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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 56 KB, 1280x720, mitchell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12005520 No.12005520 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss this.


>> No.12005763

Based and Mitchell pilled.

>> No.12005781

Is anyone else massively creeped out by this? I fear I'll turn into one of those UFO truthers if I think about it for too long.

>> No.12005820


Well there are the UFO truthers and then there are astronauts, test-pilots, radar operators, pentagon officials, intelligence officers and admirals telling you something.

I personally am glad that this issue is taken more seriously now.

>> No.12005884
File: 460 KB, 1080x1778, polbtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just out now. Pentagon will announce the task force publicly soon and deputy secretary of defense will lead it. This is no joke boys.
(CNN)The Pentagon is forming a new task force to investigate UFOs that have been observed by US military aircraft, according to two defense officials.

>Deputy Secretary of Defense David Norquist will help oversee the task force, which is expected to be officially unveiled in the next few days, according to the officials. Previous efforts to look into what the Pentagon dubs unidentified aerial phenomena were led by the US Navy as many of the documented encounters involved their aircraft.

>> No.12005888

Its pretty clear they're here, but their purpose is up for debate. The fact that they appear as often as they do around military bases and whatnot suggests two possibilities:
>the military has a far greater number of sensors and radar and stuff that allows these craft to be detected more easily than with civilian equipment
>the non-human technology is scoping out our military capabilities.
I'm of the opinion it's the former but the latter is a little scary. I think the UAP's are likely machines, either AI, digital consciousness, or remote controlled via some kind of ftlc.

>> No.12005952

>I think the UAP's are likely machines

Why would they be AI? When there is a way to easily travel the distances between stars or even galaxies, why wouldn´t you look at it in person? I would for sure.

>> No.12005979

north korean tech

>> No.12005994

The fact that they're flying around military bases to me implies that it's just spy tech from foreign country that we just don't know about yet

>> No.12006005

>The fact that they're flying around military bases to me implies that it's just spy tech from foreign country that we just don't know about yet

Yeah that´s because you are stupid enough to seriously consider that this kind of technology is being deployed by a foreign country since world war 2. We had propeller planes in these days.

>> No.12006011

>opens with a quack pop scientist

>> No.12006014

they don't need tech to do what the instruments or records say they're doing, they only need tech good enough to fool the recording devices. There has never in human history existed a way to record that those in-the-know couldn't also fool or fabricate.

>> No.12006018

Kaku is more of a scientist than you or anyone on /sci/

>> No.12006031

>endorses hyperloop
>pushes unfalsifiable theories
>shifts the burden of proof on aliens
He's a futurist more than a scientist at this point.

>> No.12006034

What about the eyewitness accounts attached to the incidents?

>> No.12006037

They are probing our planet, watching our technology and our progress.
If they haven't destroyed us yet, they won't.

They could at least drop a piece of futuristic spaceship so we could reverse engineer lmao.

>> No.12006062

It's ogre. They just want to deplete our entire supply of oil and critical materials like lithium. Just wait.

>> No.12006063

>All images are grainy in an era of 4k images

Are you fucking kidding me? God fucking damnit

>> No.12006074

AI (probably some product of a von Neumann probe) makes the most sense under currently-understood physics. I doubt FTL is possible, and I doubt communication faster than light is possible. Ergo it would then seem to follow that giving your probes/exploratory vehicles some degree of autonomy would be advantageous. We're already doing this with the perseverance as well as dragonfly probes, so it's likely ey-designed tech would do the same.

>> No.12006090


They are storing the information, not sending it, it would take a lot of energy to send this information to a far away system.

Unless they have a bigger presence inside of our solar system that we are unaware of

>> No.12006098

Reminder that this was top secret:

Perhaps it's a more advanced one.

>> No.12006114

>the canucks are aliens

>> No.12006128
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Ayy lmao

>> No.12006129


Fuck yeah the canadians.

I would laugh my ass of till I'm old if the canadians came public and said that they are behind the UFOs sightings.

But anyway, the engineering and aerodynamics of the saucer in that video is pretty neat, perhaps the US picked it up recently and with new tech upgraded it.

>> No.12006142

Entirely possible. Apollo astronauts noted some kind of presence on the moon, so it's not unlikely that whatever entity(s) exist have stuff on the lunar surface

>> No.12006147

Under currently-understood physics you can only build planes and rockets. You have no clue what you are talking about, which is hilarious considering you are just speculating lmao

>> No.12006154

Stilll hidden, still wageslaving for corporations.
Nothing ever changes or happens.

>> No.12006233

False. Currently understood physics meaning currently-understood natural laws. Aka no FTL outside of an alcubierre setup. Everything else we pretty much understand. Don't tell me I don't understand what I'm talking about when you don't understand what is meant when physics is mentioned, groid.

>> No.12006272

>Everything else we pretty much understand.
What do you mean by everything else? Did science suddenly solved everything else? lmao fucking subsaharian retard

>> No.12006368
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>outlines what is known in current physics
>talks about FTL communication
>says we know all the aspects of physics that don't lead to ftlc

>> No.12006463

>almost everyone in this thread saying shit like "aliens are definitely here"

What the fuck happened to this place? I will make a bet with any of you for any amount of money that ETs have never been anywhere near our solar system for the entirety of humanity's existence, and that the Pentagon won't release any evidence of such any time in the next 5 years.

