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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11983963 No.11983963 [Reply] [Original]

>The 2+2=5 discourse
I'm getting the distinct sensation that almost no one actually understands what science even is. You're lucky if someone knows what a p value is but even if they do they've probably never stopped and thought about how the significance threshold was set at a pretty arbitrary point and how the results of an experiment can be altered merely by slightly moving the significance threshold or redefining what it is that you're looking for. This is before we touch the difference between symbols, rule constructs and material reality. The levels of illiteracy on display, especially among supposed professionals, are disquieting.

On the other hand.. 99% of the 2+2=5 people are legitimately dumb culture warriors who know even less about science than their opponents do and would quickly take their position if the tables were turned. They are accidentally right. Right only because their ideology tells them to think something that happens to be right. If you pressured them they wouldn't give you a reasonable meta-rational account of why they believe what they believe. They'd just feelpost.

Can the public be educated on this subject or is this a lost cause?
Can science be defended from both the scientism crowd and the faux postmodernism crowd? At the same time?

>> No.11983982

I have no idea what you are talking about but at least I am smarter than OP.

>> No.11984001

This debate is pointless. We can just use imaginary numbers to make 2+2=5.
This is what they exist for.
And yes I've passed linear algebra and calculus from a top 200 university

>> No.11984020
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Dude science can make 2+2=fish

>> No.11984035

Twitter users are all Kegan 3s though, almost by definition. Also lol at these fags namedropping obscure jewish pop-psych to sound posh

>> No.11984042

>We can just use imaginary numbers to make 2+2=5.

Ok, do it by example then

>> No.11984077

I believe this 2+2=5 stuff is a psyop by Trump and the GOP in order to encourage liberals and minorities to turn their back on education, STEM, and learning. This will help conservatives in the long run, as fewer liberals in education will lead to conservatives regaining control over the universities.

>> No.11984106

2D+2D Chess

>> No.11984112

Schizo but based

>> No.11984123

Academia is a leftist circlejerk, and will always remain that way because there is no external pressure for them to change.

>> No.11984134

>If it's obscure it's bad
Normies get out reeeeee

>> No.11984138

Thank you for proving that conspira-tard nonsense knows no political party.

>> No.11984140

>I'm getting the distinct sensation that almost no one actually understands what science even is.
This debate has nothing to do with science, just the axioms you choose in your mathematical framework.
Want to define a system to be 2+2=5? Go on, nobody is stopping you.
Is it consistent? Probably not. Is it useful? certainly not.
This debate just shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what math actually is.

>> No.11984211

Sure, but lots of people bring science up when they go on about =4 or =5.

>> No.11984745
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Obscurity isn't bad, though it's a sign that the theory has little merit. But more broadly these theories are a dime a dozen, there are literally hundreds of little kabbalistic tables and diagrams these jewish "intellectuals" have shat out in an effort to be the next Maslov or Covey. Google image search for "dog personality chart" and I guarantee you will find a dozen different retarded shits like pic related

>> No.11984754

>This debate just shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what math actually is.
Not so much this as it shows how easily otherwise smart people can get baited into arguing in favor of it. I'm actually about 75% sure this was all an op by some of /ourguys/ to use basic troll techniques (linking trannies to math through what's essentially a slippery-slope argument) to get people to defend 2+2=5.

>> No.11984890

Yeah, we've all seen the tricks to make the summation of all integers = 1/12. Do you have a real method and purpose tho or are you just showing your mastery of tricks?

>> No.11986106

>Talks of merit
>Goes muh jews

>> No.11986112

2 + 2 <= 5

>> No.11986114

>Kegan 6s walk among us

>> No.11986140

An asteroid strike that killed 90% of humanity would be a mercy at this point. What a trainwreck of bullshit.

>> No.11986161

The 2+2=4 crowd isn't THAT bad

>> No.11986309
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>debunk elementary school arithmetic (2+2=4) using concepts from middle school math (modular arithmetic; significant figures)
>declare self super genius
>total victory in culture war

>> No.11986470

>I'm actually about 75% sure this was all an op by some of /ourguys/ to use basic troll techniques (linking trannies to math through what's essentially a slippery-slope argument) to get people to defend 2+2=5.
It's actually the SJW crowd and they've been trying to do this since they openly declared that science is a white supremacist institution a decade ago because it doesn't have enough africans at the top nor will ever do regardless of what affirmative action program is passed. To cope with this, they aim to discredit empiricism and claim that the entirety of our reality is a rationalist one. When we shift into rationalism, our claims are no longer bounded to the scientific method and therefor every single statistic that exists can be instantly discredited and pulled into this rationalist realm of endless circular arguments that are never settled because they're not limited by applicable reality but are rather within the realm of the infinite imagination. When you sever the tie to having your claims be accountable to observable reality, every single claim, regardless of how idiotic, can be as logically legal as the rest of them and the only merit by which your claims gain legitimacy is in how successful they are at fellating the dominant culture. That used to be the Catholic church back in the days, and the enlightenment put an end to it and affirmed the supremacy of empiricism. Now they're trying to restore it and put themselves as the new Catholic church, and in the middle of all of this is the simple statement that the basics of math are flawed, and therefor everything that uses it is flawed as well. You think that this is a far stretch and will never happen, but let me remind you that they already did this for a hardcore empirical science like genetics and all undeniable facts became socially-illegal to state. They can very easily do it to math as well and are in fact already doing it.

