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11997499 No.11997499 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that the smarter you are, that people 20+ iq points below think youre stupid?

Is there an jntangibility or fundamental lack of understanding that the 130 iq manlet has when interacting with his 150 iq tall counterpart?

>> No.11997503

Takes a certain level of intelligence to recognize a bigger intelligence

>> No.11997509

If that actually happens to you then you aren't smart.

>> No.11997520

10iq thought process right here. I'm saving this post to laugh when I'm feeling down.

When they cant find technical faults they create nonexistent faults in "your thinking process"

Clearly you've never been smart enough to make people envious

>> No.11997521

oh no-no-no-no...anon I'm sorry

>> No.11997522

>Why is it that the smarter you are, that people 20+ iq points below think youre stupid?
That doesn't agree with my experience. People do tend to overestimate their own intelligence, but many are still capable of judging the intelligence of those around them.

>> No.11997525

I think youre the guy I thought was retarded but didn't want to hurt his feelings because they were close to dying

>> No.11997528

>When they cant find technical faults they create nonexistent faults in "your thinking process"
So it sounds like you're specifically talking about arguing with dumber people. If you're not closing the door for any counterargument, then you're not doing a good enough job arguing your point. Most people I debate completely shut up once they realize they have no more counterarguments. They may not admit they're wrong, but their silence says enough.

>> No.11997530

The technical fault is that if this happens to you then you probably aren't smart.

>> No.11997534

You have too much time on your hands. I hate arguing with people after years of arguing

>> No.11997541

At least you're trying

>> No.11997555

It's a pretty typical midwit reaction, point out the obvious flaw and their only counter is to hurl insults. Kinda proves the point by itself.

>> No.11997574

Do you know what it means to be technical?

>> No.11997594

It usually means you're autistic and lack the ability to make a coherent argument.
Being a aspie is alright tho, you can always become a code monkey

>> No.11997595

Look at you being manipulative

>> No.11997598

>>>11997499 (OP)
>It usually means you're autistic and lack the ability to make a coherent argument.
>Being a aspie is alright tho, you can always become a code monkey

More like I usually think people are too stupid to understand logic without their own inherent biases

>> No.11997631

No, autism. Any smart non-autistic person I know is able to be able to buiid from the fundamentales up, so as to foster actual understanding. Any argument which foregoes the important step of making sure the foundation is there to build on is bad on.
This requires the necessary empathy to consider what the other person knows, and being unable to do this is a hallmark of autism.
Consider keeping people stupid as equally bad to people willfully staying stupid and you will see the point.

>> No.11997649

Thats called social skills and is devoid of true logic, and is exactly what I mean by working around inherent bias. I won't do that to please someone's tiny ego.

>> No.11997660

Coherent as in full of implausible statement that don't follow? Normies are actually incapable of understanding a rigorously constructed argument with definitions and all. It's like they become dyslexic and the only reasonable recourse is to make fun of the person making the argument.

>> No.11997664

Your argument sounds good on paper, but us trash irl. Peopple have their inherent beliefs, and building the fundamentals equates to walking on eggshells for them and slowly and painfully trying to move them to your side with no benefit besides feeling guuud that you won an argument. If you actually think that the average person is able to argue logically, then you're wrong.

>> No.11997671

This. People build understanding on foundations that arent even there and then feel good afterwards. "We both agree that is is true, therefore let's build on it" completely ignoring that nasty assumption made in the beginning.