There's zero evidence of ET visitation. All this shit is is some crank who used to work for the Pentagon and who's obsessed with teleportation and mind reading and other shit claiming that they found an ET vehicle. He's the only person making that claim, and he stopped working for the government years ago. There's

Yes, almost certainly. If there are any, the actually squishy biological ETs, if they even still have biological bodies, would not be doing any of the distant exploration. Maybe some local stuff within their own galaxy, and maybe not even that.

The only exception would be if FTL travel were both possible and relatively trivial, which I agree is very unlikely. Even if you assume some space-manipulating system using negative energy/mass (like Alcubierre) is possible, which it may not be even in principle, there's a good chance the resources required to use it would be extremely costly even for a hyperadvanced level 4 civilization, and that they wouldn't just be jumping around the universe on a whim.

>> No.12006473

*There's no one besides this guy making any such claims. He's a completely unreliable and untrustworthy source and has never produced any evidence, and he never will, nor will anyone else.

Places like this will believe horseshit like that the Holocaust was made up and 9/11 was an inside job, and simultaneously unquestionably believe stories of aliens visiting Earth - possibly the most consequential thing that could ever happen - are totally legit. Your brains aren't working properly.

>> No.12006476

/x/ and to lesser extend /pol/ invasion, schizos have really been making a nest recently.

>> No.12006480


Edgar Mitchell was into a lot of /x/ tier stuff. Whatever the subject of the video is (UFOs or something else, I didn't bother to watch it), one should bear this in mind.

Not saying to reject his views out of hand, just maybe take them with a grain of salt since he was into that stuff.

>> No.12006509

>aliens are not real
>therefore the only possibility is AI

This board is absolute cancer

>> No.12006532
File: 21 KB, 480x271, a6da5233-35cf-49eb-8cbd-d9593749c73d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


open your mind

>> No.12006560

God you people are dumb. The media tries to bait people by saying ufos are real and suddenly you believe it

>> No.12006605
File: 42 KB, 680x392, what leftist dont understand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only absolute you retards don't believe in aliens thats a fact. Because once you look in to it there is no way they don't exist while the retards who don't believe in aliens never have any proof aliens don't exist while there is thousands of verified evidence aliens do exist with scientific data to back it up. Even recorded in history by the Romans, Scandinavians, Russians, British,Persians, Japanese and Chinese all have long spanning historical accounts of aliens.

>> No.12006606

Another blue book?
This is almost comicall

>> No.12006609

The media is catching up you to it you dipshit.

>> No.12006673

I think they are AI because they take some craaaazy turns, like a human would be a pancake. On the other hand, the aircraft are big, so unless they are hosting ******************** entities, I dunno....

>> No.12007075

>They could at least drop a piece of futuristic spaceship so we could reverse engineer lmao.

Thats literally what they did.

>> No.12007076

>under currently-understood physics.

Currently understood physics is at best incomplete and at worst deliberately manipulated.

>> No.12007080

>There's zero evidence of ET visitation

You really should have made the effort to watch the video. Sad.

>> No.12007084

Stop abusing language. Yes without a doubt, UFOs exist. UFO =/= alien spacecraft. It is quite literally LITERALLY just an unidentified flying object. A UFO could be fucking anything. Fuck.

>> No.12007093

>proof of nonexistence
you’re better than this

>> No.12007116


People who were allegedly involved with Reverse engineering these things said that eavh craft generates it's own gravitational field around it.

It's strange to imagine but even If you we're to fly at Mach 20 upside down relative to a horizon and would stop on a dime, you would not only feal nothing of the inertia, you would also just stand on the ground of your vehicles.

>> No.12007175


Well i for myself always knew that something is there watching us. Just recently i said to myself: "Fuck it lets go full retard" and i tried this CE-5 thing.

After a few days i watched a starlink train and suddenly what appeared to be stars began circling around satellites, flying into and out of the starlink formation, flashing extremely bright and then disappearing again.

It was very well the most important experience of my life because i went from suspecting something profound to absolutely knowing something profound.

Would do again.

>> No.12007202

Just stars seemingly moving because of parallax, sorry. Brightness changing because of deviations in air density and temperature.

>> No.12007236

No. Bluebook was a pr stunt to debunk ufos. This is not the same thing.

>> No.12007249

No, the media is reporting because of the pressure that is being put onto them.

>> No.12007250

If they are here it's pretty clear they are employing a hardcore stand-off policy, there was never once a case of direct conflict, they have been watching all throughout WW2 and if they did nothing back then they won't do anything now.

>> No.12007280


>> No.12007283

Why are you lying?

>> No.12007285

google the name of all the people interviewed and they are all kooks. Kaku will say anything for money

>> No.12007289


For a moment I thought I was on /x/

What is more likely Chinese or Russian aircraft testing their cloaking technology or outer solar system creatures. Really?

So they have FTLT but they have to get down to the atmosphere to probe our military?

WTF is wrong with Sci? Did all the boomers lose Facebook access?

