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11997294 No.11997294 [Reply] [Original]

Will we ever cure aging? If so, when?
Have there been made any attempts so far or at least any papers published on how to approach this?

>> No.11997315

>be an eternal being
>intentionally trap yourself into a corporeal body to experience a time
>spend that time trying to find a way to escape time
Imagine being this level of being

>> No.11997328

>be a dna string.
>start replicating for some reason
>create a living being
>living being be born.
>start suffering
>if not already dead from predation, hunger or disease, execute sex program
>create new living beings
>create more suffering

>> No.11997362

>be a dna string
>start replicating for some reason

You may be onto something.

>> No.11997369

>not connecting with the ancient inner gorilla that craves suffering like fruitcakes and sex

>> No.11997370

>Have there been made any attempts so far or at least any papers published on how to approach this?
No. You are literally the first person to bring this idea up. Don’t bother googling for papers on this topic, they certainly don’t exist

>> No.11997434

I mean on how to practically go about doing it faggot. Not some philosophical discussion

>> No.11997693

Aubrey de Grey. SENS research foundation.

>> No.11998369

>be Aubrey De Grey
>give the same talk over and over again
>be perpetual drunk, drinking at least six beers a day
>keeps asking for funding despite not producing a single result
>despite all of this he is still supported, all because people fear death
>yfw Aubrey De Grey is just another huckster in a long line of people who will promise to defeat ageing, so that people can put their fear of death to the side and ignore the inevitable.