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12012879 No.12012879[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is a belief in god the ultimate brainlet filter?

>> No.12012885

Good luck outliving all the brainlets, you smarty pants.

>> No.12012887

>Bacon, Galileo, Boyle, Newton, Kepler, Leibniz, Pascal, Euler, Dalton, Cauchy, Riemann, Faraday, Volta, Babbage, Maxwell, Mendel, Pasteur, Stokes, Kelvin, Thomson, Carver, Röntgen, Marconi, Eddington, Fisher, Millikan, Compton, Lemaitre, Heisenberg, von Braun, Church, Collins, Barrow, Ellis, Isham, Malcadena, Polkinghorne, Bolzano, Misner, Kronecker, Nelson, Cantor, and Gödel
Yeah a bunch of brainlets huh

>> No.12012901

Yes, athiests are the brainlets

>> No.12012915
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>> No.12012924

You mean all the scientists were smart enough to blend into the crowd and keep their mouths shut when the church persecuted and killed people for not being zealous enough about God, or for - horror of horrors - asking questions? Color me shocked.

>> No.12012925

wow [x] cherry picked smart guy became religious while delirious in his last days that proves god is real!

>> No.12012943

Pew research conducted a survey and found that 52% of scientists believe in a god.

>> No.12012945
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gasp another theist thread omfg in /sci/

today must be my luck
time to ask my 10 wives and husbandos to hrvest fermented oil from my dead camel corpse

>>12012887 wtf, some zionist chant from the quran?

you semites are weird

this is why we send volunteers to quash your fermented oils and bring you to cammunism

>> No.12012960
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That is patently false. Many classical scientists had devout conviction for God and how he shaped the universe, at least from the perspective of their belief.
Proof of God's existence was not the purpose of the meme; It was proof of belief.

>> No.12012981

They were devout and vocal Christians. Cope harder.

>> No.12012983

>christian telling anyone to cope

>> No.12012989

Not only are you stupid but you're also a liar. Heisenberg was a Lutheran his entire life.

>> No.12012990

Munchausen trilemma.
>The circular argument, in which the proof of some proposition is supported only by that proposition
>The regressive argument, in which each proof requires a further proof, ad infinitum
>The dogmatic argument, which rests on accepted precepts which are merely asserted rather than defended

>The trilemma, then, is the decision among the three equally unsatisfying options.

You cannot know the mind of the Creator. You cannot know anything about the Creator, it's all unidirectional You can ask if the Creator needs us, you cannot answer. You can ask if we need the Creator, perhaps you can answer. Ultimately if there is an externally defined purpose, if all of this was designed by an intelligence that knows it has designed it, then clearly it doesn't care if we know of it or not given that the whole system is designed so that it's logically impossible for us to know that we know. Therefore we're just supposed to be what we are and live our lives.

If there was ever a physical being, a Creator who used to be with us, it is lost to history. We are left only with what it gave to us, and made of us.

>> No.12012993


>> No.12012995

cannot at the moment be proven nor disproven
fuck off

>> No.12012999
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As far as history was concerned, it was the religion in general that paved way for the progress in science.
From alcohol, to medicine even up to the preservation of knowledge after the fall of the Roman Empire. The church was behind it all.

Hell, the Big Bang theory was made a PRIEST

>> No.12013003

>Many classical scientists had devout conviction for God
They were lying to avoid persecution. I'm sorry you had to find out this way anon.
My personal favourite example of this in action actually comes from philosophy rather than science. In his book 'leviathan' Hobbes defines all religion as a form of madness except the religion of the man who was paying his bills at the time.
In another example, Voltaire notes in his letters from England that Newton and his contemporaries practices and spread their own personal sect of Christianity, and expresses disappointment that the quakers survived when Newton's sect did not.

>> No.12013005

Reminder that the theology of the Abrahamic God is identical to the psychology of the cluster B disorders.

>> No.12013008

>when the church persecuted and killed people
What time period are you talking about? Are you retarded? Do you have any idea when those scientists lived? At least a fifth of them are still alive today, you mouthbreathing retard.

>> No.12013009

Big bang is religion dressed up as science. So is spacetime.

>> No.12013010
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>seething atheist

>> No.12013012

Belief in religion doesn't really have anything to do with intelligence, except for in the case of extremely stupid people who practice magical thinking and arrive at the concept of God on their own.
The very nature of religion means that it has pretty much no connection with logic, reasoning, etc. It's just something you arbitrarily either believe on not, like how you arbitrarily chose to believe what your eyes and ears tell you and believe that reality exists. It's such a basic assumption about the nature of reality that once it takes hold it's pretty unlikely a persons stance on the subject will ever change, barring some incredible circumstance that makes them reevaluate their entire life.