>Mach2+ as a dot in the sky

Pick one brainlet

This is the only one that can make some sense.
Yet again they mysteriously show up just as China is becoming a superpower.

Fuck off back to x

I count at least 3 fallacies in your post.

Are you talking about Roswelt? It was a nuclear bomb mic the whole thing was declassified 2 or 3 years ago

I'm honestly tired of reading retarded content here

>> No.12007296

There's plenty of evidence for the 6 gorillion narrative being fabricated and 9/11 being a geopolitical chess move, but those are topics for another time. Complex extraterrestrial lifeforms visiting Earth are far less likely and probably a rather pointless distraction. Not saying aliens don't exist, of course.

>> No.12007428

>What is more likely Chinese or Russian aircraft testing their cloaking technology or outer solar system creatures. Really?
Out solar system creatures desu.
Because why would the Chinese or Russians test something in enemy territory. Black projects don't get used in enemy lines until they are fully operational. Plus, the tic tac did shit beyond anything the Chinese or Russians have, or Americans.

>> No.12007431

>the pentagon literally states they will announce a UAP task force and have the deputy of the defense in charge

>> No.12007478

Just because pentagon makes another job program to please raving masses of schizos doesn't mean they aren't just photographic birds and being confused by parallax.

>> No.12007620

>Jesus fine, take them
>wtf why haven't you got any records of aliens
>Because they're unidentified you fucking mongs

>> No.12007651

Yeah bro, the pentagon and navy are all a bunch of retards and don't have leading scientists, engineers, and technological systems at their disposal. The sheer arrogance of you fat skeptic retards that you think you can conclude something is a bird when the pentagon didn't.

>> No.12007668

They did, that's why they released the footage, the telemetry on the camera pretty trivially proves it to be the case, if it flies like a bird and is the size of a bird then yes its a bird.

>> No.12007671

Official Pentagon position is that the objects from the 3 videos are UAPs. Not planes. Not birds. Not drones. Not aliens. UAPs.

>> No.12007714

Did you miss a negative somewhere? Otherwise your post doesn't make any sense.

>> No.12007732

The butthurt mental gymnasic coping of skeptics here is pure gold.

>> No.12007763

You will never be a woman.

>> No.12007770

Why have ayy lmaos suddenly come back into fashion? Flat earth finally ran its course?

>> No.12007781

>Why have ayy lmaos suddenly come back into fashion?

>> No.12007800

Nothing new has really emerged though. If you're referring to the Navy footage, it's not new and has been mostly explained

>> No.12007809

>has been mostly explained
Not by the Pentagon or the Navy.
But by skeptics sat in their basement making shit up and cherrypicking.

>> No.12007813


>> No.12007820

Looking at the camera telemetry isn't cherrypicking or making shit up

>> No.12007828

>Looking at the camera telemetry isn't cherrypicking or making shit up
You have the classified data from the fighter jet?

>> No.12007838
File: 322 KB, 947x1033, skeptics btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skeptics blown the fuck out.
Cuck West was saying the task force will be some low level shit, when in fact the deputy sec of defence will be in charge.
If you believe West, the Pentagon is forming a high level task force to chase seagulls and jets. Lmfao.

>> No.12007842

It's right in on the screen in the videos they release so no it's not classified.

>> No.12007845


Basement skeptics pretty clearly showed that the objects didn't make any particularly unusual movements or anything. Which basically just means there were some flying objects that were unidentified, which really isn't very interesting in itself.

>> No.12007846
File: 244 KB, 1846x1212, 1652414856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drones in the sky and this thread.

>> No.12007850

>Basement skeptics pretty clearly showed that the objects didn't make any particularly unusual movements or anything.
Nobody has claimed the video footage displays the full encounters, EXCEPT for skeptics who completely ignore the testimony of dozens and dozens of pilots and operators.
The Pentagon has looked into this, including the classified material you do not have, and conclued UAP. No matter how much you cope, not matter how much you want it to be a bird, they looked into it and they concluded it wasn't.
So you have the radar data? Let's see it.

>> No.12007853

>the non-human technology is scoping out our military capabilities.

the thing is they've been creeping our military since world war 2 (see foo fighters for example), so i don't think this is the case. i think the more plausible scenario is that most of these ufos that are spotted like the tic tac ufo from the nimitz incident etc are actual scouts monitoring us for whatever reason. i don't think we pose any threat to them, whoever they are, so why would they be monitoring us? well, either they are studying us just like we study other species or they're exploring just like we do as well with rovers and probes. they are 99.99% here, and i don't think any government has made contact yet, unlike the most popular conspiracy theories claim, i think the government has a shitload of data and reports from both military and civilians but they have no idea about the intent or nature of these things.

>> No.12007854

You don't need to see this "mysterious radar data" when the data that we can actually see proves it's a bird.

>> No.12007857

it's yakub tech

>> No.12007864

So there's some footage that shows unidentified flying objects that aren't really doing anything that normal aircraft don't do, and now the Pentagon is looking into what those objects were.

Doesn't sound very exciting to be honest

>> No.12007865

>we can actually see proves it's a bird
No we can't. That's just you speculating and making shit up as a COPE.

