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File: 70 KB, 550x679, dark_energymatter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12009581 No.12009581[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why is this allowed ?

>> No.12009588

because that's not what happens retard :)
brainlets continuing to get filtered by dark matter
see: >>12009537

>> No.12009595

This would be more accurately expressed as

>> No.12011176

You have a box.
You know that the box weighs 10kg
You see that 5kg of water is added to the box.
You weigh the box and it measures 20kg.
The missing 5kg is dark matter.

It's not a conspiracy its just something unidentified that we know is there.

>> No.12011190


>> No.12011205

It's not. No one who is taken seriously does that.

>> No.12011755

>"because that's not what happens retard :)"
>literally the first sentence in the post he linked:
>"Dark matter is a ***placeholder for something that we can't observe***...."
what did he mean by this

>> No.12011785

Maybe our scale is broken?

>> No.12011832


>> No.12011844

Your link supports the OP image, retard. You're the brainlet getting filtered

>> No.12011849

So your method for dealing with anything unexpected is just adding some unknown shit there and saying it must be true? Why not just say that God added that unknown mass?

>> No.12011868

redditor hands typed this post

>> No.12012076

okay I'll spell it out for you in a language you can understand
>we have a model that shows a+b=c
>we apply this model to a region in space where we see only a and b, so we should expect c
>however, we find that it's really d instead of c
>what happens if we add a+b+x=d? does that violate any laws?
>oh cool it makes sense and seems like a good explanation, since a+b=c works everywhere else in the universe
now the only question is what is x? x is "dark matter" in this model, meaning we predict its behaviors without knowing much about what it is. we're not saying that "it's just dark matter lulz" and expecting that to be a full explanation. there are many active searches and explorations for what this stuff actually is.
NONE of our scientists are ruling out the fact that a+b=c might be wrong, just the fact that since it works so well in every other aspect of physics there's no reason to immediately start trying to reformulate all of our theories.

>> No.12012096
File: 81 KB, 424x550, osH1ZiCNMlQl-_exp6s__AsQtrNcIN7PqZ-t_4lUi_I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Could dark matter/energy be another Vulcan situation? https://www.nationalgeographic.com/news/2015/11/151104-newton-einstein-gravity-vulcan-planets-mercury-astronomy-theory-of-relativity-ngbooktalk/

>> No.12012102

That's not what you said in your original post though. The real answer is that we just don't know why, but in your post you acted like dark matter is a proven thing that we should all know about instead of a placeholder.
You could do something similar to this for old theories as well. Like you could justify the incongruity of certain theories in the past with aether, which was the "dark matter" of that time.

>> No.12012107

>we have a model that shows 1+1=2
>we apply this model to a region in space where we see only 1 and 1, so we should expect 2
>however, we find that it's really 3 instead of 2
>what happens if we add 1+1+x=3? does that violate any laws?
>oh cool it makes sense and seems like a good explanation, since 1+1=2 works everywhere else in the universe
You called OP retard and said that's not what happens, yet that's literally what OP said.

>> No.12012150

you're so dense. physical interactions are not numbers, they're processes. turning my analogy into a numerical one loses all of the information contained in it.
then I should've been clearer in my original post. however:
dark matter is a "proven" thing in the sense that we have a phenomenon that can't be explained by our current physics understanding. however, our explanation for this observation is still just a placeholder
you're right, this could be applied to older theories as well. however, we have the benefit of a pretty comprehensive theory that's been proven to work in many use cases. there are many people trying to formulate alternative theories to the standard model, but because there are so many (untestable) possibilities, most scientists are agreeing to stick with what we know for the time being and not try to reinvent the wheel. what we're doing now is trying to eliminate dark matter candidates that work as add-ons to current theories before formulating entirely new ones.

>> No.12012158

You're like those Twitter mathematicians that are trying to claim "well, technically sometimes 1+1 can equal 3"

>> No.12012180

no I'm not and if you still don't understand that then I'm not sure what to tell you. I'm not making any claim about numbers like OP was.

physics and math are very different and when you try to reduce these physical concepts to "1+1=2" then of course it's not going to work. as seen in OP

>> No.12012226

If a=b then a=b in any system. If you say otherwise you're trying to spread misinformation.

>> No.12012249

Dark matter is proven

>> No.12012256

yes this is a good comparison

>> No.12012291

I'm not talking about numbers. I was being simplistic in my representation but I didn't expect you to go full autism when I swapped numbers for something else.
instead of a+b=c, pretend I wrote a§bc. where § implies some undefined interaction (not an arithmetic operation)

>> No.12012379

We aren't simple minds on this high IQ board. Be more careful with what you write.

>> No.12012466

Get off my board now.

>> No.12012469

Not an argument.

>> No.12012870


>> No.12012903

>God added that unknown mass?
Why not Satan?

>> No.12012984

Imagine being so retarded you think this is what dark matter is. How do you even get up in the morning and put on clothes being this retarded

>> No.12013032

It could be satan as well, I didn't say it wasn't.