>> No.12013014

>EiNsTeIn wAs WrOnG

>> No.12013016

Big Bang is just a theory

>> No.12013017

>They were lying to avoid persecution.
Ah yes, how convenient for you.
Meanwhile Baron d'Holbach, an vocal atheist, published the System of Nature in 1770.

>> No.12013018

I showed your mom my big bang theory.

>> No.12013023

How was it?

>> No.12013024


>> No.12013026
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We have the Cosmic Background Radiation to prove it's real. Too bad you don't even know what it is

>> No.12013027


>> No.12013031

Big Bang theory is based on a series of assumptions, is not repeatable, and the phenomena (something coming from nothing) in question has never been observed.

It’s just a theory

>> No.12013033

>muh mathemagical descriptions and equations prove my a priori notions are fact

>> No.12013038

Nothing convenient about, if you read some of their works from the period it becomes very obvious that they are taking the piss whenever they talk about god

>> No.12013039

>mathemagical descriptions and equations prove my a priori notions are fact
That is correct

>> No.12013041

Nope, incorrect. So there. Sorry, but it seems you're wrong. It is written.

>> No.12013042

>and the phenomena (something coming from nothing) in question has never been observed.
It happens in quantum mechanics all the time.

>> No.12013043

>he thinks the CBR is a mathematical construct
Oh anon...

>> No.12013044

you coulda picked any other part of physics and sounded reasonable

>> No.12013045

I swear I want to strangle you

I fucked your mom by quantum entangling my dick through your ass into her mouth

>> No.12013049

>Find thing
>Tweak equation and criteria initial concept so thing fits with your idea
Whoa, confirmed!!!

Nope, I picked right.


>> No.12013053

Seething christ cuck. No one is going to save you.

>> No.12013054
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01010011 01110101 01110010 01100101 00101100 00100000 01100010 01110010 01100001 01101001 01101110 01101100 01100101 01110100 00101110

>> No.12013060

4e 6f 2c 20 79 6f 75 2e

>> No.12013062

All it takes to be religious is to believe what you are told as a kid. It takes an actual working brain to reason your way out of the indoctrination that you most likely went through.

>> No.12013082

There's one thing that really blows my mind about smart religious people. It's not that they believe in God; that is reasonable. Somebody can believe in something with no evidence, there's nothing inherently wrong with that if they own it.

What blows my mind is when a smart person starts using fallacies or obviously flawed reasoning to try to "prove" religion is true. I see this all the time with scientists and philosophers that really should know better. In every other case, they carefully use only good logic and careful thought. But then for religion, they're willing to use utter nonsense thinking. Like there well be a smart and educated person and they'll just throw out Pascal's Wager like they don't see the problem.

>> No.12013095

Trauma bonded. There's an emotional component instilled by fear in early childhood, so rejecting God brings back the terror of conditional love and rejection by their parents. To question God invokes the fear of death itself, physical and identity.

>> No.12013102

See also:

God is the terrifying parent. The absent mother who dominates and punishes by witholding her love and guidance, and the terrifying authoritarian father who punishes and demands obedience. The God who punishes and torments, the God who guides and saves. Yet, one and the same. So too of the traumatizing parents.

>> No.12013104

are you one of those fags on twitter with the dharma emoji? lmaoooo

>> No.12013109

By the amount of cope and projection you're displaying, all I can say is that I emphatize with the bad childhood you had. Hope you can move on from that.

>> No.12013111


>> No.12013123

I didn't have any religion in my childhood, nor were my parents like that. My mother was detached and dual in her own way that I can really describe. Beyond that though, I don't see an issue with the idea put forward. That's definitely one pathway which leads to clinging to God, the pain of losing self via the parents.

>> No.12013125

No, but a belief in the power of God is.

>> No.12013140

The belief that all non-religious people are bitter or have some trauma that makes them hate God is perhaps the most common cope I see from highly religious people.
Pretty much any time an atheist character shows up in a halmark movie, you can bet your ass that his character arc will reveal he isn't actually atheist, but just hates God personally for something bad that happened and is just pretending to be atheist for revenge against God.

>> No.12013222

What is God then?

>> No.12013248 [DELETED] 

God is clamped.

>> No.12013309

At least a social construct

>> No.12013323


>> No.12013324

Dude, the god is clamped was a decent funpost, why delete?

>> No.12013419
File: 58 KB, 800x530, E23B49C5-C192-49DB-8F4D-8B990602664B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you read some of their works from the period it becomes very obvious that they are taking the piss whenever they talk about god

>> No.12013419,1 [INTERNAL] 

That’s literally true though.