>> No.12007867

>So there's some footage that shows unidentified flying objects that aren't really doing anything that normal aircraft don't do
Why wouldn't UFOs be able to do what ordinary aircraft can do? And no, the Pentagon has access to the radar data and unlike neckbeard obese skeptics on the internet, the pentagon understands fighter pilots are serious people.

>> No.12007868
File: 174 KB, 494x703, 3u7mQU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ayys find earth
>wants to explore it
>should we send down the nano drones that human won't be able to detect?
>nah dude just send down the huge fucking tic tac lmao

>> No.12007869

It's confirmed to be bird sized object flying at a speed of a bird at altitudes birds are known to fly in. If you want to believe it's something else than a bird then go ahead I guess.

>> No.12007878

>It's confirmed
It's confirmed by the DoD that, after investigation, the filmed objects are UAP.

>> No.12007879

wrong, we have been through this already. an actual government contractor atflir expert has claimed the object is rotating.


>> No.12007881

>It's confirmed to be drone sized object flying at a speed of a drone at altitudes drones are known to fly in. If you want to believe it's something else than a drone then go ahead I guess.
This is not a valid proof.

>> No.12007887

Well it could also be a drone I guess, military losing it's own drone is just more embarrassing than them filming a bird.

And in reality based on actual evidence it's a bird.

>> No.12007892

>>should we send down the nano drones that human won't be able to detect?

this is the leap in logic where your argument breaks down though, why would they care whether they're seen or not? do we care whether ants can see us looking at them? unless you can provide us with a logical argument as to why they wouldn't want to be seen then your argument is nonsense.

>> No.12007893

>Well it could also be a drone
Hence your "proof" isn't a proof.

>> No.12007898
File: 16 KB, 424x501, d57657995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we finally find out what dark matter and energy is
>highly reactive with nuclear reactions
>nuclear detonations are like huge ftl beacons
>the first nuclear test in 1945 revealed intelligent life on earth to the entire galaxy and beyond
>they've been recording us for entertainment ever since

>> No.12007904

They could have a simple code of not wanting to interfere with other races of lower intelligence.
Or not wanting to create hysteria with said race like flying a normal drone over a pack of monkeys would do.

>> No.12007932

>all this coping itt

aliens are real, get over it. no laws of physics are being violated so what's with all the skepticism?

>The UAP was estimated to be approximately the same size as an F/A-18 Super Hornet, which has a weight of about 32000lbs, corresponding to 14550kg. Since we want a minimal power estimate, we took the acceleration as 5370g and assumed that the UAP had a mass of 1000kg. The UAP would have then reached a maximum speed of about 46000mph during the descent, or 60 times the speed of sound.

>Figure 3C illustrates the power required to accelerate the UAV as a function of time, assuming that the UAV is propelled in a conventional way. The required power peaks at a shocking 1100GW, which exceeds the total nuclear power production of the United States by more than a factor of ten. For comparison, the largest nuclear power plant in the United States, the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station in Arizona, provides about 3.3GW of power for about four million people [24].

>The main point is that not only are the observed accelerations of these UAVs consistent with those required for interstellar travel, but that some of these UAVs exhibit capabilities suggesting that they could be spacecraft with impressive interstellar capabilities.

>It is difficult to draw any definitive conclusions at this point regarding the nature and origin of these UAVs other than the fact that we have shown that these objects cannot be of any known aircraft or missiles using current technology. We have characterized the accelerations of several UAVs and have demonstrated that if they are craft then they are indeed anomalous, displaying technical capabilities far exceeding those of our fastest aircraft and spacecraft. It is not clear that these objects are extraterrestrial in origin, but it is extremely difficult to imagine that anyone on Earth with such technology would not put it to use.


>> No.12007935

why though? this is what you're not getting, WHY would they care

>> No.12007937

>what's with all the skepticism?
Skeptics only believe something if Black Science Man and Bill Nye tell them to believe it.

>> No.12007938

They could be nice aliens, imagine that.

>> No.12007944

>why though? this is what you're not getting, WHY would they care
Why would they not care?
I imagine that if had extremely advance technology and discovered a more primitive planet, we would be running all manner of sociological, zoological, biological, and many other experiments, while trying to stay hidden. It's not a good experiment if the subject matter knows it's being experimented on.

>> No.12007949

if we**

>> No.12007955

I don't really know what this guy was trying to prove, you can clearly see in the original footage that glare on the lens rotates as the object does, so it can't be the object rotating. He was just rotating mirrors and showing that the flare doesn't rotate, but the actual FLIR on the aircraft has lenses and transparent coverings etc that it looks through

>> No.12007961

watch the fucking video

>> No.12007966
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>> No.12008017

>un makes public statement live
>aliens are real
>they're flying around and observing us
>have done so for millennia
>we can't really stop them
>but they're not harming us anyway
>so yeah, we not alone
>hello yes um what the fuck?

>> No.12008024
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>> No.12008034

Here's what I never get - these videos show blurry things flying in the air that are not controlled by the US. I think that much everyone can agree on.

How does that justify an instant leap to "it's aliens that travelled from the stars to visit us"? There are a billion explanations that all fit the same evidence. What if it's the ancient race of Atlantians and their advanced terrestrial planes? What if it's lizard people from inside the planet?

