it down. none of this requires a cure to cancer or ageing and plugging a wound doesnt take much energy im not talking about regrowing a arm in a day. a persons natural body fat reserves could heal dozens of similar sized wounds

>> No.12020413

[Collected posts from the previous thread]

super strength-
muscle specific ncor1 downregulation
muscle specific myostatin downregulation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myostatin#:~:text=Myostatin%20(also%20known%20as%20growth,encoded%20by%20the%20MSTN%20gene.
muscle specific myosin atpase enzymatic modification to increase rate of catalysis, increasing the speed of the actin to myosin cycle and therefore increasing force.

bullet RESISTANT skin-
amino acid optimisation of keratin and collagen to be more similar to spider silk ( which is itself A keratin)

>>12010455 (OP)
I bet with proper genetic manipulation we could easily increase our range of vision. Splicing in genes for seeing ultraviolet or infrared. There's also tetrachrome people, but I don't know if being able to see a few more thousand shades of red is really an advantage.

>>12010455 (OP)
Tardigrades are resistant to radiation because of a protein called d-sup. This protein binds to DNA, making it much harder to damage. Early experiments have shown d-sup binds to human DNA as well and makes it just resistant, so radiation resistant super soldiers might be a possibility.

>> No.12020421

Myosatin knockouts as with most knockouts are garbage it'd be better to go with something like follistatin as with the myosatin you'd need massive injections to get a proper transfection

>> No.12020435

In addition to this VEGF (Vascular endothelial growth factor) would make a fine alteration

>> No.12020501 [DELETED] 
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Multiple hearts for redundancy and greater circulation.

>> No.12020505
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Multiple hearts for redundancy and greater circulation.

>> No.12020521
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not necessarily, a myostatin antibody would work too, but yeah follistatin upreg would be good too, apparently it has a MULTIPLYING effect if myostatin is ALSO knockdown

>> No.12020526

4 times the muscle mass, including the other metabolic changes we mentioned which increase SPECIFIC muscle force and we're talking like 10-20 times stronger than a regular human

>> No.12020529

you dont need power armor if you make people stronger which can be done probably easier then designing power armor. you can make people really strong and have a lot of stamina so they can carry around heavier and bigger armor.

>> No.12020532

wow holy shit so super soldiers are really possible

>> No.12020536

The whole point of biological modification is that it's inexpensive to apply in scale.
Both cyborg style and gene therapy style augmentation require huge R&D investment, the difference is that the gene therapy style is just some custom virus you inject in the end, which can be produced inexpensively. Cyborg parts will remain very expensive in the foreseeable future, on top of the R&D costs.

There is also not a clear reason to use military cyborg as your technology path, when you can just use drones. Functionalist design drones will probably outperform equally advanced cyborgs.

>> No.12020540

this we are so far from power armor its crazy. we could probably engineer some humans to be stronger right now if we didnt care about morals. power armor has a couple issues mostly related to energy storage. we have tanks and vehicles if you really wanted "power armor" in grasp.

>> No.12020543

It's about the software. A human mind directly connected to the hardware. No sognaks to jam or hack, and no ai to develop.

>> No.12020544

all it takes one genetic modification to make people super strong? that's it?

>> No.12020545

why doesnt north korea engineer humans? anything stop[ing them? they can get the shit from china right?

>> No.12020564

all it takes is one modification to increase the specific force of a muscle fibre yes, then 2 modifications to increase the amount of muscle mass, then a handful of ones to enhance the energy supply/ availability to those muscles

>> No.12020566
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>> No.12020570

you literally have to engineer ai and software to translate the neuro activity to computer output, and yes that is hackable, and probably WAYYYYYYYYY more difficult.

>> No.12020576

AND you have to create a whole bio support system to keep a brain alive indefinitely and cognitively clear, there is no benefit to having the brain inside the robo body when you could just do some teleprescence if you had the software to control the robot body with brainwaves, but again these robots would be so incredibly complicated that EVERY single one of them is expensive, but with bio engineered supersoldiers its just a rnd cost for the retroviruses and compounds, then mass produce the shots and inject people in massive batches (humans reproduce, robots dont)

>> No.12020608

Once you can build one Motoko. You can mass produce the bodies. Then the hardest and most expensive part is putting brains into them. The body also internalizes a lot of gear Captain America has to be provided with. Such as radios, GPS, thermal and light amplification vision, and small arms resistant armor.

No worries about genetic editing viruses mutating and causing super aids.

>> No.12020624

so youre going to perform the most expensive operation possible on EVERY SINGLE ONE of them? the cost of regular brain surgery costs hundreds of thousands of dollars (to insurance companies) a WHOLE brain removal and implantation would cost 10 times as much. millions of dollars just in surgeries lmao. PER SOLDIER. i very very VERY much doubt you can mass produce these bodies, what you are talking about is a ecmo machine, artificial liver, dialysis machine, artificial digestive tract ect ect ALL IN ONE and not only that you have to redesign them all to be compact enough to fit in a reasonable sized body, and hardy enough for fucking combat lmao any of of these components will cost you MILLIONS even after mass production. you cannot compete at a economic standpoint vs a self reproducing , dna, rna and viruses all reproduce by themselves (viruses in a cell culture) with nothing but inexpensive feedstock and a willing person to be shot up, after the initial rnd cost, individual cost per soldier serum be be a few THOUSAND not the MILLIONS your option would be

>> No.12020648

No...nothing....not a god damn thing...

