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11982433 No.11982433 [Reply] [Original]

How do you max your cognitive abilities, /sci/?

I notice I'm becoming dumberer as time goes on. I'm working a low IQ chem industry job now, and stress, lack of sleep and pressure is causing me to experience decreased problem solving and speed of mind to a noticable degree.
I actually feel like I'm one of the dumber people walking around at my job lately, which causes more stress. There's also frequent emergency situations and I notice that I'm less equipped to deal with them. I can think on my feet to a lesser degree and sometimes my mind just goes blank.

>get sleep and reduce stress loser
I take sleeping aids but don't want to take them too often, I meditate and it helps to some degree but only for a little while.

>> No.11982465
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Find a way back into academia? Facing a similar situation at the moment. Doing technician work with a C.S. degree and the simple work and long hours is causing brain drain. Willing myself on the weekends to study has helped a bit but I think going back to school full-time in some form would leave room for brain gains.

>> No.11982485

I do still study at my job, though. I have near zero room for any other study on the side. Even though it's mostly memorization, the shift hours is making me a physical and mental wreck in my off-time.
Maybe I need to get into tinkering. Craft some babbys first mechanical engineering toys, even if it's just to focus my autism on something different, plus the nostalgia might be soothing.
I don't think that taking on a study on the side right now will be good for me.

>> No.11982511

here's your bump OP.

my limit is ruining my life

>> No.11982515


Your best bets are getting a better sleeping schedule and diet&exercise.

>> No.11982538

I take Trazodone, bro. It does a good sleepsleep but as it's an anti-depressant I don't want to take it too often. None of those natural sleeping aids work. I perfected my sleep hygiene over the last few years and shit doesn't do shit.

I can come home after a 12 hour shift at 7am and be wide awake. I have no idea how to fix it.

Diet & exercise I can definitely improve, I'm starting a 3 day fast today to hopefully clean my guy and start fresh.

If you want to vent, anon. I'm listening. Just know that most people on earth who are below average IQ lead perfectly happy lives.

>> No.11982543

>I perfected my sleep hygiene over the last few years and shit doesn't do shit.

Very odd. I would really focus effort on finding what's causing this. It could be some deep psychological trauma you need to resolve.

You SHOULD be able to sleep without chemical aid once you do all the proper steps of eliminating blue lights before bed, completely blacking out your sleeping space, cutting out caffeine and other stimulants, etc.

>> No.11982552

>Don't drink anything before bed aside from herbal tea or a sip of water
>Don't drink large volumes an hour before bed
>face mask + ear plugs
>blue filter on all screens
>dim lights in advance
>cool room, warm bed
>Nothing 'exciting' before bed (porn, politics, games,..)

I have suffered poor and disturbed sleep for most of my life. I must admit I was diagnosed with severe OCD at a young age, so there is a history of anxiety, and I am under a lot of stress and performance anxiety lately. I also get bitter and angry about politics a lot. No idea how to solve this. I'm in a much better place mentally now than a year or two ago. I'm also physically much healthier, and generally more happy and relaxed. Also don't do any drugs, drink pretty little.

>> No.11982556


My only recommendations would be to cut electronics completely before bed, and refrain from politics (letting it hurt your life is doing more harm than your ability to affect it).

What kind of mediation do you do? If you suspect an underlying trauma there are 'memory' meditations (generally helpful just for study& improving recall) that are useful for resurfacing those things. Caution: Resurfacing it can fuck you up hard for a while.

>> No.11982572

I guess I could cut electronics for an hour before bed instead of half an hour, yeah.

I usually find a decent guided meditation on Youtube and follow it. Generally these are your generic 'reduce stress' or 'sleep talkdown' videos.
My own meditations are generally breathing exercises, bodyscanning, 'registering' passing thoughts (I reduce them to their core and 'note' them, for example, I'll get a passing thought on some item I wanted to buy and I note it as vanity , or a thought about work can be reduced to insecurity, etc), I try to wind down with gratitude.

I was talking to a friend on recall the other day, because she did some hypnosis therapy, and I honestly wouldn't know what to focus on. I don't have one or a few defining traumatizing moments. I guess I just had a generally shit youth and was fitted with a pretty weak character so it all just started weighing.