There are a billion crackpot theories that can explain these videos, and probably a billion non-crackpot ones. These videos are actually interesting, but nobody wants to be associated with the horde of crazies that orbit this kind of stuff. "We don't know" is not the same as "It's aliens".

>> No.12008042

>"it's aliens that travelled from the stars to visit us"?
Because of the pilot testimony and radar data.
If the Tic-Tac is real, I'm simply not buying that it's man made. That's a technological leap 100+ years ahead of us.

>> No.12008045

Why is the video tilted, were they flying in circles?

>> No.12008049

Atlantans and lizard people could also be 100+ years ahead of us.

>> No.12008053

>Atlantans and lizard people
No evidence for them.

>> No.12008055

>How does that justify an instant leap to "it's aliens that travelled from the stars to visit us"?
Because that's the hypothesis they like. Obviously it would be an absurd thing to jump to from a neutral perspective.

>> No.12008056

Shouldn't it rotate in the other gif if it was only glare rotation?

>> No.12008078


So you are telling me we could be observed by undetectable invisible alien drones right now and it would be even more likely than UFOs being aliens?

At what point do you realize that
>UFOs are not aliens
has become a religious belief for you?

>> No.12008081

There's multiple moving parts and points of rotation in the flir camera setup, as well as the aircraft itself rotating. I know Mick West triggers the fuck out of everyone but his videos show how it works quite well


>> No.12008094


>> No.12008104

>taking some former video game developer's word instead of listening to the guy that builds ATFLIRs from scratch and codes them for the government to use on military aircrafts


>> No.12008116
File: 94 KB, 960x720, 129133472639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the story about aliens shutting down nuclear missiles as a clear message of "don't fucking use those".

>> No.12008120

>a zoo is a nice place to visit
>but you don't talk with the lizards

>> No.12008129

This is the most aggravating of topics. If OP posts a video, image, or anecdote about UFOs the thread is immediately derailed with 1,000 word posts about how the aliens are real and they're here and you better believe it. Or it's derailed by 1,000 word posts about how it's all debunked and OP is a dumb-dumb retard. Meanwhile any discussion or speculation or analysis of the unidentified object remain to be settled on other grounds.

>> No.12008131

>Because that's the hypothesis they like.
I don't see what other hypothesis explains the tic-tac, unless you want to posit absurd an unfalsifiable theories of mass delusion.

>> No.12008132

Unless the part that causes the "glare" counteracts the plane's rotation perfectly, the "glare" should also rotate in the other gif.

>> No.12008140

There's no hard evidence for alien visitation, technologically advanced Atlanteans and lizard people could also explain the tictac sighting.

>> No.12008152
File: 123 KB, 744x700, masonic_aliens_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya'll got trolled.

>> No.12008155
File: 47 KB, 694x694, delonge_mason_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tom Delonge, source of videos seen in MSM lately, is also a freemason.

>> No.12008160
File: 525 KB, 1280x1000, freemasons_in_space_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astronauts that saw UFOs...were freemasons.

>> No.12008163

>This is the most aggravating of topics. If OP posts a video, image, or anecdote about UFOs the thread is immediately derailed with 1,000 word posts about how the aliens are real and they're here and you better believe it. Or it's derailed by 1,000 word posts about how it's all debunked and OP is a dumb-dumb retard. Meanwhile any discussion or speculation or analysis of the unidentified object remain to be settled on other grounds.
This is basically what the CIA intended to happen.

>> No.12008165

There's evidence for a tic-tac UFO with capabilities that do not rely on the 4 aerodynamic forces.
Tom Delonge was right. Say sorry to Toml.

>> No.12008167
File: 346 KB, 1200x859, saucers_illuminati_mi5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saucers of the Illuminati by Jim Keith.
Required reading.
MI5. Freemasons.

>> No.12008179
File: 28 KB, 333x499, greer_contact_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steven Greer.
Runs UFO disclosure orgs including Sirius Disclosure and CSETI.
Sirius is a freemason symbol.
CSETI logo is a freemason symbol.

>> No.12008181

Steven Greer is a charlatan.

>> No.12008183
File: 10 KB, 200x141, soylent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you losers never hear of Project Bluebeam? They are preparing you for """aliens""" have been for decades now. One day there will be Full Disclosure and they will show up in the UN and say
>Ok no more nations and shit, from now on you humans need to be le tolerant, multicultural diverse feminist gay-friendly countries, and white people? Its over for you no good jobs for you ever

and you will fucking eat it up like you do in this thread

>> No.12008184

>There's evidence for a tic-tac UFO with capabilities that do not rely on the 4 aerodynamic forces.
Why couldn't sufficiently advanced Atlanteans or lizard people explain that?

>> No.12008189
File: 120 KB, 500x900, 1398430695949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopkinsville niggas where we at?

>> No.12008190

Project bluebeam would never work in daylight and would get debunked in 5 minutes, you dumb schizo.

>> No.12008199

>Why couldn't sufficiently advanced Atlanteans or lizard people explain that?
They could, but why would you posit something which only leads to further questions that cannot be tested?

