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11987110 No.11987110 [Reply] [Original]


It’s one of the great enduring mysteries of solar physics — why is the sun’s lower corona hundreds of times hotter than the Sun’s photosphere? For many decades, scientists on Earth have sought an answer to the puzzle, though only doing so within the confines of the standard, thermonuclear model of the Sun.

Recently, the ESA and NASA Solar Orbiter spacecraft returned to scientists on Earth the closest images of the Sun taken to date. Some missions scientists are speculating that features they're calling "campfires" may reveal clues to the problem of coronal heating.

In this episode, Professor Donald E. Scott explains why the Sun’s super-hot corona has always been a predictable feature of the Electric Sun model.

> Donald Scott: Solving the Mystery of Coronal Heating | Space News

>> No.11987137

They will say campfires instead of spicules as that would show the sun has a real surface. A sun with a real surface makes the standard theory impossible.

>> No.11987172

>eu garbage
into the trash it goes

>> No.11987185

We have sprites on Earth too. And recently seen on Mars

>> No.11987194

SAFIRE project illustrates stable plasma physics, the primary force in the universe is electromagnetic and not nuclear.

>> No.11987198

Where can i find peer reviewed research into safire?

>> No.11987210

idk, but suspicious0bservers channel on youtube there's a video EVERY. DAY. with a narrative viewpoint or electric universe. He has regular sections talking about papers and the biases in the community. It's great, insane production level.

>> No.11987305

When the mainstream scientific establishment only hire people based on adherence to the system of orthodoxy then what they get is nonsensical explanations and scientific stagnation.

>> No.11987313

"See the Pattern" is a better channel. And he got an interview with SAFIRE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h49AbVfI7KU

>> No.11987383

EUists handwave away the hot corona but this just creates a different problem. Both the photosphere and the corona are hotter than the chromosphere between them. In the standard model the energy comes from the core and so you get the coronal heating problem. In the EUist picture the heating comes from the outside, which may explain the hot corona, but then you get a photosphere heating problem.

The EUers fail to appreciate this because they never look at their model critically.

> has always been a predictable feature of the Electric Sun model.

it wasn't a prediction. The hot corona predates the electric sun by decades.

>> No.11987425

They've now invented "ammonia hail" to explain lightning on Jupiter.

>> No.11987438

>handwave away the hot corona but this just creates a different problem. Both the photosphere and the corona are hotter than the chromosphere between them.
Nope, an all of this has been perfectly explained, see for example these videos on the Sun: https://www.youtube.com/c/SkyScholar/search?query=sun&disable_polymer=1

>> No.11987452

What utter bullshit. Not only did you not explain the problem, but you couldn't even be bothered to link to an actual video. Fuck off.

>> No.11987454
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>>11987198 >>11987210

For information on SAFIRE:


Some additional very helpful info on SAFIRE and how natural fusion works:


Fusion is very easy to achieve when you do it the way Nature does it.

The Sun produces nuclear fusion. Though contrary to what the Standard Model claims, the fusion doesn't occur in its core, nor does fusion power the Sun – in reality, fusion is merely an effect; an effect which occurs in the plasma at the outer surface of the Sun.

And thus, copying how the Sun operates, nuclear fusion occurs within the SAFIRE plasma reactor. Naturally and effortlessly, as the reactor simply does what Nature does – it doesn't attempt to force fusion through an unnatural process.

The SAFIRE experiment set out to test whether the Electric Sun model was correct or not, and it passed all (100%) of the tests and all (100%) of the predictions of the model flawlessly. Let that sink in. SAFIRE has over the last few years 100% confirmed the Electric Sun model experimentally in the laboratory – in stark contrast to the Standard Model of the Sun which still after a hundred years nobody has been able to build a functioning real-world model of, and which remains to this day unproven and fails to elegantly and properly explain the observed behavior and phenomena of the Sun, and continues to leave mainstream scientists surprised and scratching their heads in confusion and wonderment.

>> No.11987462

He deals with the things you have diffulty understanding in nearly all of his videos. I suggest watching them in chronological order.

>> No.11987469
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Part of what SAFIRE has accomplished in their plasma reactor is the isotopic transmutation of elements using free protons and the energy available in the plasma double layers. SAFIRE adds trace amounts of heavier elements which become ionized rapidly when exposed to all those free protons. As they make their way into the plasma double layers, those heavier elements are caught in the turbulence between layers. Turbulent plasma amplifies the magnetic fields and in those crushing fields transmutation takes place.

So SAFIRE isn't creating fusion by fusing Deuterium and Tritium into Helium. They are instead using the free protons and the plasma double layers to induce transmutation which liberates a massive amount of heat in the process.

>> No.11987477

To learn more about the Electric Sun model (not just the Sun, all stars operate the same way), see: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwOAYhBuU3UdAwCXUCvl23_5DOjGMPq7d

>> No.11987489

>Great interview with SAFIRE:

>Another, longer interview:

The History of SAFIRE:

• Montgomery Childs does statistical analysis of the Hertzsprung / Russell diagram of all the mapped stars in our galaxy.

