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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11982497 No.11982497 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11982528

Don't know the details and haven't confirmed but I heard in one of the more covered studies that showed HCQ was dangerous, they gave people overdoses

>> No.11982546

Lately? 99%. Even fields that shouldn't even have room for it are at the very least being degraded because of (often voluntary) diversity quotas.

On the HCQ, I haven't read into it, because ultimately it doesn't even matter. Millions of people would rather not take it even if it was proven just because orange man bad. You could see it coming from a mile away. The moment Trump mentioned it it was decided HCQ didn't work.

>> No.11983044

That was the Brazil paper

>> No.11983258

If you'd wear the mask, the drugs for treatment would be irrelevant.

>> No.11983271

I would sooner die than live as a masked slave

>> No.11983273

Look up lyskionism

And understand why communism is a bad thing.

>> No.11983286

this post-truth shit is infuriating. this disease has broken everything and made it obvious that people don;t care about what is true,they care about narratives. the virus doesn't give a fuck about them though.

>> No.11983400

one well controlled study >>>>>>>> 50 or even 100 improperly controlled, poorly blinded, low N clinical trials

>> No.11983401

Why not throw in anonymity to various aspects of publishing and research?
>oops we made it more racist

>> No.11983437

>However, the NIH promoted a much different strategy for the United States. The “Fauci Strategy” was to keep early infected patients quarantined at home without treatment until they developed a shortness of breath and had to be admitted to a hospital.
Ah yes the old "don't seek medical help until you're dying because we have a non-existent vaccine to sell later" technique of American medicine.

look it up yourself and maybe then you'll know what it's called

>> No.11983438

>muh studies
study niggers need to hang. Stop relying on studies by bullshitting cunts who've never seen a patient, start listening to the doctors who actually successfully treat thousands of patients for the disease in question.

>> No.11983458

/sci/ on any other topic:
>MDs are just glorified engineers
>who would believe a poorly controlled study lmao
>muh confirmation bias
/sci/ on HCQ:
>I have never been involved in a clinical trial or treated a patient myself but I'm going to make outlandish claims based on these preprints of retrospective observational studies from medrxiv while inventing ever more convoluted hypotheses about potential success conditions for HCQ

>> No.11983461
File: 675 KB, 2197x1463, HaroldShipman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brazilian man comes into the surgery
>Appears to be suffering from the coronavirus
>Asks for hydroxychloroquine and azythromycin
>Give him a lethal dose of chloroquine instead

>> No.11983463


>> No.11983465

god damn who even gives a FUCK stop making 20 threads about this every day

>> No.11983471

How can /sci/ recover?

>> No.11983479
File: 178 KB, 1280x720, EeHQ0tRXsAI2NvW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based on these preprints of retrospective observational studies from medrxiv while inventing ever more convoluted hypotheses about potential success conditions for HCQ
If only. Did the demon semen dr. publish anything?

>> No.11983481

Not possible least in here because effective masks cost 1€ pcs and you should not use them more than once.

>> No.11983483

a lot

>> No.11984556

that's this one right?
lel at this objective journalism
>Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine in combination with azithromycin were first put forward as potential treatments for Covid-19 in a French study described as “meaningless”. The journal later said the study did not meet standards for publication.
>But by the time the journal disavowed the study’s flawed design, media outlets had already promoted the unproven and risky drug combination. The treatment was tweeted by the tech billionaire Elon Musk and picked up by Fox News. It was then touted by Trump as a potential “game-changer” despite serious risks and lack of safety and efficacy data. At least one man has died and a woman was hospitalized after taking chloroquine.

>> No.11984568

What if I told you that Dr. Fauci is a hypocrite who did some of those pro-HCQ studies himself.