>> No.12008200
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Here are other examples of the symbol Greer uses for his alien org CSETI.
Notice it was used in a prop book in the film Signs which is about non-aliens.
Curious line in the car scene where protagonist's brother rants about how crop circles are just a bunch of secret society virgins goofing around, holding back laughter during the scene because he knows the alien meme is ALL secret society bullshit.

>> No.12008206

Who fucking cares. Greer is a kook only out to make money.

>> No.12008207
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>> No.12008214

3rd option
>not everyone at the Pentagon is aware of all of DARPAs projects.
I mean c'mon, we made a lot of military tech progress but WW1 and WW2, and then we invented computers and all we have to show after that is ICBMs, drones and helicopters. I think we all have more up our sleeves than we're willing to let our enemies know about. It's the info age. Wars aren't faught for conquest anymore. They're faught with intelligence and deceit, as all the good generals always practiced.
The Navy leaking these videos is just letting China know what they're in for if they try to do anything.

>> No.12008223
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>> No.12008225
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>Even though the pentagon and navy, with a combined budget close to 1 trillion dollars, could not identify the objects in the FLIR1, Go Fast, and GIMBAL videos, despite having access to all the classified data, I have concluded, from the confines of my basement *wipes cheetos off his face* that it's a bird!!! I am a genius and shall add this to my long list of debunking's!

>> No.12008226

Lizard people are not any less testable than aliens.

>> No.12008232

Neither is the "people from the real world outside the truman show" theory, but at least we know people are real.

>> No.12008238

Lizard people is quite specific, and you'd additionally have to substantiate your hypothesis with evidence that such species of aliens actually exist.

>> No.12008306

MICK WEST DEBUNKED!!! From 5 minutes in.
>Meet John Ehrhart. John is an electro-optics specialist who was tasked by his employment with Boeing - an Aerospace defense contractor - to directly work on the operational Navy ATFLIR targeting pod systems. These systems are commonly used on American fighter jets. Jets like Cmdr. David Fravor’s - the pilot who chased a UFO for the United States Military. Like Chad Underwood - the pilot who FILMED - the now famous TIC TAC UFO. If anybody knows how these ATFLIR targeting-pod bad boys work - the details, their mechanics - and how to interpret the data... it’s John.

>> No.12008330

Mick West is a gatekeeper.

>> No.12008418

I'd imagine it'd be possible to test the terrestrial lizard people hypothesis and the extraterrestrial visitors hypothesis using similar, if not the same, methods, making the two hypotheses similarly testable in nature. Am I wrong?

>> No.12008425

Mass delusion would be a far more likely event than all the priors you would have to accept for it to be aliens

>> No.12008431

Not really. I think Ayylmaos are more likely than consistent mass delusion AND technical failure for several weeks.

>> No.12008474

UFO doesn't mean Aliens you fucking mong.
It simply mean unidentified object, it could literally be anything.

>> No.12008481

>it could literally be anything.
It could be, but the Pentagon is specifically interested in a certain type - such as those encountered by the Nimitz and Roosevelt carrier groups.

>> No.12008483

>can clearly see the glare rotate in perfect unison with the object
>that's wrong because I'm an expert, just trust me

yeah, I think I'll just believe what my eyes tell me

>> No.12008487

Background should rotate as well, but it doesn't.

>> No.12008492

How do you even know for certain it's a glare?

>> No.12008563


Yeah lets just ignore that pilots, radar operators and intelligence officers have witnessed first hand what was recorded. Just some creackpots making shit up.

>It's confirmed to be bird sized object flying at a speed of a bird at altitudes birds are known to fly in. If you want to believe it's something else than a bird then go ahead I guess.

Easy. This bird would have to be dead, frozen and flying since the thermal imaging indicates that the object is COLD.

>> No.12008578


I don't know exactly what it is but there is clearly some kind of optical or glare effect that rotates with the object, which indicates it must be something inside the camera that is rotating. If the object itself was rotating, then you would only see it rotate.

If there's some other explanation for this then I'm open to it.

>> No.12008627

Birds are pretty cold, feathers can easily be colder or close to the background. And yes the thermal reading is also why it's a bird.

>believe what some dude totally saw instead of video evidence
ye this is /sci/, back to /x/ if you want to believe what people ramble over actual hard facts.

>> No.12008661

It could also just be a balloon.

>> No.12008680

This shit was disproven so long ago

>> No.12008735


Not the corroborating statements of pilots and radar operators.

>> No.12008739


what the fuck are the mods doing? shit threads like this now constitute 75% of all threads on this shit low iq board

>> No.12008750

/tttt/ is rent free in your head.

>> No.12008758

Aliens left science fiction right here:>>12005884

This is no longer in the realm of conspiracy.

>> No.12008766

>This is no longer in the realm of conspiracy
yes, it is. there has never been and never will be any evidence of extraterrestrial life. these fuzzy 'UFO' videos are just random optical and atmospheric phenomena

>> No.12008783


Skeptards will never acknowlegde facts they don´t like.


Mabe the mods care more about the opinions from actual scientists, astronauts, pilots, radar operators, intelligence officers and high ranking military than ones from basement dwelling neckbeards with attention issues.

>> No.12008798
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This bird looks hot in infrared, I'm not an expert on other birds though.