Oh no, please don't do anything rash anons,the US govt is not very lenient about treason.

>> No.12020657

they probs have tried, but failed i reckon, a full gene editing super soldier program is more difficult than a nuclear program and as we know nk has like a handful of nukes and has struggled to even get that, i think china probably it starting their program right now and i dont think the us has started theirs because of how many hoops they have to go through.

>> No.12020670

The issue is that this is engineered from birth unless that's the goal instead of an augmentation?

>> No.12020672

My main issue with myosatin knockouts is that in a matured subject it's somewhat difficult to implement given that you need to alter a large number of cells to have an affect as opposed to increasing the amount of x which is fundamentally an easier process

>> No.12020693

doesnt seem to be an issue anymore

>> No.12020696

I’ve got a small amateur bacterial/yeast engineering setup and once I finish moving i’ll be putting together some mammalian cell cultures and i’ll probably fiddle with these whenever I save enough to buy the plasmids and other reagents for each experiment

>> No.12020705

That's not what the issue is the issue is the quantity of cells transfected with myosatin for example you're removing the ability to make myosatin but for it to have a large affect you need to transfect a fairly sized amount of cells which is still a big boy issue in gene therapy

>> No.12020712

Mmm no? Myostatin isn’t in the blood stream. The myostatin produced in a muscle cell stays in that cell, 60%+ of your muscle cells being infected would still be like 50-80 % increase in muscle mass, even if this wasn’t the case, multiple injections to bump that 60+ to 99% would be possible

>> No.12020715

If you could achieve a 60% transfection i'd suck your dick and then tranq you and lock you up in my lab

>> No.12020719
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Don’t threaten me with a good time

>> No.12020854

funny u mention this though because for my thesis im planning on doing exactly this, except if im right about a secret im holding 100% transfection will occur IN VIVO , which could be game changing for gene therapy

>> No.12020859

>multiple injections to bump that 60+ to 99% would be possible
Not even that unreasonable if you present the treatment as akin to acupuncture.
Just instead of needles they're syringes...

>> No.12020896

yeah this desu, sure itd be hundreds or thousands of needles but no different than people who get whole body acupuncture every few weeks

>> No.12021222

We'd need to find a way to minimise the bodies response to injects because gene therapies fucking hurt and swell my arm a wee bit i can't imagine doing hundreds

>> No.12021649

>it costs less
A penny saved is worth less than two earned pennies with <50% tax.
not even close to fast enough, also still doesn't fully solve the cancer problem

>> No.12021705

Won't flexibility/articulation be significantly decreased with that much muscle mass? I assume the metabolic rate will also increase significantly, meaning you need to carry that much more supplies...

In fact I wonder if it wouldn't be optimal for the war effort to have shorter, but more soldiers instead of few but strong amd tall soldiers, for a given logistical effort.

>> No.12021759

My list:
>Nuclear reactor, only needs to refuel once every 9 years
>Super cluster computer brain with satellite uplink so it can coordinate with command
>Carries a complement of 16 nuclear ramjet powered drones, each carrying a payload tailored to the mission, whether that be conventional missiles, or nuclear warheads
>20 magazines full of quadcopter style swarm drones. Each magazine is filled with 300 of these drones. Drones are armed with a Glock handgun with a 100rnd drum mag. Each drone has a shape charge suicide bomb for infantry if they run out of ammo
>6 20mm CIWS anti missile and picket weapons
>50 guided torpedoes
>10 amphibious infantry fighting vehicles filled with ground drones each equipped with RPGs and a mounted LMG
Soldiers are obsolete, instead make a fleet a fully automated carriers that can react and make their own decisions once the go button is pressed. War should not be done in half measures, deterance is everything.

>> No.12023947

Once you actually make the gene therapy they're so cheap the average person can manufacture them

>> No.12024600

yeah but what if they get shot in the head

>> No.12024601

Armored brain casing

>> No.12024613

yeah but what if they use armor piercing rounds

>> No.12024643

It's a really small moving target.

>> No.12024691

yeah but if the other guy has really good aim

>> No.12024788

well no matter how great of a thing we create we still can't create absolutes so then he'd die

>> No.12024806

so yeah just build robots
humans are shit at war

>> No.12024971

>muh muscle mass
Literally useless.

>> No.12024979

says who?

>> No.12024981

There are basically 2 types in special forces. Cardio bunnies and strong fat power lifters.

>> No.12025014


>> No.12025017

Says me. Why use soldiers when you can blanket the entire planet with nuclear warheads?

