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11987341 No.11987341 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any practical use for a 4chan bot? I've made one but can't think up a use for it, surprisingly. I don't want to use it for anything nefarious, no spamming etc. That's bullshit and benefits no one. I could keep a 24/7 "General" thread of some kind up with it, but I really have no ideas even for what kind of thread to keep up.

It's got rotating proxies and captcha solving and all that jazz.

>> No.11987356

By the way, captchas are fucking stupid. Now that I've learned how easy it is to solve them with code. I just installed a few speech recognition libraries, which clicks the "Audio Captcha" option of 4chan's captcha, recognizes the words in it and solves it. Captchas are literally fucking stupid to make people solve for every post when a bot can solve it faster than a person can even click the images.

>> No.11987359

connect it to GPT3 and let it interact with 4chan users and see if anybody spots the difference

>> No.11987361

There's potential in that idea, but it doesn't really seem to have a benefit that I can immediately see, for me or the users of 4chan. Maybe just for a few laughs but it doesn't sound like it would increase the quality of 4chan.

>> No.11987368

Make a designated thread that's just the robot talking to itself, fed thru gpt or something, maybe give multiple viewpoints. idk how gpt works really, but try training on different boards -- I wanna see it try to replicate /pol/ or something.

Also, spam the fuck out of /pol/ -- auto-Pepe whenever they say 'nigger', coomerposting whenever they talk about the Jews, etc. C'mon, it'd be funny. They'd probably talk about how the deep state's finally come for them.

>> No.11987370

Use it to sage race and iq threads on sci.

>> No.11987374

By the way if anyone wants to solve captchas easier on 4chan there is a browser extension called "Buster Captcha Solver" which I recommend because I stole the code from that since all browser extensions are open source, and used the code in my bot. But I'm glad I found that extension because now even when manually posting, like I am right now, it automatically solves the captcha for me.

>> No.11987375

> sage race and iq threads
What would be left?

>> No.11987385

Also in my searches to create this bot, I found an amazing free VPN service called Tuxler, which is different than most VPN services because it's community powered which in this case means everyone who uses Tuxler, has their PC potentially used as a VPN for someone else, and you connect to other people's PCs to use theirs as VPNs. So it's a big network of regular people's PCs with residential IPs. Kind of like a big botnet. It's like joining a botnet on purpose.

>> No.11987406

You are a Jew. Go choke to death on some baby foreskin, Goldblatt.

>> No.11987411

Use it to push messaging and correct the online conversation like these guys

>> No.11987416

Monty Hall problem
0.99999 =(?)= 1
sadfrog about not being able to find work with an advanced degree

>> No.11987418

Only problem is I love /pol/ hehe. Also that seems like a nefarious use.

>> No.11987429

lol I checked who is the staff behind that website and it's a bunch of Jews. What a surprise. Nah I don't want to push Leftist(Jewish) narratives. I want to do good.

>> No.11987458

However, they seem like a likely candidate to want to buy an already functional 4chan bot for a handsome sum of that George Soros money they're getting, instead of having one commissioned from scratch.

>> No.11987473

Let me attempt to rig up a test to demonstrate the power of the bot.

>> No.11987480

Use it to slide garbage threads off the board
What you do is, post in every thread except the one you want to delete, so it is the last in the catalogue
Create a new thread, then delete that thread

You can become an unofficial janny for free

>> No.11987485

But ya know what's gonna make this test harder is that certain boards surprisingly don't use the same html div id's as all the rest of the boards. I haven't gone through each board to verify the correct id's for each one.

>> No.11987492

Oh my god dude that is the best idea. I think you've won it. That would improve the quality of all boards considerably. Especially when we already see those shitty shill threads where the same thread gets posted every day (probably by a bot btw), my bot could fight those bots. I think this is a route I will pursue for the first bot (I'm going to make multiple that fulfill separate purposes). I can't thank you enough.

>> No.11987498

Some people would obviously say it's not right that I get to determine which threads are trash and which are good, but in certain cases all would likely agree that those shitty shill threads that get posted here every day need to go away. Those are just an obvious given.

>> No.11987505

Imagine a bot that slides all porn threads off of /b/, and bumps non-porn threads. I consider /b/ the least important board these days, but it wasn't always like that, /b/ used to be THE board of 4chan.

>> No.11987524

Here's the parent company
Hell maybe you could get some VC funding from these guys

>> No.11987527

Get ready to see some crazy shit if this works. Coding in a test.

>> No.11987578


>> No.11987585

Pls exclude trap threads from this experiment. Everything else can go

>> No.11987604

You know what you need to do anon

>> No.11987630

Okay the test didn't work because I can only switch proxies every 2 minutes so what I was trying to do doesn't work. But that's a good thing, because it means 4chan's spam protection somewhat works. I need to get a better proxy service so I can switch faster. But it will still work for non-nefarious non-spam purposes. I have no interest in spamming 4chan because I have an unhealthy love of 4chan. Welp... Imma head out. Have a good day ya'll. It'll take me a few days to code in any sort of beneficial behavior into the bot. Gotta code functions to detect what page a thread is currently on and all those other helper functions that don't yet exist.

>> No.11987634

Godspeed op

>> No.11987872

It would be interesting to have it check the spread of new images.
Like if a reaction image or something gets posted to one board, it might be neat to see how it spreads to the rest of the site.

>> No.11987909

I don’t see any on the staff, they’re literally all white non-Jewish and black. It’s incredible to me how much everyone on /pol/ deserves to have all their bones broken. Is there some kind of rule that you can’t go any 10 minute period without lying at least once and throwing a temper tantrum about joos?

>> No.11987950

kek the intelligence of this board literally dropped by 50 points since I left browsed a few years ago. anyone from /pol/ posting would be told to die horribly. wtf happened? I can’t believe how bad this site got

>> No.11987979

>I don't want to push Leftist(Jewish) narratives.
so push a good narrative. nefarious means can be used for benevolent purposes, e.g. white lies, de-escalation, public relations (debateable)

>> No.11987981

>nooooo you can't have reactionary opinions on my website