>> No.12008823

>"today i'll check out the Science and Math board"
>20 conspiracy theory threads
>10 high school homework threads
>10 'can this be refuted' /pol/bait threads

I don't think the mods care about anything honestly

>> No.12008831


It obviously was a flying icebear duh.

>> No.12008833

Stop spacing after greentext. Janny is the one that takes down threads. Mods don’t do anything but ban people and review ban appeals.

>> No.12008860

Damn you’re right, all of this looks like mass delusion, even the radars and cameras are seeing and recording shit that’s not real.

>> No.12008884

>and never will be

This right here proves how biased you are. How can you state this with so much conviction? Toxic skepticism has blinded you, now you’re on the same spectrum as flat earthers and religious people, only you’re on the other side of it.

>> No.12008890
File: 11 KB, 210x240, Soyjack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even though the pentagon and navy, with a combined budget close to 1 trillion dollars, could not identify the objects in the FLIR1, Go Fast, and GIMBAL videos, despite having access to all the classified data, I have concluded, from the confines of my basement *wipes cheetos off his face* that it's definitely aliens! There's no way it could be something else! Aren't I enlightened?!

>> No.12008915

>extremely technologically advanced Intelligently controlled object
>not manufactured nor operated by any man or nation on the planet

I mean it’s not that hard of a sequitur

>> No.12008949


Thanks for the laugh mate.

>> No.12009217

t. basement debunker

>> No.12009272

I love how you guys are actually fighting about this being real even though there are like a million other eye witnesses saying they have seen UFOs.

I am from rural Norway, and we even have some farmers that have said they saw UFOs and I never doubted them, that the government now is actually coming out and disclosing this is not a damn conspiracy, it might definitely be to get us to focus on something else than them, but it is definitely real. There has been UFOs throughout history and I am really disappointed in people not believing in actual proof of them being disclosed.

>> No.12009433
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>it turns out /sci/ is basically /x/ 2.0
i fucking knew it

>> No.12009472

I wonder if the govt controls 2012portal and related acts.

>> No.12010064


Some of us got their hands on the technology and figured something out to duplicate it. Thats the only logical reason it has been kept under rugs for that long.

Something must have changed.

>> No.12010497

Yes i remember reading this.

>> No.12010589

Yes, you are right. There are objects in the sky that people see but cannot identify. That makes them a UFO by definition. Maybe it is alien tech, maybe not, but I don't think these eyewitnesses are enough proof it is definitely aliens and not just something else we haven't properly identified.

>> No.12010639
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>> No.12010710

>imagine creating an entire task force to investigate FLIR glares and radar malfunctioning

>> No.12010717

t. COPING Mick West
They already investigated the NIMITZ and Roosevelt incidents and concluded it wasn't FLIR glares or radar malfunctioning.

>> No.12010736

i know i was being sarcastic, but you get a pass, poe's law and all

>> No.12010819

Posting nothing substantial except some gay-ass hour long video should be a bannable offense.

>> No.12010900


>> No.12010902
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>> No.12010963
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Childhood's End brings up an interesting reason as to why they may be here, for some sort of advancement of our own evolutionary/consciousness.

>> No.12011008 [DELETED] 

I don't care if it's true or not. The problem is that such videos require an our of your complete attention while you are being fed something at the rate that could be read in often several minutes. All while you have no way of knowing if the video is even interesting.

>> No.12011011

I don't care if it's true or not. The problem is that such videos require an hour of your complete attention while you are being fed something at the rate that the whole contents of the video could be read in often several minutes. All while you have no way of knowing if the video is even interesting.

>> No.12011167


it is my opinion that most people draw the conclusion it must be aliens because these objects behave rather anomalous in the sense that they don't seem to affect by or affected by its surroundings and since we have nothing in the world that comes even close to such performance it isn't so far fetched to suppose they're from an off world more advanced intelligent civilization. there are dozens if not hundreds of reports of highly trained observers saying these objects seem to move disregarding inertia, with no apparent propulsion system, accelerating hundreds/thousands of g's without seemingly causing shock waves or heating the atmosphere and all while maintaining structural integrity and so on. they are for sure anomalous that i think we can all agree upon.

>> No.12011393
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It was Mick West tier retardation

>> No.12011403


>I don't care if it's true or not.

This is why nobody takes you seriously.

>> No.12012715

This is fake. Why do you think they would hide UFOs for so long only to reveal them now? Guaranteed they are going to use the recovery of one as a justification for a leap in technology. No alien remains will be found, of course. Any space faring race would be so far beyond these piece of shit UFOs. Literally fan fiction that only man-children could believe. Pop sci has you under a spell. Hollywood has been preparing this for decades.

>> No.12013452
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or cha-ay-nah

>> No.12013471

dude are u sirius?

>> No.12013648

Why? I tried to watch it, it turned out as I expected. All some people talking about how there is so much evidence, without actually showing any. And how there are so many eyewitnesses. A man with an unusually small face talking about some other man who will force the agency to release the evidence that they have. Fucking Fox news used in the documentary. The station that says their news are entertainment so that they cannot be sued for it.

>> No.12013951


Anon they actually show evidence. The dutch radar recordings for example.

But.. nevermind.