>> No.12025062

To fight and survive in the resulting hellscape

>> No.12025075

Ok fine I guess that's ok. I'll allow it.

>> No.12025099
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I always loved the chimera in Resistance: Fall of Man. Super fast metabolism that would run the body into fever and death if not for cooling stacks inserted into the body. Don’t know the energy source but always guessed there was some sort of biofuel cell on their back devices as well.

>> No.12025111

>Don’t know the energy source
Space magic of course.

>> No.12025122

pop science reddit anime faggot .I cant build armor. I can inject MYO inhibiting peptides and take anavar. I hope you and your whole family dies of COVID 19.

>> No.12025202

Musclemadd creates ecplosive fast twitch power but only from glucose, basically its a emergency type of mechanism while slow twitch muscle fiber gets oxidative energy with low fatique.

there are studies that transform fast twitch into slowtwitch and dont lose power

carderine is also a drug that makes you run 2x+ further

Looking for drugs that enhance oxidation if any got any

>> No.12025207

Also your muscle act as a giant lever. my hypothesis is that if you train half a muscle via electrical muscle stimulation you can alter the gear ratio for speed or power

>> No.12025213

Gym monkeys basically train in a completely retarded fashion always using fast twitch whole muscle contraction

>> No.12025237

Also i wonder if goats can create spidersilk in their milk what else they can creatw.

>i should buy some goats

>> No.12025285

You should share it. There is a higher chance that new research will be supressed then making a ton of money. Which comes with lawyers/bankers/media etc.

we should treat new discovery as Human Security, propogated via i.e Movie Torrents so it cant be used against us by the rich and powerfull.

Im not even joking ((they)) can log all our searches and history to find out and contain research

>> No.12025473

found a interesting link

>FAK tyrosine phosphorylation is regulated by AMPK and controls metabolism in human skeletal muscle
David G Lassiter et al. Diabetologia. 2018 Feb.
>AMPK regulates FAK signalling in skeletal muscle. Moreover, siRNA-mediated FAK knockdown enhances lipid oxidation while impairing glycogen synthesis in skeletal muscle. Further exploration of the interaction between AMPK and FAK may lead to novel therapeutic strategies for diabetes and other chronic conditions associated with an altered metabolic homeostasis.

>> No.12026309

Bump fellow biobros

>> No.12026415

I remember asking as a kid in biology class what held the cells together. Teacher said enzymes.

>> No.12027016

I think that's what the whole "diy bio" movement is about which while largely autistic is a step in the right direction

>> No.12027024

Humans are like 5 years away from being obsolete on the battlefield no matter what cheat abilities you splice into them. Machines fight harder, faster, more accurately, day and night and they are ready for war the second they come out of the production line.

>> No.12027025

The real problem is that we could never experimentally verify that our super soldiers work because it would take centuries to iron out the flaws and mistakes through their successive generations

>> No.12027048

Would there even be a point to increasing muscle mass and power that much? Even if you could get a person strong enough to lift say double or triple what a normal human could, with ten times the ease, could their skeleton survive being yanked on by such powerful muscle groups? I'm well aware that there are a couple examples of people with a rare mutation that allows for extremely hard bones, but what about extremely strong bones all around?
There are such things as passive air cooling blocks, simply run blood through heat pipes into radiator blocks with fins made up of cross-ply carbon fiber, which has shown to be pretty much superior in all cases to conventional aluminum or copper fins. This is basically what your skin is anyway, a huge radiator surface full of heat pipes (your capillaries). Heart rate and vasodillation/constriction take care of heat management autonomically, if you're doing man/machine interfacing you should also be able to sync up the artificial cooling blocks to the same part of the autonomic nervous system which already regulates body temperature.
Yes, you'd want a stupendously powerful computer capable of simulating at least large parts of the human body in real time to quickly figure out exactly what effects potential genetic or cybernetic modifications could have.

>> No.12027217

Enhanced hypothalamus for superior intuition. Increased jaw size and bottom canines set behind top canines for increased bite pressure and tearing allowing them to chew. Large narrow nose for increased oxygen in take.

>> No.12027236

I don't think we're doing germline editing and just pumping them with the worlds supply of plasmid

>> No.12027350

we breathe through our mouths during exercise?

>> No.12027440

Inhale through nose and exhale through mouth.

>> No.12027622

no lmao, i inhale through the mouth and exhale through the mouth too? you can inhale much quicker

>> No.12027751

Computer simulations for bio are garbage and we could probably get viable data for individual augmentations through some faux charity organization in some third world unregulated shitholes

>> No.12028061
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/sci/ Magos Biologis conclave when?

>> No.12028160
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You don't really need super soldiers.
Vietcongs were normal people with simple weapons and were able to defeat the US army.

>> No.12028236

You are incredibly ignorant.
Don't just just repeat a new word you heard and assume it will work.

>> No.12028608

Political will to fight to the last expendable peasant only works defending home turf.