• Incredibly stable stellar atmospheres suggest simple process: ”Charged plasma affecting matter of a different electrical potential."
• Proposal is made to test the Electric Sun model.
• Presentation is given at the 2012 Electric Universe Conference in Los Vegas Nevada.
• Presentation is given at the 2012 NPA conference in Albuquerque NM.

• Proposal is made to build a laboratory experiment to test the Electric Sun.
• Presentation is made at the 2013 EU conference in Albuquerque NM.
• SAFIRE Project is officially launched.
• Presentation of the SAFIRE model is given at the NPA conference at the University of Maryland.

• Proof-of-concept Bell Jar experiment constructed.
• Tests reveal self-organizing plasma double layers.
• Data is collected from the experiment to be used to design and engineer a larger reactor.
• It is determined that the shape of the cathode does not play a significant role in the formation of plasma double layers.
• Optical spectroscopy indicates new elements on the anode.
• Anode tufts are observed.
• High energy trapping of electrons, ion and molecules is observed.
• Phase II is kicked off – to start the design and engineering of the large reactor.
• Preliminary CFD and Systems analysis and modelling are completed.
• A paper is drafted on plasma striations written by Dr. Lowell Morgan and Montgomery Childs.

• Design and engineering is completed.
• Paper is peer reviewed and published.
• Presentation is given at the 2015 EU conference in Phoenix AZ.

• Phase II is built and tested, with preliminary results shown within a 3-month window.
• Presentation is given at the 2016 EU conference in Phoenix AZ.

>> No.11987496
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• Studies are done on plasma double layer formation.
• It is discovered that certain gas species work as a catalyst in the formation and stabilization of plasma double layers.
• There are the first indications of transmutation and high energy.
• SEM/EDAX analysis show new elements - transmutation is suspected.
• Observation are made of high energy discharges, analogous to the Sun’s.
• A high voltage drop only 0.02mm to 0 confirmed: high voltage drop prediction was made by Ralph Juergens, Donald Scott confirmed.
• Presentation is given at the 2017 EU conference in Phoenix AZ.

• Further research is made into plasma double layers and plasma tufting.
• Conference is held in May 2018 to discuss the next phase of SAFIRE - high energy plasma discharges, transmutation and the interstellar medium.
• Presentation is given at the 2018 EU conference in Bath UK.
• High energy plasma discharge experiments are initiated.
• Quantifying Paschen Law governing plasma discharges reveals that a 3D spherical plasma discharge deviates from the standard linear plasma discharges.
• Analysis and modelling using various gas compositions are ongoing – to predict plasma double layers at the atomic level .
• Dark mode plasma structures are discovered.

• Ongoing experiments test thermal limits and boundaries of SAFIRE and the anode.
• New gas compositions and anode alloys are introduced.
• Further experiments and tests are made to quantify dark mode plasma.
• It is confirmed that certain catalyzing elements will transmute elements in high energy plasma regimes.
• SEM/EDAX third party lab confirms elemental transmutation.
• Presentation is given at 2019 Electric Universe United Kingdom

You can learn more about Plasma by reading the following scientific articles (all based on peer-reviewed and academic sources):


>> No.11987512
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Birkeland currents are a crucial to how stars are born and how they operate: https://www.plasma-universe.com/birkeland-current/

Birkeland currents playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwOAYhBuU3UeKWHRrCw4i-KviQnAhQhBM

>> No.11987533

spooky actions and dark matters lol, now we got campfires on the sun

>> No.11987580

Campfires! Hahaha, cause campfires always get hotter when you move further away from them! LOL! And now they will need more money to invent another far fetched "explanation" for what they observe!

>> No.11987597

Good papers:

>> No.11987641

That's not a response. In science you defend your argument with logic, rather than just doubling down on dogma.

>> No.11987703

I always think that if GR and QM was never invented, how far we would’ve advanced in the past century. All the talent, time, resources, and efforts got trapped into a black hole of stupidity.

>> No.11987813


The only plasma scientist that worked on SAFIRE left. None of them know what they're doing or are capable of producing any scientific results.


It's a scam and you are a gullible retard.

>> No.11988865

>EUists handwave away the hot corona

>> No.11988948
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Dark matter is a perfect example of mainstream science and their anti-scientific process. How do galaxies hold together? Gravity. Wait no that doesn't work. Gravity and a supermassive blackhole. Wait no, it still doesn't work. Should we reevaluate our theory? Nah, let's just keep adding a fake value to the simulation until it works and call it dark matter. Then, in years to come after we've spent millions trying to detect this mysterious dark matter and still can't find it, rather than sit down and seriously evaluate our scientific model, we'll just say lol and spend even more money looking for something that doesn't exist.