>> No.11997678

If you’re 2 SD away from someone in the curve your thinking is qualitatively different than theirs
They by definition cannot understand

>> No.11997722
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I know that feel. It's always the midwits making trouble. Actual tards in the 80-100 range are at least aware that they are talking to someone smarter than them. But the 120-130 midwits made it to university where they were constantly at the limit of their intellectual capacity, barely made their undergrad courses and now consider themselves extremely educated. With an unwarranted sense of arrogant entitlement they look down on anyone else, consider themselves the smartest people they know and can never ever imagine that there are other people much smarter than them. When you disagree with a midwit, the midwit will not question whether he might have been wrong. He will automatically assume that you are retarded. Since university was difficult for him and he barely passed his courses with average grades, he wasn't smart enough to question the material. For him the biggest intellectual achievement was rote memorization, repetition, regurgitation. Confronted with critical thinking, his pattern of obedience to intellectual authorities strikes. He cannot phrase an argument on his own. He refers to someone else's opinion. "But the academics say ...", "My professor said ...", "Go read a book ...", "You are uneducated ...". The fact that someone might actually have not only studied and understood these opinions, but even critically questioned them, is beyond a midwit's imagination.

>> No.11997756

Having an IQ >160 I find that none can't get to my level

>> No.11997766


>> No.11997908

me on the left

>> No.11998027

Judging from your writing, you’re an egotistical brainlet.

>> No.11998045

Shouldn't you be able to dumb down your argument, though? Feynman was able to do that, to make the esoteric understandable.

>> No.11998072

Ask any physicist that actually understands quantum their opinion on schrodingers cat, they'll say it is stupid

>> No.11998105

There are at least three fallacies in that "argument" and you call yourself smart?

>> No.11998109

Looks like someone just took AP Lang

>> No.11998122

And a fourth one.

>> No.11998128

Whats 1+1? You're really starting to surpass my expectations

>> No.11998256

You should but you don't have to. Normies resort to this ad hominem when they lack some basic knowledge on some topic. Smart people don't have an obligation to make you understand something. If you wanted to understand it then you would go through the trouble before talking about it, otherwise shut it until you do. These are the same brainlets who expect intelligent people to have the qualities they like when it has been shown that intelligence and personality are not correlated.

>> No.11998453
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The problem is that the dumb person doesn't care about intellectual honesty. They don't care about our findings. They do not value any of this. They want to feel good. They want to be rich with cars, and a mansion, and have a hot wife, a big dick, and drink beer. That is their ideal life, legitimately. They're entirely slaves to their desires and lack thought otherwise; completely reactionary entities. They don't read, or exercise, or learn. They do not think. They are lemmings to be used.
If I begin explaining climate change to someone who has been told it's not real by his parents, friends, president, whoever else, he will begin to feel bad, and discard everything I say from then onward so that he can continue to feel good. Why wouldn't he? He's dumb, so to him, I'm saying he and his loved ones are wrong, and he then takes that as some kind of personal attack when I don't know him or any of them, like I'm an enemy, or on another team; that I have some malicious intention and I want to "win". That is their dumb, primitive perspective which they're projecting onto me. Their values are that of a caveman.

>> No.11998460

Dumb people are their own worst enemy. It is not a problem of "they just don't get it but they're trying!" but in reality "they don't see the world in the way we see it. They want to feel good and for their tribe to win. They project their dull perspective - their disgusting and selfish values, onto intelligent people". You cannot beat ignorance, no matter how intelligent you are. Intelligent humans are still irrational, but dumb humans are grossly irrational. Their irrationality has consumed them, while it is only a minor annoyance for intelligent people who actively try to control and minimize it.
I do not think someone who requires more time than I do to understand something is a moron. They are not inherently consumed by irrationality, only a bit slower than I am to reach rational conclusions, and we can potentially improve that. I hope for them to perservere. They are enlightened.
The toxic, irrational, anti-social, selfish and sociopathic people, even if they're as quick as me, are morons. These gross people are in the dark and will stay there for life.

