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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12011079 No.12011079[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>go to /sci/
>not a single good thread

Jesus Christ, this is the worst state this board has ever been in.

>> No.12011082

Make one then.

>> No.12011084

>Make one then.
>*makes genuinely scientific thread*
>R: 2
>*thread dies*
/sci/ is /nupol/ now, haven't you heard? Either hate minorities scientifically speaking or fuck off

>> No.12011091

recursive post hiding/thread hiding makes it almost bearable but yeah it's shit
it's like a bunch of middle schoolers discovered what shitposting was and were surprised nobody else had thought of it

>> No.12011092
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I couldn't make it to ten replies the last time I tried to make a chemistry thread, which happens to be my fucking area of knowledge except people here only talk about abstract things that happen trillions of Light years away from us instead of discussing science that surrounds us and could be making our lives better.

The whole board is too busy talking about masturbation, IQ or meme theories. This is a fucking heartbreaking disaster.

>> No.12011094

If your goal is the quantity of replies, and not actual answer to your problem, then make fun threads that attract funposters. But be careful to be understandable enough and avoid janny wrath.

>> No.12011100

>If your goal is the quantity of replies
replies ~ interest, so the fact that actual science boards receive no attention is telling here
>make fun threads
>i.e. 0.999.. !=1, bell curve, nig iq, is iq real?, why'd he do it?, racial intelligence, how do i become autistic?, cure ageing, musk is gay, is he autistic?, well /sci/?, you should be able to solve this
>avoid janny wrath
no one moderates this wasteland

>> No.12011110

/mg/ is the last bastion of sci

>> No.12011111

For fun I made a bait /nupol/ thread and its getting bumped regularly lol, fuck this site, it's not math or science anymore anon. abandon ship

>> No.12011112
File: 2.95 MB, 4093x2894, chen_milk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a meta thread instead
>~100 delicious replies
Ah, I love (You)s. I could have (You)s all three meals of the day. Angry (You)s for breakfast, Based (You)s for lunch and Kek (You)s for dinner.

>> No.12011114

because we want our fucking board back faggot

>> No.12011137

yeah I saw your shitty thread, fuck you and fuck niggers

>> No.12011141

which one is it then?

>> No.12011145

Try to make it less obvious dipshit

>> No.12011153

Perhaps asking open-ended questions can help.

>> No.12011156

/sci/ has been completely overrun with retard /pol/fags more than normally in the past few months

>> No.12011157

zoomers ruined the internet

>> No.12011196

>making a bait thread obvious
its to prove a point to myself anon and anyone else interested. /sci/ is now /nupol/, and all actual math/science threads are ignored to oblivion while /pol/ tier shit is bumped to limit. Fuck /sci/, and fuck all the people on this board (like you) that let this place go to shit

>> No.12011209

/mg/ is consistently one of the most active generals in this board.
I get that you don't understand whats posted there and are easily baited towards pol threads, so it makes sense youd think that

>> No.12011406

>One general means this board isn't shit
Ok bro, whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.12011465

>being this new
/sci/ has always been shit.

>> No.12011547

what >>12011406 said. you're just an oldfag caught in denial, or a newfaggot who doesn't understand what we're all talking about

>> No.12011548

Who's "we"?

>> No.12011839

You should be able to solve this threads are fun, though.
They usually just present a fun (though often impossible) puzzle to try and solve

>> No.12012000
File: 108 KB, 400x381, 1589585607468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thankfully you made this thread.
NOW there is some quality in the catalog

>> No.12012118

This but unironically

>> No.12012124
File: 331 KB, 960x960, 1596900990690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignoring mg
>being a retard

>> No.12012132
File: 447 KB, 600x773, c84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12012142


>> No.12012149

When it's all racial threads and IQ posts then yes it's obviously /pol/

>> No.12012474

There are many active generals in this board with quality discussions and the fact you actively avoid them and have a penchant for shit tier threads really outs you hard as someone who shouldn't be in /sci/ in the first place.
The irony behind those propagating the decline of quality complaining about it

>> No.12012479

meant to tag you in >>12012474

>> No.12012497

To be fair I don't complain about the quality of this board, I just come to this board a lot less.

>> No.12012498

Lol fun I pic :)

>> No.12012519

How was Sci in the past?

>> No.12012568

Again, because you retards can't comprehend this. 1-3 threads in an entire board of shit => the board is shit. Do you understand that, piggot? Three islands in a sea of shit, and you've the blind autism to claim
>Theres no shit here! This isn't shit, everything's fine!
Drown in shit faggot. This goes to you too >>12012124

>> No.12012575

Also, so a thread is made complaining about the rising waters of the shit sea. This makes the board worse? So you're making the board worse by complaining as well? Right, well maybe OP should've made a "Is race real?" thread, then I'm sure you wouldn't've minded. Fuck you pathetic cunts

>> No.12012607

The "stupid questions" thread is not really a general, and the math general is mostly anime shitposting and highschoolers. Only very rarely good math content is posted there.

>> No.12012648
File: 309 KB, 1113x1085, m2aoxu3mk0c41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The "stupid questions" thread is not really a general
Yes, it's a containment thread.

>> No.12012716

maybe 10% of threads are >pol
stop sperging retard

>> No.12012725

/vmg/ sorry

>> No.12013118

human artwork is beautiful

>> No.12013397

Whatever man, some people don't want /sci/ to improve and it shows. I've been coming here since undergrad, and now it's filled with nupol diaspora and low T pushovers.

>> No.12013406

>he doesnt enjoy shitting on Tooker and eu schizos
do you hate fun?

>> No.12013426

That’s not sci’s fault. It’s your fault for coming to a fucking 4chan board with high expectations for reasoned discussion.

>> No.12013434

wow this is such a good thread
thank you for setting an example

>> No.12013438

Discord trannies.