>> No.11986478

I would unironically be happy with this.

>> No.11986534
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>> No.11986549

Did you know that if you define cats as dogs and dogs as cats then cat owners are dog owners and dog owners are cat owners?
t. 2 + 2 = 5 btw

>> No.11986552

Is not the same as

One represents an objective reality independent of humans, the other is a representation of something defined by humans.

>> No.11986569

>everything fits into two neat little boxes
>rationalism=Catholic church=trannies
Ok look man, obviously you've read one book or some blog articles. But you have to get a grip and realize you're standing spot-on on top of Mount Stupid right now. Try not to die there.

>> No.11986601
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>instantly lashes out and tries to downvote my empirical post with his rationalist adhom cope
What I said is undeniable reality and my post is only stating facts. The fact that every single tweet post in support of 2+2=5 JUST SO HAPPENS to be associated with BLM or neo-progressivism doesn't help your case either. There is a clear coordinated intent in all of this and trying to pull it into the rationalist realm so as to discredit the obvious here, will not work. The fact that this happened at the peak of the BLM riots, that it is propagated by BLM people and disproportionately by african-americans, and that zero right wingers or even centrists agree with it is all the empirical data I need to draw the obvious conclusion - that there is an ideological bias to all of this. Everything that will ever come from your side is adhom or rationalizations going through 50 hoops to invert the objective reality.

But I'll bite and will add one more slide to my empirical data just for you. Pic related is exactly from a month before the 2+2=5 posts appeared (and they appeared by a black woman claiming that your idea of 2 + 2 = 4 is because of white colonialism by the way in case you've forgotten). Every person can draw the most basic of linear conclusions after seeing this pic, i.e that everything I wrote in the post above is a model of objective reality and a correct analysis of the obvious intent. So it is now your turn to disprove the intent that I'm claiming is present in these attempts of pulling down math and objectivity, and eventually, all of science and the scientific method, in the exact same style that is expected of anti-enlightenment reactionaries. Maybe you'll adhom with "le redpill XD" for another go?

>> No.11986604

Man, I REALLY do not care about your culture wars. Just please keep shut about your childish view of history and the role of the Catholic church. This is too much ignorance to witness.

>> No.11986615

This, science have been completely colonised by jews and others prometheans.

>> No.11986623

wtf based trump

>> No.11986813

This is a common SAT question Anon lol

>> No.11986829
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>> No.11986836
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this shit has been going on since the sokal affair.

>> No.11986839

so this is the power of common core and no child left behind. black "educators" telling your children 2+2 !=4

>> No.11989272

You can just redefine + as f(2,2) = 5

>> No.11989283

>I'm getting the distinct sensation that almost no one actually understands what science even is.
well 2+2=5 isnt about science its about math, and the mistake of conflating math with reality.

>> No.11989289

Yes but the distinction exists as a choice of logical axioms. In certain cases it rings hegelian logic but that hasn't been formalized yet.

>> No.11989297

>but the distinction exists as a choice of logical axioms.
but there are no physical axioms tho. science and math are structured in fundamentally different ways, necessarily. because, as i see it, CS Lewis was right here
>It is good that the window should be transparent, because the street or garden beyond it is opaque. How if you saw through the garden too? It is no use trying to 'see through' [everything]. If you see through everything, then everything is transparent. But a wholly transparent world is an invisible world. To 'see through' all things is the same as not to see.

>> No.11989299

No I 100% agree. You need math to do most if not all sciences but you don't need science to do math. It's an asymmetric relationship

>> No.11989301

i guess the point is that while in math you have axioms, a rigid point where you can stop asking "why?", by definition. reality doesn't really have that, which is really uncomfortable if you are math-minded. people take up God and whatnot, as the surrogate for axioms

>> No.11989308

gotchya friend, we on the same page now

>> No.11989312

Science has axioms. It asserts the universe is physical and empirically understood

>> No.11989314

i agree that there are certain implicit presuppositions that come with taking part in science, but i definitely wouldnt call these axioms

>> No.11989329

It's not pointless. The point is to muddy everything and destroy society. The entire point of critical theory is to destroy.
Ask these same Jews if you can get $3 change from a $5 after spending $3

>> No.11989335
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What's the real definition difference between the two? Granted presupps can take forms other than axioms but it's the same thing none the less. Science takes the axioms of positivist empiricism.

>> No.11989346

>wasted your days in the gym
Who made this cringe image? What’s the original?

>> No.11989347

All memes come from akari and generally gym bros hide behind their muscles which isn't inner strength. Now respect akari