>> No.11982582

There are many more people in worst cognitive decline than yourself, like drumpf and his ardent supporters.
Maybe all you need is a holiday away from your comfort zone.

>> No.11982583

>I honestly wouldn't know what to focus on

Don't have to focus on anything. You are right there. It's much like your registering thoughts, except with a slight intent towards childhood memories. You begin your meditation as normal but start to recall some childhood memory and build associations from there. Eventually you will begin recalling your most emotional memories pretty naturally. At first these will likely be embarrassing moments you've remembered easily before (they aren't traumatizing as an adult, more humorous at your childish self-consciousness) before you stumble upon one you haven't remembered in decades.

>> No.11982584
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the actual way to increase intelligence is to stop cooming and also cultivate a love for all beings

>> No.11982591

So how would I deal with those memories?

coom fun

>> No.11982596
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maybe try it for a few weeks or so

>> No.11982602

I have. I used to jack off every day. Did a 30 day nofap, now I fap once a week. Generally it's been great to me. Guess it doesn't hurt to do another stint.

>> No.11982676

Have you tried doing basic cognitive brain exercises anon?
There are some sites out there that offer basic games that have the objective of helping increase your cognitive abilities, be it multitasking, vision or memory.
Here's one https://www.lumosity.com/en/brain-games/

try doing them every day like dailies and report back if there were any changes.

>> No.11982700

I did that for a few weeks. You get better at the specific games, but there's no real-world event where I will be tasked with guiding 5 different coloured trains through a grid with rotation traintracks, unfortunately.

In the end I just used them as I commuted to work along with a cup of coffee to wake my brain up.

>> No.11982708

Would you say they helped?

Honestly OP, I think you might already be cognitively fit and your problems are different or caused by something other than defective cognitive issues, maybe you're just not experienced, lacking self-confidence or you're just one of those types who think too much before acting.

>> No.11982972

Lmao, that shit is a meme. OP needs some real advice. Exercise, adderall/modafinil, microdose lsd (actually helps with energy. Potentially racetams, lions mane, phosphatidylserine, nac, and a few others. A placebo effect with any of these is still a positive effect. Nothing here is too expensive to not try, and the only things that absolutely work are expensive (lsd/adderall). Cardio is free though.

>> No.11983132

Microdosed shrooms for a while and accidentally took a bigger dose and bad tripped. Resonated for a week after. Too scared to do it. Problem is also that I didnt notice any improvement in anything unless I took a small trip dose (1.5g~). Microdosing might not be for me.

Unsure abour adderal/modafinil. Im sure you cant take that long term without side effects and dependency.

>> No.11984048

It's not long term but it gives you a boost when needed. You're an absolute fag if you need it every day. You ignored the exercise part. I don't care if you're tired. Go for a run, do pushups, squats, whatever even if it's bodyweight. Then you'll only need those things occasionally instead of every day

>> No.11984519

I work out.

>It's not long term but it gives you a boost when needed.
where do I get this shit without having to LARP autism to some kike doctor

>> No.11985702

I feel like with chem in particular, its easy to loose track of the whole practice if you aren't refining yourself for the purpose of class or something. I can only hope you get an oppertunity to be paid more, or remember how much you've learned in an off handed conversation anon.

>> No.11985786

How could God do any of those cruel and wrathful things he has promised to do if he's being nice in the way that you mean it, which I assume is the way where God never makes good on his promises?

>> No.11986009

Stress leads to owrse diet which compounds the problem.

Fix your DIET first.

>> No.11986185

I'm 36 hours into a hopefully 3 day fast. I'm gonna do a light keto-ish diet after that. Just fruits, veggies, nuts and lean meats. I'm trying to address all possible causes, since it's my vacation the coming weeks.

Luckily I get paid shitloads already and my salary is already stipulated positively for the next ten years if I stay here. That's probably a factor, I really really do want this job.

>> No.11986197

I usually don’t do this because of my main obligations (school) but when I have some free time I just check out math and physics stuff in Wikipedia, some of the pages are really good with animations and interesting hyperlinks.