t. Ad-libbed with little sleep and probably wrong

>> No.11998471

Still funny and relatable even if it's not acknowledged to be right

>> No.11999025

I find that some smart people who enter a rebellious phase sometimes start talking like niggers. My dad is one of those people. He is rather brilliant, and we can casually chit chat about cryptography and scythian warfare logistics plus we also talk about plenty of stupid stuff, but as soon as the TV turns on (happily less and less as time goes on) his tonal inflections and tempo turn into niggerese. Things he was previously receptive to (something obscure about quantum teleportation and reversible computation, another thing another time about different ways the coriolis effect shows up here and there, the behavior of air conditioning units) suddenly become like you describe; one second, he integrates the second law of thermodynamics into his thinking processes, and the next second, he's screaming at the wall because he was screaming at me a second ago because I tried to tell him his plans would be off by a quarter of an inch because the wall is at an angle that he is in the middle of propagating across a built-in cabinet. It's frustrating but very logical: if something requires chaining more than two or three levels of implications, he had no issue until CNN or whatever turns on, whence he becomes a fake-nigger. This is opposed to a real nigger, who cannot be reasoned with. He can be... he just needs to calm down first, for which an uncooperative wall is I have found a choice conversation partner for him.

Sadness... Right now, he can't stop talking about a kike-nigger, and here comes the nigger speak oh god....

Good food and every and any non-TV/phone distraction is excellent food for the soul, lest one's intellect be tempted to ape an ape.

>> No.11999056

Ah, now we're talking about how the alaskan natives used to take care of their problems by lynching their criminals, so now the conversation has moved to logically equivalent to lynching black people without actually saying that, black people get too much welfare... we need more jail... um... Hrm, this conversation is going in a funny direction, I think dad is even more of a nazi... ah, we're babysitting blacks in prison... well now, okay, you see, this is the power of my television!

>> No.11999104

it's because they don't know what they don't know. they're operating on an inferior knowledge base with inferior processing power, so whatever you're presenting to them could be overwhelming or simply miss the target. you could also be intimidating the midwits, which will make them seethe. a lot of people also like to take shortcuts in identifying "smart" thoughts, usually with status signals like having a degree from a top university.

or you could also be saying bullshit that anybody with half a brain could see is bullshit, and you came here to rant. that is also possible. in any case, you need to understand your audience and tailor your delivery for them. if you can't, then either you need to return to the drawing board, or you need to reconsider the value of your information to your audience.

>> No.11999105

>Most people I debate completely shut up once they realize they have no more counterarguments.
youd be surprised the kind of bullshit people pull out of their ass. you're assuming a lot, such as your interlocutor has the memory span to remember what you said 5 minutes ago.

>> No.11999116

informal fallacies don't invalidate an argument. appeal to authority, "no true scotsman", etc., are all reasonable heuristics and assumptions here.

>> No.11999123

>130 iq manlet has when

But wh*tes are biologically capped at around 100 to 105 IQ

>> No.11999311

You need to argue like you're handing out flash cards, repeating certain points occasionally so you can be sure they're absorbing it.

>> No.11999341

trust me anon, sometimes you’ll be in situations where you will restate your main point several times in clear and concise language over the course of a debate, only to be met with “what even is your point I haven’t even seen you make a point” over and over again by seething retards who are fuming over being embarrassed again and again. there are some people who you just can’t help because they’re too fucked in the head.

>> No.11999390


Mostly accurate. These people you describe CAN be influenced over time, but it takes patience and dedication and you often wonder if it's worth it.

As the other anon I linked alludes to: it's ego and projection. If they struggle to understand you then it is easier for them to consider you stupid than to believe you more intelligent than themselves. They also don't see the value in objective truth and evidence, which further encourages the behavior.

>> No.11999545

Uh, not so sure about this.Typically the dumb ones view even slightly above average people intellectually speaking as the next Einstein. Speaking anecdotally of course
>t. high expectations

>> No.11999609

From there you should be trying as best as you can to make them aware that they do not understand the argument anymore instead of trying to actually argue. This way, even if they continue to verbally act like they have not conceded, they will be aware in their heart that you know they are too stupid to keep up with you in an argument.

>> No.11999612

low iq thread