>> No.12014094
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>> No.12014188

Why are you so utterly terrified of the possibility its ayys? So many people become enraged at the very thought. It makes no sense

>> No.12014198

Not him but the thought of it is pretty spoopy because it brings out primitive predator-prey instincts. If a bunch of ayys wanted to abduct you from your room right now then there would be absolutely nothing you or anyone could do about it.

>> No.12014217

look up when roswell happened and when the transistor was discovered
not a coincidence

>> No.12014226

I feel like Trump is the first President in a long time to actually give space the time of day. Creating the Space Force was just a way of allocating government funding to NASA.

>> No.12014281

Currently understood physics by who?

>> No.12014724

Every disclosure step from the governments is deceitful and they are leading you into the wrong direction. Every evidence they will and have presented is human technology. Aliens could be real, but after researching this topic for a decade, I turned from a hard support of "We are not alone" and "Aliens are here" to "Its all a conspiracy to usher in a new global religion."

t. failed 2 uni degrees because was too autistic about researching UFOs

>> No.12014795

well now you can probably go back to school and get a degree in ufology!

>> No.12014913

Not that guy but there's a certain frustration when people's willingness to believe in aliens depends massively on their prior conceptions. We are on /sci/ here so if you actually take into account scientific concepts like the probability of abiogenesis, the anthropic principle, the scale of the universe in both space and time, the issue of superluminal travel, the nature of exponential technology advance etc, you should quickly realize that the idea that beings from another world are flying around in our atmosphere using technology somewhat recognizable to us, at this exact moment in time and space, is just staggeringly unlikely.

For this reason it's going to take far more evidence than footage of a couple of weird objects to make me leap to an alien hypothesis, because my prior beliefs have already decided that's not reasonable. If someone else's priors consider aliens flying around our planet to be a reasonable thing, they're going to be far more likely to accept that hypothesis and there's no real way for these two viewpoints to judge the evidence the same way.

>> No.12015594

>there was never once a case of direct conflict
plenty of people claim being probed
if you're gonna entertain these claims, go all the way

>> No.12015611


I would advise you to watch the unidentified series in dailymotion but i guess there is no way to convince you that the phenomenon is real

>> No.12015666

"The phenomenon" doesn't have to be extraterrestrial in origin even if it was real.

>> No.12016198

This, if there were ayys, our local system and nearby stars wouldn't be in such a primal state full of resources.

>> No.12016379

>"The phenomenon" doesn't have to be extraterrestrial in origin even if it was real.

Yeah it is real and thats the problem. Once you get past that fact ypu are left with a very limited set of possibilities since the flight characteristics are nowhere near what we can achieve as a species.

>> No.12016391

>since the flight characteristics are nowhere near what we can achieve as a species.
Except nobody can actually prove that the flight characteristics are anything.

>> No.12016393


You are projecting human behaviour on other advanced civilizations thats not very bright.

Why would civilizations that can easily travel the stars to watch us chimps be interested in devouring celestial bodies for ressources.

Fuck If roswell turns out to be real we are dealing with beings with no digestive system at all which brings up a whole other set of questions of how biological life can stay alive.

>> No.12016395


>Except nobody can actually prove that the flight characteristics are anything.

Did you even bother to watch the video or are you too terrified of the data? There is actual radar data from the dutch airforce giving detailed insight into how these vehicles can perform.

>> No.12016638

Anyone else think that UFOs are undiscovered electrical phenomena?
It's well established that electricity can interact with a medium in a manner that can produce complex, sustained behaviour, aka ball lightning.
Ball lightning seems like the best candidate to explain a glowing object erratically moving in a manner a solid object shouldn't.

>> No.12016692

Interesting, but I'm assuming the shape of the objects would be much more irregular. Also, they would likely be much higher in luminance with a noticeable lens flare, the camera equipment most likely wouldn't even be able to capture such bright phenomena with such detail. They're high precision optics for spotting aircraft, but they would be optimized for looking at the sun.

>> No.12016921

Well this has more replies than the AI thread.

>> No.12016936


>Anyone else think that UFOs are undiscovered electrical phenomena?
>It's well established that electricity can interact with a medium in a manner that can produce complex, sustained behaviour, aka ball lightning.
>Ball lightning seems like the best candidate to explain a glowing object erratically moving in a manner a solid object shouldn't.

That would account only for a fraction of UFO sightings. Almost all daytime sightings report solid objects whereas nighttime sightings almost always consist of glowing spheres.

This indicates that these are in fact vehicles which are enclosed in some kind of gravitational field that bends light around the craft, thus creating a glowing sphere around it visible only at night.

Then there is the problem of actual radar tracks. Phenomena like ball lightning do not enter or leave the atmosphere on specific trajectories nor do they react to aircraft in the vicinity.

>> No.12016938
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>tfw the increasing frequency of US govt. officials and departments saying there are any lmaos visiting us is only strengthening my belief that we’re alone in the galaxy
God damn it feels good to be a conspiritard.

>> No.12016952
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5 seconds in, Michio Kaku, into the garbage it goes.

>> No.12016962


>Hurr i dislike this one person so the rest of the people are untrustworthy.

Yeah.. thats how this works.